Philipp Crocoll 8de5588cff added UI for kdb support
fixed issue with not keeping "meta stream entries" (database color, default username) and num encryption rounds
fixed issues with recycle bin (wasn't updating group list correctly, couldn't access newly created recycle bin group)
2015-02-09 20:24:57 +01:00

537 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Keys;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using keepass2android;
namespace Kp2aUnitTests
static class StringExt
public static bool ContainsAny(this string haystack, IEnumerable<string> needles)
return needles.Any(haystack.Contains);
class TestSaveDb: TestBase
private string newFilename;
public void TestLoadEditSave()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
IOConnection.DeleteFile(new IOConnectionInfo { Path = DefaultFilename });
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
//save the database again:
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the change was saved:
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSync()
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncKdbp()
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncKdb()
TestSync(DefaultDirectory + "savetest.kdb");
private void TestSync(string filename)
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDatabase(filename);
DisplayGroups(app, "After create");
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save first version -- ");
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB -- ");
app = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
DisplayGroups(app, "After reload");
//load it once again:
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB to app 2-- ");
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
DisplayGroups(app2, "After load to app2");
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save from app 1 (with TestGroup) -- ");
((TestKp2aApp) app2).SetYesNoCancelResult(TestKp2aApp.YesNoCancelResult.Yes);
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save from app 2 (with TestGroup2, requires merge) -- ");
DisplayGroups(app2, "After save with merge");
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp) app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//add group 2 to app 1:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB to new app -- ");
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was successful:
string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
string kdbxResultXml = DatabaseToXml(resultApp);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxXml, true);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxResultXml, true);
Assert.AreEqual(kdbxXml, kdbxResultXml);
//AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
private void DisplayGroups(IKp2aApp app, string name)
LogDebug("Groups display: " + name);
DisplayGroupRecursive(0, app.GetDb().Root);
private void DisplayGroupRecursive(int level, PwGroup g)
LogDebug("Group name="+g.Name+", exp: " + g.Expires+ ", expTime="+g.ExpiryTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
foreach (var ch in g.Groups)
DisplayGroupRecursive(level + 1, ch);
private static void LogDebug(string text, int indent=0)
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", text.PadLeft(indent*2));
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncOverwrite()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user clicks the "no" button when asked if the sync should be performed -> overwrite expected!
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (overwrite expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app2.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithWriteBecauseTargetNotExists()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
//delete the file:
//save the database:
//make sure no question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((TestKp2aApp)app).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the file was saved:
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncOverwriteBecauseOfNoCheck()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user doesn't want to perform check for file change:
((TestKp2aApp) app2).SetPreference(PreferenceKey.CheckForFileChangesOnSave, false);
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
//make sure no question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (overwrite expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app2.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncCancel()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user clicks the "cancel" button when asked if the sync should be performed
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
Assert.AreEqual(false, TrySaveDatabase(app2));
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (cancel expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncConflict()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by renaming the same group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.Groups.Single(g => g.Name == "Internet").Name += "abc";
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.Groups.Single(g => g.Name == "Internet").Name += "abcde";
//app1 also changes the master password:
var compositeKey = app.GetDb().KpDatabase.MasterKey;
compositeKey.RemoveUserKey(compositeKey.GetUserKey(typeof (KcpPassword)));
compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword("abc"));
//save the database from app 1:
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must fail because the target file cannot be loaded:
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
public void TestSaveAsWhenReadOnly()
Assert.Fail("TODO: Test ");
public void TestSaveAsWhenSyncError()
Assert.Fail("TODO: Test ");
public void TestLoadAndSave_TestIdenticalFiles()
IKp2aApp app = LoadDatabase(DefaultDirectory + "complexDb.kdbx", "test", null);
var kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
newFilename = TestDbDirectory + "tmp_complexDb.kdbx";
if (File.Exists(newFilename))
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path = newFilename;
IKp2aApp appReloaded = LoadDatabase(newFilename, "test", null);
var kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(appReloaded);
public void TestLoadAndSave_TestIdenticalFiles_kdb()
IKp2aApp app = LoadDatabase(DefaultDirectory + "complexDb.kdb", "test", null);
string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
newFilename = TestDbDirectory + "tmp_complexDb.kdb";
if (File.Exists(newFilename))
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path = newFilename;
IKp2aApp appReloaded = LoadDatabase(newFilename, "test", null);
string kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(appReloaded);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxReloadedXml);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxXml);
Assert.AreEqual(kdbxXml, kdbxReloadedXml);
public void TestSaveTwice_kdb()
var filename = DefaultDirectory + "savetwice.kdb";
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDatabase(filename);
DisplayGroups(app, "After create 1");
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save first version -- ");
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB -- ");
app = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
DisplayGroups(app, "After reload");
//save the database (first time):
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save db first time ");
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save db second time ");
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((TestKp2aApp)app).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
public void TestCreateSaveAndLoad_TestIdenticalFiles_kdb()
string filename = DefaultDirectory + "createsaveandload.kdb";
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDatabase(filename);
string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
//save it and reload it
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Save DB -- ");
Android.Util.Log.Debug("KP2A", "-- Load DB -- ");
PwDatabase pwImp = new PwDatabase();
PwDatabase pwDatabase = app.GetDb().KpDatabase;
pwImp.New(new IOConnectionInfo(), pwDatabase.MasterKey);
pwImp.MemoryProtection = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.CloneDeep();
pwImp.MasterKey = pwDatabase.MasterKey;
IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo() {Path = filename};
using (Stream s = app.GetFileStorage(ioc).OpenFileForRead(ioc))
app.GetDb().DatabaseFormat.PopulateDatabaseFromStream(pwImp, s, null);
string kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxReloadedXml);
RemoveKdbLines(ref kdbxXml);
Assert.AreEqual(kdbxXml, kdbxReloadedXml);
private void RemoveKdbLines(ref string databaseXml, bool removeForAfterSync=false)
//these values are not part of .kdb and thus cannot be the same when comparing two .kdb files
// -> remove them from the .xml
var stuffToRemove = new string[] {"<DatabaseNameChanged>",
"<Key>","<Key />" //key of attachments
string[] moreStuffToRemove = new string[]
if (removeForAfterSync)
string[] lines = databaseXml.Split(new char[] {'\n'});
databaseXml = lines
.Where(line => !line.ContainsAny(stuffToRemove))
.Aggregate("", (current, line) => current + (line + "\n"));
public void TestLoadKdbxAndSaveKdbp_TestIdenticalFiles()
IKp2aApp app = LoadDatabase(DefaultDirectory + "complexDb.kdbx", "test", null);
//string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
newFilename = TestDbDirectory + "tmp_complexDb.kdbp";
if (File.Exists(newFilename))
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path = newFilename;
IKp2aApp appReloaded = LoadDatabase(newFilename, "test", null);
* Unfortunately we cannot compare the xml because there are slight differences:
* - the order of ProtectedStrings in the xml is different (which is ok)
* - the CustomIconUuids are serialized as Zeros instead of not being serialized (which is ok as well)
string kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(appReloaded);
bool areEqual = kdbxXml.Equals(kdbxReloadedXml);
if (!areEqual)
using (StreamWriter w1 = File.CreateText(TestDbDirectory + "FromOriginalKdbx.xml"))
using (StreamWriter w2 = File.CreateText(TestDbDirectory + "FromKdbp.xml"))
Assert.IsTrue(areEqual, "reloaded->xml differs from loaded->xml");
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, appReloaded.GetDb().KpDatabase);
private class OnCloseToStringMemoryStream : MemoryStream
public string Text { get; private set; }
private bool _closed;
public override void Close()
if (!_closed)
Position = 0;
Text = new StreamReader(this).ReadToEnd();
_closed = true;
private static string DatabaseToXml(IKp2aApp app)
KdbxFile kdb = new KdbxFile(app.GetDb().KpDatabase);
var sOutput = new OnCloseToStringMemoryStream();
kdb.Save(sOutput, app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null);
return sOutput.Text;