
176 lines
5.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Com.Keepassdroid.Database;
using Com.Keepassdroid.Database.Exception;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Cryptography;
using KeePassLib.Interfaces;
using KeePassLib.Keys;
using KeePassLib.Security;
using Exception = System.Exception;
using PwIcon = KeePassLib.PwIcon;
namespace keepass2android
class KdbDatabaseLoader: IDatabaseLoader
private Dictionary<PwUuid, AdditionalGroupData> _groupData = new Dictionary<PwUuid, AdditionalGroupData>();
public void PopulateDatabaseFromStream(PwDatabase db, CompositeKey key, Stream s, IStatusLogger slLogger)
var importer = new Com.Keepassdroid.Database.Load.ImporterV3();
var hashingStream = new HashingStreamEx(s, false, new SHA256Managed());
string password = "";//no need to distinguish between null and "" because empty passwords are invalid (and null is not allowed)
KcpPassword passwordKey = (KcpPassword)key.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpPassword));
if (passwordKey != null)
password = passwordKey.Password.ReadString();
KcpKeyFile passwordKeyfile = (KcpKeyFile)key.GetUserKey(typeof(KcpKeyFile));
MemoryStream keyfileStream = null;
if (passwordKeyfile != null)
keyfileStream = new MemoryStream(passwordKeyfile.RawFileData.ReadData());
var dbv3 = importer.OpenDatabase(hashingStream, password, keyfileStream);
db.Name = dbv3.Name;
db.RootGroup = ConvertGroup(dbv3.RootGroup);
catch (Java.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
throw new FileNotFoundException(
e.Message, e);
catch (Java.Lang.Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.LocalizedMessage ??
e.Message ??
e.GetType().Name, e);
HashOfLastStream = hashingStream.Hash;
if (HashOfLastStream == null)
throw new Exception("hashing didn't work"); //todo remove
throw new Exception("Kdb is excluded with Key transform!");
private PwGroup ConvertGroup(PwGroupV3 groupV3)
PwGroup pwGroup = new PwGroup(true, false);
pwGroup.Name = groupV3.Name;
pwGroup.CreationTime = ConvertTime(groupV3.TCreation);
pwGroup.LastAccessTime = ConvertTime(groupV3.TLastAccess);
pwGroup.LastModificationTime = ConvertTime(groupV3.TLastMod);
pwGroup.Expires = !PwGroupV3.NeverExpire.Equals(groupV3.TExpire);
if (pwGroup.Expires)
pwGroup.ExpiryTime = ConvertTime(groupV3.TExpire);
if (groupV3.Icon != null)
pwGroup.IconId = (PwIcon) groupV3.Icon.IconId;
_groupData.Add(pwGroup.Uuid, new AdditionalGroupData
Flags = groupV3.Flags,
Id = groupV3.Id.Id
for (int i = 0; i < groupV3.ChildGroups.Count;i++)
pwGroup.AddGroup(ConvertGroup(groupV3.GetGroupAt(i)), true);
for (int i = 0; i < groupV3.ChildEntries.Count; i++)
var entry = groupV3.GetEntryAt(i);
if (entry.IsMetaStream)
pwGroup.AddEntry(ConvertEntry(entry), true);
return pwGroup;
private PwEntry ConvertEntry(PwEntryV3 entryV3)
PwEntry pwEntry = new PwEntry(false, false);
pwEntry.Uuid = new PwUuid(entryV3.Uuid.ToArray());
pwEntry.CreationTime = ConvertTime(entryV3.TCreation);
pwEntry.LastAccessTime = ConvertTime(entryV3.TLastAccess);
pwEntry.LastModificationTime = ConvertTime(entryV3.TLastMod);
pwEntry.Expires = entryV3.Expires();
if (pwEntry.Expires)
pwEntry.ExpiryTime = ConvertTime(entryV3.TExpire);
if (entryV3.Icon != null)
pwEntry.IconId = (PwIcon) entryV3.Icon.IconId;
SetFieldIfAvailable(pwEntry, PwDefs.TitleField, false, entryV3.Title);
SetFieldIfAvailable(pwEntry, PwDefs.UserNameField, false, entryV3.Username);
SetFieldIfAvailable(pwEntry, PwDefs.UrlField, false, entryV3.Url);
SetFieldIfAvailable(pwEntry, PwDefs.PasswordField, true, entryV3.Password);
SetFieldIfAvailable(pwEntry, PwDefs.NotesField, true, entryV3.Additional);
if ((entryV3.GetBinaryData() != null) && (entryV3.GetBinaryData().Length > 0))
pwEntry.Binaries.Set(entryV3.BinaryDesc, new ProtectedBinary(true, entryV3.GetBinaryData()));
return pwEntry;
private void SetFieldIfAvailable(PwEntry pwEntry, string fieldName, bool makeProtected, string value)
if (value != null)
pwEntry.Strings.Set(fieldName, new ProtectedString(makeProtected, value));
private DateTime ConvertTime(PwDate date)
if (date == null)
return PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
return JavaTimeToCSharp(date.JDate.Time);
private DateTime JavaTimeToCSharp(long javatime)
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddMilliseconds(javatime);
public byte[] HashOfLastStream { get; private set; }
public bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }
public string SuccessMessage { get
".kdb-support is read-only. Export as .kdbx if you want to modify the database. This app is for use with Keepass 2.x!";
} }
internal class AdditionalGroupData
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Flags { get; set; }