define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), util = require('cryptoLib/util'), crypto = require('js/crypto/crypto'), jsonDB = require('js/dao/lawnchair-dao'), devicestorage = require('js/dao/devicestorage-dao'), app = require('js/app-config'); var SUBJECT = '[whiteout] Encrypted message', MESSAGE = 'this is a private conversation. To read my encrypted message below, simply install Whiteout Mail for Chrome. The app is really easy to use and automatically encrypts sent emails, so that only the two of us can read them:\n\n\n', PREFIX = '-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED MESSAGE-----\n', SUFFIX = '\n-----END ENCRYPTED MESSAGE-----', SIGNATURE = '\n\n\nSent securely from my whiteout account\n\n\n'; /** * A high-level Data-Access Api for handling Email synchronization * between the cloud service and the device's local storage */ var EmailDAO = function(keychain, imapClient, smtpClient) { var self = this; self._keychain = keychain; self._imapClient = imapClient; self._smtpClient = smtpClient; }; /** * Inits all dependencies */ EmailDAO.prototype.init = function(account, password, callback) { var self = this; self._account = account; // validate email address var emailAddress = self._account.emailAddress; if (!validateEmail(emailAddress)) { callback({ errMsg: 'The user email address must be specified!' }); return; } // login IMAP client if existent if (self._imapClient) { self._imapClient.login(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } initKeychain(); }); } else { initKeychain(); } function initKeychain() { // init user's local database jsonDB.init(emailAddress); // call getUserKeyPair to read/sync keypair with devicestorage/cloud self._keychain.getUserKeyPair(emailAddress, function(err, storedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // init crypto initCrypto(storedKeypair); }); } function initCrypto(storedKeypair) { crypto.init({ emailAddress: emailAddress, password: password, keySize: self._account.symKeySize, rsaKeySize: self._account.asymKeySize, storedKeypair: storedKeypair }, function(err, generatedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (generatedKeypair) { // persist newly generated keypair self._keychain.putUserKeyPair(generatedKeypair, callback); } else { callback(); } }); } }; // // IMAP/SMTP Apis // /** * Cleanup by logging the user off. */ EmailDAO.prototype.destroy = function(callback) { var self = this; self._imapClient.logout(callback); }; /** * Send an email client side via STMP. */ EmailDAO.prototype.smtpSend = function(email, callback) { var self = this, invalidRecipient; // validate the email input if (! || !email.from || ![0].address || !email.from[0].address) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid email object!' }); return; } // validate email addresses _.each(, function(i) { if (!validateEmail(i.address)) { invalidRecipient = i.address; } }); if (invalidRecipient) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid recipient: ' + invalidRecipient }); return; } if (!validateEmail(email.from[0].address)) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid sender: ' + email.from }); return; } // generate a new UUID for the new email = util.UUID(); // only support single recipient for e-2-e encryption // check if receiver has a public key self._keychain.getReveiverPublicKey([0].address, function(err, receiverPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // validate public key if (!receiverPubkey) { callback({ errMsg: 'No public key found for: ' + email.from }); return; } // public key found... encrypt and send encrypt(email, receiverPubkey); }); function encrypt(email, receiverPubkey) { var ptItems = [email], receiverPubkeys = [receiverPubkey], to, greeting, ct, i; // add attachment to encryption batch and remove from email object if (email.attachments) { email.attachments.forEach(function(attachment) { =; ptItems.push(attachment); }); delete email.attachments; } // encrypt the email crypto.encryptListForUser(ptItems, receiverPubkeys, function(err, encryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // get first name of recipient to = ([0].name ||[0].address).split('@')[0].split('.')[0].split(' ')[0]; greeting = 'Hi ' + to + ',\n\n'; // build encrypted text body ct = btoa(JSON.stringify(encryptedList[0])); email.body = greeting + MESSAGE + PREFIX + ct + SUFFIX + SIGNATURE; email.subject = SUBJECT; // add encrypted attachments if (encryptedList.length > 1) { email.attachments = []; } for (i = 1; i < encryptedList.length; i++) { email.attachments.push({ fileName: 'Encrypted Attachment ' + i, contentType: 'application/octet-stream', uint8Array: util.binStr2Uint8Arr(JSON.stringify(encryptedList[i])) }); } send(email); }); } function send(email) { self._smtpClient.send(email, callback); } }; /** * List the folders in the user's IMAP mailbox. */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapListFolders = function(callback) { var self = this; self._imapClient.listFolders(callback); }; /** * List messages from an imap folder. This will not yet fetch the email body. * @param {String} options.folderName The name of the imap folder. * @param {Number} options.offset The offset of items to fetch (0 is the last stored item) * @param {Number} options.num The number of items to fetch (null means fetch all) */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapListMessages = function(options, callback) { var self = this; // validate options if (!options.folder || typeof options.offset === 'undefined' || typeof options.num === 'undefined') { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid options!' }); return; } self._imapClient.listMessages({ path: options.folder, offset: options.offset, length: options.num }, callback); }; /** * Get an email messsage including the email body from imap * @param {String} options.messageId The */ EmailDAO.prototype.imapGetMessage = function(options, callback) { var self = this, expectedItems, itemCounter = 0, message, attachments = []; // validate options if (!options.folder || !options.uid) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid options!' }); return; } // try fetching from cache before doing a roundtrip message = self.readCache(options.folder, options.uid); if (message) { // message was fetched from cache successfully callback(null, message); return; } /* message was not found in cache... fetch from imap server */ function messageReady(err, gottenMessage) { message = gottenMessage; itemCounter++; // remember how many items should be fetched before the callback fires expectedItems = (message.attachments instanceof Array) ? message.attachments.length + 1 : 1; check(); } function attachmentReady(err, gottenAttachment) { attachments.push(gottenAttachment); itemCounter++; check(); } function check() { // go for another round you don't yet know how mich to fetch or you haven't fetch enough if (!expectedItems || itemCounter < expectedItems) { return; } // overwrite attachments array with the uint8array variant message.attachments = (attachments.length > 0) ? attachments : undefined; // cache message object in memory self.cacheItem(options.folder, message); callback(null, message); } self._imapClient.getMessage({ path: options.folder, uid: options.uid, onMessageBody: messageReady, onAttachment: attachmentReady }); }; /** * Checks if an item is already cached and if not, cache it. */ EmailDAO.prototype.cacheItem = function(folderName, item) { var self = this; // check if account has a folders attribute if (!self._account.folders) { self._account.folders = {}; } // create folder if not existant if (!self._account.folders[folderName]) { self._account.folders[folderName] = {}; } // cache item self._account.folders[folderName][item.uid] = item; }; /** * Fetch an item from the cache with the following id */ EmailDAO.prototype.readCache = function(folderName, itemId) { var self = this; // check if account has a folders attribute if (!self._account.folders) { return; } // check folder if (!self._account.folders[folderName]) { return; } return self._account.folders[folderName][itemId]; }; // // Cloud storage Apis // /** * Fetch a list of emails from the device's local storage * @param offset [Number] The offset of items to fetch (0 is the last stored item) * @param num [Number] The number of items to fetch (null means fetch all) */ EmailDAO.prototype.listItems = function(folderName, offset, num, callback) { var self = this, collection, folder; // check if items are in memory already (_account.folders model) folder = self._account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (!folder) { // get encrypted items from storage devicestorage.listEncryptedItems('email_' + folderName, offset, num, function(err, encryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (encryptedList.length === 0) { callback(null, []); return; } // decrypt list crypto.decryptKeysAndList(encryptedList, function(err, decryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // cache collection in folder memory if (decryptedList.length > 0) { folder = new app.model.Folder({ name: folderName }); folder.set('items', decryptedList); self._account.get('folders').add(folder); } callback(null, decryptedList); }); }); } else { // read items from memory collection = folder.get('items'); callback(null, collection); } }; /** * Synchronize a folder's items from the cloud to the device-storage * @param folderName [String] The name of the folder e.g. 'inbox' */ EmailDAO.prototype.syncFromCloud = function(folderName, callback) { var self = this, folder, already, pubkeyIds = []; // fetch most recent date this.listItems(folderName, 0, 1, function(err, localItems) { if (err) { callback(err); // error return; } var filter = ''; if (localItems && localItems.length > 0) { // get gmt date since that's what the storage service seems to use var sentDate = localItems[localItems.length - 1].sentDate; var date = util.parseDate(sentDate); date.setHours(date.getHours() + (date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)); var gmtDate = util.formatDate(date); // sync delta of last item sent date filter = '?date=' + gmtDate; startSync(filter); } else { // do a full sync of all items on the cloud startSync(filter); } }); function startSync(filter) { // fetch items from the cloud self._cloudstorage.listEncryptedItems('email', self._account.get('emailAddress'), folderName + filter, function(err, encryptedList) { // return if an error occured if (err) { callback({ errMsg: 'Syncing encrypted items from cloud failed!', err: err }); // error return; } if (encryptedList.length === 0) { callback(); return; } // TODO: remove old folder items from devicestorage reencryptItems(encryptedList); }); } function reencryptItems(encryptedList) { // gather public key ids required to verify signatures encryptedList.forEach(function(i) { already = null; already = _.findWhere(pubkeyIds, { _id: i.senderPk }); if (!already) { pubkeyIds.push({ _id: i.senderPk }); } }); // fetch public keys from keychain self._keychain.getPublicKeys(pubkeyIds, function(err, senderPubkeys) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // verfiy signatures and re-encrypt item keys crypto.reencryptListKeysForUser(encryptedList, senderPubkeys, function(err, encryptedKeyList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist encrypted list in device storage devicestorage.storeEcryptedList(encryptedKeyList, 'email_' + folderName, function() { // remove cached folder in _account model folder = self._account.get('folders').where({ name: folderName })[0]; if (folder) { self._account.get('folders').remove(folder); } callback(); }); }); }); } }; /** * Send a plaintext Email to the user's outbox in the cloud */ EmailDAO.prototype.sendEmail = function(email, callback) { var self = this, userId = self._account.get('emailAddress'); // validate email addresses var invalidRecipient; _.each(, function(i) { if (!validateEmail(i.address)) { invalidRecipient = i.address; } }); if (invalidRecipient) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid recipient: ' + invalidRecipient }); return; } if (!validateEmail(email.from[0].address)) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid sender: ' + email.from }); return; } // generate a new UUID for the new email = util.UUID(); // set sent date email.sentDate = util.formatDate(new Date()); // only support single recipient for e-2-e encryption var recipient =[0].address; // check if receiver has a public key self._keychain.getReveiverPublicKey(recipient, function(err, receiverPubkey) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (receiverPubkey) { // public key found... encrypt and send encrypt(email, receiverPubkey); } else { // no public key found... send plaintext mail via SMTP send(email); } }); function encrypt(email, receiverPubkey) { // encrypt the email crypto.encryptListForUser([email], [receiverPubkey], function(err, encryptedList) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var ct = encryptedList[0]; var envelope = { id:, crypto: 'rsa-1024-sha-256-aes-128-cbc', sentDate: email.sentDate, ciphertext: ct.ciphertext, encryptedKey: ct.encryptedKey, iv: ct.iv, signature: ct.signature, senderPk: ct.senderPk }; send(envelope); }); } function send(email) { // send email via cloud service self._cloudstorage.deliverEmail(email, userId, recipient, function(err) { callback(err); }); } }; // // helper functions // /** * Validates an email address */ function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } return EmailDAO; });