
948 lines
25 KiB

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Widget;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Security;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
namespace keepass2android
/// <summary>
/// Interface for data stored in an intent or bundle as extra string
/// </summary>
public interface IExtra
/// <summary>
/// put data to a bundle by calling one of the PutXX methods
/// </summary>
void ToBundle(Bundle b);
/// <summary>
/// Put data to an intent by calling PutExtra
/// </summary>
void ToIntent(Intent i);
/// <summary>
/// represents data stored in an intent or bundle as extra string
/// </summary>
public class StringExtra: IExtra
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value{ get; set; }
#region IExtra implementation
public void ToBundle(Bundle b)
b.PutString(Key, Value);
public void ToIntent(Intent i)
i.PutExtra(Key, Value);
/// <summary>
/// represents data stored in an intent or bundle as extra string array list
/// </summary>
public class StringArrayListExtra : IExtra
public string Key { get; set; }
public IList<string> Value { get; set; }
#region IExtra implementation
public void ToBundle(Bundle b)
b.PutStringArrayList(Key, Value);
public void ToIntent(Intent i)
i.PutStringArrayListExtra(Key, Value);
/// <summary>
/// represents data stored in an intent or bundle as extra int
/// </summary>
public class IntExtra: IExtra
public string Key { get; set; }
public int Value{ get; set; }
#region IExtra implementation
public void ToBundle(Bundle b)
b.PutInt(Key, Value);
public void ToIntent(Intent i)
i.PutExtra(Key, Value);
/// <summary>
/// represents data stored in an intent or bundle as extra bool
/// </summary>
public class BoolExtra: IExtra
public string Key { get; set; }
public bool Value{ get; set; }
#region IExtra implementation
public void ToBundle(Bundle b)
b.PutBoolean(Key, Value);
public void ToIntent(Intent i)
i.PutExtra(Key, Value);
/// <summary>
/// represents data stored in an intent or bundle as extra string array
/// </summary>
public class StringArrayExtra : IExtra
public string Key { get; set; }
public string[] Value { get; set; }
#region IExtra implementation
public void ToBundle(Bundle b)
b.PutStringArray(Key, Value);
public void ToIntent(Intent i)
i.PutExtra(Key, Value);
/// <summary>
/// base class for "tasks": these are things the user wants to do and which require several activities
/// </summary>
/// Therefore AppTasks need to be serializable to bundles and intents to "survive" saving to instance state and changing activities.
/// An AppTask has a type and may have several parameters ("extras").
/// Activities call the task at special points so tasks can change the behaviour at these points.
public abstract class AppTask
/// <summary>
/// Loads the parameters of the task from the given bundle
/// </summary>
public virtual void Setup(Bundle b)
/// <summary>
/// Returns the parameters of the task for storage in a bundle or intent
/// </summary>
/// <value>The extras.</value>
public virtual IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras {
yield break;
public virtual void AfterUnlockDatabase(PasswordActivity act)
GroupActivity.Launch(act, this);
public virtual void AfterAddNewEntry(EntryEditActivity entryEditActivity, PwEntry newEntry)
public virtual void PrepareNewEntry(PwEntry newEntry)
public const String AppTaskKey = "KP2A_APPTASK";
/// <summary>
/// Should be used in OnCreate to (re)create a task
/// if savedInstanceState is not null, the task is recreated from there. Otherwise it's taken from the intent.
/// </summary>
public static AppTask GetTaskInOnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState, Intent intent)
AppTask task;
if (savedInstanceState != null)
task = CreateFromBundle(savedInstanceState);
task = CreateFromIntent(intent);
Kp2aLog.Log("Loaded task " + task);
return task;
public static AppTask CreateFromIntent(Intent i)
return CreateFromBundle(i.Extras);
public static AppTask CreateFromBundle(Bundle b)
return CreateFromBundle(b, new NullTask());
public static AppTask CreateFromBundle(Bundle b, AppTask failureReturn)
if (b == null)
return failureReturn;
string taskType = b.GetString(AppTaskKey);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskType))
return failureReturn;
Type type = Type.GetType("keepass2android." + taskType);
if (type == null)
return failureReturn;
AppTask task = (AppTask)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return task;
catch (Exception e)
Kp2aLog.Log("Cannot convert " + taskType + " in task: " + e);
return failureReturn;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the extras of the task to the intent
/// </summary>
public void ToIntent(Intent intent)
foreach (IExtra extra in Extras)
/// <summary>
/// Adds the extras of the task to the bundle
/// </summary>
public void ToBundle(Bundle bundle)
foreach (IExtra extra in Extras)
/// <summary>
/// Returns an IExtra which must be part of the Extras of a task to describe the type
/// </summary>
static IExtra GetTypeExtra(Type type)
return new StringExtra { Key=AppTaskKey, Value=type.Name};
public virtual void StartInGroupActivity(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
public virtual void SetupGroupBaseActivityButtons(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
public void SetActivityResult(Activity activity, Result result)
Intent data = new Intent();
activity.SetResult(result, data);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to extract the task from the data given as an Intent object in OnActivityResult. If successful, the task is assigned,
/// otherwise, false is returned.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetFromActivityResult(Intent data, ref AppTask task)
if (data == null)
Kp2aLog.Log("TryGetFromActivityResult: no data");
return false;
AppTask tempTask = CreateFromBundle(data.Extras, null);
if (tempTask == null)
Kp2aLog.Log("No AppTask in OnActivityResult");
return false;
task = tempTask;
Kp2aLog.Log("AppTask " +task+" in OnActivityResult");
return true;
protected void RemoveTaskFromIntent(Activity act)
if (act.Intent != null)
public virtual void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity)
virtual public void PopulatePasswordAccessServiceIntent(Intent intent)
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of AppTask for "no task currently active" (Null pattern)
/// </summary>
public class NullTask: AppTask
/// <summary>
/// User is about to search an entry for a given URL
/// </summary>
/// Derive from SelectEntryTask. This means that as soon as an Entry is opened, we're returning with
/// ExitAfterTaskComplete. This also allows te specify the flag if we need to display the user notifications.
public class SearchUrlTask: SelectEntryTask
public const String UrlToSearchKey = "UrlToSearch";
public string UrlToSearchFor
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
UrlToSearchFor = b.GetString(UrlToSearchKey);
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
foreach (IExtra e in base.Extras)
yield return e;
yield return new StringExtra { Key=UrlToSearchKey, Value = UrlToSearchFor };
public override void AfterUnlockDatabase(PasswordActivity act)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UrlToSearchFor))
GroupActivity.Launch(act, new SelectEntryTask() { ShowUserNotifications = ShowUserNotifications});
ShareUrlResults.Launch(act, this);
//removed. this causes an issue in the following workflow:
//When the user wants to find an entry for a URL but has the wrong database open he needs
//to switch to another database. But the Task is removed already the first time when going through PasswordActivity
// (with the wrong db).
//Then after switching to the right database, the task is gone.
//A reason this code existed was the following workflow:
//Using Chrome browser (with NEW_TASK flag for ActionSend): Share URL -> KP2A.
//Now the AppTask was in PasswordActivity and didn't get out of it.
//This is now solved by returning new tasks in ActivityResult.
//act.AppTask = new NullTask();
public override void PopulatePasswordAccessServiceIntent(Intent intent)
intent.PutExtra(UrlToSearchKey, UrlToSearchFor);
/// <summary>
/// User is about to select an entry for use in another app
/// </summary>
public class SelectEntryTask: AppTask
public SelectEntryTask()
ShowUserNotifications = true;
CloseAfterCreate = true;
public const String ShowUserNotificationsKey = "ShowUserNotifications";
public bool ShowUserNotifications { get; set; }
public const String CloseAfterCreateKey = "CloseAfterCreate";
public bool CloseAfterCreate { get; set; }
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
ShowUserNotifications = GetBoolFromBundle(b, ShowUserNotificationsKey, true);
CloseAfterCreate = GetBoolFromBundle(b, CloseAfterCreateKey, true);
private static bool GetBoolFromBundle(Bundle b, string key, bool defaultValue)
bool boolValue;
if (!Boolean.TryParse(b.GetString(key), out boolValue))
boolValue = defaultValue;
return boolValue;
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
yield return new StringExtra { Key = ShowUserNotificationsKey, Value = ShowUserNotifications.ToString() };
yield return new StringExtra { Key = CloseAfterCreateKey, Value = CloseAfterCreate.ToString() };
public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity)
if (ShowUserNotifications)
//show the notifications
//to avoid getting into inconsistent state (LastOpenedEntry and Notifications): clear notifications:
if (CloseAfterCreate)
/// <summary>
/// User is about to select an entry. When selected, ask whether the url he was searching for earlier should be stored
/// in the selected entry for later use.
/// </summary>
public class SelectEntryForUrlTask: SelectEntryTask
/// <summary>
/// default constructor for creating from Bundle
/// </summary>
public SelectEntryForUrlTask()
public SelectEntryForUrlTask(string url)
UrlToSearchFor = url;
ShowUserNotifications = true;
public const String UrlToSearchKey = "UrlToSearch";
public string UrlToSearchFor
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
UrlToSearchFor = b.GetString(UrlToSearchKey);
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
foreach (IExtra e in base.Extras)
yield return e;
yield return new StringExtra { Key = UrlToSearchKey, Value = UrlToSearchFor };
public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity)
//if the database is readonly (or no URL exists), don't offer to modify the URL
if ((App.Kp2a.GetDb().CanWrite == false) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UrlToSearchFor)))
AskAddUrlThenCompleteCreate(activity, UrlToSearchFor);
/// <summary>
/// brings up a dialog asking the user whether he wants to add the given URL to the entry for automatic finding
/// </summary>
public void AskAddUrlThenCompleteCreate(EntryActivity activity, string url)
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity);
builder.SetMessage(activity.GetString(Resource.String.AddUrlToEntryDialog_text, new Java.Lang.Object[] { url }));
builder.SetPositiveButton(activity.GetString(Resource.String.yes), (dlgSender, dlgEvt) =>
activity.AddUrlToEntry(url, () => base.CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(activity));
builder.SetNegativeButton(activity.GetString(, (dlgSender, dlgEvt) =>
Dialog dialog = builder.Create();
/// <summary>
/// User is about to move entries and/or groups to another group
/// </summary>
public class MoveElementsTask: AppTask
public const String UuidsKey = "MoveElement_Uuids";
public IEnumerable<PwUuid> Uuids
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
Uuids = b.GetString(UuidsKey).Split(';')
.Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
.Select(stringPart => new PwUuid(MemUtil.HexStringToByteArray(stringPart)))
.ToList(); //property might be accessed several times, avoid parsing each time
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
yield return new StringExtra
Key = UuidsKey,
Value = Uuids.Select(uuid => MemUtil.ByteArrayToHexString(uuid.UuidBytes))
.Aggregate((a, b) => a + ";" + b)
public override void StartInGroupActivity(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
public override void SetupGroupBaseActivityButtons(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
/// <summary>
/// User is about to create a new entry. The task might already "know" some information about the contents.
/// </summary>
public class CreateEntryThenCloseTask: AppTask
public CreateEntryThenCloseTask()
ShowUserNotifications = true;
/// <summary>
/// extra key if only a URL is passed. optional.
/// </summary>
public const String UrlKey = "CreateEntry_Url";
/// <summary>
/// extra key if a json serialized key/value mapping is passed. optional.
/// </summary>
/// Uses the PluginSDKs keys because this is mainly used for communicating with plugins.
/// Of course the data might also contain "non-output-data" (e.g. placeholders), but usually won't.
public const String AllFieldsKey = Keepass2android.Pluginsdk.Strings.ExtraEntryOutputData;
/// <summary>
/// extra key to specify a list of protected field keys in AllFieldsKey. Passed as StringArrayExtra. optional.
/// </summary>
public const String ProtectedFieldsListKey = Keepass2android.Pluginsdk.Strings.ExtraProtectedFieldsList;
/// <summary>
/// Extra key to specify whether user notifications (e.g. for copy password or keyboard) should be displayed when the entry
/// is selected after creating.
/// </summary>
public const String ShowUserNotificationsKey = "ShowUserNotifications";
public string Url { get; set; }
public string AllFields { get; set; }
public IList<string> ProtectedFieldsList { get; set; }
public bool ShowUserNotifications { get; set; }
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
bool showUserNotification;
if (!Boolean.TryParse(b.GetString(ShowUserNotificationsKey), out showUserNotification))
showUserNotification = true; //default to true
ShowUserNotifications = showUserNotification;
Url = b.GetString(UrlKey);
AllFields = b.GetString(AllFieldsKey);
ProtectedFieldsList = b.GetStringArrayList(ProtectedFieldsListKey);
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
if (Url != null)
yield return new StringExtra { Key = UrlKey, Value = Url };
if (AllFields != null)
yield return new StringExtra { Key = AllFieldsKey, Value = AllFields };
if (ProtectedFieldsList != null)
yield return new StringArrayListExtra { Key = ProtectedFieldsListKey, Value = ProtectedFieldsList };
yield return new StringExtra { Key = ShowUserNotificationsKey, Value = ShowUserNotifications.ToString() };
public override void PrepareNewEntry(PwEntry newEntry)
if (Url != null)
newEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UrlField, new ProtectedString(false, Url));
if (AllFields != null)
var allFields = new Org.Json.JSONObject(AllFields);
for (var iter = allFields.Keys(); iter.HasNext; )
string key = iter.Next().ToString();
string value = allFields.Get(key).ToString();
bool isProtected = ((ProtectedFieldsList != null) && (ProtectedFieldsList.Contains(key)))
|| (key == PwDefs.PasswordField);
newEntry.Strings.Set(key, new ProtectedString(isProtected, value));
public override void AfterAddNewEntry(EntryEditActivity entryEditActivity, PwEntry newEntry)
EntryActivity.Launch(entryEditActivity, newEntry, -1,
new SelectEntryTask { ShowUserNotifications = this.ShowUserNotifications},
//no need to call Finish here, that's done in EntryEditActivity ("closeOrShowError")
public override void CompleteOnCreateEntryActivity(EntryActivity activity)
//if the user selects an entry before creating the new one, we're not closing the app
/// <summary>
/// Navigate to a folder and open a Task (appear in SearchResult)
/// </summary>
public abstract class NavigateAndLaunchTask: AppTask
// All group Uuid are stored in guuidKey + indice
// The last one is the destination group
public const String NumberOfGroupsKey = "NumberOfGroups";
public const String GUuidKey = "gUuidKey";
public const String FullGroupNameKey = "fullGroupNameKey";
public const String ToastEnableKey = "toastEnableKey";
public const String gNameKey = "gNameKey";
private LinkedList<string> groupNameList;
private LinkedList<string> _groupUuid;
protected AppTask TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation;
protected String FullGroupName {
get ;
set ;
protected bool ToastEnable {
protected NavigateAndLaunchTask() {
TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation = new NullTask();
FullGroupName = "";
ToastEnable = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="keepass2android.NavigateAndLaunchTask"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="groups">Groups.</param>
/// <param name="taskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation">Task to be launched after navigation.</param>
/// <param name="toastEnable">If set to <c>true</c>, toast will be displayed after navigation.</param>
protected NavigateAndLaunchTask(PwGroup groups, AppTask taskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation, bool toastEnable = false) {
TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation = taskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation;
PopulateGroups (groups);
ToastEnable = toastEnable;
public void PopulateGroups(PwGroup groups) {
_groupUuid = new LinkedList<String>();
groupNameList = new LinkedList<String>{};
FullGroupName = "";
PwGroup readGroup = groups;
while (readGroup != null) {
if ( (readGroup.ParentGroup != null) ||
(readGroup.ParentGroup == null) && (readGroup == groups) ) {
FullGroupName = readGroup.Name + "." + FullGroupName;
_groupUuid.AddFirst (MemUtil.ByteArrayToHexString (readGroup.Uuid.UuidBytes));
groupNameList.AddFirst (readGroup.Name);
readGroup = readGroup.ParentGroup;
/// <summary>
/// Loads the parameters of the task from the given bundle. Embeded task is not setup from this bundle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="b">The bundle component.</param>
public override void Setup(Bundle b)
int numberOfGroups = b.GetInt(NumberOfGroupsKey);
_groupUuid = new LinkedList<String>();
groupNameList = new LinkedList<String>{};
int i = 0;
while (i < numberOfGroups) {
_groupUuid.AddLast ( b.GetString (GUuidKey + i) ) ;
groupNameList.AddLast ( b.GetString (gNameKey + i);
FullGroupName = b.GetString (FullGroupNameKey);
ToastEnable = b.GetBoolean (ToastEnableKey);
public override IEnumerable<IExtra> Extras
// Return Navigate group Extras
IEnumerator<String> eGroupKeys = _groupUuid.GetEnumerator ();
IEnumerator<String> eGroupName = groupNameList.GetEnumerator ();
int i = 0;
while (eGroupKeys.MoveNext()) {
yield return new StringExtra { Key = GUuidKey + i.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Value = eGroupKeys.Current };
yield return new StringExtra { Key = gNameKey + i.ToString (), Value = eGroupName.Current };
yield return new IntExtra{ Key = NumberOfGroupsKey, Value = i };
yield return new StringExtra{ Key = FullGroupNameKey, Value = FullGroupName };
yield return new BoolExtra{ Key = ToastEnableKey, Value = ToastEnable };
// Return afterTaskExtras
foreach (var extra in TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation.Extras)
yield return extra;
public override void StartInGroupActivity(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
if (GroupIsFound(groupBaseActivity) ){ // Group has been found: display toaster and stop here
if (ToastEnable) {
String toastMessage = groupBaseActivity.GetString (Resource.String.NavigationToGroupCompleted_message, new Java.Lang.Object[] { FullGroupName});
Toast.MakeText (groupBaseActivity, toastMessage, ToastLength.Long).Show ();
groupBaseActivity.StartTask (TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation);
} else if (_groupUuid.Contains(groupBaseActivity.UuidGroup)) { // Need to go up in groups tree
// Get next Group Uuid
var linkedListNode = _groupUuid.Find(groupBaseActivity.UuidGroup);
if (linkedListNode != null)
//Note: Resharper says there is a possible NullRefException.
//This is not the case because it was checked above if we're already there or not.
String nextGroupUuid = linkedListNode.Next.Value;
PwUuid nextGroupPwUuid = new PwUuid (MemUtil.HexStringToByteArray (nextGroupUuid));
// Create Group Activity
PwGroup nextGroup = App.Kp2a.GetDb ().Groups [nextGroupPwUuid];
GroupActivity.Launch (groupBaseActivity, nextGroup, this);
} else { // Need to go down in groups tree
SetActivityResult(groupBaseActivity, KeePass.ExitNormal);
public override void SetupGroupBaseActivityButtons(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
public bool GroupIsFound(GroupBaseActivity groupBaseActivity)
return _groupUuid.Last.Value.Equals (groupBaseActivity.UuidGroup);
public class NavigateToFolder: NavigateAndLaunchTask {
public NavigateToFolder()
public NavigateToFolder(PwGroup groups, bool toastEnable = false)
: base(groups, new NullTask(), toastEnable)
public class NavigateToFolderAndLaunchMoveElementTask: NavigateAndLaunchTask {
public NavigateToFolderAndLaunchMoveElementTask()
public NavigateToFolderAndLaunchMoveElementTask(PwGroup groups, List<PwUuid> uuids, bool toastEnable = false)
:base(groups, new MoveElementsTask() { Uuids = uuids }, toastEnable) {
public override void Setup(Bundle b) {
TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation = new MoveElementsTask ();
TaskToBeLaunchedAfterNavigation.Setup (b);