/** * High level crypto api that handles all calls to OpenPGP.js */ define(function(require) { 'use strict'; var openpgp = require('openpgp'), util = require('openpgp').util, config = require('js/app-config').config; var PGP = function() { openpgp.initWorker(config.workerPath + '/../lib/openpgp/openpgp.worker.js'); }; /** * Generate a key pair for the user */ PGP.prototype.generateKeys = function(options, callback) { var userId; if (!util.emailRegEx.test(options.emailAddress) || !options.keySize || typeof options.passphrase !== 'string') { callback({ errMsg: 'Crypto init failed. Not all options set!' }); return; } // generate keypair (keytype 1=RSA) userId = 'Whiteout User <' + options.emailAddress + '>'; openpgp.generateKeyPair(1, options.keySize, userId, options.passphrase, onGenerated); function onGenerated(err, keys) { if (err) { callback({ errMsg: 'Keygeneration failed!', err: err }); return; } callback(null, { keyId: keys.key.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex().toUpperCase(), privateKeyArmored: keys.privateKeyArmored, publicKeyArmored: keys.publicKeyArmored }); } }; /** * Show a user's fingerprint */ PGP.prototype.getFingerprint = function(keyArmored) { function fingerprint(key) { return util.hexstrdump(key.getKeyPacket().getFingerprint()).toUpperCase(); } // process armored key input if (keyArmored) { return fingerprint(openpgp.key.readArmored(keyArmored).keys[0]); } if (!this._publicKey) { throw new Error('No public key set for fingerprint generation!'); } // get local fingerpring return fingerprint(this._publicKey); }; /** * Show a user's key id */ PGP.prototype.getKeyId = function() { var pubKeyId, privKeyId; // check keys if (!this._privateKey || !this._publicKey) { return; } pubKeyId = this._publicKey.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex().toUpperCase(); privKeyId = this._privateKey.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex().toUpperCase(); if (!pubKeyId || !privKeyId || pubKeyId !== privKeyId) { console.error('Key IDs do not match!'); return; } return pubKeyId; }; /** * Import the user's key pair */ PGP.prototype.importKeys = function(options, callback) { var pubKeyId, privKeyId, self = this; // check options if (typeof options.passphrase !== 'string' || !options.privateKeyArmored || !options.publicKeyArmored) { callback({ errMsg: 'Importing keys failed. Not all options set!' }); return; } function resetKeys() { self._publicKey = undefined; self._privateKey = undefined; } // read armored keys try { this._publicKey = openpgp.key.readArmored(options.publicKeyArmored).keys[0]; this._privateKey = openpgp.key.readArmored(options.privateKeyArmored).keys[0]; } catch (e) { resetKeys(); callback({ errMsg: 'Importing keys failed. Parsing error!' }); return; } // decrypt private key with passphrase if (!this._privateKey.decrypt(options.passphrase)) { resetKeys(); callback({ errMsg: 'Incorrect passphrase!' }); return; } // check if keys have the same id pubKeyId = this._publicKey.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex(); privKeyId = this._privateKey.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex(); if (!pubKeyId || !privKeyId || pubKeyId !== privKeyId) { resetKeys(); callback({ errMsg: 'Key IDs dont match!' }); return; } callback(); }; /** * Export the user's key pair */ PGP.prototype.exportKeys = function(callback) { if (!this._publicKey || !this._privateKey) { callback({ errMsg: 'Could not export keys!' }); return; } callback(null, { keyId: this._publicKey.getKeyPacket().getKeyId().toHex().toUpperCase(), privateKeyArmored: this._privateKey.armor(), publicKeyArmored: this._publicKey.armor() }); }; /** * Encrypt and sign a pgp message for a list of receivers */ PGP.prototype.encrypt = function(plaintext, publicKeysArmored, callback) { var publicKeys = []; // check keys if (!this._privateKey || publicKeysArmored.length < 1) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error encrypting. Keys must be set!' }); return; } // parse armored public keys try { publicKeysArmored.forEach(function(pubkeyArmored) { publicKeys.push(openpgp.key.readArmored(pubkeyArmored).keys[0]); }); } catch (err) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error encrypting plaintext!', err: err }); return; } // encrypt and sign the plaintext openpgp.signAndEncryptMessage(publicKeys, this._privateKey, plaintext, callback); }; /** * Decrypt and verify a pgp message for a single sender */ PGP.prototype.decrypt = function(ciphertext, publicKeyArmored, callback) { var publicKey, message, signaturesValid; // check keys if (!this._privateKey || !publicKeyArmored) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error decrypting. Keys must be set!' }); return; } // read keys and ciphertext message try { publicKey = openpgp.key.readArmored(publicKeyArmored).keys[0]; message = openpgp.message.readArmored(ciphertext); } catch (err) { callback({ errMsg: 'Error decrypting PGP message!', err: err }); return; } // decrypt and verify pgp message openpgp.decryptAndVerifyMessage(this._privateKey, [publicKey], message, onDecrypted); function onDecrypted(err, decrypted) { // check if signatures are valid signaturesValid = true; decrypted.signatures.forEach(function(sig) { if (!sig.valid) { signaturesValid = false; } }); if (!signaturesValid) { callback({ errMsg: 'Verifying PGP signature failed!' }); return; } // return decrypted plaintext callback(null, decrypted.text); } }; return PGP; });