Philipp Crocoll 26575c4ba4 Splitted keepass2android project into
- keepass2android: UI stuff only
 - Kp2aBusinessLogic: Password-Database related algorithms (even though tied to android, no UI required here)

Removed dependencies of logic layer to static Application, Resource class or other UI stuff
Added MonoDroidUnitTesting (not yet used, will be used for testing logic layer)
2013-06-14 06:14:50 +02:00

19 lines
904 B

To use this library, create a new Mono for Android Application project, reference this library and then change the code
of the new main activity to something like this:
[Activity(Label = "MonoDroidUnit", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
public class Activity1 : GuiTestRunnerActivity {
protected override TestRunner CreateTestRunner() {
TestRunner runner = new TestRunner();
// Run all tests from this assembly
return runner;
You need to inherit from "GuiTestRunnerActivity" and implement the method "CreateTestRunner()".
IMPORTANT: Mono for Android (at least in version 4.2.3) doesn't provide any file names and line numbers in stack traces
when running without a debugger attached. If you need line numbers in your stack traces, make sure you run your
unit test with debugger attached.