define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var axe = require('axe'), cfg = require('js/app-config').config, updateV1 = require('js/util/update/update-v1'), updateV2 = require('js/util/update/update-v2'), updateV3 = require('js/util/update/update-v3'), updateV4 = require('js/util/update/update-v4'), updateV5 = require('js/util/update/update-v5'); /** * Handles database migration */ var UpdateHandler = function(appConfigStorage, userStorage, auth) { this._appConfigStorage = appConfigStorage; this._userStorage = userStorage; this._updateScripts = [updateV1, updateV2, updateV3, updateV4, updateV5]; this._auth = auth; }; /** * Executes all the necessary updates * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when all the database updates were executed, or if an error occurred */ UpdateHandler.prototype.update = function(callback) { var self = this, currentVersion = 0, targetVersion = cfg.dbVersion, versionDbType = 'dbVersion'; self._appConfigStorage.listItems(versionDbType, 0, null, function(err, items) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // parse the database version number if (items && items.length > 0) { currentVersion = parseInt(items[0], 10); } self._applyUpdate({ currentVersion: currentVersion, targetVersion: targetVersion }, callback); }); }; /** * Schedules necessary updates and executes thom in order */ UpdateHandler.prototype._applyUpdate = function(options, callback) { var self = this, scriptOptions, queue = []; if (options.currentVersion >= options.targetVersion) { // the current database version is up to date callback(); return; } scriptOptions = { appConfigStorage: self._appConfigStorage, userStorage: self._userStorage, auth: self._auth }; // add all the necessary database updates to the queue for (var i = options.currentVersion; i < options.targetVersion; i++) { queue.push(self._updateScripts[i]); } // takes the next update from the queue and executes it function executeNextUpdate(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (queue.length < 1) { // we're done callback(); return; } // process next update var script = queue.shift(); script(scriptOptions, executeNextUpdate); } executeNextUpdate(); }; /** * Check application version and update correspondingly */ UpdateHandler.prototype.checkForUpdate = function(dialog) { // Chrome Packaged App if (typeof !== 'undefined' && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable) { // check for Chrome app update and restart chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener(function(details) { axe.debug('New Chrome App update... requesting reload.'); // Chrome downloaded a new app version dialog({ title: 'Update available', message: 'A new version ' + details.version + ' of the app is available. Restart the app to update?', positiveBtnStr: 'Restart', negativeBtnStr: 'Not now', showNegativeBtn: true, callback: function(agree) { if (agree) { chrome.runtime.reload(); } } }); }); chrome.runtime.requestUpdateCheck(function(status) { if (status === "update_found") { axe.debug("Update pending..."); } else if (status === "no_update") { axe.debug("No update found."); } else if (status === "throttled") { axe.debug("Checking updates too frequently."); } }); } }; return UpdateHandler; });