
1437 lines
36 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using KeePassLib.Collections;
using KeePassLib.Cryptography;
using KeePassLib.Security;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
using ProtoBuf;
using ProtoBuf.Meta;
namespace KeePassLib.Serialization
internal class KdbpFile
public const string FileNameExtension = "kdbp";
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the database pointed to by the specified ioc should be (de)serialised in default (xml) or protocol buffers format.
/// </summary>
public static KdbxFormat GetFormatToUse(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
// If the filename ends in .kdbp, use ProtocolBuffers format.
return UrlUtil.GetExtension(UrlUtil.GetFileName(ioc.Path)).Equals(KdbpFile.FileNameExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? KdbxFormat.ProtocolBuffers : KdbxFormat.Default;
public static void WriteDocument(PwDatabase database, Stream stream, byte[] protectedStreamKey, byte[] hashOfHeader)
var context = new SerializationContext
Context = new BufferContext(database,
new CryptoRandomStream(CrsAlgorithm.Salsa20, protectedStreamKey), hashOfHeader)
RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Serialize(stream, new PwDatabaseBuffer(database), context);
public static void ReadDocument(PwDatabase database, Stream stream, byte[] protectedStreamKey, byte[] expectedHashOfHeader)
var context = new BufferContext(database, new CryptoRandomStream(CrsAlgorithm.Salsa20, protectedStreamKey));
// Deserialisation will occur into the database already in context.
RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Deserialize(stream, null, typeof(PwDatabaseBuffer), new SerializationContext { Context = context });
if (expectedHashOfHeader.Length > 0 &&
!KeePassLib.Utility.MemUtil.ArraysEqual(context.HeaderHash, expectedHashOfHeader))
throw new IOException(KeePassLib.Resources.KLRes.FileCorrupted);
private class BufferContext
// ProtectedBinary objects may be referred to multipe times by entry histories, so reference them only once by ensuring a 1:1 mapping to the buffer wrapping them.
public readonly Dictionary<ProtectedBinary, NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer> BinaryPool = new Dictionary<ProtectedBinary, NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer>();
public readonly PwDatabase Database;
public readonly CryptoRandomStream RandomStream;
public byte[] HeaderHash;
public BufferContext(PwDatabase database, CryptoRandomStream randomStream, byte[] pbHashOfHeader = null)
Database = database;
RandomStream = randomStream;
HeaderHash = pbHashOfHeader;
private class PwDatabaseBuffer
#region Serialization
private PwDatabase mDatabase;
private PwDeletedObjectListBuffer mDeletedObjects;
private PwCustomIconListBuffer mCustomIcons;
public PwDatabaseBuffer(PwDatabase database)
mDatabase = database;
mDeletedObjects = new PwDeletedObjectListBuffer(mDatabase.DeletedObjects);
mCustomIcons = new PwCustomIconListBuffer(mDatabase.CustomIcons);
private void BeforeSerialization(SerializationContext context)
var bufferContext = (BufferContext)context.Context;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mDatabase == bufferContext.Database);
HeaderHash = bufferContext.HeaderHash;
#region Deserialization
public PwDatabaseBuffer()
private void BeforeDeserialization(SerializationContext context)
var bufferContext = (BufferContext)context.Context;
mDatabase = bufferContext.Database;
mDeletedObjects = new PwDeletedObjectListBuffer(mDatabase.DeletedObjects);
mCustomIcons = new PwCustomIconListBuffer(mDatabase.CustomIcons);
private void AfterDeserialization(SerializationContext context)
var bufferContext = (BufferContext)context.Context;
bufferContext.HeaderHash = HeaderHash;
public string Generator
get { return PwDatabase.LocalizedAppName; }
set { /* Ignore */ }
[ProtoMember(2, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] HeaderHash;
public string Name
get { return mDatabase.Name; }
set { mDatabase.Name = value; }
public DateTime NameChanged
get { return mDatabase.NameChanged; }
set { mDatabase.NameChanged = value; }
public string Description
get { return mDatabase.Description; }
set { mDatabase.Description = value; }
public DateTime DescriptionChanged
get { return mDatabase.DescriptionChanged; }
set { mDatabase.DescriptionChanged = value; }
public string DefaultUserName
get { return mDatabase.DefaultUserName; }
set { mDatabase.DefaultUserName = value; }
public DateTime DefaultUserNameChanged
get { return mDatabase.DefaultUserNameChanged; }
set { mDatabase.DefaultUserNameChanged = value; }
public uint MaintenanceHistoryDays
get { return mDatabase.MaintenanceHistoryDays; }
set { mDatabase.MaintenanceHistoryDays = value; }
public int Color
get { return mDatabase.Color.ToArgb(); }
set { mDatabase.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(value); }
public DateTime MasterKeyChanged
get { return mDatabase.MasterKeyChanged; }
set { mDatabase.MasterKeyChanged = value; }
public long MasterKeyChangeRec
get { return mDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec; }
set { mDatabase.MasterKeyChangeRec = value; }
public long MasterKeyChangeForce
get { return mDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce; }
set { mDatabase.MasterKeyChangeForce = value; }
public MemoryProtectionConfigBuffer MemoryProtection
get { return new MemoryProtectionConfigBuffer(mDatabase.MemoryProtection); }
set { mDatabase.MemoryProtection = value.MemoryProtectionConfig; }
public PwCustomIconListBuffer CustomIcons
get { return mCustomIcons; }
public bool RecycleBinEnabled
get { return mDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled; }
set { mDatabase.RecycleBinEnabled = value; }
[ProtoMember(17, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] RecycleBinUuid
get { return mDatabase.RecycleBinUuid.UuidBytes; }
set { mDatabase.RecycleBinUuid = new PwUuid(value); }
public DateTime RecycleBinChanged
get { return mDatabase.RecycleBinChanged; }
set { mDatabase.RecycleBinChanged = value; }
[ProtoMember(19, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] EntryTemplatesGroup
get { return mDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup.UuidBytes; }
set { mDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroup = new PwUuid(value); }
public DateTime EntryTemplatesGroupChanged
get { return mDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged; }
set { mDatabase.EntryTemplatesGroupChanged = value; }
public int HistoryMaxItems
get { return mDatabase.HistoryMaxItems; }
set { mDatabase.HistoryMaxItems = value; }
public long HistoryMaxSize
get { return mDatabase.HistoryMaxSize; }
set { mDatabase.HistoryMaxSize = value; }
[ProtoMember(23, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] LastSelectedGroup
get { return mDatabase.LastSelectedGroup.UuidBytes; }
set { mDatabase.LastSelectedGroup = new PwUuid(value); }
[ProtoMember(24, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] LastTopVisibleGroup
get { return mDatabase.LastTopVisibleGroup.UuidBytes; }
set { mDatabase.LastTopVisibleGroup = new PwUuid(value); }
public StringDictionaryExBuffer CustomData
get { return new StringDictionaryExBuffer(mDatabase.CustomData); }
set { mDatabase.CustomData = value.StringDictionaryEx; }
public PwGroupBuffer RootGroup
get { return new PwGroupBuffer(mDatabase.RootGroup); }
set { mDatabase.RootGroup = value.Group; }
public PwDeletedObjectListBuffer DeletedObjects
get { return mDeletedObjects; }
private class StringDictionaryExBuffer : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String, String>>
#region Serialization
private StringDictionaryEx mStringDictionaryEx;
public StringDictionaryExBuffer(StringDictionaryEx stringDictionaryEx)
mStringDictionaryEx = stringDictionaryEx;
#region Deserialization
public StringDictionaryExBuffer()
mStringDictionaryEx = new StringDictionaryEx();
public StringDictionaryEx StringDictionaryEx { get { return mStringDictionaryEx; } }
public void Add(KeyValuePair<String, String> kvp)
mStringDictionaryEx.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<String, String>> GetEnumerator()
return mStringDictionaryEx.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
private class PwCustomIconListBuffer : IEnumerable<PwCustomIconBuffer>
private List<PwCustomIcon> mCustomIcons;
#region Serialization
public PwCustomIconListBuffer(List<PwCustomIcon> customIcons)
mCustomIcons = customIcons;
#region Deserialization
public void Add(PwCustomIconBuffer item)
public IEnumerator<PwCustomIconBuffer> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var customIcon in mCustomIcons)
yield return new PwCustomIconBuffer(customIcon);
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
private class PwCustomIconBuffer
#region Serialization
private PwCustomIcon mCustomIcon;
public PwCustomIconBuffer(PwCustomIcon CustomIcon)
mCustomIcon = CustomIcon;
Uuid = mCustomIcon.Uuid.UuidBytes;
ImageData = mCustomIcon.ImageDataPng;
#region Deserialization
public PwCustomIconBuffer()
private void AfterDeserialization(SerializationContext context)
mCustomIcon = new PwCustomIcon(new PwUuid(Uuid), ImageData);
public PwCustomIcon CustomIcon { get { return mCustomIcon; } }
[ProtoMember(1, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Uuid;
[ProtoMember(2, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] ImageData;
private class MemoryProtectionConfigBuffer
#region Serialization
private readonly MemoryProtectionConfig mMemoryProtectionConfig;
public MemoryProtectionConfigBuffer(MemoryProtectionConfig memoryProtectionConfig)
mMemoryProtectionConfig = memoryProtectionConfig;
#region Deserialization
public MemoryProtectionConfigBuffer()
mMemoryProtectionConfig = new MemoryProtectionConfig();
public MemoryProtectionConfig MemoryProtectionConfig { get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig; } }
public bool ProtectTitle
get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectTitle; }
set { mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectTitle = value; }
public bool ProtectUserName
get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectUserName; }
set { mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectUserName = value; }
public bool ProtectPassword
get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectPassword; }
set { mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectPassword = value; }
public bool ProtectUrl
get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectUrl; }
set { mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectUrl = value; }
public bool ProtectNotes
get { return mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectNotes; }
set { mMemoryProtectionConfig.ProtectNotes = value; }
private class PwDeletedObjectListBuffer : PwObjectListBufferBase<PwDeletedObject, PwDeletedObjectBuffer>
#region Serialization
public PwDeletedObjectListBuffer(PwObjectList<PwDeletedObject> objectList)
: base(objectList)
protected override PwDeletedObjectBuffer CreateBuffer(PwDeletedObject item)
return new PwDeletedObjectBuffer(item);
#region Deserialization
public PwDeletedObjectListBuffer()
: base()
public override void Add(PwDeletedObjectBuffer item)
private class PwDeletedObjectBuffer
#region Serialization
private readonly PwDeletedObject mDeletedObject;
public PwDeletedObjectBuffer(PwDeletedObject deletedObject)
mDeletedObject = deletedObject;
#region Deserialization
public PwDeletedObjectBuffer()
mDeletedObject = new PwDeletedObject();
public PwDeletedObject DeletedObject { get { return mDeletedObject; } }
[ProtoMember(1, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Uuid
get { return mDeletedObject.Uuid.UuidBytes; }
set { mDeletedObject.Uuid = new PwUuid(value); }
public DateTime DeletionTime
get { return mDeletedObject.DeletionTime; }
set { mDeletedObject.DeletionTime = value; }
private class PwGroupBuffer
#region Serialization
private readonly PwGroup mGroup;
private readonly PwGroupEntryListBuffer mEntries;
private readonly PwGroupGroupListBuffer mGroups;
public PwGroupBuffer(PwGroup group)
mGroup = group;
mEntries = new PwGroupEntryListBuffer(mGroup);
mGroups = new PwGroupGroupListBuffer(mGroup);
#region Deserialization
public PwGroupBuffer()
mGroup = new PwGroup(false, false);
mEntries = new PwGroupEntryListBuffer(mGroup);
mGroups = new PwGroupGroupListBuffer(mGroup);
public PwGroup Group { get { return mGroup; } }
[ProtoMember(1, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Uuid
get { return mGroup.Uuid.UuidBytes; }
set { mGroup.Uuid = new PwUuid(value); }
public string Name
get { return mGroup.Name; }
set { mGroup.Name = value; }
public string Notes
get { return mGroup.Notes; }
set { mGroup.Notes = value; }
public PwIcon IconId
get { return mGroup.IconId; }
set { mGroup.IconId = value; }
[ProtoMember(5, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] CustomIconUuid
get { return mGroup.CustomIconUuid.EqualsValue(PwUuid.Zero) ? null : mGroup.CustomIconUuid.UuidBytes; ; }
set { mGroup.CustomIconUuid = value == null ? PwUuid.Zero : new PwUuid(value); }
public bool IsExpanded
get { return mGroup.IsExpanded; }
set { mGroup.IsExpanded = value; }
public string DefaultAutoTypeSequence
get { return mGroup.DefaultAutoTypeSequence; }
set { mGroup.DefaultAutoTypeSequence = value; }
public DateTime LastModificationTime
get { return mGroup.LastModificationTime; }
set { mGroup.LastModificationTime = value; }
public DateTime CreationTime
get { return mGroup.CreationTime; }
set { mGroup.CreationTime = value; }
public DateTime LastAccessTime
get { return mGroup.LastAccessTime; }
set { mGroup.LastAccessTime = value; }
public DateTime ExpiryTime
get { return mGroup.ExpiryTime; }
set { mGroup.ExpiryTime = value; }
public bool Expires
get { return mGroup.Expires; }
set { mGroup.Expires = value; }
public ulong UsageCount
get { return mGroup.UsageCount; }
set { mGroup.UsageCount = value; }
public DateTime LocationChanged
get { return mGroup.LocationChanged; }
set { mGroup.LocationChanged = value; }
public bool? EnableAutoType
get { return mGroup.EnableAutoType; }
set { mGroup.EnableAutoType = value; }
public bool? EnableSearching
get { return mGroup.EnableSearching; }
set { mGroup.EnableSearching = value; }
[ProtoMember(17, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] LastTopVisibleEntry
get { return mGroup.LastTopVisibleEntry.UuidBytes; }
set { mGroup.LastTopVisibleEntry = new PwUuid(value); }
public PwGroupGroupListBuffer Groups
get { return mGroups; }
public PwGroupEntryListBuffer Entries
get { return mEntries; }
private abstract class PwObjectListBufferBase<TData, TDataBuffer> : IEnumerable<TDataBuffer>
where TData : class, KeePassLib.Interfaces.IDeepCloneable<TData>
#region Serialization
private PwObjectList<TData> mObjectList;
protected PwObjectListBufferBase(PwObjectList<TData> objectList)
mObjectList = objectList;
protected abstract TDataBuffer CreateBuffer(TData item);
#region Deserialization
protected PwObjectListBufferBase()
mObjectList = new PwObjectList<TData>();
public PwObjectList<TData> ObjectList { get { return mObjectList; } }
public abstract void Add(TDataBuffer item);
public IEnumerator<TDataBuffer> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var item in mObjectList)
yield return CreateBuffer(item);
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
private class PwGroupGroupListBuffer : PwObjectListBufferBase<PwGroup, PwGroupBuffer>
#region Serialization
private PwGroup mGroup;
public PwGroupGroupListBuffer(PwGroup group)
: base(group.Groups)
mGroup = group;
protected override PwGroupBuffer CreateBuffer(PwGroup item)
return new PwGroupBuffer(item);
#region Deserialization
public override void Add(PwGroupBuffer item)
mGroup.AddGroup(item.Group, true);
private class PwGroupEntryListBuffer : PwObjectListBufferBase<PwEntry, PwEntryBuffer>
#region Serialization
private PwGroup mGroup;
public PwGroupEntryListBuffer(PwGroup group)
: base(group.Entries)
mGroup = group;
protected override PwEntryBuffer CreateBuffer(PwEntry item)
return new PwEntryBuffer(item);
#region Deserialization
public override void Add(PwEntryBuffer item)
mGroup.AddEntry(item.Entry, true);
private class PwEntryListBuffer : PwObjectListBufferBase<PwEntry, PwEntryBuffer>
#region Serialization
public PwEntryListBuffer(PwObjectList<PwEntry> entryList)
: base(entryList)
protected override PwEntryBuffer CreateBuffer(PwEntry item)
return new PwEntryBuffer(item);
#region Deserialization
public PwEntryListBuffer()
: base()
public override void Add(PwEntryBuffer item)
private class PwEntryBuffer
#region Serialization
private readonly PwEntry mEntry;
private ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer mEntryStandardStrings;
private ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer mEntryCustomStrings;
private NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer mEntryBinaries;
public PwEntryBuffer(PwEntry entry)
mEntry = entry;
private void BeforeSerialization(SerializationContext context)
var bufferContext = (BufferContext)context.Context;
// ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer nver gets its own ProtoBeforeSerialization called as it's a list of objects rather than an object itself
List<KeyValuePair<String, ProtectedString>> customFields;
mEntryStandardStrings = new ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer(mEntry.Strings, (int)mEntry.Strings.UCount, bufferContext, out customFields);
mEntryCustomStrings = new ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer(customFields);
mEntryBinaries = new NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer(mEntry.Binaries, (int)mEntry.Binaries.UCount, bufferContext);
#region Deserialization
public PwEntryBuffer()
mEntry = new PwEntry(false, false);
mEntryStandardStrings = new ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer(mEntry.Strings);
mEntryCustomStrings = new ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer(mEntry.Strings);
mEntryBinaries = new NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer(mEntry.Binaries);
public PwEntry Entry { get { return mEntry; } }
[ProtoMember(1, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Uuid
get { return mEntry.Uuid.UuidBytes; }
set { mEntry.SetUuid(new PwUuid(value), false); }
public PwIcon IconId
get { return mEntry.IconId; }
set { mEntry.IconId = value; }
[ProtoMember(3, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] CustomIconUuid
get { return mEntry.CustomIconUuid.EqualsValue(PwUuid.Zero) ? null : mEntry.CustomIconUuid.UuidBytes; }
set { mEntry.CustomIconUuid = value == null ? PwUuid.Zero : new PwUuid(value); }
public int ForegroundColor
get { return mEntry.ForegroundColor.ToArgb(); }
set { mEntry.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(value); }
public int BackgroundColor
get { return mEntry.BackgroundColor.ToArgb(); }
set { mEntry.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(value); }
public string OverrideUrl
get { return mEntry.OverrideUrl; }
set { mEntry.OverrideUrl = value; }
public IList<String> Tags
get { return mEntry.Tags; }
public DateTime LastModificationTime
get { return mEntry.LastModificationTime; }
set { mEntry.LastModificationTime = value; }
public DateTime CreationTime
get { return mEntry.CreationTime; }
set { mEntry.CreationTime = value; }
public DateTime LastAccessTime
get { return mEntry.LastAccessTime; }
set { mEntry.LastAccessTime = value; }
public DateTime ExpiryTime
get { return mEntry.ExpiryTime; }
set { mEntry.ExpiryTime = value; }
public bool Expires
get { return mEntry.Expires; }
set { mEntry.Expires = value; }
public ulong UsageCount
get { return mEntry.UsageCount; }
set { mEntry.UsageCount = value; }
public DateTime LocationChanged
get { return mEntry.LocationChanged; }
set { mEntry.LocationChanged = value; }
public ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer StandardStrings
get { return mEntryStandardStrings; }
public ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer CustomStrings
get { return mEntryCustomStrings; }
[ProtoMember(17, AsReference = true)]
public NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer Binaries
get { return mEntryBinaries; }
public AutoTypeConfigBuffer AutoType
get { return new AutoTypeConfigBuffer(mEntry.AutoType); }
set { mEntry.AutoType = value.AutoTypeConfig; }
public PwEntryListBuffer History
get { return new PwEntryListBuffer(mEntry.History); }
set { mEntry.History = value.ObjectList; }
private abstract class ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer<TKey> : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer>>
#region Serialization
private List<KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer>> mProtectedStringBuffers;
/// <summary>
/// Serialisation constructor. Reads strings from dictionary, does not write to it
/// </summary>
protected ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer(int capacity)
mProtectedStringBuffers = new List<KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer>>(capacity);
protected void AddStringField(TKey key, ProtectedString value, bool? overrideProtect)
mProtectedStringBuffers.Add(new KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer>(key, new ProtectedStringBuffer(value, overrideProtect)));
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer>> GetEnumerator()
return mProtectedStringBuffers.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
#region Deserialization
private readonly ProtectedStringDictionary mDictionary;
/// <summary>
/// Deerialisation constructor. Writes strings to dictionary, does read from it
/// </summary>
protected ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer(ProtectedStringDictionary dictionary)
mDictionary = dictionary;
public void Add(KeyValuePair<TKey, ProtectedStringBuffer> item)
mDictionary.Set(GetFieldName(item.Key), item.Value.ProtectedString);
protected abstract string GetFieldName(TKey key);
private class ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer : ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer<String>
public ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer(List<KeyValuePair<String, ProtectedString>> entryStrings)
: base(entryStrings.Count)
foreach (var kvp in entryStrings)
AddStringField(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, null);
public ProtectedCustomFieldDictionaryBuffer(ProtectedStringDictionary dictionary)
: base(dictionary)
{ }
protected override string GetFieldName(string key)
return key;
private class ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer : ProtectedStringDictionaryBuffer<ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer.StandardField>
public enum StandardField
public ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String, ProtectedString>> entryStrings, int entryStringCount, BufferContext context,
out List<KeyValuePair<String, ProtectedString>> customFields) // Perf optimisation - return the custom fields so we don't have to determine them again
: base(entryStringCount)
customFields = new List<KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedString>>(entryStringCount);
var database = context.Database;
foreach (var kvp in entryStrings)
var field = GetField(kvp.Key);
if (field.HasValue)
// Logic from KdbxFile.Write
bool? overrideProtect = null;
// Adjust memory protection setting (which might be different
// from the database default, e.g. due to an import which
// didn't specify the correct setting)
switch (field.Value)
case StandardField.Title:
overrideProtect = database.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle;
case StandardField.UserName:
overrideProtect = database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName;
case StandardField.Password:
overrideProtect = database.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword;
case StandardField.Url:
overrideProtect = database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl;
case StandardField.Notes:
overrideProtect = database.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes;
AddStringField(field.Value, kvp.Value, overrideProtect);
private static StandardField? GetField(string fieldName)
switch (fieldName)
case PwDefs.TitleField:
return StandardField.Title;
case PwDefs.UserNameField:
return StandardField.UserName;
case PwDefs.PasswordField:
return StandardField.Password;
case PwDefs.UrlField:
return StandardField.Url;
case PwDefs.NotesField:
return StandardField.Notes;
return null;
public ProtectedStandardFieldDictionaryBuffer(ProtectedStringDictionary dictionary)
: base(dictionary)
{ }
protected override string GetFieldName(StandardField key)
switch (key)
case StandardField.Title:
return PwDefs.TitleField;
case StandardField.UserName:
return PwDefs.UserNameField;
case StandardField.Password:
return PwDefs.PasswordField;
case StandardField.Url:
return PwDefs.UrlField;
case StandardField.Notes:
return PwDefs.NotesField;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
private class ProtectedStringBuffer
#region Serialisation
private ProtectedString mProtectedString;
public ProtectedStringBuffer(ProtectedString protectedString, bool? overrideProtect)
mProtectedString = protectedString;
IsProtected = overrideProtect.GetValueOrDefault(mProtectedString.IsProtected);
private void BeforeSerialization(SerializationContext context)
if (IsProtected)
Value = mProtectedString.ReadXorredString(((BufferContext)context.Context).RandomStream);
Value = mProtectedString.ReadUtf8();
#region Deserialisation
public ProtectedStringBuffer()
private void AfterDeserialization(SerializationContext context)
if (IsProtected)
byte[] pbPad = ((BufferContext)context.Context).RandomStream.GetRandomBytes((uint)Value.Length);
mProtectedString = new ProtectedString(IsProtected, new XorredBuffer(Value, pbPad));
mProtectedString = new ProtectedString(IsProtected, Value);
public ProtectedString ProtectedString { get { return mProtectedString; } }
public bool IsProtected;
[ProtoMember(2, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Value;
private class NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer : IEnumerable<NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer>
#region Serialisation
private readonly List<NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer> mNamedBinaries;
public NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String, ProtectedBinary>> binaries, int binariesCount, BufferContext context)
mNamedBinaries = new List<NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer>(binariesCount);
foreach (var kvp in binaries)
NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer namedProtectedBinaryBuffer;
if (!context.BinaryPool.TryGetValue(kvp.Value, out namedProtectedBinaryBuffer))
// Hasn't been put in the pool yet, so create it
namedProtectedBinaryBuffer = new NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer(kvp);
context.BinaryPool.Add(kvp.Value, namedProtectedBinaryBuffer);
public IEnumerator<NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer> GetEnumerator()
return mNamedBinaries.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
#region Deserialization
private readonly ProtectedBinaryDictionary mBinaryDictionary;
public NamedProtectedBinaryListBuffer(ProtectedBinaryDictionary binaryDictionary)
mBinaryDictionary = binaryDictionary;
public void Add(NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer item)
mBinaryDictionary.Set(item.Name, item.ProtectedBinary);
private class NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer
#region Serialization
private ProtectedBinary mProtectedBinary;
public NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer(KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedBinary> namedBinary)
Name = namedBinary.Key;
mProtectedBinary = namedBinary.Value;
IsProtected = mProtectedBinary.IsProtected;
private void BeforeSerialization(SerializationContext context)
if (IsProtected)
Value = mProtectedBinary.ReadXorredData(((BufferContext)context.Context).RandomStream);
Value = mProtectedBinary.ReadData();
#region Deserialisation
public NamedProtectedBinaryBuffer()
private void AfterDeserialization(SerializationContext context)
if (IsProtected)
byte[] pbPad = ((BufferContext)context.Context).RandomStream.GetRandomBytes((uint)Value.Length);
mProtectedBinary = new ProtectedBinary(IsProtected, new XorredBuffer(Value, pbPad));
mProtectedBinary = new ProtectedBinary(IsProtected, Value);
public ProtectedBinary ProtectedBinary { get { return mProtectedBinary; } }
public string Name;
public bool IsProtected;
[ProtoMember(3, OverwriteList = true)]
public byte[] Value;
private class AutoTypeConfigBuffer
private readonly AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer mAutoTypeAssociationsBuffer;
#region Serialization
private AutoTypeConfig mAutoTypeConfig;
public AutoTypeConfigBuffer(AutoTypeConfig autoTypeConfig)
mAutoTypeConfig = autoTypeConfig;
mAutoTypeAssociationsBuffer = new AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer(mAutoTypeConfig);
#region Deserialization
public AutoTypeConfigBuffer()
mAutoTypeConfig = new AutoTypeConfig();
mAutoTypeAssociationsBuffer = new AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer(mAutoTypeConfig);
public AutoTypeConfig AutoTypeConfig { get { return mAutoTypeConfig; } }
public bool Enabled
get { return mAutoTypeConfig.Enabled; }
set { mAutoTypeConfig.Enabled = value; }
public AutoTypeObfuscationOptions ObfuscationOptions
get { return mAutoTypeConfig.ObfuscationOptions; }
set { mAutoTypeConfig.ObfuscationOptions = value; }
public string DefaultSequence
get { return mAutoTypeConfig.DefaultSequence; }
set { mAutoTypeConfig.DefaultSequence = value; }
public AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer Associations
get { return mAutoTypeAssociationsBuffer; }
private class AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer : IEnumerable<AutoTypeAssociationBuffer>
#region Serialization
private AutoTypeConfig mAutoTypeConfig;
public AutoTypeAssociationsBuffer(AutoTypeConfig autoTypeConfig)
mAutoTypeConfig = autoTypeConfig;
public IEnumerator<AutoTypeAssociationBuffer> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var autoTypeAssociation in mAutoTypeConfig.Associations)
yield return new AutoTypeAssociationBuffer(autoTypeAssociation);
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
#region Deserialization
public void Add(AutoTypeAssociationBuffer value)
private class AutoTypeAssociationBuffer
#region Serialization
private AutoTypeAssociation mAutoTypeAssociation;
public AutoTypeAssociationBuffer(AutoTypeAssociation autoTypeAssociation)
mAutoTypeAssociation = autoTypeAssociation;
#region Deserialization
public AutoTypeAssociationBuffer()
mAutoTypeAssociation = new AutoTypeAssociation();
public AutoTypeAssociation AutoTypeAssociation { get { return mAutoTypeAssociation; } }
public string WindowName
get { return mAutoTypeAssociation.WindowName; }
set { mAutoTypeAssociation.WindowName = value; }
public string Sequence
get { return mAutoTypeAssociation.Sequence; }
set { mAutoTypeAssociation.Sequence = value; }