/** * A high-level Data-Access Api for handling Email synchronization * between the cloud service and the device's local storage */ app.dao.EmailDAO = function(_, crypto, devicestorage, cloudstorage, naclCrypto, util) { 'use strict'; var keypair; // the user's keypair /** * Inits all dependencies */ this.init = function(account, password, callback) { this.account = account; // sync user's cloud key with local storage cloudstorage.getUserSecretKey(account.get('emailAddress'), function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // init crypto initCrypto(); }, function() { // replaced local key with cloud key... whipe local storage devicestorage.clear(function() { initCrypto(); }); }); function initCrypto() { crypto.init(account.get('emailAddress'), password, account.get('symKeySize'), account.get('symIvSize'), function() { initNaclCrypto(); }); } function initNaclCrypto() { // derive keypair from user's secret key keypair = crypto.deriveKeyPair(naclCrypto); //publish public key to cloud service var pubkey = new app.model.PublicKey({ _id: keypair.id, userId: account.get('emailAddress'), publicKey: keypair.boxPk }); cloudstorage.putPublicKey(pubkey.toJSON(), function(err) { callback(err); }); } }; /** * Fetch an email with the following id */ this.getItem = function(folderName, itemId) { var folder = this.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; var mail = _.find(folder.get('items').models, function(email) { return email.id + '' === itemId + ''; }); return mail; }; /** * Fetch a list of emails from the device's local storage * @param offset [Number] The offset of items to fetch (0 is the last stored item) * @param num [Number] The number of items to fetch (null means fetch all) */ this.listItems = function(folderName, offset, num, callback) { var collection, folder, self = this; // check if items are in memory already (account.folders model) folder = this.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (!folder) { // get items from storage devicestorage.listItems('email_' + folderName, offset, num, function(decryptedList) { // parse to backbone model collection collection = new app.model.EmailCollection(decryptedList); // cache collection in folder memory if (decryptedList.length > 0) { folder = new app.model.Folder({ name: folderName }); folder.set('items', collection); self.account.get('folders').add(folder); } callback(collection); }); } else { // read items from memory collection = folder.get('items'); callback(collection); } }; /** * Checks the user virtual inbox containing end-2-end encrypted mail items */ this.checkVInbox = function(callback) { var self = this; cloudstorage.listEncryptedItems('email', this.account.get('emailAddress'), 'vinbox', function(err, data) { // if virtual inbox is emtpy just callback if (err || !data || data.status || data.length === 0) { callback(); // error return; } // asynchronously iterate over the encrypted items var after = _.after(data.length, function() { callback(); }); _.each(data, function(asymCt) { // asymmetric decrypt asymDecryptMail(asymCt, function(err, pt) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // symmetric encrypt and push to cloud symEncryptAndUpload(pt, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // TODO: delete items from virtual inbox after(); // asynchronously iterate through objects }); }); }); }); function asymDecryptMail(m, callback) { var pubKeyId = m.senderPk.split(';')[1]; // pull the sender's public key cloudstorage.getPublicKey(pubKeyId, function(err, senderPk) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // do authenticated decryption naclCrypto.asymDecrypt(m.ciphertext, m.itemIV, senderPk.publicKey, keypair.boxSk, function(plaintext) { callback(null, JSON.parse(plaintext)); }); }); } function symEncryptAndUpload(email, callback) { var itemKey = util.random(self.account.get('symKeySize')), itemIV = util.random(self.account.get('symIvSize')), keyIV = util.random(self.account.get('symIvSize')), json = JSON.stringify(email), envelope, encryptedKey; // symmetrically encrypt item crypto.aesEncrypt(json, itemKey, itemIV, function(ct) { // encrypt item key for user encryptedKey = crypto.aesEncryptForUserSync(itemKey, keyIV); envelope = { id: email.id, crypto: 'aes-128-ccm', ciphertext: ct, encryptedKey: encryptedKey, keyIV: keyIV, itemIV: itemIV }; // push encrypted item to cloud cloudstorage.putEncryptedItem(envelope, 'email', self.account.get('emailAddress'), 'inbox', function(err) { callback(err); }); }); } }; /** * Synchronize a folder's items from the cloud to the device-storage * @param folderName [String] The name of the folder e.g. 'inbox' */ this.syncFromCloud = function(folderName, callback) { var folder, self = this; cloudstorage.listEncryptedItems('email', this.account.get('emailAddress'), folderName, function(err, data) { // return if an error occured or if fetched list from cloud storage is empty if (err || !data || data.status || data.length === 0) { callback({ error: err }); // error return; } // TODO: remove old folder items from devicestorage // persist encrypted list in device storage devicestorage.storeEcryptedList(data, 'email_' + folderName, function() { // remove cached folder in account model folder = self.account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (folder) { self.account.get('folders').remove(folder); } callback(); }); }); }; };