
224 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Keys;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using keepass2android;
using keepass2android.Io;
namespace Kp2aUnitTests
/// <summary>
/// Very simple implementation of the Kp2aApp interface to be used in tests
/// </summary>
internal class TestKp2aApp : IKp2aApp
internal enum YesNoCancelResult
Yes, No, Cancel
private Database _db;
private YesNoCancelResult _yesNoCancelResult = YesNoCancelResult.Yes;
private Dictionary<PreferenceKey, bool> _preferences = new Dictionary<PreferenceKey, bool>();
private int id = new Random().Next(1000);
public void SetShutdown()
public virtual TestFileStorage TestFileStorage
if (_testFileStorage != null)
return _testFileStorage;
return (TestFileStorage) FileStorage;
set { _testFileStorage = value; }
public void LockDatabase(bool allowQuickUnlock = true)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void LoadDatabase(IOConnectionInfo ioConnectionInfo, MemoryStream memoryStream, CompositeKey compKey, ProgressDialogStatusLogger statusLogger, IDatabaseFormat databaseFormat)
_db.LoadData(this, ioConnectionInfo, memoryStream, compKey, statusLogger, databaseFormat);
public Database GetDb()
return _db;
public void StoreOpenedFileAsRecent(IOConnectionInfo ioc, string keyfile)
public Database CreateNewDatabase()
TestDrawableFactory testDrawableFactory = new TestDrawableFactory();
_db = new Database(testDrawableFactory, this);
return _db;
public string GetResourceString(UiStringKey stringKey)
return stringKey.ToString();
public bool GetBooleanPreference(PreferenceKey key)
if (_preferences.ContainsKey(key))
return _preferences[key];
return true;
public UiStringKey? LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle { get; set; }
public void AskYesNoCancel(UiStringKey titleKey, UiStringKey messageKey,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> yesHandler,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> noHandler,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> cancelHandler,
Context ctx)
AskYesNoCancel(titleKey, messageKey, UiStringKey.yes,,
yesHandler, noHandler, cancelHandler, ctx);
public void AskYesNoCancel(UiStringKey titleKey, UiStringKey messageKey,
UiStringKey yesString, UiStringKey noString,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> yesHandler,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> noHandler,
EventHandler<DialogClickEventArgs> cancelHandler,
Context ctx)
LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle = titleKey;
switch (_yesNoCancelResult)
case YesNoCancelResult.Yes:
yesHandler(null, null);
case YesNoCancelResult.No:
noHandler(null, null);
case YesNoCancelResult.Cancel:
cancelHandler(null, null);
throw new Exception("unexpected case!");
public Handler UiThreadHandler {
get { return null; } //ensure everything runs in the same thread. Otherwise the OnFinish-callback would run after the test has already finished (with failure)
public IFileStorage FileStorage { get; set; }
public IProgressDialog CreateProgressDialog(Context ctx)
return new ProgressDialogStub();
public virtual IFileStorage GetFileStorage(IOConnectionInfo iocInfo)
return FileStorage;
public virtual IFileStorage GetFileStorage(IOConnectionInfo iocInfo, bool allowCache)
if (FileStorage is CachingFileStorage)
throw new Exception("bad test class");
return FileStorage;
public bool TriggerReloadCalled;
private TestFileStorage _testFileStorage;
private bool _serverCertificateErrorResponse;
public TestKp2aApp()
FileStorage = new BuiltInFileStorage(this);
public void TriggerReload(Context ctx)
TriggerReloadCalled = true;
public RemoteCertificateValidationCallback CertificateValidationCallback
Kp2aLog.Log("TESTAPP: " + id + "/ " + ServerCertificateErrorResponse);
if (!ServerCertificateErrorResponse)
return (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>
if (errors == SslPolicyErrors.None)
return true;
return false;
// return null; //default behavior
return (sender, certificate, chain, errors) =>
return true;
public bool CheckForDuplicateUuids
get { return true; }
public bool OnServerCertificateError(int sslPolicyErrors)
ServerCertificateErrorCalled = true;
return ServerCertificateErrorResponse;
public bool ServerCertificateErrorResponse
get { return _serverCertificateErrorResponse; }
set {
_serverCertificateErrorResponse = value;
FileStorage = new BuiltInFileStorage(this); // recreate because of possibly changed validation behavior
protected bool ServerCertificateErrorCalled { get; set; }
public void SetYesNoCancelResult(YesNoCancelResult yesNoCancelResult)
_yesNoCancelResult = yesNoCancelResult;
public void SetPreference(PreferenceKey key, bool value)
_preferences[key] = value;