'use strict'; // // Controller // var PublickeyImportCtrl = function($scope, $q, keychain, pgp, hkp, dialog, appConfig) { // // scope state // $scope.state.publickeyImport = { toggle: function(to) { $scope.state.lightbox = (to) ? 'publickey-import' : undefined; } }; // // scope variables // $scope.hkpUrl = appConfig.config.hkpUrl.replace(/http[s]?:\/\//, ''); // // scope functions // $scope.importKey = function(publicKeyArmored) { var keyParams, pubkey; // verifiy public key string if (publicKeyArmored.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----') < 0) { dialog.error({ showBugReporter: false, message: 'Invalid public key!' }); return; } try { keyParams = pgp.getKeyParams(publicKeyArmored); } catch (e) { dialog.error(new Error('Error reading public key params!')); return; } pubkey = { _id: keyParams._id, userId: keyParams.userId, userIds: keyParams.userIds, publicKey: publicKeyArmored, imported: true // mark manually imported keys }; return keychain.saveLocalPublicKey(pubkey).then(function() { $scope.pastedKey = ''; // display success message return dialog.info({ title: 'Success', message: 'Public key ' + keyParams._id + ' for ' + keyParams.userId + ' imported successfully!' }); }).catch(dialog.error); }; $scope.lookupKey = function(query) { var keyUrl = hkp.getIndexUrl(query); return dialog.info({ title: 'Link', message: 'Follow this link and paste the PGP key block above...', faqLink: keyUrl, faqLinkTitle: keyUrl }); }; }; module.exports = PublickeyImportCtrl;