'use strict'; var axe = require('axe-logger'), cfg = require('../app-config').config, str = require('../app-config').string; var EMAIL_ADDR_DB_KEY = 'emailaddress'; var USERNAME_DB_KEY = 'username'; var REALNAME_DB_KEY = 'realname'; var PASSWD_DB_KEY = 'password'; var IMAP_DB_KEY = 'imap'; var SMTP_DB_KEY = 'smtp'; /** * The Auth BO handles the rough edges and gaps between user/password authentication * and OAuth via Chrome Identity API. * Typical usage: * var auth = new Auth(...); * auth.setCredentials(...); // during the account setup * auth.getEmailAddress(...); // called from the login controller to determine if there is already a user present on the device * auth.getCredentials(...); // called to gather all the information to connect to IMAP/SMTP, * username, password / oauth token, IMAP/SMTP server host names, ... */ var Auth = function(appConfigStore, oauth, pgp) { this._appConfigStore = appConfigStore; this._oauth = oauth; this._pgp = pgp; }; /** * Retrieves credentials and IMAP/SMTP settings: * 1) Fetches the credentials from disk, then... * 2 a) ... in an oauth setting, retrieves a fresh oauth token from the Chrome Identity API. * 2 b) ... in a user/passwd setting, does not need to do additional work. * 3) Loads the intermediate certs from the configuration. * * @param {Function} callback(err, credentials) */ Auth.prototype.getCredentials = function(callback) { var self = this; if (!self.emailAddress) { // we're not yet initialized, so let's load our stuff from disk self._loadCredentials(function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } chooseLogin(); }); return; } chooseLogin(); function chooseLogin() { if (self.useOAuth(self.imap.host) && !self.password) { // oauth login self.getOAuthToken(function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } done(); }); return; } if (self.passwordNeedsDecryption) { // decrypt password self._pgp.decrypt(self.password, undefined, function(err, cleartext) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.passwordNeedsDecryption = false; self.password = cleartext; done(); }); return; } done(); } function done() { var credentials = { imap: { secure: self.imap.secure, port: self.imap.port, host: self.imap.host, ca: self.imap.ca, auth: { user: self.username, xoauth2: self.oauthToken, // password or oauthToken is undefined pass: self.password } }, smtp: { secure: self.smtp.secure, port: self.smtp.port, host: self.smtp.host, ca: self.smtp.ca, auth: { user: self.username, xoauth2: self.oauthToken, pass: self.password // password or oauthToken is undefined } } }; callback(null, credentials); } }; /** * Set the credentials * * @param {String} options.emailAddress The email address * @param {String} options.username The user name * @param {String} options.realname The user's real name * @param {String} options.password The password, only in user/passwd setting * @param {String} options.smtp The smtp settings (host, port, secure) * @param {String} options.imap The imap settings (host, port, secure) */ Auth.prototype.setCredentials = function(options) { this.credentialsDirty = true; this.emailAddress = options.emailAddress; this.username = options.username; this.realname = options.realname ? options.realname : ''; this.password = options.password; this.smtp = options.smtp; // host, port, secure, ca this.imap = options.imap; // host, port, secure, ca }; Auth.prototype.storeCredentials = function(callback) { var self = this; if (!self.credentialsDirty) { return callback(); } // persist the config self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.smtp], SMTP_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.imap], IMAP_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.emailAddress], EMAIL_ADDR_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.username], USERNAME_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.realname], REALNAME_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!self.password) { self.credentialsDirty = false; return callback(); } if (self.passwordNeedsDecryption) { // password is not decrypted yet, so no need to re-encrypt it before storing... self._appConfigStore.storeList([self.password], PASSWD_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.credentialsDirty = false; callback(); }); return; } self._pgp.encrypt(self.password, undefined, function(err, ciphertext) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self._appConfigStore.storeList([ciphertext], PASSWD_DB_KEY, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.credentialsDirty = false; callback(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Returns the email address. Loads it from disk, if necessary */ Auth.prototype.getEmailAddress = function(callback) { var self = this; if (self.emailAddress) { return callback(null, { emailAddress: self.emailAddress, realname: self.realname }); } self._loadCredentials(function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, { emailAddress: self.emailAddress, realname: self.realname }); }); }; /** * Check if the current platform and mail provider support OAuth. * @param {String} hostname The hostname of the mail server e.g. imap.gmail.com * @return {Boolean} If oauth should be used */ Auth.prototype.useOAuth = function(hostname) { if (!this._oauth.isSupported()) { return false; } var regex = cfg.oauthDomains; for (var i = 0; i < regex.length; i++) { if (regex[i].test(hostname)) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * READ FIRST b/c usage of the oauth api is weird. * the chrome identity api will let you query an oauth token for an email account without knowing * the corresponding email address. also, android has multiple accounts whereas desktop chrome only * has one user logged in. * 1) try to read the email address from the configuration (see above) * 2) fetch the oauth token. if we already HAVE an email address at this point, we can spare * popping up the account picker on android! if not, the account picker will pop up. this * is android only, since the desktop chrome will query the user that is logged into chrome * 3) fetch the email address for the oauth token from the chrome identity api */ Auth.prototype.getOAuthToken = function(callback) { var self = this; if (self.oauthToken) { // removed cached token and get a new one self._oauth.refreshToken({ emailAddress: self.emailAddress, oldToken: self.oauthToken }, onToken); } else { // get a fresh oauth token self._oauth.getOAuthToken(self.emailAddress, onToken); } function onToken(err, oauthToken) { if (err) { return callback(err); } // shortcut if the email address is already known if (self.emailAddress) { self.oauthToken = oauthToken; return callback(); } // query the email address self._oauth.queryEmailAddress(oauthToken, function(err, emailAddress) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.oauthToken = oauthToken; self.emailAddress = emailAddress; callback(); }); } }; /** * Loads email address, password, ... from disk and sets them on `this` */ Auth.prototype._loadCredentials = function(callback) { var self = this; if (self.initialized) { callback(); } loadFromDB(SMTP_DB_KEY, function(err, smtp) { if (err) { return callback(err); } loadFromDB(IMAP_DB_KEY, function(err, imap) { if (err) { return callback(err); } loadFromDB(USERNAME_DB_KEY, function(err, username) { if (err) { return callback(err); } loadFromDB(REALNAME_DB_KEY, function(err, realname) { if (err) { return callback(err); } loadFromDB(EMAIL_ADDR_DB_KEY, function(err, emailAddress) { if (err) { return callback(err); } loadFromDB(PASSWD_DB_KEY, function(err, password) { if (err) { return callback(err); } self.emailAddress = emailAddress; self.password = password; self.passwordNeedsDecryption = !!password; self.username = username; self.realname = realname; self.smtp = smtp; self.imap = imap; self.initialized = true; callback(); }); }); }); }); }); }); function loadFromDB(key, callback) { self._appConfigStore.listItems(key, 0, null, function(err, cachedItems) { callback(err, (!err && cachedItems && cachedItems[0])); }); } }; /** * Handles certificate updates and errors by notifying the user. * @param {String} component Either imap or smtp * @param {Function} callback The error handler * @param {[type]} pemEncodedCert The PEM encoded SSL certificate */ Auth.prototype.handleCertificateUpdate = function(component, onConnect, callback, pemEncodedCert) { var self = this; axe.debug('new ssl certificate received: ' + pemEncodedCert); if (!self[component].ca) { // no previous ssl cert, trust on first use self[component].ca = pemEncodedCert; self.credentialsDirty = true; self.storeCredentials(callback); return; } if (self[component].ca === pemEncodedCert) { // ignore multiple successive tls handshakes, e.g. for gmail return; } // previous ssl cert known, does not match: query user and certificate callback({ title: str.updateCertificateTitle, message: str.updateCertificateMessage.replace('{0}', self[component].host), positiveBtnStr: str.updateCertificatePosBtn, negativeBtnStr: str.updateCertificateNegBtn, showNegativeBtn: true, faqLink: str.certificateFaqLink, callback: function(granted) { if (!granted) { return; } self[component].ca = pemEncodedCert; self.storeCredentials(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } onConnect(callback); }); } }); }; /** * Logout of the app by clearing the app config store and in memory credentials */ Auth.prototype.logout = function(callback) { var self = this; // clear app config db self._appConfigStore.clear(function(err) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // clear in memory cache self.setCredentials({}); self.initialized = undefined; self.credentialsDirty = undefined; self.passwordNeedsDecryption = undefined; callback(); }); }; module.exports = Auth;