(function() { 'use strict'; app.view.ComposeView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(args) { var self = this; this.template = _.template(app.util.tpl.get('compose')); this.account = args.account; this.folder = args.folder; if (args.folder && args.messageId) { // fetch reply-to email model // post message to main window app.util.postMessage('getEmail', { folder: args.folder, messageId: args.messageId }, function(resArgs) { var err = resArgs.err; if (err) { window.alert(JSON.stringify(err)); return; } // set mail to reply to self.replyTo = resArgs.email; args.callback(self); }); } else { args.callback(self); } }, render: function() { var self = this, page = $(this.el); page.html(this.template()); // prefill fields for reply if (this.replyTo) { self.fillFields(); } // handle back button page.find('#backBtn').on('vmousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.goBackToLastPage(); }); // handle send button page.find('#sendBtn').on('vmousedown', function() { self.sendEmail(); }); return this; }, fillFields: function() { var page = $(this.el), re = this.replyTo, from = re.from[0], subject = re.subject; // fill recipient field var replyToAddress = from.address; page.find('#toInput').val(replyToAddress); // fill subject subject = 'Re: ' + ((subject) ? subject.replace('Re: ', '') : ''); page.find('#subjectInput').val(subject); // fill text body var body = '\n\n' + re.sentDate + ' ' + from.name + ' <' + from.address + '>\n'; var bodyRows = re.body.split('\n'); var isHtml = false; _.each(bodyRows, function(row) { if (row.indexOf(' ' + row + '\n' : ''; }); page.find('#bodyTextarea').text(body); }, /** * Send an email via the email dao */ sendEmail: function() { var self = this, page = $(this.el); $.mobile.loading('show', { text: 'sending...', textVisible: true }); // validate recipients var to = page.find('#toInput').val().replace(/\s/g, '').split(/[,;]/); if (!to || to.length < 1) { window.alert('Seperate recipients with a comma!'); return; } var signature = '\n\nSent with whiteout mail - get your free mailbox for end-2-end encrypted messaging!\nhttps://mail.whiteout.io'; var email = { from: self.account, to: to, subject: page.find('#subjectInput').val(), body: page.find('#bodyTextarea').val() + signature }; // post message to main window app.util.postMessage('sendEmail', { email: email }, function(resArgs) { var err = resArgs.err; $.mobile.loading('hide'); if (err) { window.alert(JSON.stringify(err)); return; } self.goBackToLastPage(); }); }, /** * Go back to the last activity * depending from where to compose dialog was opened */ goBackToLastPage: function() { if (this.folder) { window.location = '#accounts/' + this.account + '/folders/' + this.folder; } else { window.location = '#accounts/' + this.account + '/folders'; } } }); }());