define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var angular = require('angular'), appController = require('js/app-controller'), util = require('js/crypto/util'), keychain, pgp; var PrivateKeyUploadCtrl = function($scope) { keychain = appController._keychain; pgp = keychain._pgp; $scope.state.privateKeyUpload = { toggle: function(to) { // open lightbox $scope.state.lightbox = (to) ? 'privatekey-upload' : undefined; if (!to) { return; } // show syncing status $scope.step = 4; // check if key is already synced $scope.checkServerForKey(function(privateKeySynced) { if (privateKeySynced) { // close lightbox $scope.state.lightbox = undefined; // show message $scope.onError({ title: 'Info', message: 'Your PGP key has already been synced.' }); return; } // show sync ui if key is not synced $scope.displayUploadUi(); }); } }; $scope.handlePaste = function(event) { var evt = event; if (evt.originalEvent) { evt = evt.originalEvent; } var value = evt.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); if (!value) { return; } value = value.replace(/-/g, ''); $scope.code0 = value.slice(0, 4); $scope.code1 = value.slice(4, 8); $scope.code2 = value.slice(8, 12); $scope.code3 = value.slice(12, 16); $scope.code4 = value.slice(16, 20); $scope.code5 = value.slice(20, 24); }; $scope.checkServerForKey = function(callback) { var keyParams = pgp.getKeyParams(); keychain.hasPrivateKey({ userId: keyParams.userId, keyId: keyParams._id }, function(err, privateKeySynced) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } if (privateKeySynced) { callback(privateKeySynced); return; } callback(); }); }; $scope.displayUploadUi = function() { // go to step 1 $scope.step = 1; // generate new code for the user $scope.code = util.randomString(24); $scope.displayedCode = $scope.code.slice(0, 4) + '-' + $scope.code.slice(4, 8) + '-' + $scope.code.slice(8, 12) + '-' + $scope.code.slice(12, 16) + '-' + $scope.code.slice(16, 20) + '-' + $scope.code.slice(20, 24); // clear input fields of any previous artifacts $scope.code0 = $scope.code1 = $scope.code2 = $scope.code3 = $scope.code4 = $scope.code5 = ''; }; $scope.verifyCode = function() { var inputCode = '' + $scope.code0 + $scope.code1 + $scope.code2 + $scope.code3 + $scope.code4 + $scope.code5; if (inputCode.toUpperCase() !== $scope.code) { var err = new Error('The code does not match. Please go back and check the generated code.'); err.sync = true; $scope.onError(err); return false; } return true; }; $scope.setDeviceName = function(callback) { keychain.setDeviceName($scope.deviceName, callback); }; $scope.encryptAndUploadKey = function(callback) { var userId = appController._emailDao._account.emailAddress; var code = $scope.code; // register device to keychain service keychain.registerDevice({ userId: userId }, function(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // encrypt private PGP key using code and upload keychain.uploadPrivateKey({ userId: userId, code: code }, callback); }); }; $scope.goBack = function() { if ($scope.step > 1) { $scope.step--; } }; $scope.goForward = function() { if ($scope.step < 2) { $scope.step++; return; } if ($scope.step === 2 && $scope.verifyCode()) { $scope.step++; return; } if ($scope.step === 3) { // set device name to local storage $scope.setDeviceName(function(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // show spinner $scope.step++; $scope.$apply(); // init key sync $scope.encryptAndUploadKey(function(err) { if (err) { $scope.onError(err); return; } // close sync dialog $scope.state.privateKeyUpload.toggle(false); // show success message $scope.onError({ title: 'Success', message: 'Whiteout Keychain setup successful!' }); }); }); } }; }; // // Directives // var ngModule = angular.module('privatekey-upload', []); ngModule.directive('focusNext', function() { return { link: function(scope, element, attr) { var maxLen = element[0].maxLength; scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function(val) { if (val && val.length === maxLen) { var nextinput ='input'); if (nextinput.length) { nextinput[0].focus(); } } }); } }; }); return PrivateKeyUploadCtrl; });