
1335 lines
36 KiB

KeePass Password Safe - The Open-Source Password Manager
Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Dominik Reichl <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using KeePassLib.Collections;
using KeePassLib.Native;
using KeePassLib.Security;
using KeePassLib.Resources;
namespace KeePassLib.Utility
/// <summary>
/// Character stream class.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CharStream
private string m_strString = string.Empty;
private int m_nPos = 0;
public CharStream(string str)
Debug.Assert(str != null);
if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
m_strString = str;
public void Seek(SeekOrigin org, int nSeek)
if(org == SeekOrigin.Begin)
m_nPos = nSeek;
else if(org == SeekOrigin.Current)
m_nPos += nSeek;
else if(org == SeekOrigin.End)
m_nPos = m_strString.Length + nSeek;
public char ReadChar()
if(m_nPos < 0) return char.MinValue;
if(m_nPos >= m_strString.Length) return char.MinValue;
char chRet = m_strString[m_nPos];
return chRet;
public char ReadChar(bool bSkipWhiteSpace)
if(bSkipWhiteSpace == false) return ReadChar();
char ch = ReadChar();
if((ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t') && (ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n'))
return ch;
public char PeekChar()
if(m_nPos < 0) return char.MinValue;
if(m_nPos >= m_strString.Length) return char.MinValue;
return m_strString[m_nPos];
public char PeekChar(bool bSkipWhiteSpace)
if(bSkipWhiteSpace == false) return PeekChar();
int iIndex = m_nPos;
if(iIndex < 0) return char.MinValue;
if(iIndex >= m_strString.Length) return char.MinValue;
char ch = m_strString[iIndex];
if((ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t') && (ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n'))
return ch;
public enum StrEncodingType
Unknown = 0,
public sealed class StrEncodingInfo
private readonly StrEncodingType m_type;
public StrEncodingType Type
get { return m_type; }
private readonly string m_strName;
public string Name
get { return m_strName; }
private readonly Encoding m_enc;
public Encoding Encoding
get { return m_enc; }
private readonly uint m_cbCodePoint;
/// <summary>
/// Size of a character in bytes.
/// </summary>
public uint CodePointSize
get { return m_cbCodePoint; }
private readonly byte[] m_vSig;
/// <summary>
/// Start signature of the text (byte order mark).
/// May be <c>null</c> or empty, if no signature is known.
/// </summary>
public byte[] StartSignature
get { return m_vSig; }
public StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType t, string strName, Encoding enc,
uint cbCodePoint, byte[] vStartSig)
if(strName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strName");
if(enc == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("enc");
if(cbCodePoint <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cbCodePoint");
m_type = t;
m_strName = strName;
m_enc = enc;
m_cbCodePoint = cbCodePoint;
m_vSig = vStartSig;
/// <summary>
/// A class containing various string helper methods.
/// </summary>
public static class StrUtil
public const StringComparison CaseIgnoreCmp = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
public static StringComparer CaseIgnoreComparer
get { return StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; }
private static bool m_bRtl = false;
public static bool RightToLeft
get { return m_bRtl; }
set { m_bRtl = value; }
private static UTF8Encoding m_encUtf8 = null;
public static UTF8Encoding Utf8
if(m_encUtf8 == null) m_encUtf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false, false);
return m_encUtf8;
private static List<StrEncodingInfo> m_lEncs = null;
public static IEnumerable<StrEncodingInfo> Encodings
if(m_lEncs == null)
m_lEncs = new List<StrEncodingInfo>();
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Default,
#if !KeePassLibSD
(uint)Encoding.Default.GetBytes("a").Length, null));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Ascii,
"ASCII", Encoding.ASCII, 1, null));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf7,
"Unicode (UTF-7)", Encoding.UTF7, 1, null));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf8,
"Unicode (UTF-8)", StrUtil.Utf8, 1, new byte[] { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF }));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf16LE,
"Unicode (UTF-16 LE)", new UnicodeEncoding(false, false),
2, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE }));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf16BE,
"Unicode (UTF-16 BE)", new UnicodeEncoding(true, false),
2, new byte[] { 0xFE, 0xFF }));
#if !KeePassLibSD
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf32LE,
"Unicode (UTF-32 LE)", new UTF32Encoding(false, false),
4, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0x0, 0x0 }));
m_lEncs.Add(new StrEncodingInfo(StrEncodingType.Utf32BE,
"Unicode (UTF-32 BE)", new UTF32Encoding(true, false),
4, new byte[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0xFE, 0xFF }));
return m_lEncs;
// public static string RtfPar
// {
// // get { return (m_bRtl ? "\\rtlpar " : "\\par "); }
// get { return "\\par "; }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Convert a string into a valid RTF string.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="str">Any string.</param>
// /// <returns>RTF-encoded string.</returns>
// public static string MakeRtfString(string str)
// {
// Debug.Assert(str != null); if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
// str = str.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
// str = str.Replace("\r", string.Empty);
// str = str.Replace("{", "\\{");
// str = str.Replace("}", "\\}");
// str = str.Replace("\n", StrUtil.RtfPar);
// StringBuilder sbEncoded = new StringBuilder();
// for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
// {
// char ch = str[i];
// if((int)ch >= 256)
// {
// sbEncoded.Append("\\u");
// sbEncoded.Append((int)ch);
// sbEncoded.Append('?');
// }
// else sbEncoded.Append(ch);
// }
// return sbEncoded.ToString();
// }
/// <summary>
/// Convert a string into a valid HTML sequence representing that string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">String to convert.</param>
/// <returns>String, HTML-encoded.</returns>
public static string StringToHtml(string str)
Debug.Assert(str != null); if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
str = str.Replace(@"&", @"&amp;");
str = str.Replace(@"<", @"&lt;");
str = str.Replace(@">", @"&gt;");
str = str.Replace("\"", @"&quot;");
str = str.Replace("\'", @"&#39;");
str = NormalizeNewLines(str, false);
str = str.Replace("\n", @"<br />");
return str;
public static string XmlToString(string str)
Debug.Assert(str != null); if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
str = str.Replace(@"&amp;", @"&");
str = str.Replace(@"&lt;", @"<");
str = str.Replace(@"&gt;", @">");
str = str.Replace(@"&quot;", "\"");
str = str.Replace(@"&#39;", "\'");
return str;
public static string ReplaceCaseInsensitive(string strString, string strFind,
string strNew)
Debug.Assert(strString != null); if(strString == null) return strString;
Debug.Assert(strFind != null); if(strFind == null) return strString;
Debug.Assert(strNew != null); if(strNew == null) return strString;
string str = strString;
int nPos = 0;
while(nPos < str.Length)
nPos = str.IndexOf(strFind, nPos, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if(nPos < 0) break;
str = str.Remove(nPos, strFind.Length);
str = str.Insert(nPos, strNew);
nPos += strNew.Length;
return str;
/// <summary>
/// Split up a command-line into application and argument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strCmdLine">Command-line to split.</param>
/// <param name="strApp">Application path.</param>
/// <param name="strArgs">Arguments.</param>
public static void SplitCommandLine(string strCmdLine, out string strApp, out string strArgs)
Debug.Assert(strCmdLine != null); if(strCmdLine == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strCmdLine");
string str = strCmdLine.Trim();
strApp = null; strArgs = null;
int nSecond = str.IndexOf('\"', 1);
if(nSecond >= 1)
strApp = str.Substring(1, nSecond - 1).Trim();
strArgs = str.Remove(0, nSecond + 1).Trim();
if(strApp == null)
int nSpace = str.IndexOf(' ');
if(nSpace >= 0)
strApp = str.Substring(0, nSpace);
strArgs = str.Remove(0, nSpace).Trim();
else strApp = strCmdLine;
if(strApp == null) strApp = string.Empty;
if(strArgs == null) strArgs = string.Empty;
// /// <summary>
// /// Initialize an RTF document based on given font face and size.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="sb"><c>StringBuilder</c> to put the generated RTF into.</param>
// /// <param name="strFontFace">Face name of the font to use.</param>
// /// <param name="fFontSize">Size of the font to use.</param>
// public static void InitRtf(StringBuilder sb, string strFontFace, float fFontSize)
// {
// Debug.Assert(sb != null); if(sb == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sb");
// Debug.Assert(strFontFace != null); if(strFontFace == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFontFace");
// sb.Append("{\\rtf1");
// if(m_bRtl) sb.Append("\\fbidis");
// sb.Append("\\ansi\\ansicpg");
// sb.Append(Encoding.Default.CodePage);
// sb.Append("\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\\f1\\froman\\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\\f2\\fswiss ");
// sb.Append(strFontFace);
// sb.Append(";}{\\f3\\fswiss Arial;}}");
// sb.Append("{\\colortbl\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}");
// if(m_bRtl) sb.Append("\\rtldoc");
// sb.Append("\\deflang1031\\pard\\plain\\f2\\cf0 ");
// sb.Append("\\fs");
// sb.Append((int)(fFontSize * 2));
// if(m_bRtl) sb.Append("\\rtlpar\\qr\\rtlch ");
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Convert a simple HTML string to an RTF string.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="strHtmlString">Input HTML string.</param>
// /// <returns>RTF string representing the HTML input string.</returns>
// public static string SimpleHtmlToRtf(string strHtmlString)
// {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// StrUtil.InitRtf(sb, "Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25f);
// sb.Append(" ");
// string str = MakeRtfString(strHtmlString);
// str = str.Replace("<b>", "\\b ");
// str = str.Replace("</b>", "\\b0 ");
// str = str.Replace("<i>", "\\i ");
// str = str.Replace("</i>", "\\i0 ");
// str = str.Replace("<u>", "\\ul ");
// str = str.Replace("</u>", "\\ul0 ");
// str = str.Replace("<br />", StrUtil.RtfPar);
// sb.Append(str);
// return sb.ToString();
// }
/// <summary>
/// Convert a <c>Color</c> to a HTML color identifier string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to convert.</param>
/// <param name="bEmptyIfTransparent">If this is <c>true</c>, an empty string
/// is returned if the color is transparent.</param>
/// <returns>HTML color identifier string.</returns>
public static string ColorToUnnamedHtml(Color color, bool bEmptyIfTransparent)
if(bEmptyIfTransparent && (color.A != 255))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte bt;
bt = (byte)(color.R >> 4);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
bt = (byte)(color.R & 0x0F);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
bt = (byte)(color.G >> 4);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
bt = (byte)(color.G & 0x0F);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
bt = (byte)(color.B >> 4);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
bt = (byte)(color.B & 0x0F);
if(bt < 10) sb.Append((char)('0' + bt)); else sb.Append((char)('A' - 10 + bt));
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Format an exception and convert it to a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="excp"><c>Exception</c> to convert/format.</param>
/// <returns>String representing the exception.</returns>
public static string FormatException(Exception excp)
string strText = string.Empty;
if(excp.Message != null)
strText += excp.Message + MessageService.NewLine;
#if !KeePassLibSD
if(excp.Source != null)
strText += excp.Source + MessageService.NewLine;
if(excp.StackTrace != null)
strText += excp.StackTrace + MessageService.NewLine;
#if !KeePassLibSD
if(excp.TargetSite != null)
strText += excp.TargetSite.ToString() + MessageService.NewLine;
if(excp.Data != null)
strText += MessageService.NewLine;
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in excp.Data)
strText += @"'" + de.Key + @"' -> '" + de.Value + @"'" +
if(excp.InnerException != null)
strText += MessageService.NewLine + "Inner:" + MessageService.NewLine;
if(excp.InnerException.Message != null)
strText += excp.InnerException.Message + MessageService.NewLine;
#if !KeePassLibSD
if(excp.InnerException.Source != null)
strText += excp.InnerException.Source + MessageService.NewLine;
if(excp.InnerException.StackTrace != null)
strText += excp.InnerException.StackTrace + MessageService.NewLine;
#if !KeePassLibSD
if(excp.InnerException.TargetSite != null)
strText += excp.InnerException.TargetSite.ToString();
if(excp.InnerException.Data != null)
strText += MessageService.NewLine;
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in excp.InnerException.Data)
strText += @"'" + de.Key + @"' -> '" + de.Value + @"'" +
return strText;
public static bool TryParseUShort(string str, out ushort u)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return ushort.TryParse(str, out u);
try { u = ushort.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { u = 0; return false; }
public static bool TryParseInt(string str, out int n)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return int.TryParse(str, out n);
try { n = int.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { n = 0; return false; }
public static bool TryParseUInt(string str, out uint u)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return uint.TryParse(str, out u);
try { u = uint.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { u = 0; return false; }
public static bool TryParseLong(string str, out long n)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return long.TryParse(str, out n);
try { n = long.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { n = 0; return false; }
public static bool TryParseULong(string str, out ulong u)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return ulong.TryParse(str, out u);
try { u = ulong.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { u = 0; return false; }
public static bool TryParseDateTime(string str, out DateTime dt)
#if !KeePassLibSD
return DateTime.TryParse(str, out dt);
try { dt = DateTime.Parse(str); return true; }
catch(Exception) { dt = DateTime.MinValue; return false; }
public static string CompactString3Dots(string strText, int nMaxChars)
Debug.Assert(strText != null);
if(strText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strText");
Debug.Assert(nMaxChars >= 0);
if(nMaxChars < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("nMaxChars");
if(nMaxChars == 0) return string.Empty;
if(strText.Length <= nMaxChars) return strText;
if(nMaxChars <= 3) return strText.Substring(0, nMaxChars);
return strText.Substring(0, nMaxChars - 3) + "...";
public static string GetStringBetween(string strText, int nStartIndex,
string strStart, string strEnd)
int nTemp;
return GetStringBetween(strText, nStartIndex, strStart, strEnd, out nTemp);
public static string GetStringBetween(string strText, int nStartIndex,
string strStart, string strEnd, out int nInnerStartIndex)
if(strText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strText");
if(strStart == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strStart");
if(strEnd == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strEnd");
nInnerStartIndex = -1;
int nIndex = strText.IndexOf(strStart, nStartIndex);
if(nIndex < 0) return string.Empty;
nIndex += strStart.Length;
int nEndIndex = strText.IndexOf(strEnd, nIndex);
if(nEndIndex < 0) return string.Empty;
nInnerStartIndex = nIndex;
return strText.Substring(nIndex, nEndIndex - nIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Removes all characters that are not valid XML characters,
/// according to .
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strText">Source text.</param>
/// <returns>Text containing only valid XML characters.</returns>
public static string SafeXmlString(string strText)
Debug.Assert(strText != null); // No throw
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strText)) return strText;
char[] vChars = strText.ToCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strText.Length, strText.Length);
char ch;
for(int i = 0; i < vChars.Length; ++i)
ch = vChars[i];
if(((ch >= 0x20) && (ch <= 0xD7FF)) ||
(ch == 0x9) || (ch == 0xA) || (ch == 0xD) ||
((ch >= 0xE000) && (ch <= 0xFFFD)))
// Range ((ch >= 0x10000) && (ch <= 0x10FFFF)) excluded
return sb.ToString();
private static Regex m_rxNaturalSplit = null;
public static int CompareNaturally(string strX, string strY)
Debug.Assert(strX != null);
if(strX == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strX");
Debug.Assert(strY != null);
if(strY == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strY");
return NativeMethods.StrCmpNaturally(strX, strY);
strX = strX.ToLower(); // Case-insensitive comparison
strY = strY.ToLower();
if(m_rxNaturalSplit == null)
m_rxNaturalSplit = new Regex(@"([0-9]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
string[] vPartsX = m_rxNaturalSplit.Split(strX);
string[] vPartsY = m_rxNaturalSplit.Split(strY);
for(int i = 0; i < Math.Min(vPartsX.Length, vPartsY.Length); ++i)
string strPartX = vPartsX[i], strPartY = vPartsY[i];
int iPartCompare;
#if KeePassLibSD
ulong uX = 0, uY = 0;
uX = ulong.Parse(strPartX);
uY = ulong.Parse(strPartY);
iPartCompare = uX.CompareTo(uY);
catch(Exception) { iPartCompare = strPartX.CompareTo(strPartY); }
ulong uX, uY;
if(ulong.TryParse(strPartX, out uX) && ulong.TryParse(strPartY, out uY))
iPartCompare = uX.CompareTo(uY);
else iPartCompare = strPartX.CompareTo(strPartY);
if(iPartCompare != 0) return iPartCompare;
if(vPartsX.Length == vPartsY.Length) return 0;
if(vPartsX.Length < vPartsY.Length) return -1;
return 1;
public static string RemoveAccelerator(string strMenuText)
if(strMenuText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strMenuText");
string str = strMenuText;
for(char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ++ch)
string strEnhAcc = @"(&" + ch.ToString() + @")";
if(str.IndexOf(strEnhAcc) >= 0)
str = str.Replace(@" " + strEnhAcc, string.Empty);
str = str.Replace(strEnhAcc, string.Empty);
str = str.Replace(@"&", string.Empty);
return str;
public static bool IsHexString(string str, bool bStrict)
if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
if(str.Length == 0) return true;
foreach(char ch in str)
if((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) continue;
if((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) continue;
if((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) continue;
if(bStrict) return false;
if((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n'))
return false;
return true;
#if !KeePassLibSD
private static readonly char[] m_vPatternPartsSep = new char[]{ '*' };
public static bool SimplePatternMatch(string strPattern, string strText,
StringComparison sc)
if(strPattern == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPattern");
if(strText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strText");
if(strPattern.IndexOf('*') < 0) return strText.Equals(strPattern, sc);
string[] vPatternParts = strPattern.Split(m_vPatternPartsSep,
if(vPatternParts == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return true; }
if(vPatternParts.Length == 0) return true;
if(strText.Length == 0) return false;
if(!strPattern.StartsWith(@"*") && !strText.StartsWith(vPatternParts[0], sc))
return false;
if(!strPattern.EndsWith(@"*") && !strText.EndsWith(vPatternParts[
vPatternParts.Length - 1], sc))
return false;
int iOffset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < vPatternParts.Length; ++i)
string strPart = vPatternParts[i];
int iFound = strText.IndexOf(strPart, iOffset, sc);
if(iFound < iOffset) return false;
iOffset = iFound + strPart.Length;
if(iOffset == strText.Length) return (i == (vPatternParts.Length - 1));
return true;
#endif // !KeePassLibSD
public static bool StringToBool(string str)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return false; // No assert
string s = str.Trim().ToLower();
if(s == "true") return true;
if(s == "yes") return true;
if(s == "1") return true;
if(s == "enabled") return true;
if(s == "checked") return true;
return false;
public static bool? StringToBoolEx(string str)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return null;
string s = str.Trim().ToLower();
if(s == "true") return true;
if(s == "false") return false;
return null;
public static string BoolToString(bool bValue)
return (bValue ? "true" : "false");
public static string BoolToStringEx(bool? bValue)
if(bValue.HasValue) return BoolToString(bValue.Value);
return "null";
/// <summary>
/// Normalize new line characters in a string. Input strings may
/// contain mixed new line character sequences from all commonly
/// used operating systems (i.e. \r\n from Windows, \n from Unix
/// and \r from Mac OS.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">String with mixed new line characters.</param>
/// <param name="bWindows">If <c>true</c>, new line characters
/// are normalized for Windows (\r\n); if <c>false</c>, new line
/// characters are normalized for Unix (\n).</param>
/// <returns>String with normalized new line characters.</returns>
public static string NormalizeNewLines(string str, bool bWindows)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return str;
str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
str = str.Replace("\r", "\n");
if(bWindows) str = str.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
return str;
private static char[] m_vNewLineChars = null;
public static void NormalizeNewLines(ProtectedStringDictionary dict,
bool bWindows)
if(dict == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; }
if(m_vNewLineChars == null)
m_vNewLineChars = new char[]{ '\r', '\n' };
List<string> vKeys = dict.GetKeys();
foreach(string strKey in vKeys)
ProtectedString ps = dict.Get(strKey);
if(ps == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
string strValue = ps.ReadString();
if(strValue.IndexOfAny(m_vNewLineChars) < 0) continue;
dict.Set(strKey, new ProtectedString(ps.IsProtected,
NormalizeNewLines(strValue, bWindows)));
public static string AlphaNumericOnly(string str)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return str;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)
char ch = str[i];
if(((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) ||
((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')))
return sb.ToString();
public static string FormatDataSize(ulong uBytes)
const ulong uKB = 1024;
const ulong uMB = uKB * uKB;
const ulong uGB = uMB * uKB;
const ulong uTB = uGB * uKB;
if(uBytes == 0) return "0 KB";
if(uBytes <= uKB) return "1 KB";
if(uBytes <= uMB) return (((uBytes - 1UL) / uKB) + 1UL).ToString() + " KB";
if(uBytes <= uGB) return (((uBytes - 1UL) / uMB) + 1UL).ToString() + " MB";
if(uBytes <= uTB) return (((uBytes - 1UL) / uGB) + 1UL).ToString() + " GB";
return (((uBytes - 1UL)/ uTB) + 1UL).ToString() + " TB";
public static string FormatDataSizeKB(ulong uBytes)
const ulong uKB = 1024;
if(uBytes == 0) return "0 KB";
if(uBytes <= uKB) return "1 KB";
return (((uBytes - 1UL) / uKB) + 1UL).ToString() + " KB";
private static readonly char[] m_vVersionSep = new char[]{ '.', ',' };
public static ulong ParseVersion(string strVersion)
if(strVersion == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return 0; }
string[] vVer = strVersion.Split(m_vVersionSep);
if((vVer == null) || (vVer.Length == 0)) { Debug.Assert(false); return 0; }
ushort uPart;
StrUtil.TryParseUShort(vVer[0].Trim(), out uPart);
ulong uVer = ((ulong)uPart << 48);
if(vVer.Length >= 2)
StrUtil.TryParseUShort(vVer[1].Trim(), out uPart);
uVer |= ((ulong)uPart << 32);
if(vVer.Length >= 3)
StrUtil.TryParseUShort(vVer[2].Trim(), out uPart);
uVer |= ((ulong)uPart << 16);
if(vVer.Length >= 4)
StrUtil.TryParseUShort(vVer[3].Trim(), out uPart);
uVer |= (ulong)uPart;
return uVer;
public static string VersionToString(ulong uVersion)
return VersionToString(uVersion, false);
public static string VersionToString(ulong uVersion,
bool bEnsureAtLeastTwoComp)
string str = string.Empty;
bool bMultiComp = false;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
ushort us = (ushort)(uVersion & 0xFFFFUL);
if((us != 0) || (str.Length > 0))
if(str.Length > 0)
str = "." + str;
bMultiComp = true;
str = us.ToString() + str;
uVersion >>= 16;
if(bEnsureAtLeastTwoComp && !bMultiComp && (str.Length > 0))
str += ".0";
return str;
private static readonly byte[] m_pbOptEnt = { 0xA5, 0x74, 0x2E, 0xEC };
public static string EncryptString(string strPlainText)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPlainText)) return string.Empty;
byte[] pbPlain = StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strPlainText);
byte[] pbEnc = ProtectedData.Protect(pbPlain, m_pbOptEnt,
#if !KeePassLibSD
return Convert.ToBase64String(pbEnc, Base64FormattingOptions.None);
return Convert.ToBase64String(pbEnc);
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return strPlainText;
public static string DecryptString(string strCipherText)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCipherText)) return string.Empty;
byte[] pbEnc = Convert.FromBase64String(strCipherText);
byte[] pbPlain = ProtectedData.Unprotect(pbEnc, m_pbOptEnt,
return StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pbPlain, 0, pbPlain.Length);
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return strCipherText;
public static string SerializeIntArray(int[] vNumbers)
if(vNumbers == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vNumbers");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < vNumbers.Length; ++i)
if(i > 0) sb.Append(' ');
return sb.ToString();
public static int[] DeserializeIntArray(string strSerialized)
if(strSerialized == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strSerialized");
if(strSerialized.Length == 0) return new int[0];
string[] vParts = strSerialized.Split(' ');
int[] v = new int[vParts.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < vParts.Length; ++i)
int n;
if(!TryParseInt(vParts[i], out n)) { Debug.Assert(false); }
v[i] = n;
return v;
private static readonly char[] m_vTagSep = new char[]{ ',', ';', ':' };
public static string TagsToString(List<string> vTags, bool bForDisplay)
if(vTags == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vTags");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool bFirst = true;
foreach(string strTag in vTags)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTag)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
Debug.Assert(strTag.IndexOfAny(m_vTagSep) < 0);
if(bForDisplay) sb.Append(", ");
else sb.Append(';');
bFirst = false;
return sb.ToString();
public static List<string> StringToTags(string strTags)
if(strTags == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strTags");
List<string> lTags = new List<string>();
if(strTags.Length == 0) return lTags;
string[] vTags = strTags.Split(m_vTagSep);
foreach(string strTag in vTags)
string strFlt = strTag.Trim();
if(strFlt.Length > 0) lTags.Add(strFlt);
return lTags;
public static string Obfuscate(string strPlain)
if(strPlain == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
if(strPlain.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
byte[] pb = StrUtil.Utf8.GetBytes(strPlain);
for(int i = 0; i < pb.Length; ++i) pb[i] = (byte)(pb[i] ^ 0x65);
#if !KeePassLibSD
return Convert.ToBase64String(pb, Base64FormattingOptions.None);
return Convert.ToBase64String(pb);
public static string Deobfuscate(string strObf)
if(strObf == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
if(strObf.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
byte[] pb = Convert.FromBase64String(strObf);
for(int i = 0; i < pb.Length; ++i) pb[i] = (byte)(pb[i] ^ 0x65);
return StrUtil.Utf8.GetString(pb, 0, pb.Length);
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Split a string and include the separators in the splitted array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">String to split.</param>
/// <param name="vSeps">Separators.</param>
/// <param name="bCaseSensitive">Specifies whether separators are
/// matched case-sensitively or not.</param>
/// <returns>Splitted string including separators.</returns>
public static List<string> SplitWithSep(string str, string[] vSeps,
bool bCaseSensitive)
if(str == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
if(vSeps == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vSeps");
List<string> v = new List<string>();
int minIndex = int.MaxValue, minSep = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < vSeps.Length; ++i)
string strSep = vSeps[i];
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strSep)) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
int iIndex = (bCaseSensitive ? str.IndexOf(strSep) :
str.IndexOf(strSep, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp));
if((iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < minIndex))
minIndex = iIndex;
minSep = i;
if(minIndex == int.MaxValue) break;
v.Add(str.Substring(0, minIndex));
str = str.Substring(minIndex + vSeps[minSep].Length);
return v;
public static string MultiToSingleLine(string strMulti)
if(strMulti == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
if(strMulti.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
string str = strMulti;
str = str.Replace("\r\n", " ");
str = str.Replace("\r", " ");
str = str.Replace("\n", " ");
return str;
public static List<string> SplitSearchTerms(string strSearch)
List<string> l = new List<string>();
if(strSearch == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
StringBuilder sbTerm = new StringBuilder();
bool bQuoted = false;
for(int i = 0; i < strSearch.Length; ++i)
char ch = strSearch[i];
if(((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r') ||
(ch == '\n')) && !bQuoted)
if(sbTerm.Length > 0) l.Add(sbTerm.ToString());
sbTerm.Remove(0, sbTerm.Length);
else if(ch == '\"') bQuoted = !bQuoted;
else sbTerm.Append(ch);
if(sbTerm.Length > 0) l.Add(sbTerm.ToString());
return l;
public static int CompareLengthGt(string x, string y)
if(x.Length == y.Length) return 0;
return ((x.Length > y.Length) ? -1 : 1);
public static bool IsDataUri(string strUri)
if(strUri == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; }
return strUri.StartsWith("data:", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
/// <summary>
/// Create a data URI (according to RFC 2397).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pbData">Data to encode.</param>
/// <param name="strMimeType">Optional MIME type. If <c>null</c>,
/// an appropriate type is used.</param>
/// <returns>Data URI.</returns>
public static string DataToDataUri(byte[] pbData, string strMimeType)
if(pbData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("pbData");
if(strMimeType == null) strMimeType = "application/octet-stream";
#if !KeePassLibSD
return ("data:" + strMimeType + ";base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(
pbData, Base64FormattingOptions.None));
return ("data:" + strMimeType + ";base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(
/// <summary>
/// Convert a data URI (according to RFC 2397) to binary data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strDataUri">Data URI to decode.</param>
/// <returns>Decoded binary data.</returns>
public static byte[] DataUriToData(string strDataUri)
if(strDataUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strDataUri");
if(!strDataUri.StartsWith("data:", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)) return null;
int iSep = strDataUri.IndexOf(',');
if(iSep < 0) return null;
string strDesc = strDataUri.Substring(5, iSep - 5);
bool bBase64 = strDesc.EndsWith(";base64", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
string strData = strDataUri.Substring(iSep + 1);
if(bBase64) return Convert.FromBase64String(strData);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
string[] v = strData.Split('%');
byte[] pb = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(v[0]);
ms.Write(pb, 0, pb.Length);
for(int i = 1; i < v.Length; ++i)
ms.WriteByte(Convert.ToByte(v[i].Substring(0, 2), 16));
pb = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(v[i].Substring(2));
ms.Write(pb, 0, pb.Length);
pb = ms.ToArray();
return pb;
/// <summary>
/// Remove placeholders from a string (wrapped in '{' and '}').
/// This doesn't remove environment variables (wrapped in '%').
/// </summary>
public static string RemovePlaceholders(string str)
if(str == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
int iPlhStart = str.IndexOf('{');
if(iPlhStart < 0) break;
int iPlhEnd = str.IndexOf('}', iPlhStart); // '{' might be at end
if(iPlhEnd < 0) break;
str = (str.Substring(0, iPlhStart) + str.Substring(iPlhEnd + 1));
return str;
public static StrEncodingInfo GetEncoding(StrEncodingType t)
foreach(StrEncodingInfo sei in StrUtil.Encodings)
if(sei.Type == t) return sei;
return null;
public static StrEncodingInfo GetEncoding(string strName)
foreach(StrEncodingInfo sei in StrUtil.Encodings)
if(sei.Name == strName) return sei;
return null;