using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.Content.PM; using Android.OS; using KeePassLib.Serialization; using KeePassLib.Utility; #if !EXCLUDE_JAVAFILESTORAGE using Keepass2android.Javafilestorage; #endif using Exception = System.Exception; using FileNotFoundException = Java.IO.FileNotFoundException; namespace keepass2android.Io { #if !EXCLUDE_JAVAFILESTORAGE public abstract class JavaFileStorage: IFileStorage, IPermissionRequestingFileStorage { protected string Protocol { get { return _jfs.ProtocolId; } } public virtual IEnumerable SupportedProtocols { get { yield return Protocol; } } private readonly IJavaFileStorage _jfs; private readonly IKp2aApp _app; public JavaFileStorage(IJavaFileStorage jfs, IKp2aApp app) { _jfs = jfs; _app = app; } public void Delete(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { try { Jfs.Delete(IocToPath(ioc)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(e.Message, e); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public bool CheckForFileChangeFast(IOConnectionInfo ioc, string previousFileVersion) { return false; //commented because this currently might use the network which is not permitted here /*try { return Jfs.CheckForFileChangeFast(ioc.Path, previousFileVersion); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); }*/ } public string GetCurrentFileVersionFast(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { try { return Jfs.GetCurrentFileVersionFast(IocToPath(ioc)); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public Stream OpenFileForRead(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { try { return Jfs.OpenFileForRead(IocToPath(ioc)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(e.Message, e); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } private Exception LogAndConvertJavaException(Exception e) { Kp2aLog.Log(e.Message); if (e is UserInteractionRequiredException) return e; //seems like UserInteractionRequiredException is not propagated correctly into the C# world, we can't catch it // -> rethrow correctly here // Note: the Contains-check looks a bit broad, but it should be safe if (e.ToString().Contains("keepass2android.javafilestorage.UserInteractionRequiredException")) { throw new UserInteractionRequiredException(); } Java.Lang.Exception exception = e as Java.Lang.Exception; if (exception != null) { var ex = new Exception(exception.LocalizedMessage ?? e.Message ?? _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.ErrorOcurred) + exception.GetType().Name, e); return ex; } return e; } public IWriteTransaction OpenWriteTransaction(IOConnectionInfo ioc, bool useFileTransaction) { return new JavaFileStorageWriteTransaction(IocToPath(ioc), useFileTransaction, this); } internal IJavaFileStorage Jfs { get { return _jfs; } } class JavaFileStorageWriteTransaction: IWriteTransaction { private readonly string _path; private readonly bool _useFileTransaction; private readonly JavaFileStorage _javaFileStorage; private MemoryStream _memoryStream; public JavaFileStorageWriteTransaction(string path, bool useFileTransaction, JavaFileStorage javaFileStorage) { _path = path; _useFileTransaction = useFileTransaction; _javaFileStorage = javaFileStorage; } public void Dispose() { _memoryStream.Dispose(); } public Stream OpenFile() { _memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); return _memoryStream; } public void CommitWrite() { try { _javaFileStorage.Jfs.UploadFile(_path, _memoryStream.ToArray(), _useFileTransaction); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw _javaFileStorage.LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } } public string GetFilenameWithoutPathAndExt(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return UrlUtil.StripExtension( _jfs.GetFilename(IocToPath(ioc))); } public bool RequiresCredentials(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return false; } public void CreateDirectory(IOConnectionInfo ioc, string newDirName) { try { Jfs.CreateFolder(IocToPath(ioc), newDirName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(e.Message, e); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public IEnumerable ListContents(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { try { IList entries = Jfs.ListFiles(IocToPath(ioc)); return entries.Select(ConvertToFileDescription); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(e.Message, e); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } private FileDescription ConvertToFileDescription(JavaFileStorageFileEntry e) { return new FileDescription { CanRead = e.CanRead, CanWrite = e.CanWrite, DisplayName = e.DisplayName, IsDirectory = e.IsDirectory, LastModified = JavaTimeToCSharp(e.LastModifiedTime), Path = e.Path, SizeInBytes = e.SizeInBytes }; } public FileDescription GetFileDescription(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { Kp2aLog.Log("GetFileDescription "+ioc.Path); try { return ConvertToFileDescription(Jfs.GetFileEntry(IocToPath(ioc))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(e.Message, e); } catch (Java.Lang.Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public bool RequiresSetup(IOConnectionInfo ioConnection) { return _jfs.RequiresSetup(IocToPath(ioConnection)); } public virtual void StartSelectFile(IFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity activity, bool isForSave, int requestCode, string protocolId) { Kp2aLog.Log("StartSelectFile " + protocolId); _jfs.StartSelectFile((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity) activity, isForSave, requestCode); } public void PrepareFileUsage(IFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity activity, IOConnectionInfo ioc, int requestCode, Boolean alwaysReturnSuccess) { try { _jfs.PrepareFileUsage((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity) activity, IocToPath(ioc), requestCode, alwaysReturnSuccess); } catch (Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public void PrepareFileUsage(Context ctx, IOConnectionInfo ioc) { try { _jfs.PrepareFileUsage(ctx, IocToPath(ioc)); } catch (Exception e) { throw LogAndConvertJavaException(e); } } public bool IsPermanentLocation(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return true; } public bool IsReadOnly(IOConnectionInfo ioc, OptionalOut reason = null) { return false; //TODO implement. note, however, that we MAY return false even if it's read-only } public void OnCreate(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { _jfs.OnCreate(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity)activity), savedInstanceState); } public void OnResume(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity) { Kp2aLog.Log("JFS/OnResume Ioc.Path=" +activity.Ioc.Path+". Path="+((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity)activity).Path); _jfs.OnResume(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity) activity)); } public void OnStart(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity) { _jfs.OnStart(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity) activity)); } public void OnActivityResult(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { _jfs.OnActivityResult(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity) activity), requestCode, resultCode, data); } public string GetDisplayName(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return _jfs.GetDisplayName(ioc.Path); } public string CreateFilePath(string parent, string newFilename) { return _jfs.CreateFilePath(parent, newFilename); } public IOConnectionInfo GetParentPath(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return IoUtil.GetParentPath(ioc); } public IOConnectionInfo GetFilePath(IOConnectionInfo folderPath, string filename) { try { return IOConnectionInfo.FromPath( ListContents(folderPath).Where(desc => { return desc.DisplayName == filename; }) .Single() .Path); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error finding " + filename + " in " + folderPath.GetDisplayName(), e); } } private DateTime JavaTimeToCSharp(long javatime) { return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddMilliseconds(javatime); } public virtual string IocToPath(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { return ioc.Path; } public void OnRequestPermissionsResult(IFileStorageSetupActivity fileStorageSetupActivity, int requestCode, string[] permissions, Permission[] grantResults) { _jfs.OnRequestPermissionsResult(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity) fileStorageSetupActivity), requestCode, permissions, grantResults.Select(p => (int)p).ToArray()); } } #endif }