#!/bin/sh # abort if tests fail set -e # go to root cd `dirname $0` cd .. if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] || [ "$1" != "prod" ] && [ "$1" != "test" ] ; then echo 'Usage: ./res/aws_release prod|test from-branch 1.0.0' exit 0 fi # switch branch git checkout $2 git branch release/$1 git checkout release/$1 git merge $2 --no-edit # build and test rm -rf node_modules/ npm cache clear npm install npm test grunt release-$1 --release=$3 # install only production dependencies rm -rf node_modules/ npm install --production # delete .gitignore files before adding to git for aws deployment find node_modules/ -name ".gitignore" -exec rm -rf {} \; # Add runtime dependencies to git sed -i "" '/dist/d' .gitignore sed -i "" '/node_modules/d' .gitignore git add .gitignore node_modules/ dist/ git commit -m "Update release" # push to aws eb deploy # switch back to $2 branch git checkout $2