mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/mail synced 2025-03-03 02:01:45 -05:00

integration tests all work again

This commit is contained in:
Tankred Hase 2013-06-01 00:04:58 +02:00
parent d7f6c89062
commit a58753d82b
3 changed files with 41 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
qunit: {
all: {
options: {
urls: ['http://localhost:<%= connect.test.options.port %>/test/unit/index.html']
urls: [
'http://localhost:<%= connect.test.options.port %>/test/unit/index.html',
'http://localhost:<%= connect.test.options.port %>/test/integration/index.html']

View File

@ -131,104 +131,6 @@ app.dao.EmailDAO = function(_, crypto, devicestorage, cloudstorage, util, keycha
* Checks the user virtual inbox containing end-2-end encrypted mail items
this.checkVInbox = function(callback) {
var self = this;
cloudstorage.listEncryptedItems('email', this.account.get('emailAddress'), 'vinbox', function(err, data) {
// if virtual inbox is emtpy just callback
if (err || !data || data.status || data.length === 0) {
callback(); // error
// asynchronously iterate over the encrypted items
var after = _.after(data.length, function() {
_.each(data, function(asymCt) {
// asymmetric decrypt
asymDecryptMail(asymCt, function(err, pt) {
if (err) {
// symmetric encrypt and push to cloud
symEncryptAndUpload(pt, function(err) {
if (err) {
// delete asymmetricall encrypted item from virtual inbox
deleteVinboxItem(asymCt, function(err) {
if (err) {
after(); // asynchronously iterate through objects
function asymDecryptMail(m, callback) {
var pubKeyId = m.senderPk.split(';')[1];
// pull the sender's public key
cloudstorage.getPublicKey(pubKeyId, function(err, senderPk) {
if (err) {
// do authenticated decryption
naclCrypto.asymDecrypt(m.ciphertext, m.itemIV, senderPk.publicKey, keypair.boxSk, function(plaintext) {
callback(null, JSON.parse(plaintext));
function symEncryptAndUpload(email, callback) {
var itemKey = util.random(self.account.get('symKeySize')),
itemIV = util.random(self.account.get('symIvSize')),
keyIV = util.random(self.account.get('symIvSize')),
json = JSON.stringify(email),
envelope, encryptedKey;
// symmetrically encrypt item
crypto.aesEncrypt(json, itemKey, itemIV, function(ct) {
// encrypt item key for user
encryptedKey = crypto.aesEncryptForUserSync(itemKey, keyIV);
envelope = {
id: email.id,
crypto: 'aes-128-ccm',
ciphertext: ct,
encryptedKey: encryptedKey,
keyIV: keyIV,
itemIV: itemIV
// push encrypted item to cloud
cloudstorage.putEncryptedItem(envelope, 'email', self.account.get('emailAddress'), 'inbox', function(err) {
function deleteVinboxItem(email, callback) {
cloudstorage.deleteEncryptedItem(email.id, 'email', self.account.get('emailAddress'), 'vinbox', function(err) {
* Synchronize a folder's items from the cloud to the device-storage
* @param folderName [String] The name of the folder e.g. 'inbox'

View File

@ -135,61 +135,51 @@ asyncTest("Get Public Keys", 2, function() {
module("Email DAO");
// asyncTest("Init", 1, function() {
asyncTest("Init", 1, function() {
var account = new app.model.Account({
emailAddress: cloudstoragedao_test.user,
symKeySize: cloudstoragedao_test.keySize,
symIvSize: cloudstoragedao_test.ivSize,
asymKeySize: cloudstoragedao_test.rsaKeySize
// var account = new app.model.Account({
// emailAddress: cloudstoragedao_test.user,
// symKeySize: cloudstoragedao_test.keySize,
// symIvSize: cloudstoragedao_test.ivSize,
// asymKeySize: cloudstoragedao_test.rsaKeySize
// });
cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.init(account, cloudstoragedao_test.password, function(err) {
ok(!err, 'Init complete');
// cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.init(account, cloudstoragedao_test.password, function(err) {
// ok(!err, 'Init complete');
// start();
// });
// });
asyncTest("Send Plaintext Email item", 1, function() {
var email = new app.model.Email({
id: cloudstoragedao_test.util.UUID(),
from: cloudstoragedao_test.user, // sender address
to: [cloudstoragedao_test.user], // list of receivers
subject: 'Client Email DAO Test', // Subject line
body: 'Hello world' // plaintext body
// asyncTest("Send Plaintext Email item", 1, function() {
cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.sendEmail(email, function(err) {
ok(!err, 'Email sent');
// var email = new app.model.Email({
// id: cloudstoragedao_test.util.UUID(),
// from: cloudstoragedao_test.user, // sender address
// to: [cloudstoragedao_test.user], // list of receivers
// subject: 'Client Email DAO Test', // Subject line
// body: 'Hello world' // plaintext body
// });
// cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.sendEmail(email, function(err) {
// ok(!err, 'Email sent');
asyncTest("Sync emails from cloud", 1, function() {
cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.syncFromCloud('inbox', function(err) {
ok(!err, 'Synced items');
// start();
// });
// });
// asyncTest("Check virtual inbox, re-encrypt and push to cloud", 1, function() {
// cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.checkVInbox(function(err) {
// ok(!err, 'Synced items');
asyncTest("List emails from cloud", 2, function() {
// start();
// });
// });
cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.listItems('inbox', 0, null, function(err, collection) {
ok(collection.length > 0, 'Read synced items');
// asyncTest("Sync emails from cloud", 1, function() {
// cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.syncFromCloud('inbox', function(err) {
// ok(!err, 'Synced items');
// start();
// });
// });
// asyncTest("List emails from cloud", 3, function() {
// cloudstoragedao_test.emailDao.listItems('inbox', 0, null, function(err, collection) {
// ok(!err);
// ok(collection.length > 0, 'Read synced items');
// start();
// });
// });