
90 lines
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using System;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Util;
using Java.IO;
namespace keepass2android
/// <summary>
/// Makes attachments of PwEntries accessible when they are stored in the app cache
/// </summary>
[ContentProvider(new[]{"keepass2android."+AppNames.PackagePart+".provider"},Exported = true)]
public class AttachmentContentProvider : ContentProvider {
public const string AttachmentCacheSubDir = "AttachmentCache";
private const String ClassName = "AttachmentContentProvider";
// The authority is the symbolic name for the provider class
public const String Authority = "keepass2android."+AppNames.PackagePart+".provider";
public override bool OnCreate() {
return true;
public override ParcelFileDescriptor OpenFile(Android.Net.Uri uri, String mode)
const string logTag = ClassName + " - openFile";
"Called with uri: '" + uri + "'." + uri.LastPathSegment);
if (uri.ToString().StartsWith("content://" + Authority))
// The desired file name is specified by the last segment of the
// path
// E.g.
// 'content://keepass2android.provider/Test.txt'
// Take this and build the path to the file
String fileLocation = Context.CacheDir + File.Separator + AttachmentCacheSubDir + File.Separator
+ uri.LastPathSegment;
// Create & return a ParcelFileDescriptor pointing to the file
// Note: I don't care what mode they ask for - they're only getting
// read only
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.Open(new File(
fileLocation), ParcelFileMode.ReadOnly);
return pfd;
Log.Verbose(logTag, "Unsupported uri: '" + uri + "'.");
throw new FileNotFoundException("Unsupported uri: "
+ uri.ToString());
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Not supported / used / required for this example
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public override int Update(Android.Net.Uri uri, ContentValues contentvalues, String s,
String[] strings) {
return 0;
public override int Delete(Android.Net.Uri uri, String s, String[] strings) {
return 0;
public override Android.Net.Uri Insert(Android.Net.Uri uri, ContentValues contentvalues) {
return null;
public override String GetType(Android.Net.Uri uri) {
return null;
public override Android.Database.ICursor Query(Android.Net.Uri uri, string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionArgs, string sortOrder)
return null;