Philipp Crocoll a671c4f241 Fixed SaveDb for CachingFileStorage and target file not existing
-> + Tests
First, very simple implementation of ChangingFileStorage in KP2A App (preliminary)
2013-08-08 20:40:35 +02:00

370 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Keys;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using keepass2android;
namespace Kp2aUnitTests
class TestSaveDb: TestBase
private string newFilename;
public void TestLoadEditSave()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
IOConnection.DeleteFile(new IOConnectionInfo { Path = DefaultFilename });
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
//save the database again:
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the change was saved:
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSync()
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncKdbp()
private void TestSync(string filename)
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDatabase(filename);
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
((TestKp2aApp) app2).SetYesNoCancelResult(TestKp2aApp.YesNoCancelResult.Yes);
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp) app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//add group 2 to app 1:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(filename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was successful:
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncOverwrite()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user clicks the "no" button when asked if the sync should be performed -> overwrite expected!
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (overwrite expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app2.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithWriteBecauseTargetNotExists()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
//delete the file:
//save the database:
//make sure no question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((TestKp2aApp)app).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the file was saved:
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncOverwriteBecauseOfNoCheck()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user doesn't want to perform check for file change:
((TestKp2aApp) app2).SetPreference(PreferenceKey.CheckForFileChangesOnSave, false);
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
//make sure no question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(null, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (overwrite expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app2.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncCancel()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by adding a group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup", PwIcon.Apple), true);
var group2 = new PwGroup(true, true, "TestGroup2", PwIcon.Energy);
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(group2, true);
//save the database from app 1:
//the user clicks the "cancel" button when asked if the sync should be performed
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must detect the changes made from app 1 and ask if it should sync:
Assert.AreEqual(false, TrySaveDatabase(app2));
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
//load database to a new app instance:
IKp2aApp resultApp = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//ensure the sync was NOT performed (cancel expected!):
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, resultApp.GetDb().KpDatabase);
public void TestLoadEditSaveWithSyncConflict()
//create the default database:
IKp2aApp app = SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase();
//save it and reload it so we have a base version
app = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//load it once again:
IKp2aApp app2 = LoadDatabase(DefaultFilename, DefaultPassword, DefaultKeyfile);
//modify the database by renaming the same group in both databases:
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.Groups.Single(g => g.Name == "Internet").Name += "abc";
app2.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.Groups.Single(g => g.Name == "Internet").Name += "abcde";
//app1 also changes the master password:
var compositeKey = app.GetDb().KpDatabase.MasterKey;
compositeKey.RemoveUserKey(compositeKey.GetUserKey(typeof (KcpPassword)));
compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword("abc"));
//save the database from app 1:
//save the database from app 2: This save operation must fail because the target file cannot be loaded:
//make sure the right question was asked
Assert.AreEqual(UiStringKey.TitleSyncQuestion, ((TestKp2aApp)app2).LastYesNoCancelQuestionTitle);
public void TestSaveAsWhenReadOnly()
Assert.Fail("TODO: Test ");
public void TestSaveAsWhenSyncError()
Assert.Fail("TODO: Test ");
public void TestLoadAndSave_TestIdenticalFiles()
IKp2aApp app = LoadDatabase(DefaultDirectory + "complexDb.kdbx", "test", null);
var kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
newFilename = TestDbDirectory + "tmp_complexDb.kdbx";
if (File.Exists(newFilename))
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path = newFilename;
IKp2aApp appReloaded = LoadDatabase(newFilename, "test", null);
var kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(appReloaded);
public void TestLoadKdbxAndSaveKdbp_TestIdenticalFiles()
IKp2aApp app = LoadDatabase(DefaultDirectory + "complexDb.kdbx", "test", null);
//string kdbxXml = DatabaseToXml(app);
newFilename = TestDbDirectory + "tmp_complexDb.kdbp";
if (File.Exists(newFilename))
app.GetDb().KpDatabase.IOConnectionInfo.Path = newFilename;
IKp2aApp appReloaded = LoadDatabase(newFilename, "test", null);
* Unfortunately we cannot compare the xml because there are slight differences:
* - the order of ProtectedStrings in the xml is different (which is ok)
* - the CustomIconUuids are serialized as Zeros instead of not being serialized (which is ok as well)
string kdbxReloadedXml = DatabaseToXml(appReloaded);
bool areEqual = kdbxXml.Equals(kdbxReloadedXml);
if (!areEqual)
using (StreamWriter w1 = File.CreateText(TestDbDirectory + "FromOriginalKdbx.xml"))
using (StreamWriter w2 = File.CreateText(TestDbDirectory + "FromKdbp.xml"))
Assert.IsTrue(areEqual, "reloaded->xml differs from loaded->xml");
AssertDatabasesAreEqual(app.GetDb().KpDatabase, appReloaded.GetDb().KpDatabase);
private class OnCloseToStringMemoryStream : MemoryStream
public string Text { get; private set; }
private bool _closed;
public override void Close()
if (!_closed)
Position = 0;
Text = new StreamReader(this).ReadToEnd();
_closed = true;
private static string DatabaseToXml(IKp2aApp app)
KdbxFile kdb = new KdbxFile(app.GetDb().KpDatabase);
var sOutput = new OnCloseToStringMemoryStream();
kdb.Save(sOutput, app.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup, KdbxFormat.PlainXml, null);
return sOutput.Text;