/** * A high-level Data-Access Api for handling Keypair synchronization * between the cloud service and the device's local storage */ define(['underscore', 'js/dao/lawnchair-dao'], function(_, jsonDao) { 'use strict'; var KeychainDAO = function(cloudstorage) { var self = this; self._cloudstorage = cloudstorage; }; /** * Get an array of public keys by looking in local storage and * fetching missing keys from the cloud service. * @param ids [Array] the key ids as [{_id, userId}] * @return [PublicKeyCollection] The requiested public keys */ KeychainDAO.prototype.getPublicKeys = function(ids, callback) { var self = this, after, already, pubkeys = []; after = _.after(ids.length, function() { callback(null, pubkeys); }); _.each(ids, function(i) { // lookup locally and in storage self.lookupPublicKey(i._id, function(err, pubkey) { if (err || !pubkey) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error looking up public key!', err: err }); return; } // check if public key with that id has already been fetched already = null; already = _.findWhere(pubkeys, { _id: i._id }); if (!already) { pubkeys.push(pubkey); } after(); // asynchronously iterate through objects }); }); }; /** * Look up a reveiver's public key by user id * @param userId [String] the receiver's email address */ KeychainDAO.prototype.getReveiverPublicKey = function(userId, callback) { var self = this; // search local keyring for public key jsonDao.list('publickey', 0, null, function(allPubkeys) { var pubkey = _.findWhere(allPubkeys, { userId: userId }); if (!pubkey || !pubkey._id) { // no public key by that user id in storage // find from cloud by email address self._cloudstorage.getPublicKeyByUserId(userId, function(err, cloudPubkey) { if (err || !cloudPubkey) { callback(); return; } if (cloudPubkey && cloudPubkey._id) { // there is a public key for that user already in the cloud... // save to local storage self.saveLocalPublicKey(cloudPubkey, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, cloudPubkey); }); } else { // no public key for that user callback(); return; } }); } else { // that user's public key is already in local storage callback(null, pubkey); } }); }; /** * Gets the local user's key either from local storage * or fetches it from the cloud. The private key is encrypted. * If no key pair exists, null is returned. * return [Object] The user's key pair {publicKey, privateKey} */ KeychainDAO.prototype.getUserKeyPair = function(userId, callback) { var self = this; // search for user's public key locally jsonDao.list('publickey', 0, null, function(allPubkeys) { var pubkey = _.findWhere(allPubkeys, { userId: userId }); if (!pubkey || !pubkey._id) { // no public key by that user id in storage // find from cloud by email address self._cloudstorage.getPublicKeyByUserId(userId, function(err, cloudPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (cloudPubkey && cloudPubkey._id) { // there is a public key for that user already in the cloud... // sync keypair to local storage syncKeypair(cloudPubkey._id); } else { // continue without keypair... generate in crypto.js callback(); return; } }); } else { // that user's public key is already in local storage... // sync keypair to the cloud syncKeypair(pubkey._id); } }); function syncKeypair(keypairId) { // persist key pair in local storage self.lookupPublicKey(keypairId, function(err, savedPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist private key in local storage self.lookupPrivateKey(keypairId, function(err, savedPrivkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // validate fetched key if (savedPubkey && savedPubkey.publicKey && savedPrivkey && savedPrivkey.encryptedKey) { callback(null, { publicKey: savedPubkey, privateKey: savedPrivkey }); return; } else { // continue without keypair... generate in crypto.js callback(); return; } }); }); } }; /** * Checks to see if the user's key pair is stored both * locally and in the cloud and persist arccordingly * @param [Object] The user's key pair {publicKey, privateKey} */ KeychainDAO.prototype.putUserKeyPair = function(keypair, callback) { var self = this; // validate input if (!keypair || !keypair.publicKey || !keypair.privateKey || !keypair.publicKey.userId || keypair.publicKey.userId !== keypair.privateKey.userId) { callback({ errMsg: 'Incorrect input!' }); return; } // store public key locally self.saveLocalPublicKey(keypair.publicKey, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist public key in cloud storage self._cloudstorage.putPublicKey(keypair.publicKey, function(err) { // validate result if (err) { callback(err); return; } // store private key locally self.saveLocalPrivateKey(keypair.privateKey, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist private key in cloud storage self._cloudstorage.putPrivateKey(keypair.privateKey, function(err) { // validate result if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null); }); }); }); }); }; // // Helper functions // KeychainDAO.prototype.lookupPublicKey = function(id, callback) { var self = this; // lookup in local storage jsonDao.read('publickey_' + id, function(pubkey) { if (!pubkey) { // fetch from cloud storage self._cloudstorage.getPublicKey(id, function(err, cloudPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // cache public key in cache self.saveLocalPublicKey(cloudPubkey, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, cloudPubkey); }); }); } else { callback(null, pubkey); } }); }; KeychainDAO.prototype.lookupPrivateKey = function(id, callback) { var self = this; // lookup in local storage jsonDao.read('privatekey_' + id, function(privkey) { if (!privkey) { // fetch from cloud storage self._cloudstorage.getPrivateKey(id, function(err, cloudPrivkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // cache private key in cache self.saveLocalPrivateKey(cloudPrivkey, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, cloudPrivkey); }); }); } else { callback(null, privkey); } }); }; KeychainDAO.prototype.saveLocalPublicKey = function(pubkey, callback) { // persist public key (email, _id) var pkLookupKey = 'publickey_' + pubkey._id; jsonDao.persist(pkLookupKey, pubkey, function(res1) { // validate result if (res1.key !== pkLookupKey) { callback({ errMsg: 'Persisting public key in local storage went wrong!' }); return; } callback(); }); }; KeychainDAO.prototype.saveLocalPrivateKey = function(privkey, callback) { // persist private key (email, _id) var prkLookupKey = 'privatekey_' + privkey._id; jsonDao.persist(prkLookupKey, privkey, function(res1) { // validate result if (res1.key !== prkLookupKey) { callback({ errMsg: 'Persisting private key in local storage went wrong!' }); return; } callback(); }); }; return KeychainDAO; });