define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var expect = chai.expect, angular = require('angular'), mocks = require('angularMocks'), MailListCtrl = require('js/controller/mail-list'), EmailDAO = require('js/dao/email-dao'), DeviceStorageDAO = require('js/dao/devicestorage-dao'), KeychainDAO = require('js/dao/keychain-dao'), appController = require('js/app-controller'), notification = require('js/util/notification'); chai.Assertion.includeStack = true; describe('Mail List controller unit test', function() { var scope, ctrl, origEmailDao, emailDaoMock, keychainMock, deviceStorageMock, emailAddress, notificationClickedHandler, emails, hasChrome, hasSocket, hasRuntime, hasIdentity; beforeEach(function() { hasChrome = !!; hasSocket = !!; hasIdentity = !!; if (!hasChrome) { = {}; } if (!hasSocket) { = {}; } if (!hasRuntime) { = { getURL: function() {} }; } if (!hasIdentity) { = {}; } sinon.stub(notification, 'setOnClickedListener', function(func) { notificationClickedHandler = func; }); emails = [{ unread: true }, { unread: true }, { unread: true }]; appController._outboxBo = { pendingEmails: emails }; origEmailDao = appController._emailDao; emailDaoMock = sinon.createStubInstance(EmailDAO); appController._emailDao = emailDaoMock; emailAddress = ''; emailDaoMock._account = { emailAddress: emailAddress, }; keychainMock = sinon.createStubInstance(KeychainDAO); appController._keychain = keychainMock; deviceStorageMock = sinon.createStubInstance(DeviceStorageDAO); emailDaoMock._devicestorage = deviceStorageMock; angular.module('maillisttest', []); mocks.module('maillisttest'); mocks.inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); scope.state = { read: { toggle: function() {} } }; scope.loadVisibleBodies = function() {}; ctrl = $controller(MailListCtrl, { $scope: scope }); }); }); afterEach(function() { notification.setOnClickedListener.restore(); if (!hasSocket) { delete; } if (!hasRuntime) { delete; } if (!hasChrome) { delete; } if (!hasIdentity) { delete; } // restore the module appController._emailDao = origEmailDao; }); describe('displayMore', function() { beforeEach(function() { scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: { messages: ['a', 'b'] } }; }); it('should not do anything when display length equals messages length', function() { scope.displayMessages = ['a', 'b']; scope.displayMore(); expect(scope.displayMessages.length).to.equal(scope.state.nav.currentFolder.messages.length); }); it('should append next message interval', function() { scope.displayMessages = ['a']; scope.displayMore(); expect(scope.displayMessages.length).to.equal(scope.state.nav.currentFolder.messages.length); }); }); describe('displaySearchResults', function() { var clock; beforeEach(function() { scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: { messages: ['a', 'b'] } }; scope.watchMessages(); scope.watchOnline(); clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(function() { clock.restore(); }); it('should show initial message on empty', function() { scope.displaySearchResults(); expect(scope.searching); expect(scope.lastUpdateLbl).to.equal('Online'); expect(scope.displayMessages.length).to.equal(2); }); it('should show initial message on empty', function() { var searchStub = sinon.stub(scope, 'search'); searchStub.returns(['a']); scope.displaySearchResults('query'); expect(scope.searching); expect(scope.lastUpdateLbl).to.equal('Searching ...'); clock.tick(500); expect(scope.displayMessages).to.deep.equal(['a']); expect(scope.searching); expect(scope.lastUpdateLbl).to.equal('Matches in this folder'); }); }); describe('search', function() { var message1 = { to: [{ name: 'name1', address: 'address1' }], subject: 'subject1', body: 'body1', html: 'html1' }, message2 = { to: [{ name: 'name2', address: 'address2' }], subject: 'subject2', body: 'body2', html: 'html2' }, message3 = { to: [{ name: 'name3', address: 'address3' }], subject: 'subject3', body: 'body1', html: 'html1', encrypted: true }, message4 = { to: [{ name: 'name4', address: 'address4' }], subject: 'subject4', body: 'body1', html: 'html1', encrypted: true, decrypted: true }, testMessages = [message1, message2, message3, message4]; it('return same messages array on empty query string', function() { var result =, ''); expect(result).to.equal(testMessages); }); it('return message1 on matching subject', function() { var result =, 'subject1'); expect(result.length).to.equal(1); expect(result[0]).to.equal(message1); }); it('return message1 on matching name', function() { var result =, 'name1'); expect(result.length).to.equal(1); expect(result[0]).to.equal(message1); }); it('return message1 on matching address', function() { var result =, 'address1'); expect(result.length).to.equal(1); expect(result[0]).to.equal(message1); }); it('return plaintext and decrypted messages on matching body', function() { var result =, 'body1'); expect(result.length).to.equal(2); expect(result[0]).to.equal(message1); expect(result[1]).to.equal(message4); }); it('return plaintext and decrypted messages on matching html', function() { var result =, 'html1'); expect(result.length).to.equal(2); expect(result[0]).to.equal(message1); expect(result[1]).to.equal(message4); }); }); describe('scope variables', function() { it('should be set correctly', function() { expect(; expect(scope.remove).to.exist; expect(scope.state.mailList).to.exist; }); }); describe('push notification', function() { beforeEach(function() { scope._stopWatchTask(); }); it('should succeed for single mail', function(done) { var mail = { uid: 123, from: [{ address: 'asd' }], subject: 'this is the subject!', unread: true }; sinon.stub(notification, 'create', function(opts) { expect('' + mail.uid); expect(opts.title).to.equal(mail.from[0].address); expect(opts.message).to.equal(mail.subject); notification.create.restore(); done(); }); emailDaoMock.onIncomingMessage([mail]); }); it('should succeed for multiple mails', function(done) { var mails = [{ uid: 1, from: [{ address: 'asd' }], subject: 'this is the subject!', unread: true }, { uid: 2, from: [{ address: 'qwe' }], subject: 'this is the other subject!', unread: true }, { uid: 3, from: [{ address: 'qwe' }], subject: 'this is the other subject!', unread: false }]; sinon.stub(notification, 'create', function(opts) { expect('' + mails[0].uid); expect(opts.title).to.equal('2 new messages'); expect(opts.message).to.equal(mails[0].subject + '\n' + mails[1].subject); notification.create.restore(); done(); }); emailDaoMock.onIncomingMessage(mails); }); it('should focus mail when clicked', function() { var mail = { uid: 123, from: [{ address: 'asd' }], subject: 'asdasd', unread: true }; scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: { type: 'asd', messages: [mail] } }; notificationClickedHandler('123'); expect(scope.state.mailList.selected).to.equal(mail); }); it('should not change focus mail when popup id is NaN', function() { scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: { type: 'asd', messages: [] } }; var focus = scope.state.mailList.selected = {}; notificationClickedHandler(''); expect(scope.state.mailList.selected).to.equal(focus); }); }); describe('getBody', function() { it('should get the mail content', function() { scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: { type: 'asd', } }; scope.getBody(); expect(emailDaoMock.getBody.calledOnce); }); }); describe('select', function() { it('should decrypt, focus mark an unread mail as read', function() { var mail = { from: [{ address: 'asd' }], unread: true, }; scope.state = { nav: { currentFolder: { type: 'asd' } }, mailList: {}, read: { toggle: function() {} } }; keychainMock.refreshKeyForUserId.withArgs(mail.from[0].address).yields();; expect(emailDaoMock.decryptBody.calledOnce); expect(keychainMock.refreshKeyForUserId.calledOnce); expect(scope.state.mailList.selected).to.equal(mail); }); it('should decrypt and focus a read mail', function() { var mail = { from: [{ address: 'asd' }], unread: false }; scope.state = { mailList: {}, read: { toggle: function() {} }, nav: { currentFolder: { type: 'asd' } } }; keychainMock.refreshKeyForUserId.withArgs(mail.from[0].address).yields();; expect(emailDaoMock.decryptBody.calledOnce); expect(keychainMock.refreshKeyForUserId.calledOnce); expect(scope.state.mailList.selected).to.equal(mail); }); }); describe('remove', function() { it('should not delete without a selected mail', function() { scope.remove(); }); it('should delete the selected mail', function() { var uid, mail, currentFolder; scope._stopWatchTask(); scope.account = {}; uid = 123; mail = { uid: uid, from: [{ address: 'asd' }], subject: '[whiteout] asdasd', unread: true }; currentFolder = { type: 'Inbox', path: 'INBOX', messages: [mail] }; scope.account.folders = [currentFolder]; scope.state.nav = { currentFolder: currentFolder }; emailDaoMock.deleteMessage.yields(); scope.remove(mail); expect(emailDaoMock.deleteMessage.calledOnce); expect(scope.state.mailList.selected).to.exist; }); }); }); });