'use strict'; var LoginCtrl = function($scope, $timeout, $location, updateHandler, account, auth, email, keychain, dialog, appConfig) { // // Scope functions // $scope.init = function() { // initialize the user account return auth.init().then(function() { // get email address return auth.getEmailAddress(); }).then(function(info) { // check if account needs to be selected if (!info.emailAddress) { return $scope.goTo('/add-account'); } // initiate the account by initializing the email dao and user storage return account.init({ emailAddress: info.emailAddress, realname: info.realname }).then(function(availableKeys) { return redirect(availableKeys); }); }).catch(dialog.error); }; function redirect(availableKeys) { if (availableKeys && availableKeys.publicKey && availableKeys.privateKey) { // public and private key available, try empty passphrase var passphraseIncorrect; return email.unlock({ keypair: availableKeys, passphrase: undefined }).catch(function() { passphraseIncorrect = true; // passphrase set... ask for passphrase return $scope.goTo('/login-existing'); }).then(function() { if (passphraseIncorrect) { return; } // no passphrase set... go to main screen return auth.storeCredentials().then(function() { return $scope.goTo('/account'); }); }); } else if (availableKeys && availableKeys.publicKey && !availableKeys.privateKey) { // check if private key is synced return keychain.requestPrivateKeyDownload({ userId: availableKeys.publicKey.userId, keyId: availableKeys.publicKey._id, }).then(function(privateKeySynced) { if (privateKeySynced) { // private key is synced, proceed to download return $scope.goTo('/login-privatekey-download'); } else { // no private key, import key file return $scope.goTo('/login-new-device'); } }); } else { // no public key available, start onboarding process return $scope.goTo('/login-initial'); } } $scope.goTo = function(location) { return $timeout(function() { $location.path(location); }); }; // // Start the app // // check for app update updateHandler.checkForUpdate(); // init the app if (!appConfig.preventAutoStart) { $scope.init(); } }; module.exports = LoginCtrl;