(function() { 'use strict'; // import web worker dependencies importScripts('../../lib/crypto-js/core.js'); importScripts('../../lib/crypto-js/enc-base64.js'); importScripts('../../lib/crypto-js/sha1.js'); importScripts('../../lib/crypto-js/hmac.js'); importScripts('../../lib/crypto-js/pbkdf2.js'); importScripts('../app-config.js'); importScripts('./pbkdf2.js'); /** * In the web worker thread context, 'this' and 'self' can be used as a global * variable namespace similar to the 'window' object in the main thread */ self.onmessage = function(e) { var args = e.data, key = null; if (e.data.password && e.data.keySize) { // start deriving key var pbkdf2 = new app.crypto.PBKDF2(); key = pbkdf2.getKey(e.data.password, e.data.keySize); } else { throw 'Not all arguments for web worker crypto are defined!'; } // pass output back to main thread self.postMessage(key); }; }());