
314 lines
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This file is part of Keepass2Android, Copyright 2013 Philipp Crocoll. This file is based on Keepassdroid, Copyright Brian Pellin.
Keepass2Android is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Keepass2Android is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Keepass2Android. If not, see <>.
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Preferences;
using Android.Content.PM;
using Android.Text;
using Android.Text.Method;
using Java.Lang;
using Java.Lang.Reflect;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using Exception = System.Exception;
using String = System.String;
* General documentation
* Activity stack and activity results
* ===================================
* Keepass2Android comprises quite a number of different activities and entry points: The app can be started
* using the launcher icon (-> Activity "Keepass"), or by sending a URL (-> FileSelect), opening a .kdb(x)-file (->Password),
* swiping a YubikeyNEO (NfcOtpActivity).
* While the database is closed, there is only one activity on the stack: Keepass -> FileSelect <-> Password.
* After opening an database (in Password), Password is always the root of the stack (exception: after creating a database,
* FileSelect is the root without Password being open).
* Another exception: QueryCredentialsActivity is root of the stack if an external app is querying credentials.
* QueryCredentialsActivity checks the plugin access permissions, then launches FileSelectActivity (which starts
* the normal stack.)
* Some possible stacks:
* Password -> Group ( -> Group (subgroups) ... ) -> EntryView -> EntryEdit
* (AdvancedSearch Menu) -> Search -> SearchResults -> EntryView -> EntryEdit
* (SearchWidget) -> SearchResults -> EntryView -> EntryEdit
* Password -> ShareUrlResults -> EntryView
* FileSelect -> Group (after Create DB)
* In each of these activities, an AppTask may be present and must be passed to started activities and ActivityResults
* must be returned. Therefore, if any Activity calls { StartActivity(newActivity);Finish(); }, it must specify FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT.
* Further sub-activities may be opened (e.g. Settings -> ExportDb, ...), but these are not necesarrily
* part of the AppTask. Then, neither the task has to be passed nor must the sub-activity return an ActivityResult.
* Activities with AppTasks should check if they get a new AppTask in OnActivityResult.
* Note: Chrome fires the ActionSend (Share URL) intent with NEW_TASK (i.e. KP2A appears in a separate task, either a new one,
* or, if it was running before, in the KP2A task), whereas Firefox doesn't specify that flag and KP2A appears "inside" Firefox.
* This means that the AppTask must be cleared for use in Chrome after finding an entry or pressing back button in ShareUrlResults.
* This would not be necessary for Firefox where the (Android) Task of standalone KP2A is not affected by the search.
namespace keepass2android
/// <summary>
/// Launcher activity of Keepass2Android. This activity usually forwards to FileSelect but may show the revision dialog after installation or updates.
/// </summary>
[Activity(Label = AppNames.AppName, MainLauncher = true, Theme = "@style/MyTheme_ActionBar")]
public class KeePass : LifecycleDebugActivity
public const Result ExitNormal = Result.FirstUser;
public const Result ExitLock = Result.FirstUser+1;
public const Result ExitRefresh = Result.FirstUser+2;
public const Result ExitRefreshTitle = Result.FirstUser+3;
public const Result ExitCloseAfterTaskComplete = Result.FirstUser+4;
public const Result TaskComplete = Result.FirstUser + 5;
public const Result ExitReloadDb = Result.FirstUser+6;
public const Result ExitClose = Result.FirstUser + 7;
public const Result ExitFileStorageSelectionOk = Result.FirstUser + 8;
public const Result ResultOkPasswordGenerator = Result.FirstUser + 9;
AppTask _appTask;
private ActivityDesign _design;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
//see comment to this in PasswordActivity.
//Note that this activity is affected even though it's finished when the app is closed because it
//seems that the "app launch intent" is re-delivered, so this might end up here.
if ((_appTask == null) && (Intent.Flags.HasFlag(ActivityFlags.LaunchedFromHistory)))
_appTask = new NullTask();
_appTask = AppTask.GetTaskInOnCreate(savedInstanceState, Intent);
protected override void OnResume()
protected override void OnStart()
ISharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
/*if (GetCurrentRuntimeValue().StartsWith("ART"))
if (!prefs.GetBoolean("ART_WARNING", false))
ISharedPreferencesEditor edit = prefs.Edit();
edit.PutBoolean("ART_WARNING", true);
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
//"It looks like you are running ART (Android Runtime). Please note: At the time of this app's release, Google says ART is experimental. And indeed, the early releases of ART (e.g. in Android 4.4, 4.4.1 and 4.4.2) contain a bug which causes crashes in Mono for Android apps including Keepass2Android. This bug was fixed after the 4.4.2 release so if you have a later Android release, you might be able to use this app. If not, please switch to Dalvik. Please do not downrate Keepass2Android for this problem, it's not our bug :-). Thanks! See our website ( for more information on this issue.")
"It looks like you are running ART (Android Runtime). Please note: At the time of this app's release, this app does not run completely stable with ART. I am waiting for more fixes regarding ART from the makers of Mono for Android. As ART is still not yet meant for every-day use, please do not down rate KP2A for this. Thanks.")
.SetPositiveButton("OK", (sender, args) => LaunchNextActivity())
bool showChangeLog = false;
PackageInfo packageInfo = PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(PackageName, 0);
int lastInfoVersionCode = prefs.GetInt(GetString(Resource.String.LastInfoVersionCode_key), 0);
if (packageInfo.VersionCode > lastInfoVersionCode)
showChangeLog = true;
ISharedPreferencesEditor edit = prefs.Edit();
edit.PutInt(GetString(Resource.String.LastInfoVersionCode_key), packageInfo.VersionCode);
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException)
showChangeLog = false;
if (showChangeLog)
ChangeLog.ShowChangeLog(this, LaunchNextActivity);
private static String SELECT_RUNTIME_PROPERTY = "persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib";
private static String LIB_DALVIK = "";
private static String LIB_ART = "";
private static String LIB_ART_D = "";
public static string StartWithTask = "keepass2android.ACTION_START_WITH_TASK";
public KeePass()
_design = new ActivityDesign(this);
private String GetCurrentRuntimeValue()
Class systemProperties = Class.ForName("android.os.SystemProperties");
Method get = systemProperties.GetMethod("get",
Class.FromType(typeof (Java.Lang.String)),
Class.FromType(typeof (Java.Lang.String)));
if (get == null)
return "WTF?!";
String value = (String) get.Invoke(
/* Assuming default is */"Dalvik");
if (LIB_DALVIK.Equals(value))
return "Dalvik";
else if (LIB_ART.Equals(value))
return "ART";
else if (LIB_ART_D.Equals(value))
return "ART debug build";
return value;
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
return "IllegalAccessException";
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
return "IllegalArgumentException";
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
return "InvocationTargetException";
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
return "SystemProperties.get(String key, String def) method is not found";
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
return "SystemProperties class is not found";
IOConnectionInfo LoadIoc(string defaultFileName)
return App.Kp2a.FileDbHelper.CursorToIoc(App.Kp2a.FileDbHelper.FetchFileByName(defaultFileName));
private void LaunchNextActivity() {
if (!App.Kp2a.GetDb().Loaded)
// Load default database
ISharedPreferences prefs = Android.Preferences.PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
String defaultFileName = prefs.GetString(PasswordActivity.KeyDefaultFilename, "");
if (defaultFileName.Length > 0)
PasswordActivity.Launch(this, LoadIoc(defaultFileName), _appTask);
catch (Exception e)
Toast.MakeText(this, e.Message, ToastLength.Long);
// Ignore exception
PasswordActivity.Launch(this, App.Kp2a.GetDb().Ioc, _appTask);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(FileSelectActivity));
protected override void OnDestroy() {