
1816 lines
50 KiB

KeePass Password Safe - The Open-Source Password Manager
Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Dominik Reichl <>
Modified to be used with Mono for Android. Changes Copyright (C) 2013 Philipp Crocoll
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using KeePassLib.Collections;
using KeePassLib.Cryptography;
using KeePassLib.Cryptography.Cipher;
using KeePassLib.Delegates;
using KeePassLib.Interfaces;
using KeePassLib.Keys;
using KeePassLib.Resources;
using KeePassLib.Security;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
namespace KeePassLib
/// <summary>
/// The core password manager class. It contains a number of groups, which
/// contain the actual entries.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PwDatabase
internal const int DefaultHistoryMaxItems = 10; // -1 = unlimited
internal const long DefaultHistoryMaxSize = 6 * 1024 * 1024; // -1 = unlimited
private static bool m_bPrimaryCreated = false;
// Initializations see Clear()
private PwGroup m_pgRootGroup = null;
private PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject> m_vDeletedObjects = new PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject>();
private PwUuid m_uuidDataCipher = StandardAesEngine.AesUuid;
private PwCompressionAlgorithm m_caCompression = PwCompressionAlgorithm.GZip;
private ulong m_uKeyEncryptionRounds = PwDefs.DefaultKeyEncryptionRounds;
private CompositeKey m_pwUserKey = null;
private MemoryProtectionConfig m_memProtConfig = new MemoryProtectionConfig();
private List<PwCustomIcon> m_vCustomIcons = new List<PwCustomIcon>();
private bool m_bUINeedsIconUpdate = true;
private string m_strName = string.Empty;
private DateTime m_dtNameChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private string m_strDesc = string.Empty;
private DateTime m_dtDescChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private string m_strDefaultUserName = string.Empty;
private DateTime m_dtDefaultUserChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private uint m_uMntncHistoryDays = 365;
private Color m_clr = Color.Empty;
private DateTime m_dtKeyLastChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private long m_lKeyChangeRecDays = -1;
private long m_lKeyChangeForceDays = -1;
private IOConnectionInfo m_ioSource = new IOConnectionInfo();
private bool m_bDatabaseOpened = false;
private bool m_bModified = false;
private PwUuid m_pwLastSelectedGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
private PwUuid m_pwLastTopVisibleGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
private bool m_bUseRecycleBin = true;
private PwUuid m_pwRecycleBin = PwUuid.Zero;
private DateTime m_dtRecycleBinChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private PwUuid m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
private DateTime m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged = PwDefs.DtDefaultNow;
private int m_nHistoryMaxItems = DefaultHistoryMaxItems;
private long m_lHistoryMaxSize = DefaultHistoryMaxSize; // In bytes
private StringDictionaryEx m_vCustomData = new StringDictionaryEx();
private byte[] m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = null;
private byte[] m_pbHashOfLastIO = null;
private bool m_bUseFileTransactions = false;
private bool m_bUseFileLocks = false;
private IStatusLogger m_slStatus = null;
private static string m_strLocalizedAppName = string.Empty;
// private const string StrBackupExtension = ".bak";
/// <summary>
/// Get the root group that contains all groups and entries stored in the
/// database.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Root group. The return value is <c>null</c>, if no database
/// has been opened.</returns>
public PwGroup RootGroup
get { return m_pgRootGroup; }
Debug.Assert(value != null);
if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pgRootGroup = value;
/// <summary>
/// <c>IOConnection</c> of the currently opened database file.
/// Is never <c>null</c>.
/// </summary>
public IOConnectionInfo IOConnectionInfo
get { return m_ioSource; }
/// <summary>
/// If this is <c>true</c>, a database is currently open.
/// </summary>
public bool IsOpen
get { return m_bDatabaseOpened; }
/// <summary>
/// Modification flag. If true, the class has been modified and the
/// user interface should prompt the user to save the changes before
/// closing the database for example.
/// </summary>
public bool Modified
get { return m_bModified; }
set { m_bModified = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The user key used for database encryption. This key must be created
/// and set before using any of the database load/save functions.
/// </summary>
public CompositeKey MasterKey
get { return m_pwUserKey; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pwUserKey = value;
/// <summary>
/// Name of the database.
/// </summary>
public string Name
get { return m_strName; }
Debug.Assert(value != null);
if(value != null) m_strName = value;
public DateTime NameChanged
get { return m_dtNameChanged; }
set { m_dtNameChanged = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Database description.
/// </summary>
public string Description
get { return m_strDesc; }
Debug.Assert(value != null);
if(value != null) m_strDesc = value;
public DateTime DescriptionChanged
get { return m_dtDescChanged; }
set { m_dtDescChanged = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Default user name used for new entries.
/// </summary>
public string DefaultUserName
get { return m_strDefaultUserName; }
Debug.Assert(value != null);
if(value != null) m_strDefaultUserName = value;
public DateTime DefaultUserNameChanged
get { return m_dtDefaultUserChanged; }
set { m_dtDefaultUserChanged = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Number of days until history entries are being deleted
/// in a database maintenance operation.
/// </summary>
public uint MaintenanceHistoryDays
get { return m_uMntncHistoryDays; }
set { m_uMntncHistoryDays = value; }
public Color Color
get { return m_clr; }
set { m_clr = value; }
public DateTime MasterKeyChanged
get { return m_dtKeyLastChanged; }
set { m_dtKeyLastChanged = value; }
public long MasterKeyChangeRec
get { return m_lKeyChangeRecDays; }
set { m_lKeyChangeRecDays = value; }
public long MasterKeyChangeForce
get { return m_lKeyChangeForceDays; }
set { m_lKeyChangeForceDays = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The encryption algorithm used to encrypt the data part of the database.
/// </summary>
public PwUuid DataCipherUuid
get { return m_uuidDataCipher; }
Debug.Assert(value != null);
if(value != null) m_uuidDataCipher = value;
/// <summary>
/// Compression algorithm used to encrypt the data part of the database.
/// </summary>
public PwCompressionAlgorithm Compression
get { return m_caCompression; }
set { m_caCompression = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Number of key transformation rounds (in order to make dictionary
/// attacks harder).
/// </summary>
public ulong KeyEncryptionRounds
get { return m_uKeyEncryptionRounds; }
set { m_uKeyEncryptionRounds = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Memory protection configuration (for default fields).
/// </summary>
public MemoryProtectionConfig MemoryProtection
get { return m_memProtConfig; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_memProtConfig = value;
/// <summary>
/// Get a list of all deleted objects.
/// </summary>
public PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject> DeletedObjects
get { return m_vDeletedObjects; }
/// <summary>
/// Get all custom icons stored in this database.
/// </summary>
public List<PwCustomIcon> CustomIcons
get { return m_vCustomIcons; }
/// <summary>
/// This is a dirty-flag for the UI. It is used to indicate when an
/// icon list update is required.
/// </summary>
public bool UINeedsIconUpdate
get { return m_bUINeedsIconUpdate; }
set { m_bUINeedsIconUpdate = value; }
public PwUuid LastSelectedGroup
get { return m_pwLastSelectedGroup; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pwLastSelectedGroup = value;
public PwUuid LastTopVisibleGroup
get { return m_pwLastTopVisibleGroup; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pwLastTopVisibleGroup = value;
public bool RecycleBinEnabled
get { return m_bUseRecycleBin; }
set { m_bUseRecycleBin = value; }
public PwUuid RecycleBinUuid
get { return m_pwRecycleBin; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pwRecycleBin = value;
public DateTime RecycleBinChanged
get { return m_dtRecycleBinChanged; }
set { m_dtRecycleBinChanged = value; }
/// <summary>
/// UUID of the group containing template entries. May be
/// <c>PwUuid.Zero</c>, if no entry templates group has been specified.
/// </summary>
public PwUuid EntryTemplatesGroup
get { return m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = value;
public DateTime EntryTemplatesGroupChanged
get { return m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged; }
set { m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged = value; }
public int HistoryMaxItems
get { return m_nHistoryMaxItems; }
set { m_nHistoryMaxItems = value; }
public long HistoryMaxSize
get { return m_lHistoryMaxSize; }
set { m_lHistoryMaxSize = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Custom data container that can be used by plugins to store
/// own data in KeePass databases.
/// </summary>
public StringDictionaryEx CustomData
get { return m_vCustomData; }
Debug.Assert(value != null); if(value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
m_vCustomData = value;
/// <summary>
/// Hash value of the primary file on disk (last read or last write).
/// A call to <c>SaveAs</c> without making the saved file primary will
/// not change this hash. May be <c>null</c>.
/// </summary>
public byte[] HashOfFileOnDisk
get { return m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk; }
public byte[] HashOfLastIO
get { return m_pbHashOfLastIO; }
public bool UseFileTransactions
get { return m_bUseFileTransactions; }
set { m_bUseFileTransactions = value; }
public bool UseFileLocks
get { return m_bUseFileLocks; }
set { m_bUseFileLocks = value; }
private string m_strDetachBins = null;
/// <summary>
/// Detach binaries when opening a file. If this isn't <c>null</c>,
/// all binaries are saved to the specified path and are removed
/// from the database.
/// </summary>
public string DetachBinaries
get { return m_strDetachBins; }
set { m_strDetachBins = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Localized application name.
/// </summary>
public static string LocalizedAppName
get { return m_strLocalizedAppName; }
set { Debug.Assert(value != null); m_strLocalizedAppName = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Constructs an empty password manager object.
/// </summary>
public PwDatabase()
if(m_bPrimaryCreated == false) m_bPrimaryCreated = true;
private void Clear()
m_pgRootGroup = null;
m_vDeletedObjects = new PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject>();
m_uuidDataCipher = StandardAesEngine.AesUuid;
m_caCompression = PwCompressionAlgorithm.GZip;
m_uKeyEncryptionRounds = PwDefs.DefaultKeyEncryptionRounds;
m_pwUserKey = null;
m_memProtConfig = new MemoryProtectionConfig();
m_vCustomIcons = new List<PwCustomIcon>();
m_bUINeedsIconUpdate = true;
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
m_strName = string.Empty;
m_dtNameChanged = dtNow;
m_strDesc = string.Empty;
m_dtDescChanged = dtNow;
m_strDefaultUserName = string.Empty;
m_dtDefaultUserChanged = dtNow;
m_uMntncHistoryDays = 365;
m_clr = Color.Empty;
m_dtKeyLastChanged = dtNow;
m_lKeyChangeRecDays = -1;
m_lKeyChangeForceDays = -1;
m_ioSource = new IOConnectionInfo();
m_bDatabaseOpened = false;
m_bModified = false;
m_pwLastSelectedGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
m_pwLastTopVisibleGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
m_bUseRecycleBin = true;
m_pwRecycleBin = PwUuid.Zero;
m_dtRecycleBinChanged = dtNow;
m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = PwUuid.Zero;
m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged = dtNow;
m_nHistoryMaxItems = DefaultHistoryMaxItems;
m_lHistoryMaxSize = DefaultHistoryMaxSize;
m_vCustomData = new StringDictionaryEx();
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = null;
m_pbHashOfLastIO = null;
m_bUseFileTransactions = false;
m_bUseFileLocks = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the class for managing a new database. Previously loaded
/// data is deleted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ioConnection">IO connection of the new database.</param>
/// <param name="pwKey">Key to open the database.</param>
public void New(IOConnectionInfo ioConnection, CompositeKey pwKey)
Debug.Assert(ioConnection != null);
if(ioConnection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ioConnection");
Debug.Assert(pwKey != null);
if(pwKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pwKey");
m_ioSource = ioConnection;
m_pwUserKey = pwKey;
m_bDatabaseOpened = true;
m_bModified = true;
m_pgRootGroup = new PwGroup(true, true,
m_pgRootGroup.IsExpanded = true;
/// <summary>
/// Open a database. The URL may point to any supported data source.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ioSource">IO connection to load the database from.</param>
/// s<param name="pwKey">Key used to open the specified database.</param>
/// <param name="slLogger">Logger, which gets all status messages.</param>
/// <param name="format"></param>
public void Open(IOConnectionInfo ioSource, CompositeKey pwKey,
IStatusLogger slLogger, IDatabaseFormat format)
Open(IOConnection.OpenRead(ioSource), UrlUtil.StripExtension(
UrlUtil.GetFileName(ioSource.Path)), ioSource, pwKey, slLogger , format);
/// <summary>
/// Open a database provided as Stream.
/// </summary>
public void Open(Stream s, string fileNameWithoutPathAndExt, IOConnectionInfo ioSource, CompositeKey pwKey,
IStatusLogger slLogger, IDatabaseFormat format)
Debug.Assert(s != null);
if (s == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("s");
Debug.Assert(fileNameWithoutPathAndExt != null);
if (fileNameWithoutPathAndExt == null) throw new ArgumentException("fileNameWithoutPathAndExt");
Debug.Assert(pwKey != null);
Debug.Assert(ioSource != null);
if (ioSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ioSource");
if (pwKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pwKey");
m_pgRootGroup = new PwGroup(true, true, fileNameWithoutPathAndExt, PwIcon.FolderOpen);
m_pgRootGroup.IsExpanded = true;
m_pwUserKey = pwKey;
m_bModified = false;
format.PopulateDatabaseFromStream(this, s, slLogger);
m_pbHashOfLastIO = format.HashOfLastStream;
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = format.HashOfLastStream;
Debug.Assert(m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk != null);
m_bDatabaseOpened = true;
m_ioSource = ioSource;
catch (Exception)
/// <summary>
/// Save the currently opened database. The file is written to the location
/// it has been opened from.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="slLogger">Logger that recieves status information.</param>
public void Save(IStatusLogger slLogger)
FileLock fl = null;
if(m_bUseFileLocks) fl = new FileLock(m_ioSource);
FileTransactionEx ft = new FileTransactionEx(m_ioSource,
Stream s = ft.OpenWrite();
KdbxFile kdb = new KdbxFile(this);
kdb.Save(s, null, KdbpFile.GetFormatToUse(m_ioSource), slLogger);
m_pbHashOfLastIO = kdb.HashOfFileOnDisk;
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = kdb.HashOfFileOnDisk;
Debug.Assert(m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk != null);
finally { if(fl != null) fl.Dispose(); }
m_bModified = false;
/// <summary>
/// Save the currently opened database. The file is written to the given stream which is expected to be the original location.
/// </summary>
/// This allows to save to cloud locations etc.
public void Save(Stream streamOfOriginalLocation, IStatusLogger slLogger)
Stream s = streamOfOriginalLocation;
KdbxFile kdb = new KdbxFile(this);
kdb.Save(s, null, KdbpFile.GetFormatToUse(m_ioSource), slLogger);
m_pbHashOfLastIO = kdb.HashOfFileOnDisk;
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = kdb.HashOfFileOnDisk;
Debug.Assert(m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk != null);
m_bModified = false;
/// <summary>
/// Save the currently opened database to a different location. If
/// <paramref name="bIsPrimaryNow" /> is <c>true</c>, the specified
/// location is made the default location for future saves
/// using <c>SaveDatabase</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ioConnection">New location to serialize the database to.</param>
/// <param name="bIsPrimaryNow">If <c>true</c>, the new location is made the
/// standard location for the database. If <c>false</c>, a copy of the currently
/// opened database is saved to the specified location, but it isn't
/// made the default location (i.e. no lock files will be moved for
/// example).</param>
/// <param name="slLogger">Logger that recieves status information.</param>
public void SaveAs(IOConnectionInfo ioConnection, bool bIsPrimaryNow,
IStatusLogger slLogger)
Debug.Assert(ioConnection != null);
if(ioConnection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ioConnection");
IOConnectionInfo ioCurrent = m_ioSource; // Remember current
m_ioSource = ioConnection;
byte[] pbHashCopy = m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk;
try { this.Save(slLogger); }
m_ioSource = ioCurrent; // Restore
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = pbHashCopy;
m_pbHashOfLastIO = null;
m_ioSource = ioCurrent; // Restore
m_pbHashOfFileOnDisk = pbHashCopy;
/// <summary>
/// Closes the currently opened database. No confirmation message is shown
/// before closing. Unsaved changes will be lost.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
public void MergeIn(PwDatabase pwSource, PwMergeMethod mm)
MergeIn(pwSource, mm, null);
/// <summary>
/// Synchronize the current database with another one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pwSource">Input database to synchronize with. This input
/// database is used to update the current one, but is not modified! You
/// must copy the current object if you want a second instance of the
/// synchronized database. The input database must not be seen as valid
/// database any more after calling <c>Synchronize</c>.</param>
/// <param name="mm">Merge method.</param>
/// <param name="slStatus">Logger to report status messages to.
/// May be <c>null</c>.</param>
public void MergeIn(PwDatabase pwSource, PwMergeMethod mm,
IStatusLogger slStatus)
if(pwSource == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pwSource");
PwGroup pgOrgStructure = m_pgRootGroup.CloneStructure();
PwGroup pgSrcStructure = pwSource.m_pgRootGroup.CloneStructure();
if(mm == PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids)
pwSource.RootGroup.CreateNewItemUuids(true, true, true);
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
if(pg == pwSource.m_pgRootGroup) return true;
PwGroup pgLocal = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pg.Uuid, true);
if(pgLocal == null)
PwGroup pgSourceParent = pg.ParentGroup;
PwGroup pgLocalContainer;
if(pgSourceParent == pwSource.m_pgRootGroup)
pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup;
pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pgSourceParent.Uuid, true);
Debug.Assert(pgLocalContainer != null);
if(pgLocalContainer == null) pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup;
PwGroup pgNew = new PwGroup(false, false);
pgNew.Uuid = pg.Uuid;
pgNew.AssignProperties(pg, false, true);
pgLocalContainer.AddGroup(pgNew, true);
else // pgLocal != null
Debug.Assert(mm != PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids);
if(mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting)
pgLocal.AssignProperties(pg, false, false);
else if((mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteIfNewer) ||
(mm == PwMergeMethod.Synchronize))
pgLocal.AssignProperties(pg, true, false);
// else if(mm == PwMergeMethod.KeepExisting) ...
return ((slStatus != null) ? slStatus.ContinueWork() : true);
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
PwEntry peLocal = m_pgRootGroup.FindEntry(pe.Uuid, true);
if(peLocal == null)
PwGroup pgSourceParent = pe.ParentGroup;
PwGroup pgLocalContainer;
if(pgSourceParent == pwSource.m_pgRootGroup)
pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup;
pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pgSourceParent.Uuid, true);
Debug.Assert(pgLocalContainer != null);
if(pgLocalContainer == null) pgLocalContainer = m_pgRootGroup;
PwEntry peNew = new PwEntry(false, false);
peNew.Uuid = pe.Uuid;
peNew.AssignProperties(pe, false, true, true);
pgLocalContainer.AddEntry(peNew, true);
else // peLocal != null
Debug.Assert(mm != PwMergeMethod.CreateNewUuids);
const PwCompareOptions cmpOpt = (PwCompareOptions.IgnoreParentGroup |
PwCompareOptions.IgnoreLastAccess | PwCompareOptions.IgnoreHistory |
bool bEquals = peLocal.EqualsEntry(pe, cmpOpt, MemProtCmpMode.None);
bool bOrgBackup = !bEquals;
if(mm != PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting)
bOrgBackup &= (TimeUtil.CompareLastMod(pe, peLocal, true) > 0);
bOrgBackup &= !pe.HasBackupOfData(peLocal, false, true);
if(bOrgBackup) peLocal.CreateBackup(null); // Maintain at end
bool bSrcBackup = !bEquals && (mm != PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting);
bSrcBackup &= (TimeUtil.CompareLastMod(peLocal, pe, true) > 0);
bSrcBackup &= !peLocal.HasBackupOfData(pe, false, true);
if(bSrcBackup) pe.CreateBackup(null); // Maintain at end
if(mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting)
peLocal.AssignProperties(pe, false, false, false);
else if((mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteIfNewer) ||
(mm == PwMergeMethod.Synchronize))
peLocal.AssignProperties(pe, true, false, false);
// else if(mm == PwMergeMethod.KeepExisting) ...
MergeEntryHistory(peLocal, pe, mm);
return ((slStatus != null) ? slStatus.ContinueWork() : true);
if(!pwSource.RootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
IStatusLogger slPrevStatus = m_slStatus;
m_slStatus = slStatus;
if(mm == PwMergeMethod.Synchronize)
ApplyDeletions(pwSource.m_vDeletedObjects, true);
ApplyDeletions(m_vDeletedObjects, false);
PwObjectPool ppOrgGroups = PwObjectPool.FromGroupRecursive(
pgOrgStructure, false);
PwObjectPool ppSrcGroups = PwObjectPool.FromGroupRecursive(
pgSrcStructure, false);
PwObjectPool ppOrgEntries = PwObjectPool.FromGroupRecursive(
pgOrgStructure, true);
PwObjectPool ppSrcEntries = PwObjectPool.FromGroupRecursive(
pgSrcStructure, true);
RelocateGroups(ppOrgGroups, ppSrcGroups);
ReorderGroups(ppOrgGroups, ppSrcGroups);
RelocateEntries(ppOrgEntries, ppSrcEntries);
ReorderEntries(ppOrgEntries, ppSrcEntries);
// Must be called *after* merging groups, because group UUIDs
// are required for recycle bin and entry template UUIDs
MergeInDbProperties(pwSource, mm);
m_slStatus = slPrevStatus;
private void MergeInCustomIcons(PwDatabase pwSource)
foreach(PwCustomIcon pwci in pwSource.CustomIcons)
if(GetCustomIconIndex(pwci.Uuid) >= 0) continue;
m_vCustomIcons.Add(pwci); // PwCustomIcon is immutable
m_bUINeedsIconUpdate = true;
/// <summary>
/// Apply a list of deleted objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listDelObjects">List of deleted objects.</param>
private void ApplyDeletions(PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject> listDelObjects,
bool bCopyDeletionInfoToLocal)
Debug.Assert(listDelObjects != null); if(listDelObjects == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("listDelObjects");
LinkedList<PwGroup> listGroupsToDelete = new LinkedList<PwGroup>();
LinkedList<PwEntry> listEntriesToDelete = new LinkedList<PwEntry>();
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
if(pg == m_pgRootGroup) return true;
foreach(PwDeletedObject pdo in listDelObjects)
pdo.DeletionTime, true) < 0)
return ((m_slStatus != null) ? m_slStatus.ContinueWork() : true);
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
foreach(PwDeletedObject pdo in listDelObjects)
pdo.DeletionTime, true) < 0)
return ((m_slStatus != null) ? m_slStatus.ContinueWork() : true);
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh);
foreach(PwGroup pg in listGroupsToDelete)
foreach(PwEntry pe in listEntriesToDelete)
foreach(PwDeletedObject pdoNew in listDelObjects)
bool bCopy = true;
foreach(PwDeletedObject pdoLocal in m_vDeletedObjects)
bCopy = false;
if(pdoNew.DeletionTime > pdoLocal.DeletionTime)
pdoLocal.DeletionTime = pdoNew.DeletionTime;
if(bCopy) m_vDeletedObjects.Add(pdoNew);
private void RelocateGroups(PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure,
PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure)
PwObjectList<PwGroup> vGroups = m_pgRootGroup.GetGroups(true);
foreach(PwGroup pg in vGroups)
if((m_slStatus != null) && !m_slStatus.ContinueWork()) break;
// PwGroup pgOrg = pgOrgStructure.FindGroup(pg.Uuid, true);
IStructureItem ptOrg = ppOrgStructure.Get(pg.Uuid);
if(ptOrg == null) continue;
// PwGroup pgSrc = pgSrcStructure.FindGroup(pg.Uuid, true);
IStructureItem ptSrc = ppSrcStructure.Get(pg.Uuid);
if(ptSrc == null) continue;
PwGroup pgOrgParent = ptOrg.ParentGroup;
PwGroup pgSrcParent = ptSrc.ParentGroup;
pg.LocationChanged = ((ptSrc.LocationChanged > ptOrg.LocationChanged) ?
ptSrc.LocationChanged : ptOrg.LocationChanged);
if(ptSrc.LocationChanged > ptOrg.LocationChanged)
PwGroup pgLocal = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pgSrcParent.Uuid, true);
if(pgLocal == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
if(pgLocal.IsContainedIn(pg)) continue;
pgLocal.AddGroup(pg, true);
pg.LocationChanged = ptSrc.LocationChanged;
Debug.Assert(pg.LocationChanged == ptOrg.LocationChanged);
Debug.Assert(m_pgRootGroup.GetGroups(true).UCount == vGroups.UCount);
private void RelocateEntries(PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure,
PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure)
PwObjectList<PwEntry> vEntries = m_pgRootGroup.GetEntries(true);
foreach(PwEntry pe in vEntries)
if((m_slStatus != null) && !m_slStatus.ContinueWork()) break;
// PwEntry peOrg = pgOrgStructure.FindEntry(pe.Uuid, true);
IStructureItem ptOrg = ppOrgStructure.Get(pe.Uuid);
if(ptOrg == null) continue;
// PwEntry peSrc = pgSrcStructure.FindEntry(pe.Uuid, true);
IStructureItem ptSrc = ppSrcStructure.Get(pe.Uuid);
if(ptSrc == null) continue;
PwGroup pgOrg = ptOrg.ParentGroup;
PwGroup pgSrc = ptSrc.ParentGroup;
pe.LocationChanged = ((ptSrc.LocationChanged > ptOrg.LocationChanged) ?
ptSrc.LocationChanged : ptOrg.LocationChanged);
if(ptSrc.LocationChanged > ptOrg.LocationChanged)
PwGroup pgLocal = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pgSrc.Uuid, true);
if(pgLocal == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
pgLocal.AddEntry(pe, true);
pe.LocationChanged = ptSrc.LocationChanged;
Debug.Assert(pe.LocationChanged == ptOrg.LocationChanged);
Debug.Assert(m_pgRootGroup.GetEntries(true).UCount == vEntries.UCount);
private void ReorderGroups(PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure,
PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure)
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
ReorderObjectList<PwGroup>(pg.Groups, ppOrgStructure,
ppSrcStructure, false);
return true;
ReorderObjectList<PwGroup>(m_pgRootGroup.Groups, ppOrgStructure,
ppSrcStructure, false);
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, null);
private void ReorderEntries(PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure,
PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure)
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
ReorderObjectList<PwEntry>(pg.Entries, ppOrgStructure,
ppSrcStructure, true);
return true;
ReorderObjectList<PwEntry>(m_pgRootGroup.Entries, ppOrgStructure,
ppSrcStructure, true);
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, null);
private void ReorderObjectList<T>(PwObjectList<T> vItems,
PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure, PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure, bool bEntries)
where T : class, IStructureItem, IDeepCloneable<T>
if(!ObjectListRequiresReorder<T>(vItems, ppOrgStructure, ppSrcStructure,
bEntries)) return;
PwObjectList<T> vOrgListItems = vItems.CloneShallow();
Queue<KeyValuePair<uint, uint>> qToDo = new Queue<KeyValuePair<uint, uint>>();
qToDo.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<uint, uint>(0, vItems.UCount - 1));
while(qToDo.Count > 0)
if((m_slStatus != null) && !m_slStatus.ContinueWork()) break;
KeyValuePair<uint, uint> kvp = qToDo.Dequeue();
if(kvp.Value <= kvp.Key) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
Queue<PwUuid> qRelBefore = new Queue<PwUuid>();
Queue<PwUuid> qRelAfter = new Queue<PwUuid>();
uint uPivot = FindLocationChangedPivot<T>(vItems, kvp, ppOrgStructure,
ppSrcStructure, qRelBefore, qRelAfter, bEntries);
T ptPivot = vItems.GetAt(uPivot);
List<T> vToSort = vItems.GetRange(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Queue<T> qBefore = new Queue<T>();
Queue<T> qAfter = new Queue<T>();
bool bBefore = true;
foreach(T pt in vToSort)
if(pt == ptPivot) { bBefore = false; continue; }
bool bAdded = false;
foreach(PwUuid puBefore in qRelBefore)
bAdded = true;
if(bAdded) continue;
foreach(PwUuid puAfter in qRelAfter)
bAdded = true;
if(bAdded) continue;
if(bBefore) qBefore.Enqueue(pt);
else qAfter.Enqueue(pt);
Debug.Assert(bBefore == false);
uint uPos = kvp.Key;
while(qBefore.Count > 0) vItems.SetAt(uPos++, qBefore.Dequeue());
vItems.SetAt(uPos++, ptPivot);
while(qAfter.Count > 0) vItems.SetAt(uPos++, qAfter.Dequeue());
Debug.Assert(uPos == (kvp.Value + 1));
int iNewPivot = vItems.IndexOf(ptPivot);
if((iNewPivot < (int)kvp.Key) || (iNewPivot > (int)kvp.Value))
if((iNewPivot - 1) > (int)kvp.Key)
qToDo.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<uint, uint>(kvp.Key,
(uint)(iNewPivot - 1)));
if((iNewPivot + 1) < (int)kvp.Value)
qToDo.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<uint, uint>((uint)(iNewPivot + 1),
foreach(T ptItem in vOrgListItems)
Debug.Assert(vItems.IndexOf(ptItem) >= 0);
private static uint FindLocationChangedPivot<T>(PwObjectList<T> vItems,
KeyValuePair<uint, uint> kvpRange, PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure,
PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure, Queue<PwUuid> qBefore, Queue<PwUuid> qAfter,
bool bEntries)
where T : class, IStructureItem, IDeepCloneable<T>
uint uPosMax = kvpRange.Key;
DateTime dtMax = DateTime.MinValue;
List<IStructureItem> vNeighborSrc = null;
for(uint u = kvpRange.Key; u <= kvpRange.Value; ++u)
T pt = vItems.GetAt(u);
// IStructureItem ptOrg = pgOrgStructure.FindObject(pt.Uuid, true, bEntries);
IStructureItem ptOrg = ppOrgStructure.Get(pt.Uuid);
if((ptOrg != null) && (ptOrg.LocationChanged > dtMax))
uPosMax = u;
dtMax = ptOrg.LocationChanged; // No 'continue'
vNeighborSrc = ptOrg.ParentGroup.GetObjects(false, bEntries);
// IStructureItem ptSrc = pgSrcStructure.FindObject(pt.Uuid, true, bEntries);
IStructureItem ptSrc = ppSrcStructure.Get(pt.Uuid);
if((ptSrc != null) && (ptSrc.LocationChanged > dtMax))
uPosMax = u;
dtMax = ptSrc.LocationChanged; // No 'continue'
vNeighborSrc = ptSrc.ParentGroup.GetObjects(false, bEntries);
GetNeighborItems(vNeighborSrc, vItems.GetAt(uPosMax).Uuid, qBefore, qAfter);
return uPosMax;
private static void GetNeighborItems(List<IStructureItem> vItems,
PwUuid pwPivot, Queue<PwUuid> qBefore, Queue<PwUuid> qAfter)
// Checks after clearing the queues
if(vItems == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } // No throw
bool bBefore = true;
for(int i = 0; i < vItems.Count; ++i)
PwUuid pw = vItems[i].Uuid;
if(pw.Equals(pwPivot)) bBefore = false;
else if(bBefore) qBefore.Enqueue(pw);
else qAfter.Enqueue(pw);
Debug.Assert(bBefore == false);
/// <summary>
/// Method to check whether a reordering is required. This fast test
/// allows to skip the reordering routine, resulting in a large
/// performance increase.
/// </summary>
private bool ObjectListRequiresReorder<T>(PwObjectList<T> vItems,
PwObjectPool ppOrgStructure, PwObjectPool ppSrcStructure, bool bEntries)
where T : class, IStructureItem, IDeepCloneable<T>
Debug.Assert(ppOrgStructure.ContainsOnlyType(bEntries ? typeof(PwEntry) : typeof(PwGroup)));
Debug.Assert(ppSrcStructure.ContainsOnlyType(bEntries ? typeof(PwEntry) : typeof(PwGroup)));
if(vItems.UCount <= 1) return false;
if((m_slStatus != null) && !m_slStatus.ContinueWork()) return false;
T ptFirst = vItems.GetAt(0);
// IStructureItem ptOrg = pgOrgStructure.FindObject(ptFirst.Uuid, true, bEntries);
IStructureItem ptOrg = ppOrgStructure.Get(ptFirst.Uuid);
if(ptOrg == null) return true;
// IStructureItem ptSrc = pgSrcStructure.FindObject(ptFirst.Uuid, true, bEntries);
IStructureItem ptSrc = ppSrcStructure.Get(ptFirst.Uuid);
if(ptSrc == null) return true;
if(ptFirst.ParentGroup == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return true; }
PwGroup pgOrgParent = ptOrg.ParentGroup;
if(pgOrgParent == null) return true; // Root might be in tree
PwGroup pgSrcParent = ptSrc.ParentGroup;
if(pgSrcParent == null) return true; // Root might be in tree
if(!ptFirst.ParentGroup.Uuid.Equals(pgOrgParent.Uuid)) return true;
if(!pgOrgParent.Uuid.Equals(pgSrcParent.Uuid)) return true;
List<IStructureItem> lOrg = pgOrgParent.GetObjects(false, bEntries);
List<IStructureItem> lSrc = pgSrcParent.GetObjects(false, bEntries);
if(vItems.UCount != (uint)lOrg.Count) return true;
if(lOrg.Count != lSrc.Count) return true;
for(uint u = 0; u < vItems.UCount; ++u)
IStructureItem pt = vItems.GetAt(u);
Debug.Assert(pt.ParentGroup == ptFirst.ParentGroup);
if(!pt.Uuid.Equals(lOrg[(int)u].Uuid)) return true;
if(!pt.Uuid.Equals(lSrc[(int)u].Uuid)) return true;
if(pt.LocationChanged != lOrg[(int)u].LocationChanged) return true;
if(pt.LocationChanged != lSrc[(int)u].LocationChanged) return true;
return false;
private void MergeInDbProperties(PwDatabase pwSource, PwMergeMethod mm)
if(pwSource == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; }
if((mm == PwMergeMethod.KeepExisting) || (mm == PwMergeMethod.None))
bool bForce = (mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting);
if(bForce || (pwSource.m_dtNameChanged > m_dtNameChanged))
m_strName = pwSource.m_strName;
m_dtNameChanged = pwSource.m_dtNameChanged;
if(bForce || (pwSource.m_dtDescChanged > m_dtDescChanged))
m_strDesc = pwSource.m_strDesc;
m_dtDescChanged = pwSource.m_dtDescChanged;
if(bForce || (pwSource.m_dtDefaultUserChanged > m_dtDefaultUserChanged))
m_strDefaultUserName = pwSource.m_strDefaultUserName;
m_dtDefaultUserChanged = pwSource.m_dtDefaultUserChanged;
if(bForce) m_clr = pwSource.m_clr;
PwUuid pwPrefBin = m_pwRecycleBin, pwAltBin = pwSource.m_pwRecycleBin;
if(bForce || (pwSource.m_dtRecycleBinChanged > m_dtRecycleBinChanged))
pwPrefBin = pwSource.m_pwRecycleBin;
pwAltBin = m_pwRecycleBin;
m_bUseRecycleBin = pwSource.m_bUseRecycleBin;
m_dtRecycleBinChanged = pwSource.m_dtRecycleBinChanged;
if(m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pwPrefBin, true) != null)
m_pwRecycleBin = pwPrefBin;
else if(m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pwAltBin, true) != null)
m_pwRecycleBin = pwAltBin;
else m_pwRecycleBin = PwUuid.Zero; // Debug.Assert(false);
PwUuid pwPrefTmp = m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup, pwAltTmp = pwSource.m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup;
if(bForce || (pwSource.m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged > m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged))
pwPrefTmp = pwSource.m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup;
pwAltTmp = m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup;
m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged = pwSource.m_dtEntryTemplatesChanged;
if(m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pwPrefTmp, true) != null)
m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = pwPrefTmp;
else if(m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(pwAltTmp, true) != null)
m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = pwAltTmp;
else m_pwEntryTemplatesGroup = PwUuid.Zero; // Debug.Assert(false);
private void MergeEntryHistory(PwEntry pe, PwEntry peSource,
PwMergeMethod mm)
if(!pe.Uuid.Equals(peSource.Uuid)) { Debug.Assert(false); return; }
if(pe.History.UCount == peSource.History.UCount)
bool bEqual = true;
for(uint uEnum = 0; uEnum < pe.History.UCount; ++uEnum)
if(pe.History.GetAt(uEnum).LastModificationTime !=
bEqual = false;
if(bEqual) return;
if((m_slStatus != null) && !m_slStatus.ContinueWork()) return;
IDictionary<DateTime, PwEntry> dict =
#if KeePassLibSD
new SortedList<DateTime, PwEntry>();
new SortedDictionary<DateTime, PwEntry>();
foreach(PwEntry peOrg in pe.History)
dict[peOrg.LastModificationTime] = peOrg;
foreach(PwEntry peSrc in peSource.History)
DateTime dt = peSrc.LastModificationTime;
if(mm == PwMergeMethod.OverwriteExisting)
dict[dt] = peSrc.CloneDeep();
else dict[dt] = peSrc.CloneDeep();
foreach(KeyValuePair<DateTime, PwEntry> kvpCur in dict)
Debug.Assert(kvpCur.Value.History.UCount == 0);
public bool MaintainBackups()
if(m_pgRootGroup == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; }
bool bDeleted = false;
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
if(pe.MaintainBackups(this)) bDeleted = true;
return true;
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, null, eh);
return bDeleted;
/* /// <summary>
/// Synchronize current database with another one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strFile">Source file.</param>
public void Synchronize(string strFile)
PwDatabase pwSource = new PwDatabase();
IOConnectionInfo ioc = IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(strFile);
pwSource.Open(ioc, m_pwUserKey, null);
MergeIn(pwSource, PwMergeMethod.Synchronize);
} */
/// <summary>
/// Get the index of a custom icon.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pwIconId">ID of the icon.</param>
/// <returns>Index of the icon.</returns>
public int GetCustomIconIndex(PwUuid pwIconId)
for(int i = 0; i < m_vCustomIcons.Count; ++i)
PwCustomIcon pwci = m_vCustomIcons[i];
return i;
// Debug.Assert(false); // Do not assert
return -1;
public int GetCustomIconIndex(byte[] pbPngData)
if(pbPngData == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return -1; }
for(int i = 0; i < m_vCustomIcons.Count; ++i)
PwCustomIcon pwci = m_vCustomIcons[i];
byte[] pbEx = pwci.ImageDataPng;
if(pbEx == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
if(MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pbEx, pbPngData))
return i;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Get a custom icon. This function can return <c>null</c>, if
/// no cached image of the icon is available.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pwIconId">ID of the icon.</param>
/// <returns>Image data.</returns>
public Android.Graphics.Bitmap GetCustomIcon(PwUuid pwIconId)
int nIndex = GetCustomIconIndex(pwIconId);
if(nIndex >= 0) return m_vCustomIcons[nIndex].Image;
else { Debug.Assert(false); return null; }
public bool DeleteCustomIcons(List<PwUuid> vUuidsToDelete)
Debug.Assert(vUuidsToDelete != null);
if(vUuidsToDelete == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vUuidsToDelete");
if(vUuidsToDelete.Count <= 0) return true;
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
PwUuid uuidThis = pg.CustomIconUuid;
if(uuidThis.Equals(PwUuid.Zero)) return true;
foreach(PwUuid uuidDelete in vUuidsToDelete)
pg.CustomIconUuid = PwUuid.Zero;
return true;
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
RemoveCustomIconUuid(pe, vUuidsToDelete);
return true;
if(!m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh))
return false;
foreach(PwUuid pwUuid in vUuidsToDelete)
int nIndex = GetCustomIconIndex(pwUuid);
if(nIndex >= 0) m_vCustomIcons.RemoveAt(nIndex);
return true;
private static void RemoveCustomIconUuid(PwEntry pe, List<PwUuid> vToDelete)
PwUuid uuidThis = pe.CustomIconUuid;
if(uuidThis.Equals(PwUuid.Zero)) return;
foreach(PwUuid uuidDelete in vToDelete)
pe.CustomIconUuid = PwUuid.Zero;
foreach(PwEntry peHistory in pe.History)
RemoveCustomIconUuid(peHistory, vToDelete);
private bool ValidateUuidUniqueness()
List<PwUuid> l = new List<PwUuid>();
bool bAllUnique = true;
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
foreach(PwUuid u in l)
bAllUnique &= !pg.Uuid.Equals(u);
return bAllUnique;
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
foreach(PwUuid u in l)
bAllUnique &= !pe.Uuid.Equals(u);
return bAllUnique;
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh);
return bAllUnique;
return true;
/* public void CreateBackupFile(IStatusLogger sl)
if(sl != null) sl.SetText(KLRes.CreatingBackupFile, LogStatusType.Info);
IOConnectionInfo iocBk = m_ioSource.CloneDeep();
iocBk.Path += StrBackupExtension;
bool bMadeUnhidden = UrlUtil.UnhideFile(iocBk.Path);
bool bFastCopySuccess = false;
if(m_ioSource.IsLocalFile() && (m_ioSource.UserName.Length == 0) &&
(m_ioSource.Password.Length == 0))
string strFile = m_ioSource.Path + StrBackupExtension;
File.Copy(m_ioSource.Path, strFile, true);
bFastCopySuccess = true;
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
if(bFastCopySuccess == false)
using(Stream sIn = IOConnection.OpenRead(m_ioSource))
using(Stream sOut = IOConnection.OpenWrite(iocBk))
MemUtil.CopyStream(sIn, sOut);
if(bMadeUnhidden) UrlUtil.HideFile(iocBk.Path, true); // Hide again
} */
/* private static void RemoveData(PwGroup pg)
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
return true;
pg.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, null, eh);
} */
public uint DeleteDuplicateEntries(IStatusLogger sl)
uint uDeleted = 0;
PwGroup pgRecycleBin = null;
pgRecycleBin = m_pgRootGroup.FindGroup(m_pwRecycleBin, true);
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
PwObjectList<PwEntry> l = m_pgRootGroup.GetEntries(true);
int i = 0;
if(i >= ((int)l.UCount - 1)) break;
if(sl != null)
long lCnt = (long)l.UCount, li = (long)i;
long nArTotal = (lCnt * lCnt) / 2L;
long nArCur = li * lCnt - ((li * li) / 2L);
long nArPct = (nArCur * 100L) / nArTotal;
if(nArPct < 0) nArPct = 0;
if(nArPct > 100) nArPct = 100;
if(!sl.SetProgress((uint)nArPct)) break;
PwEntry peA = l.GetAt((uint)i);
for(uint j = (uint)i + 1; j < l.UCount; ++j)
PwEntry peB = l.GetAt(j);
if(!DupEntriesEqual(peA, peB)) continue;
bool bDeleteA = (TimeUtil.CompareLastMod(peA, peB, true) <= 0);
if(pgRecycleBin != null)
bool bAInBin = peA.IsContainedIn(pgRecycleBin);
bool bBInBin = peB.IsContainedIn(pgRecycleBin);
if(bAInBin && !bBInBin) bDeleteA = true;
else if(bBInBin && !bAInBin) bDeleteA = false;
m_vDeletedObjects.Add(new PwDeletedObject(peA.Uuid, dtNow));
m_vDeletedObjects.Add(new PwDeletedObject(peB.Uuid, dtNow));
return uDeleted;
private static List<string> m_lStdFields = null;
private static bool DupEntriesEqual(PwEntry a, PwEntry b)
if(m_lStdFields == null) m_lStdFields = PwDefs.GetStandardFields();
foreach(string strStdKey in m_lStdFields)
string strA = a.Strings.ReadSafe(strStdKey);
string strB = b.Strings.ReadSafe(strStdKey);
if(!strA.Equals(strB)) return false;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedString> kvpA in a.Strings)
if(PwDefs.IsStandardField(kvpA.Key)) continue;
ProtectedString psB = b.Strings.Get(kvpA.Key);
if(psB == null) return false;
// Ignore protection setting, compare values only
if(!kvpA.Value.ReadString().Equals(psB.ReadString())) return false;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedString> kvpB in b.Strings)
if(PwDefs.IsStandardField(kvpB.Key)) continue;
ProtectedString psA = a.Strings.Get(kvpB.Key);
if(psA == null) return false;
// Must be equal by logic
if(a.Binaries.UCount != b.Binaries.UCount) return false;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedBinary> kvpBin in a.Binaries)
ProtectedBinary pbB = b.Binaries.Get(kvpBin.Key);
if(pbB == null) return false;
// Ignore protection setting, compare values only
byte[] pbDataA = kvpBin.Value.ReadData();
byte[] pbDataB = pbB.ReadData();
bool bBinEq = MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pbDataA, pbDataB);
if(!bBinEq) return false;
return true;
public uint DeleteEmptyGroups()
uint uDeleted = 0;
PwObjectList<PwGroup> l = m_pgRootGroup.GetGroups(true);
int iStart = (int)l.UCount - 1;
for(int i = iStart; i >= 0; --i)
PwGroup pg = l.GetAt((uint)i);
if((pg.Groups.UCount > 0) || (pg.Entries.UCount > 0)) continue;
m_vDeletedObjects.Add(new PwDeletedObject(pg.Uuid, DateTime.Now));
return uDeleted;
public uint DeleteUnusedCustomIcons()
List<PwUuid> lToDelete = new List<PwUuid>();
foreach(PwCustomIcon pwci in m_vCustomIcons)
GroupHandler gh = delegate(PwGroup pg)
PwUuid pwUuid = pg.CustomIconUuid;
if((pwUuid == null) || pwUuid.Equals(PwUuid.Zero)) return true;
for(int i = 0; i < lToDelete.Count; ++i)
return true;
EntryHandler eh = delegate(PwEntry pe)
PwUuid pwUuid = pe.CustomIconUuid;
if((pwUuid == null) || pwUuid.Equals(PwUuid.Zero)) return true;
for(int i = 0; i < lToDelete.Count; ++i)
return true;
m_pgRootGroup.TraverseTree(TraversalMethod.PreOrder, gh, eh);
uint uDeleted = 0;
foreach(PwUuid pwDel in lToDelete)
int nIndex = GetCustomIconIndex(pwDel);
if(nIndex < 0) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
if(uDeleted > 0) m_bUINeedsIconUpdate = true;
return uDeleted;