'use strict'; var ngModule = angular.module('woUtil'); ngModule.service('dialog', Dialog); module.exports = Dialog; /** * A central service to display messages to the user in a dialog */ function Dialog($timeout, axe) { this._timeout = $timeout; this._axe = axe; // binds the methods to the instance of the dialog service so that we can e.g. // pass dialog.error as a callback to asynchronous functions without having to // do dialog.error.bind(dialog) every time this.info = this.info.bind(this); this.error = this.error.bind(this); this.confirm = this.confirm.bind(this); } /** * Show an information dialog * @param {String} options.title The title of the displayed dialog * @param {String} options.message The message to be displayed * @return {Promise} */ Dialog.prototype.info = function(options) { return this._handle(options, this.displayInfo, 'displayInfo'); }; /** * Show an error dialog * @param {String} options.title (optional) The title of the displayed dialog * @param {String} options.message The message to be displayed * @return {Promise} */ Dialog.prototype.error = function(options) { // log the error if (options) { this._axe.error((options.errMsg || options.message) + (options.stack ? ('\n' + options.stack) : '')); } return this._handle(options, this.displayError, 'displayError'); }; /** * Show an confirm dialog * @param {String} options.title The title of the displayed dialog * @param {String} options.message The message to be displayed * @param {String} options.callback The callback that is called after the confirmation has been granted or denied * @return {Promise} */ Dialog.prototype.confirm = function(options) { return this._handle(options, this.displayConfirm, 'displayConfirm'); }; /** * Helper function which returns a promise */ Dialog.prototype._handle = function(options, fn, errMsg) { var self = this; return self._timeout(function() { if (fn) { return fn(options); } else { self._axe.error('dialog service', errMsg + ' function not set!'); } }); };