'use strict'; var searchTimeout, firstSelect; // // Constants // var INIT_DISPLAY_LEN = 20, SCROLL_DISPLAY_LEN = 10, FOLDER_TYPE_INBOX = 'Inbox', NOTIFICATION_INBOX_TIMEOUT = 5000; var MailListCtrl = function($scope, $routeParams, statusDisplay, notification, email, keychain, dialog) { // // Init // /** * Gathers unread notifications to be cancelled later */ $scope.pendingNotifications = []; // // scope functions // $scope.getBody = function(message) { email.getBody({ folder: currentFolder(), message: message }, function(err) { if (err && err.code !== 42) { dialog.error(err); return; } // display fetched body $scope.$digest(); // automatically decrypt if it's the selected message if (message === currentMessage()) { email.decryptBody({ message: message }, dialog.error); } }); }; /** * Called when clicking on an message list item */ $scope.select = function(message) { // unselect an item if (!message) { $scope.state.mailList.selected = undefined; return; } $scope.state.mailList.selected = message; if (!firstSelect) { // only toggle to read view on 2nd select in mobile mode $scope.state.read.toggle(true); } firstSelect = false; keychain.refreshKeyForUserId({ userId: message.from[0].address }, onKeyRefreshed); function onKeyRefreshed(err) { if (err) { dialog.error(err); } email.decryptBody({ message: message }, dialog.error); // if the message is unread, please sync the new state. // otherweise forget about it. if (!message.unread) { return; } // let's close pending notifications for unread messages in the inbox if (currentFolder().type === FOLDER_TYPE_INBOX) { while ($scope.pendingNotifications.length) { notification.close($scope.pendingNotifications.shift()); } } $scope.state.actionBar.markMessage(message, false); } }; // // watch tasks // /** * List messages from folder when user changes folder */ $scope._stopWatchTask = $scope.$watch('state.nav.currentFolder', function() { if (!currentFolder()) { return; } // reset searchFilter $scope.searchText = undefined; // in development, display dummy mail objects if ($routeParams.dev) { statusDisplay.update('Last update: ', new Date()); currentFolder().messages = createDummyMails(); return; } // display and select first openCurrentFolder(); }); $scope.watchMessages = $scope.$watchCollection('state.nav.currentFolder.messages', function(messages) { if (!messages) { return; } // sort message by uid currentFolder().messages.sort(byUidDescending); // set display buffer to first messages $scope.displayMessages = currentFolder().messages.slice(0, INIT_DISPLAY_LEN); // Shows the next message based on the uid of the currently selected element if (currentFolder().messages.indexOf(currentMessage()) === -1) { firstSelect = true; // reset first selection $scope.select($scope.displayMessages[0]); } }); /** * display more items (for infinite scrolling) */ $scope.displayMore = function() { if (!currentFolder() || !$scope.displayMessages) { // folders not yet initialized return; } var len = currentFolder().messages.length, dLen = $scope.displayMessages.length; if (dLen === len || $scope.searchText) { // all messages are already displayed or we're in search mode return; } // copy next interval of messages to the end of the display messages array var next = currentFolder().messages.slice(dLen, dLen + SCROLL_DISPLAY_LEN); Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.displayMessages, next); }; /** * This method is called when the user changes the searchText */ $scope.displaySearchResults = function(searchText) { if (searchTimeout) { // remove timeout to wait for user typing query clearTimeout(searchTimeout); } if (!searchText) { // set display buffer to first messages $scope.displayMessages = currentFolder().messages.slice(0, INIT_DISPLAY_LEN); statusDisplay.setSearching(false); statusDisplay.update('Online'); return; } // display searching spinner statusDisplay.setSearching(true); statusDisplay.update('Searching ...'); searchTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $scope.$apply(function() { // filter relevant messages $scope.displayMessages = $scope.search(currentFolder().messages, searchText); statusDisplay.setSearching(false); statusDisplay.update('Matches in this folder'); }); }, 500); }; /** * Do full text search on messages. Parse meta data first */ $scope.search = function(messages, searchText) { // don't filter on empty searchText if (!searchText) { return messages; } // escape search string searchText = searchText.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); // compare all strings (case insensitive) var regex = new RegExp(searchText, 'i'); function contains(input) { if (!input) { return false; } return regex.test(input); } function checkAddresses(header) { if (!header || !header.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { if (contains(header[i].name) || contains(header[i].address)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Filter meta data first and then only look at plaintext and decrypted message bodies */ function matchMetaDataFirst(m) { // compare subject if (contains(m.subject)) { return true; } // compares address headers if (checkAddresses(m.from) || checkAddresses(m.to) || checkAddresses(m.cc) || checkAddresses(m.bcc)) { return true; } // compare plaintext body if (m.body && !m.encrypted && contains(m.body)) { return true; } // compare decrypted body if (m.body && m.encrypted && m.decrypted && contains(m.body)) { return true; } // compare plaintex html body if (m.html && !m.encrypted && contains(m.html)) { return true; } // compare decrypted html body if (m.html && m.encrypted && m.decrypted && contains(m.html)) { return true; } return false; } // user native js Array.filter return messages.filter(matchMetaDataFirst); }; /** * Sync current folder when client comes back online */ $scope.watchOnline = $scope.$watch('account.online', function(isOnline) { if (isOnline) { statusDisplay.update('Online'); openCurrentFolder(); } else { statusDisplay.update('Offline mode'); } }, true); // // Helper Functions // function openCurrentFolder() { if (!currentFolder()) { return; } email.openFolder({ folder: currentFolder() }, function(error) { // dont wait until scroll to load visible mail bodies $scope.loadVisibleBodies(); // don't display error for offline case if (error && error.code === 42) { return; } dialog.error(error); }); } function currentFolder() { return $scope.state.nav.currentFolder; } function currentMessage() { return $scope.state.mailList.selected; } // // Notification API // (email || {}).onIncomingMessage = function(msgs) { var note, title, message, unreadMsgs; unreadMsgs = msgs.filter(function(msg) { return msg.unread; }); if (unreadMsgs.length === 0) { return; } if (unreadMsgs.length === 1) { title = unreadMsgs[0].from[0].name || unreadMsgs[0].from[0].address; message = unreadMsgs[0].subject; } else { title = unreadMsgs.length + ' new messages'; message = _.pluck(unreadMsgs, 'subject').join('\n'); } note = notification.create({ title: title, message: message, onClick: function() { // force toggle into read mode when notification is clicked firstSelect = false; // remove from pending notificatiosn var index = $scope.pendingNotifications.indexOf(note); if (index !== -1) { $scope.pendingNotifications.splice(index, 1); } // mark message as read $scope.select(_.findWhere(currentFolder().messages, { uid: unreadMsgs[0].uid })); }, timeout: NOTIFICATION_INBOX_TIMEOUT }); $scope.pendingNotifications.push(note); }; }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('mail-list', []); ngModule.directive('listScroll', function() { return { link: function(scope, elm, attrs) { var model = attrs.listScroll, listEl = elm[0], scrollTimeout; /* * iterates over the mails in the mail list and loads their bodies if they are visible in the viewport */ scope.loadVisibleBodies = function() { var listBorder = listEl.getBoundingClientRect(), top = listBorder.top, bottom = listBorder.bottom, listItems = listEl.children[0].children, inViewport = false, listItem, message, isPartiallyVisibleTop, isPartiallyVisibleBottom, isVisible, displayMessages = scope[model]; if (!top && !bottom) { // list not visible return; } for (var i = 0, len = listItems.length; i < len; i++) { // the n-th list item (the dom representation of an message) corresponds to // the n-th message model in the filteredMessages array listItem = listItems.item(i).getBoundingClientRect(); if (!displayMessages || displayMessages.length <= i) { // stop if i get larger than the size of filtered messages break; } message = displayMessages[i]; isPartiallyVisibleTop = listItem.top < top && listItem.bottom > top; // a portion of the list item is visible on the top isPartiallyVisibleBottom = listItem.top < bottom && listItem.bottom > bottom; // a portion of the list item is visible on the bottom isVisible = (listItem.top || listItem.bottom) && listItem.top >= top && listItem.bottom <= bottom; // the list item is visible as a whole if (isPartiallyVisibleTop || isVisible || isPartiallyVisibleBottom) { // we are now iterating over visible elements inViewport = true; // load mail body of visible scope.getBody(message); } else if (inViewport) { // we are leaving the viewport, so stop iterating over the items break; } } }; // load body when scrolling listEl.onscroll = function() { if (scrollTimeout) { // remove timeout so that only scroll end clearTimeout(scrollTimeout); } scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() { scope.loadVisibleBodies(); }, 300); }; // load the visible message bodies, when the list is re-initialized and when scrolling stopped scope.$watchCollection(model, function() { scope.loadVisibleBodies(); }); } }; }); function byUidDescending(a, b) { if (a.uid < b.uid) { return 1; } else if (b.uid < a.uid) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } // Helper for development mode function createDummyMails() { var uid = 1000000; var Email = function(unread, attachments, answered) { this.uid = uid--; this.from = [{ name: 'Whiteout Support', address: 'support@whiteout.io' }]; // sender address this.to = [{ address: 'max.musterman@gmail.com' }, { address: 'max.musterman@gmail.com' }]; // list of receivers this.cc = [{ address: 'john.doe@gmail.com' }]; // list of receivers this.attachments = attachments ? [{ "filename": "a.md", "filesize": 123, "mimeType": "text/x-markdown", "part": "2", "content": null }, { "filename": "b.md", "filesize": 456, "mimeType": "text/x-markdown", "part": "3", "content": null }, { "filename": "c.md", "filesize": 789, "mimeType": "text/x-markdown", "part": "4", "content": null }] : []; this.unread = unread; this.answered = answered; this.sentDate = new Date('Thu Sep 19 2013 20:41:23 GMT+0200 (CEST)'); this.subject = 'Getting started'; // Subject line this.body = 'And a good day to you too sir. \n' + '\n' + 'Thursday, Apr 24, 2014 3:33 PM safewithme.testuser@gmail.com wrote:\n' + '> adsfadfasdfasdfasfdasdfasdfas\n' + '\n' + 'http://example.com\n' + '\n' + '> Tuesday, Mar 25, 2014 4:19 PM gianniarcore@gmail.com wrote:\n' + '>> from\n' + '>>\n' + '>> God speed!'; // plaintext body //this.html = '

Hello there' + Math.random() + '

'; this.encrypted = true; this.decrypted = true; }; var dummies = [], i = 100; while (i--) { // every second/third/fourth dummy mail with unread/attachments/answered dummies.push(new Email((i % 2 === 0), (i % 3 === 0), (i % 5 === 0))); } return dummies; } module.exports = MailListCtrl;