define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), util = require('cryptoLib/util'), crypto = require('js/crypto/crypto'), jsonDB = require('js/dao/lawnchair-dao'), devicestorage = require('js/dao/devicestorage-dao'), app = require('js/app-config'); /** * A high-level Data-Access Api for handling Email synchronization * between the cloud service and the device's local storage */ var EmailDAO = function(keychain, imapClient, smtpClient) { var self = this; self._keychain = keychain; self._imapClient = imapClient; self._smtpClient = smtpClient; }; /** * Inits all dependencies */ EmailDAO.prototype.init = function(account, password, callback) { var self = this; self.account = account; // validate email address var emailAddress = account.emailAddress; if (!validateEmail(emailAddress)) { callback({ errMsg: 'The user email address must be specified!' }); return; } // login IMAP client if existent if (self._imapClient) { self._imapClient.login(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } initKeychain(); }); } else { initKeychain(); } function initKeychain() { // init user's local database jsonDB.init(emailAddress); // call getUserKeyPair to read/sync keypair with devicestorage/cloud self._keychain.getUserKeyPair(emailAddress, function(err, storedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // init crypto initCrypto(storedKeypair); }); } function initCrypto(storedKeypair) { crypto.init({ emailAddress: emailAddress, password: password, keySize: account.symKeySize, rsaKeySize: account.asymKeySize, storedKeypair: storedKeypair }, function(err, generatedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (generatedKeypair) { // persist newly generated keypair self._keychain.putUserKeyPair(generatedKeypair, callback); } else { callback(); } }); } }; // // New IMAP/SMTP implementation // /** * Cleanup by logging the user off. */ EmailDAO.prototype.destroy = function(callback) { var self = this; self._imapClient.logout(callback); }; /** * Send an email client side via STMP. */ EmailDAO.prototype.smtpSend = function(email, callback) { var self = this; // validate the email input if (! || !email.from || ![0].address || !email.from[0].address) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid email object!' }); return; } self._smtpClient.send(email, callback); }; /** * List the folders in the user's IMAP mailbox. */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapListFolders = function(callback) { var self = this; self._imapClient.listFolders(callback); }; /** * List messages from an imap folder. This will not yet fetch the email body. * @param {String} options.folderName The name of the imap folder. * @param {Number} offset The offset of items to fetch (0 is the last stored item) * @param {Number} num The number of items to fetch (null means fetch all) */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapListMessages = function(options, callback) { callback({ errMsg: 'Not yet implemented!' }); }; /** * Get an email messsage including the email body from imap * @param {String} options.messageId The */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapGetMessage = function(options, callback) { callback({ errMsg: 'Not yet implemented!' }); }; // // Old cloud storage implementation // /** * Fetch an email with the following id */ EmailDAO.prototype.getItem = function(folderName, itemId) { var self = this; var folder = self.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; var mail = _.find(folder.get('items'), function(email) { return + '' === itemId + ''; }); return mail; }; /** * Fetch a list of emails from the device's local storage * @param offset [Number] The offset of items to fetch (0 is the last stored item) * @param num [Number] The number of items to fetch (null means fetch all) */ EmailDAO.prototype.listItems = function(folderName, offset, num, callback) { var self = this, collection, folder; // check if items are in memory already (account.folders model) folder = self.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (!folder) { // get encrypted items from storage devicestorage.listEncryptedItems('email_' + folderName, offset, num, function(err, encryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (encryptedList.length === 0) { callback(null, []); return; } // decrypt list crypto.decryptKeysAndList(encryptedList, function(err, decryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // cache collection in folder memory if (decryptedList.length > 0) { folder = new app.model.Folder({ name: folderName }); folder.set('items', decryptedList); self.account.get('folders').add(folder); } callback(null, decryptedList); }); }); } else { // read items from memory collection = folder.get('items'); callback(null, collection); } }; /** * Synchronize a folder's items from the cloud to the device-storage * @param folderName [String] The name of the folder e.g. 'inbox' */ EmailDAO.prototype.syncFromCloud = function(folderName, callback) { var self = this, folder, already, pubkeyIds = []; // fetch most recent date this.listItems(folderName, 0, 1, function(err, localItems) { if (err) { callback(err); // error return; } var filter = ''; if (localItems && localItems.length > 0) { // get gmt date since that's what the storage service seems to use var sentDate = localItems[localItems.length - 1].sentDate; var date = util.parseDate(sentDate); date.setHours(date.getHours() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)); var gmtDate = util.formatDate(date); // sync delta of last item sent date filter = '?date=' + gmtDate; startSync(filter); } else { // do a full sync of all items on the cloud startSync(filter); } }); function startSync(filter) { // fetch items from the cloud self._cloudstorage.listEncryptedItems('email', self.account.get('emailAddress'), folderName + filter, function(err, encryptedList) { // return if an error occured if (err) { callback({ errMsg: 'Syncing encrypted items from cloud failed!', err: err }); // error return; } if (encryptedList.length === 0) { callback(); return; } // TODO: remove old folder items from devicestorage reencryptItems(encryptedList); }); } function reencryptItems(encryptedList) { // gather public key ids required to verify signatures encryptedList.forEach(function(i) { already = null; already = _.findWhere(pubkeyIds, { _id: i.senderPk }); if (!already) { pubkeyIds.push({ _id: i.senderPk }); } }); // fetch public keys from keychain self._keychain.getPublicKeys(pubkeyIds, function(err, senderPubkeys) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // verfiy signatures and re-encrypt item keys crypto.reencryptListKeysForUser(encryptedList, senderPubkeys, function(err, encryptedKeyList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist encrypted list in device storage devicestorage.storeEcryptedList(encryptedKeyList, 'email_' + folderName, function() { // remove cached folder in account model folder = self.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (folder) { self.account.get('folders').remove(folder); } callback(); }); }); }); } }; /** * Send a plaintext Email to the user's outbox in the cloud */ EmailDAO.prototype.sendEmail = function(email, callback) { var self = this, userId = self.account.get('emailAddress'); // validate email addresses var invalidRecipient; _.each(, function(i) { if (!validateEmail(i.address)) { invalidRecipient = i.address; } }); if (invalidRecipient) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid recipient: ' + invalidRecipient }); return; } if (!validateEmail(email.from[0].address)) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid sender: ' + email.from }); return; } // generate a new UUID for the new email = util.UUID(); // set sent date email.sentDate = util.formatDate(new Date()); // only support single recipient for e-2-e encryption var recipient =[0].address; // check if receiver has a public key self._keychain.getReveiverPublicKey(recipient, function(err, receiverPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (receiverPubkey) { // public key found... encrypt and send encrypt(email, receiverPubkey); } else { // no public key found... send plaintext mail via SMTP send(email); } }); function encrypt(email, receiverPubkey) { // encrypt the email crypto.encryptListForUser([email], [receiverPubkey], function(err, encryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var ct = encryptedList[0]; var envelope = { id:, crypto: 'rsa-1024-sha-256-aes-128-cbc', sentDate: email.sentDate, ciphertext: ct.ciphertext, encryptedKey: ct.encryptedKey, iv: ct.iv, signature: ct.signature, senderPk: ct.senderPk }; send(envelope); }); } function send(email) { // send email via cloud service self._cloudstorage.deliverEmail(email, userId, recipient, function(err) { callback(err); }); } }; // // helper functions // /** * Validates an email address */ function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } return EmailDAO; });