define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var util = require('cryptoLib/util'), _ = require('underscore'), config = require('js/app-config').config, str = require('js/app-config').string; /** * High-level data access object that orchestrates everything around the handling of encrypted mails: * PGP de-/encryption, receiving via IMAP, sending via SMTP, MIME parsing, local db persistence * * @param {Object} keychain The keychain DAO handles keys transparently * @param {Object} crypto Orchestrates decryption * @param {Object} devicestorage Handles persistence to the local indexed db * @param {Object} pgpbuilder Generates and encrypts MIME and SMTP messages * @param {Object} mailreader Parses MIME messages received from IMAP */ var EmailDAO = function(keychain, crypto, devicestorage, pgpbuilder, mailreader) { this._keychain = keychain; this._crypto = crypto; this._devicestorage = devicestorage; this._pgpbuilder = pgpbuilder; this._mailreader = mailreader; }; // // // Public API // // /** * Initializes the email dao: * - validates the email address * - retrieves the user's key pair (if available) * - initializes _account.folders with the content from memory * * @param {Object} options.account The account * @param {String} options.account.emailAddress The user's id * @param {Function} callback(error, keypair) Invoked with the keypair or error information when the email dao is initialized */ EmailDAO.prototype.init = function(options, callback) { var self = this, keypair; self._account = options.account; self._account.busy = false; // triggers the spinner = false; self._account.loggingIn = false; // validate email address var emailAddress = self._account.emailAddress; if (!util.validateEmailAddress(emailAddress)) { callback({ errMsg: 'The user email address must be specified!' }); return; } // init keychain and then crypto module initKeychain(); function initKeychain() { // call getUserKeyPair to read/sync keypair with devicestorage/cloud self._keychain.getUserKeyPair(emailAddress, function(err, storedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } keypair = storedKeypair; initFolders(); }); } function initFolders() { // try init folders from memory, since imap client not initiated yet self._initFolders(function(err) { // dont handle offline case this time if (err && err.code !== 42) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, keypair); }); } }; /** * Unlocks the keychain by either decrypting an existing private key or generating a new keypair * @param {String} options.passphrase The passphrase to decrypt the private key * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the the keychain is unlocked or when an error occurred buring unlocking */ EmailDAO.prototype.unlock = function(options, callback) { var self = this; if (options.keypair) { // import existing key pair into crypto module handleExistingKeypair(options.keypair); return; } // no keypair for is stored for the user... generate a new one self._crypto.generateKeys({ emailAddress: self._account.emailAddress, keySize: self._account.asymKeySize, passphrase: options.passphrase }, function(err, generatedKeypair) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } handleGenerated(generatedKeypair); }); function handleExistingKeypair(keypair) { var pubUserID, privUserID; // check if key IDs match if (!keypair.privateKey._id || keypair.privateKey._id !== keypair.publicKey._id) { callback({ errMsg: 'Key IDs dont match!' }); return; } // check if the key's user ID matches the current account pubUserID = self._crypto.getKeyParams(keypair.publicKey.publicKey).userId; privUserID = self._crypto.getKeyParams(keypair.privateKey.encryptedKey).userId; if (pubUserID.indexOf(self._account.emailAddress) === -1 || privUserID.indexOf(self._account.emailAddress) === -1) { callback({ errMsg: 'User IDs dont match!' }); return; } // import existing key pair into crypto module self._crypto.importKeys({ passphrase: options.passphrase, privateKeyArmored: keypair.privateKey.encryptedKey, publicKeyArmored: keypair.publicKey.publicKey }, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // set decrypted privateKey to pgpMailer self._pgpbuilder._privateKey = self._crypto._privateKey; callback(); }); } function handleGenerated(generatedKeypair) { // import the new key pair into crypto module self._crypto.importKeys({ passphrase: options.passphrase, privateKeyArmored: generatedKeypair.privateKeyArmored, publicKeyArmored: generatedKeypair.publicKeyArmored }, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // persist newly generated keypair var newKeypair = { publicKey: { _id: generatedKeypair.keyId, userId: self._account.emailAddress, publicKey: generatedKeypair.publicKeyArmored }, privateKey: { _id: generatedKeypair.keyId, userId: self._account.emailAddress, encryptedKey: generatedKeypair.privateKeyArmored } }; self._keychain.putUserKeyPair(newKeypair, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // set decrypted privateKey to pgpMailer self._pgpbuilder._privateKey = self._crypto._privateKey; callback(); }); }); } }; /** * Opens a folder in IMAP so that we can receive updates for it. * Please note that this is a no-op if you try to open the outbox, since it is not an IMAP folder * but a virtual folder that only exists on disk. * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder to be opened * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the folder has been opened */ EmailDAO.prototype.openFolder = function(options, callback) { var self = this, err; if (! { err = new Error('Client is currently offline!'); err.code = 42; callback(err); return; } if (options.folder.path === config.outboxMailboxPath) { return; } this._imapClient.selectMailbox({ path: options.folder.path }, callback); }; /** * Synchronizes a folder's contents from disk to memory, i.e. if * a message has disappeared from the disk, this method will remove it from folder.messages, and * it adds any messages from disk to memory the are not yet in folder.messages * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder to synchronize * @param {Function} callback [description] */ EmailDAO.prototype.refreshFolder = function(options, callback) { var self = this, folder = options.folder; folder.messages = folder.messages || []; self._localListMessages({ folder: folder }, function(err, storedMessages) { if (err) { done(err); return; } var storedUids = _.pluck(storedMessages, 'uid'), memoryUids = _.pluck(folder.messages, 'uid'), newUids = _.difference(storedUids, memoryUids), // uids of messages that are not yet in memory removedUids = _.difference(memoryUids, storedUids); // uids of messages that are no longer stored on the disk // which messages are new on the disk that are not yet in memory? _.filter(storedMessages, function(msg) { return _.contains(newUids, msg.uid); }).forEach(function(newMessage) { // remove the body parts to not load unnecessary data to memory // however, don't do that for the outbox. load the full message there. if (folder.path !== config.outboxMailboxPath) { delete newMessage.bodyParts; } folder.messages.push(newMessage); }); // which messages are no longer on disk, i.e. have been removed/sent/... _.filter(folder.messages, function(msg) { return _.contains(removedUids, msg.uid); }).forEach(function(removedMessage) { // remove the message var index = folder.messages.indexOf(removedMessage); folder.messages.splice(index, 1); }); done(); }); function done(err) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner updateUnreadCount(folder); // update the unread count callback(err); } }; /** * Fetches a message's headers from IMAP. * * NB! If we fetch a message whose subject line correspond's to that of a verification message, * we try to verify that, and if that worked, we delete the verified message from IMAP. * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder for which to fetch the message * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the message is persisted and added to folder.messages */ EmailDAO.prototype.fetchMessages = function(options, callback) { var self = this, folder = options.folder; self._account.busy = true; if (! { done({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } // list the messages starting from the lowest new uid to the highest new uid self._imapListMessages(options, function(err, messages) { if (err) { done(err); return; } // if there are verification messages in the synced messages, handle it var verificationMessages = _.filter(messages, function(message) { return message.subject === str.verificationSubject; }); // if there are verification messages, continue after we've tried to verify if (verificationMessages.length > 0) { var after = _.after(verificationMessages.length, storeHeaders); verificationMessages.forEach(function(verificationMessage) { handleVerification(verificationMessage, function(err, isValid) { // if it was NOT a valid verification mail, do nothing // if an error occurred and the mail was a valid verification mail, // keep the mail in the list so the user can see it and verify manually if (!isValid || err) { after(); return; } // if verification worked, we remove the mail from the list. messages.splice(messages.indexOf(verificationMessage), 1); after(); }); }); return; } // no verification messages, just proceed as usual storeHeaders(); function storeHeaders() { if (_.isEmpty(messages)) { // nothing to do, we're done here done(); return; } // persist the encrypted message to the local storage self._localStoreMessages({ folder: folder, emails: messages }, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } // this enables us to already show the attachment clip in the message list ui messages.forEach(function(message) { message.attachments = message.bodyParts.filter(function(bodyPart) { return bodyPart.type === 'attachment'; }); }); [].unshift.apply(folder.messages, messages); // add the new messages to the folder updateUnreadCount(folder); // update the unread count self.onIncomingMessage(messages); // notify about new messages done(); }); } }); function done(err) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner callback(err); } // Handles verification of public keys, deletion of messages with verified keys function handleVerification(message, localCallback) { self._getBodyParts({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid, bodyParts: message.bodyParts }, function(error, parsedBodyParts) { // we could not stream the text to determine if the verification was valid or not // so handle it as if it were valid if (error) { localCallback(error, true); return; } var body = _.pluck(filterBodyParts(parsedBodyParts, 'text'), 'content').join('\n'), verificationUrlPrefix = config.cloudUrl + config.verificationUrl, uuid = body.split(verificationUrlPrefix).pop().substr(0, config.verificationUuidLength), uuidRegex = /[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}/; // there's no valid uuid in the message, so forget about it if (!uuidRegex.test(uuid)) { localCallback(null, false); return; } // there's a valid uuid in the message, so try to verify it self._keychain.verifyPublicKey(uuid, function(err) { if (err) { localCallback({ errMsg: 'Verifying your public key failed: ' + err.errMsg }, true); return; } // public key has been verified, delete the message self._imapDeleteMessage({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid }, function() { // if we could successfully not delete the message or not doesn't matter. // just don't show it in whiteout and keep quiet about it localCallback(null, true); }); }); }); } }; /** * Delete a message from IMAP, disk and folder.messages. * * Please note that this deletes from disk only if you delete from the outbox, * since it is not an IMAP folder but a virtual folder that only exists on disk. * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder from which to delete the messages * @param {Object} options.message The message that should be deleted * @param {Boolean} options.localOnly Indicated if the message should not be removed from IMAP * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the message was delete, or an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.deleteMessage = function(options, callback) { var self = this, folder = options.folder, message = options.message; self._account.busy = true; folder.messages.splice(folder.messages.indexOf(message), 1); // delete only locally if (options.localOnly || options.folder.path === config.outboxMailboxPath) { deleteLocal(); return; } deleteImap(); function deleteImap() { if (! { // no action if we're not online done({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } // delete from IMAP self._imapDeleteMessage({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid }, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } deleteLocal(); }); } function deleteLocal() { // delete from indexed db self._localDeleteMessage({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid }, done); } function done(err) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner if (err) { folder.messages.unshift(message); // re-add the message to the folder in case of an error } updateUnreadCount(folder); // update the unread count, if necessary callback(err); } }; /** * Updates a message's 'unread' and 'answered' flags * * Please note if you set flags on disk only if you delete from the outbox, * since it is not an IMAP folder but a virtual folder that only exists on disk. * * @param {[type]} options [description] * @param {Function} callback [description] */ EmailDAO.prototype.setFlags = function(options, callback) { var self = this, folder = options.folder, message = options.message; self._account.busy = true; // start the spinner // no-op if the message if not present anymore (for whatever reason) if (folder.messages.indexOf(message) < 0) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner return; } // don't do a roundtrip to IMAP, // especially if you want to mark outbox messages if (options.localOnly || options.folder.path === config.outboxMailboxPath) { markStorage(); return; } if (! { // no action if we're not online done({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } markImap(); function markImap() { // mark a message unread/answered on IMAP self._imapMark({ folder: folder, uid: options.message.uid, unread: options.message.unread, answered: options.message.answered }, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } markStorage(); }); } function markStorage() { // angular pollutes that data transfer objects with helper properties (e.g. $$hashKey), // which we do not want to persist to disk. in order to avoid that, we load the pristine // message from disk, change the flags and re-persist it to disk self._localListMessages({ folder: folder, uid: options.message.uid, }, function(err, storedMessages) { if (err) { done(err); return; } // set the flags var storedMessage = storedMessages[0]; storedMessage.unread = options.message.unread; storedMessage.answered = options.message.answered; storedMessage.modseq = options.message.modseq || storedMessage.modseq; // store self._localStoreMessages({ folder: folder, emails: [storedMessage] }, done); }); } function done(err) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner // updateUnreadCount(folder); // update the unread count callback(err); } }; /** * Streams message content * @param {Object} options.message The message for which to retrieve the body * @param {Object} options.folder The IMAP folder * @param {Function} callback(error, message) Invoked when the message is streamed, or provides information if an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.getBody = function(options, callback) { var self = this, message = options.message, folder = options.folder; // the message either already has a body or is fetching it right now, so no need to become active here if (message.loadingBody || typeof message.body !== 'undefined') { return; } message.loadingBody = true; /* * read this before inspecting the method! * * you will wonder about the round trip to the disk where we load the persisted object. there are two reasons for this behavior: * 1) if you work with a message that was loaded from the disk, we strip the message.bodyParts array, * because it is not really necessary to keep everything in memory * 2) the message in memory is polluted by angular. angular tracks ordering of a list by adding a property * to the model. this property is auto generated and must not be persisted. */ retrieveContent(); function retrieveContent() { // load the local message from memory self._localListMessages({ folder: folder, uid: message.uid }, function(err, localMessages) { if (err || localMessages.length === 0) { done(err); return; } var localMessage = localMessages[0]; // treat attachment and non-attachment body parts separately: // we need to fetch the content for non-attachment body parts (encrypted, signed, text, html) // but we spare the effort and fetch attachment content later upon explicit user request. var contentParts = localMessage.bodyParts.filter(function(bodyPart) { return bodyPart.type !== "attachment"; }); var attachmentParts = localMessage.bodyParts.filter(function(bodyPart) { return bodyPart.type === "attachment"; }); // do we need to fetch content from the imap server? var needsFetch = false; contentParts.forEach(function(part) { needsFetch = (typeof part.content === 'undefined'); }); if (!needsFetch) { // if we have all the content we need, // we can extract the content message.bodyParts = localMessage.bodyParts; extractContent(); return; } // get the raw content from the imap server self._getBodyParts({ folder: folder, uid: localMessage.uid, bodyParts: contentParts }, function(err, parsedBodyParts) { if (err) { done(err); return; } // piece together the parsed bodyparts and the empty attachments which have not been parsed message.bodyParts = parsedBodyParts.concat(attachmentParts); localMessage.bodyParts = parsedBodyParts.concat(attachmentParts); // persist it to disk self._localStoreMessages({ folder: folder, emails: [localMessage] }, function(error) { if (error) { done(error); return; } // extract the content extractContent(); }); }); }); } function extractContent() { if (message.encrypted) { // show the encrypted message message.body = filterBodyParts(message.bodyParts, 'encrypted')[0].content; done(); return; } // for unencrypted messages, this is the array where the body parts are located var root = message.bodyParts; if (message.signed) { var signedPart = filterBodyParts(message.bodyParts, 'signed')[0]; message.message = signedPart.message; message.signature = signedPart.signature; // TODO check integrity // in case of a signed message, you only want to show the signed content and ignore the rest root = signedPart.content; } // if the message is plain text and contains pgp/inline, we are only interested in the encrypted // content, the rest (corporate mail footer, attachments, etc.) is discarded. var body = _.pluck(filterBodyParts(root, 'text'), 'content').join('\n'); /* * here's how the regex works: * - any content before the PGP block will be discarded * - "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" must be at the beginning (and end) of a line * - "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" must be at the beginning (and end) of a line * - the regex must not match a pgp block in a plain text reply or forward of a pgp/inline message. * (the encryption will break for replies/forward, because "> " corrupts the PGP block with non-radix-64 characters) */ var match = body.match(/^-{5}BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-{5}$[^>]*^-{5}END PGP MESSAGE-{5}$/im); if (match) { // show the plain text content message.body = match[0]; // - replace the bodyParts info with an artificial bodyPart of type "encrypted" // - _isPgpInline is only used internally to avoid trying to parse non-MIME text with the mailreader // - set the encrypted flag so we can signal the ui that we're handling encrypted content message.encrypted = true; message.bodyParts = [{ type: 'encrypted', content: match[0], _isPgpInline: true }]; done(); return; } message.attachments = filterBodyParts(root, 'attachment'); message.body = body; message.html = _.pluck(filterBodyParts(root, 'html'), 'content').join('\n'); done(); } function done(err) { message.loadingBody = false; callback(err, err ? undefined : message); } }; /** * Retrieves an attachment matching a body part for a given uid and a folder * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder where to find the attachment * @param {Number} options.uid The uid for the message the attachment body part belongs to * @param {Object} options.attachment The attachment body part to fetch and parse from IMAP * @param {Function} callback(error, attachment) Invoked when the attachment body part was retrieved and parsed, or an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.getAttachment = function(options, callback) { this._getBodyParts({ folder: options.folder, uid: options.uid, bodyParts: [options.attachment] }, function(err, parsedBodyParts) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // add the content to the original object options.attachment.content = parsedBodyParts[0].content; callback(err, err ? undefined : options.attachment); }); }; /** * Decrypts a message and replaces sets the decrypted plaintext as the message's body, html, or attachment, respectively. * The first encrypted body part's ciphertext (in the content property) will be decrypted. * * @param {Object} options.message The message * @param {Function} callback(error, message) */ EmailDAO.prototype.decryptBody = function(options, callback) { var self = this, message = options.message; // the message is decrypting has no body, is not encrypted or has already been decrypted if (!message.bodyParts || message.decryptingBody || !message.body || !message.encrypted || message.decrypted) { callback(null, message); return; } message.decryptingBody = true; // get the sender's public key for signature checking self._keychain.getReceiverPublicKey(message.from[0].address, function(err, senderPublicKey) { if (err) { done(err); return; } if (!senderPublicKey) { // this should only happen if a mail from another channel is in the inbox showError('Public key for sender not found!'); return; } // get the receiver's public key to check the message signature var encryptedNode = filterBodyParts(message.bodyParts, 'encrypted')[0]; self._crypto.decrypt(encryptedNode.content, senderPublicKey.publicKey, function(err, decrypted) { if (err || !decrypted) { showError(err.errMsg || err.message || 'An error occurred during the decryption.'); return; } // if the encrypted node contains pgp/inline, we must not parse it // with the mailreader as it is not well-formed MIME if (encryptedNode._isPgpInline) { message.body = decrypted; message.decrypted = true; done(); return; } // the mailparser works on the .raw property encryptedNode.raw = decrypted; // parse the decrypted raw content in the mailparser self._mailreader.parse({ bodyParts: [encryptedNode] }, function(err, parsedBodyParts) { if (err) { showError(err.errMsg || err.message); return; } // we have successfully interpreted the descrypted message, // so let's update the views on the message parts message.body = _.pluck(filterBodyParts(parsedBodyParts, 'text'), 'content').join('\n'); message.html = _.pluck(filterBodyParts(parsedBodyParts, 'html'), 'content').join('\n'); message.attachments = _.reject(filterBodyParts(parsedBodyParts, 'attachment'), function(attmt) { // remove the pgp-signature from the attachments return attmt.mimeType === "application/pgp-signature"; }); message.decrypted = true; // we're done here! done(); }); }); }); function showError(msg) { message.body = msg; message.decrypted = true; // display error msh in body done(); } function done(err) { message.decryptingBody = false; callback(err, err ? undefined : message); } }; /** * Encrypted (if necessary) and sends a message with a predefined clear text greeting. * * @param {Object} The message to be sent * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the message was sent, or an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.sendEncrypted = function(options, callback) { var self = this; if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } // mime encode, sign, encrypt and send email via smtp self._pgpMailer.send({ encrypt: true, cleartextMessage: str.message + str.signature, smtpclient: options.smtpclient, mail:, publicKeysArmored: }, callback); }; /** * Sends a signed message in the plain * * @param {Object} The message to be sent * @param {Function} callback(error) Invoked when the message was sent, or an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.sendPlaintext = function(options, callback) { if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } // mime encode, sign and send email via smtp this._pgpMailer.send({ smtpclient: options.smtpclient, mail: }, callback); }; /** * Signs and encrypts a message * * @param {Object} The message to be encrypted * @param {Function} callback(error, message) Invoked when the message was encrypted, or an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype.encrypt = function(options, callback) { this._pgpbuilder.encrypt(options, callback); }; // // // Event Handlers // // /** * This handler should be invoked when navigator.onLine === true. It will try to connect a * given instance of the imap client. If the connection attempt was successful, it will * update the locally available folders with the newly received IMAP folder listing. * * @param {Object} options.imapClient The IMAP client used to receive messages * @param {Object} options.pgpMailer The SMTP client used to send messages * @param {Function} callback [description] */ EmailDAO.prototype.onConnect = function(options, callback) { var self = this; self._account.loggingIn = true; self._imapClient = options.imapClient; self._pgpMailer = options.pgpMailer; self._imapClient.login(function(err) { self._account.loggingIn = false; if (err) { callback(err); return; } // set status to online = true; // init folders self._initFolders(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // attach sync update handler self._imapClient.onSyncUpdate = self._onSyncUpdate.bind(self); // fill the imap mailboxCache with information we have locally available: // - highest locally available moseq // - list of locally available uids // - highest locally available uid // - next expected uid var mailboxCache = {}; self._account.folders.forEach(function(folder) { if (folder.messages.length === 0) { return; } var uids, highestModseq, lastUid; uids = _.pluck(folder.messages, 'uid').sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); lastUid = uids[uids.length - 1]; highestModseq = _.pluck(folder.messages, 'modseq').sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }).pop(); mailboxCache[folder.path] = { exists: lastUid, uidNext: lastUid + 1, uidlist: uids, highestModseq: highestModseq }; }); self._imapClient.mailboxCache = mailboxCache; // set up the imap client to listen for changes in the inbox var inbox = _.findWhere(self._account.folders, { type: 'Inbox' }); if (!inbox) { callback(); return; } self._imapClient.listenForChanges({ path: inbox.path }, callback); }); }); }; /** * This handler should be invoked when navigator.onLine === false. It will discard * the imap client and pgp mailer */ EmailDAO.prototype.onDisconnect = function() { = false; this._imapClient = undefined; this._pgpMailer = undefined; }; /** * The are updates in the IMAP folder of the following type * - 'new': a list of uids that are newly available * - 'deleted': a list of uids that were deleted from IMAP available * - 'messages': a list of messages (uid + flags) that where changes are available * * @param {String} options.type The type of the update * @param {String} options.path The mailbox for which updates are available * @param {Array} options.list Array containing update information. Number (uid) or mail with Object (uid and flags), respectively */ EmailDAO.prototype._onSyncUpdate = function(options) { var self = this; var folder = _.findWhere(self._account.folders, { path: options.path }); if (!folder) { // ignore updates for an unknown folder return; } if (options.type === 'new') { // new messages available on imap, fetch from imap and store to disk and memory self.fetchMessages({ folder: folder, firstUid: Math.min.apply(null, options.list), lastUid: Math.max.apply(null, options.list) }, self.onError.bind(self)); } else if (options.type === 'deleted') { // messages have been deleted, remove from local storage and memory options.list.forEach(function(uid) { var message = _.findWhere(folder.messages, { uid: uid }); if (!message) { return; } self.deleteMessage({ folder: folder, message: message, localOnly: true }, self.onError.bind(self)); }); } else if (options.type === 'messages') { // NB! several possible reasons why this could be called. // if a message in the array has uid value and flag array, it had a possible flag update options.list.forEach(function(changedMsg) { if (!changedMsg.uid || !changedMsg.flags) { return; } var message = _.findWhere(folder.messages, { uid: changedMsg.uid }); if (!message) { return; } // update unread, answered, modseq to the latest info message.answered = changedMsg.flags.indexOf('\\Answered') > -1; message.unread = changedMsg.flags.indexOf('\\Seen') === -1; message.modseq = changedMsg.modseq; self.setFlags({ folder: folder, message: message, localOnly: true }, self.onError.bind(self)); }); } }; // // // Internal API // // /** * Updates the folder information from memory (if we're offline), or from imap (if we're online), * and adds/removes folders in account.folders, if we added/removed folder in IMAP. If we have an * uninitialized folder that lacks folder.messages, all the locally available messages are loaded * from memory * * @param {Function} callback Invoked when the folders are up to date */ EmailDAO.prototype._initFolders = function(callback) { var self = this, folderDbType = 'folders'; self._account.busy = true; // start the spinner if (! { // fetch list from local cache self._devicestorage.listItems(folderDbType, 0, null, function(err, stored) { if (err) { done(err); return; } self._account.folders = stored[0] || []; readMessagesFromDisk(); }); return; } else { // fetch list from imap server self._imapClient.listWellKnownFolders(function(err, wellKnownFolders) { if (err) { done(err); return; } // this array is dropped directly into the ui to create the folder list var folders = [ wellKnownFolders.inbox, wellKnownFolders.sent, { type: 'Outbox', path: config.outboxMailboxPath }, wellKnownFolders.drafts, wellKnownFolders.trash ]; var foldersChanged = false; // indicates if are there any new/removed folders? // check for added folders folders.forEach(function(folder) { if (!_.findWhere(self._account.folders, { path: folder.path })) { // add the missing folder self._account.folders.push(folder); foldersChanged = true; } }); // check for deleted folders self._account.folders.forEach(function(folder) { if (!_.findWhere(folders, { path: folder.path })) { // remove the obsolete folder self._account.folders.splice(self._account.folder.indexOf(folder), 1); foldersChanged = true; } }); // if folder have changed, we need to persist them to disk. if (!foldersChanged) { readMessagesFromDisk(); return; } // persist encrypted list in device storage // NB! persis the array we received from IMAP! do *not* persist self._account.folders with all the messages... self._devicestorage.storeList([folders], folderDbType, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } readMessagesFromDisk(); }); }); return; } // fill uninitialized folders with the locally available messages function readMessagesFromDisk() { if (!self._account.folders || self._account.folders.length === 0) { done(); return; } var after = _.after(self._account.folders.length, done); self._account.folders.forEach(function(folder) { if (folder.messages) { // the folder is already initialized after(); return; } // sync messages from disk to the folder model self.refreshFolder({ folder: folder }, function(err) { if (err) { done(err); return; } after(); }); }); } function done(err) { self._account.busy = false; // stop the spinner callback(err); } }; // // // IMAP API // // /** * Mark messages as un-/read or un-/answered on IMAP * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder where to find the message * @param {Number} options.uid The uid for which to change the flags * @param {Number} options.unread Un-/Read flag * @param {Number} options.answered Un-/Answered flag */ EmailDAO.prototype._imapMark = function(options, callback) { if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } options.path = options.folder.path; this._imapClient.updateFlags(options, callback); }; /** * If we're in the trash folder or no trash folder is available, this deletes a message from IMAP. * Otherwise, it moves a message to the trash folder. * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder where to find the message * @param {Number} options.uid The uid of the message * @param {Function} callback(error) Callback with an error object in case something went wrong. */ EmailDAO.prototype._imapDeleteMessage = function(options, callback) { if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } var trash = _.findWhere(this._account.folders, { type: 'Trash' }); // there's no known trash folder to move the mail to or we're in the trash folder, so we can purge the message if (!trash || options.folder === trash) { this._imapClient.deleteMessage({ path: options.folder.path, uid: options.uid }, callback); return; } // move the message to the trash folder this._imapClient.moveMessage({ path: options.folder.path, destination: trash.path, uid: options.uid }, callback); }; /** * Get list messsage headers without the body * * @param {String} options.folder The folder * @param {Number} options.firstUid The lower bound of the uid (inclusive) * @param {Number} options.lastUid The upper bound of the uid range (inclusive) * @param {Function} callback (error, messages) The callback when the imap client is done fetching message metadata */ EmailDAO.prototype._imapListMessages = function(options, callback) { var self = this; if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } options.path = options.folder.path; self._imapClient.listMessages(options, callback); }; /** * Stream an email messsage's body * @param {String} options.folder The folder * @param {String} options.uid the message's uid * @param {Object} options.bodyParts The message, as retrieved by _imapListMessages * @param {Function} callback (error, message) The callback when the imap client is done streaming message text content */ EmailDAO.prototype._getBodyParts = function(options, callback) { var self = this; if (! { callback({ errMsg: 'Client is currently offline!', code: 42 }); return; } options.path = options.folder.path; self._imapClient.getBodyParts(options, function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // interpret the raw content of the email self._mailreader.parse(options, callback); }); }; // // // Local Storage API // // /** * List the locally available items form the indexed db stored under "email_[FOLDER PATH]_[MESSAGE UID]" (if a message was provided), * or "email_[FOLDER PATH]", respectively * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder for which to list the content * @param {Object} options.uid A specific uid to look up locally in the folder * @param {Function} callback(error, list) Invoked with the results of the query, or further information, if an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype._localListMessages = function(options, callback) { var dbType = 'email_' + options.folder.path + (options.uid ? '_' + options.uid : ''); this._devicestorage.listItems(dbType, 0, null, callback); }; /** * Stores a bunch of messages to the indexed db. The messages are stored under "email_[FOLDER PATH]_[MESSAGE UID]" * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder for which to list the content * @param {Array} options.messages The messages to store * @param {Function} callback(error, list) Invoked with the results of the query, or further information, if an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype._localStoreMessages = function(options, callback) { var dbType = 'email_' + options.folder.path; this._devicestorage.storeList(options.emails, dbType, callback); }; /** * Stores a bunch of messages to the indexed db. The messages are stored under "email_[FOLDER PATH]_[MESSAGE UID]" * * @param {Object} options.folder The folder for which to list the content * @param {Array} options.messages The messages to store * @param {Function} callback(error, list) Invoked with the results of the query, or further information, if an error occurred */ EmailDAO.prototype._localDeleteMessage = function(options, callback) { var path = options.folder.path, uid = options.uid, id =; if (!path || !(uid || id)) { callback({ errMsg: 'Invalid options!' }); return; } var dbType = 'email_' + path + '_' + (uid || id); this._devicestorage.removeList(dbType, callback); }; // // // Helper Functions // // /** * Updates a folder's unread count: * - For the outbox, that's the total number of messages, * - For every other folder, it's the number of unread messages */ function updateUnreadCount(folder) { var allMsgs = folder.messages.length, unreadMsgs = _.filter(folder.messages, function(msg) { return msg.unread; }).length; folder.count = folder.path === config.outboxMailboxPath ? allMsgs : unreadMsgs; } /** * Helper function that recursively traverses the body parts tree. Looks for bodyParts that match the provided type and aggregates them * * @param {Array} bodyParts The bodyParts array * @param {String} type The type to look up * @param {undefined} result Leave undefined, only used for recursion */ function filterBodyParts(bodyParts, type, result) { result = result || []; bodyParts.forEach(function(part) { if (part.type === type) { result.push(part); } else if (Array.isArray(part.content)) { filterBodyParts(part.content, type, result); } }); return result; } return EmailDAO; });