define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var angular = require('angular'), appController = require('js/app-controller'), aes = require('cryptoLib/aes-cbc'), util = require('cryptoLib/util'), str = require('js/app-config').string, crypto, emailDao, outbox; // // Controller // var WriteCtrl = function($scope, $filter) { crypto = appController._crypto; emailDao = appController._emailDao, outbox = appController._outboxBo; // set default value so that the popover height is correct on init $scope.keyId = 'XXXXXXXX'; // // Init // $scope.state.writer = { open: false, write: function(replyTo) { = true; $scope.replyTo = replyTo; resetFields(); // fill fields depending on replyTo fillFields(replyTo); $scope.updatePreview(); $scope.verify($[0]); }, close: function() { = false; } }; function resetFields() { $scope.writerTitle = 'New email'; $ = [{ address: '' }]; $ = [{ address: '' }]; $scope.bcc = [{ address: '' }]; $scope.subject = ''; $scope.body = ''; $scope.ciphertextPreview = ''; $scope.attachments = []; } function fillFields(re) { var from, body; if (!re) { return; } $scope.writerTitle = 'Reply'; // fill recipient field ${ address: re.from[0].address }); // fill subject $scope.subject = 'Re: ' + ((re.subject) ? re.subject.replace('Re: ', '') : ''); // fill text body from = re.from[0].name || re.from[0].address; body = '\n\n' + $filter('date')(re.sentDate, 'EEEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm a') + ' ' + from + ' wrote:\n> '; // only display non html mails in reply part if (!re.html) { body += re.body.trim().split('\n').join('\n> '); $scope.body = body; } } // // Editing headers // /** * This event is fired when editing the email address headers. It checks is space is pressed and if so, creates a new address field. */ $scope.onAddressUpdate = function(field, index) { var recipient = field[index]; $scope.verify(recipient); }; /** * Verify and email address and fetch its public key */ $scope.verify = function(recipient) { // set display to insecure while fetching keys recipient.key = undefined; = false; // verify email address if (!util.validateEmailAddress(recipient.address)) { = undefined; $scope.checkSendStatus(); return; } // check if to address is contained in known public keys emailDao._keychain.getReceiverPublicKey(recipient.address, function(err, key) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // compare again since model could have changed during the roundtrip if (key && key.userId === recipient.address) { recipient.key = key; = true; } $scope.checkSendStatus(); $scope.$apply(); }); }; $scope.getKeyId = function(recipient) { $scope.keyId = 'Key not found for that user.'; if (!recipient.key) { return; } var fpr = crypto.getFingerprint(recipient.key.publicKey); var formatted = fpr.slice(32); $scope.keyId = formatted; }; /** * Check if it is ok to send an email depending on the invitation state of the addresses */ $scope.checkSendStatus = function() { $scope.okToSend = false; $scope.sendBtnText = undefined; $scope.sendBtnSecure = undefined; var allSecure = true; var numReceivers = 0; // count number of receivers and check security $; $; $scope.bcc.forEach(check); function check(recipient) { // validate address if (!util.validateEmailAddress(recipient.address)) { return; } numReceivers++; if (! { allSecure = false; } } // sender can invite only one use at a time if (!allSecure && numReceivers === 1) { $scope.sendBtnText = str.sendBtnInvite; $scope.okToSend = true; $scope.sendBtnSecure = false; } else if (allSecure && numReceivers > 0) { // all recipients are secure $scope.sendBtnText = str.sendBtnSecure; $scope.okToSend = true; $scope.sendBtnSecure = true; } }; // // Editing attachments // $scope.remove = function(attachment) { $scope.attachments.splice($scope.attachments.indexOf(attachment), 1); }; // // Editing email body // // generate key,iv for encryption preview var key = util.random(128), iv = util.random(128); $scope.updatePreview = function() { var body = $scope.body.trim(); // Although this does encrypt live using AES, this is just for show. The plaintext is encrypted seperately before sending the email. $scope.ciphertextPreview = (body) ? aes.encrypt(body, key, iv) : ''; }; $scope.sendToOutbox = function() { var email; // build email model for smtp-client email = { from: [{ address: emailDao._account.emailAddress }], to: $, cc: $, bcc: $scope.bcc, subject: $scope.subject.trim() ? $scope.subject.trim() : str.fallbackSubject, // Subject line, or the fallback subject, if nothing valid was entered body: $scope.body.trim(), // use parsed plaintext body attachments: $scope.attachments }; // persist the email to disk for later sending outbox.put(email, function(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // helper flag to remember if we need to sync back to imap // in case the replyTo.answered changed var needsSync = false; // mark replyTo as answered, if necessary if ($scope.replyTo && !$scope.replyTo.answered) { $scope.replyTo.answered = true; needsSync = true; } // close the writer $scope.state.writer.close(); // update the ui the scope $scope.$apply(); // if we need to synchronize replyTo.answered, let's do that. // otherwise, we're done if (!needsSync) { return; } emailDao.sync({ folder: $scope.state.nav.currentFolder.path }, function(err) { if (err && err.code === 42) { // offline $scope.onError(); return; } $scope.onError(err); }); }); }; }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('write', []); ngModule.directive('contenteditable', function() { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { // view -> model elm.on('keyup keydown', function() { scope.$apply(function() { // set model ctrl.$setViewValue(elm[0].innerText); }); }); // model -> view ctrl.$render = function() { elm[0].innerText = ctrl.$viewValue; }; // load init value from DOM ctrl.$setViewValue(elm[0].innerText); } }; }); ngModule.directive('focusMe', function($timeout, $parse) { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var model = $parse(attrs.focusMe); scope.$watch(model, function(value) { if (value === true) { $timeout(function() { element[0].focus(); }, 100); } }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('focusChild', function() { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element) { element.on('click', function() { element[0].children[0].focus(); }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('autoSize', function($parse) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elm, attrs) { // resize text input depending on value length var model = $parse(attrs.autoSize); scope.$watch(model, function(value) { var width; if (value.length < 12) { width = (14 * 8) + 'px'; } else { width = ((value.length + 2) * 8) + 'px'; } elm.css('width', width); }); } }; }); function addInput(field, scope) { field.push({ address: '' }); scope.$apply(); } function checkForEmptyInput(field) { var emptyFieldExists = false; field.forEach(function(recipient) { if (!recipient.address) { emptyFieldExists = true; } }); return emptyFieldExists; } ngModule.directive('field', function() { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.on('click', function() { var fieldName = attrs.field; var field = scope[fieldName]; if (!checkForEmptyInput(field)) { // create new field input if no empy one exists addInput(field, scope); } // focus on last input when clicking on field var id = fieldName + (field.length - 1); document.getElementById(id).focus(); }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('addressInput', function() { return { //scope: true, // optionally create a child scope link: function(scope, element, attrs) { // get prefix for id var fieldName = attrs.addressInput; var field = scope[fieldName]; var index = parseInt(, ''), 10); element.on('click', function(e) { // focus on this one and dont bubble to field click handler e.stopPropagation(); }); element.on('blur', function() { if (!checkForEmptyInput(field)) { // create new field input addInput(field, scope); } }); element.on('keydown', function(e) { var code = e.keyCode; if (code === 32 || code === 188 || code === 186) { // catch space, comma, semicolon e.preventDefault(); // create new field input addInput(field, scope); // find next input and focus var nextId = fieldName + (index + 1); document.getElementById(nextId).focus(); } else if ((code === 8 || code === 46) && !field[index].address && field.length > 1) { // backspace, delete on empty input // remove input e.preventDefault(); field.splice(index, 1); scope.$apply(); // focus on previous id var previousId = fieldName + (index - 1); document.getElementById(previousId).focus(); } }); } }; }); ngModule.directive('attachmentInput', function() { return function(scope, elm) { elm.on('change', function(e) { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { addAttachment(; } }); function addAttachment(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { scope.attachments.push({ filename:, mimeType: file.type, content: new Uint8Array( }); scope.$apply(); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } }; }); ngModule.directive('attachmentBtn', function() { return function(scope, elm) { elm.on('click', function() { document.querySelector('#attachment-input').click(); }); }; }); return WriteCtrl; });