/* KeePass Password Safe - The Open-Source Password Manager Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Dominik Reichl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace KeePassLib.Cryptography.PasswordGenerator { public sealed class PwCharSet { public const string UpperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; public const string LowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; public const string Digits = "0123456789"; public const string UpperConsonants = "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ"; public const string LowerConsonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"; public const string UpperVowels = "AEIOU"; public const string LowerVowels = "aeiou"; public const string Punctuation = @",.;:"; public const string Brackets = @"[]{}()<>"; public const string PrintableAsciiSpecial = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"; public const string UpperHex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; public const string LowerHex = "0123456789abcdef"; public const string Invalid = "\t\r\n"; public const string LookAlike = @"O0l1I|"; internal const string MenuAccels = PwCharSet.LowerCase + PwCharSet.Digits; private const int CharTabSize = (0x10000 / 8); private List m_vChars = new List(); private byte[] m_vTab = new byte[CharTabSize]; private static string m_strHighAnsi = null; public static string HighAnsiChars { get { if(m_strHighAnsi == null) { new PwCharSet(); } // Create string Debug.Assert(m_strHighAnsi != null); return m_strHighAnsi; } } private static string m_strSpecial = null; public static string SpecialChars { get { if(m_strSpecial == null) { new PwCharSet(); } // Create string Debug.Assert(m_strSpecial != null); return m_strSpecial; } } /// /// Create a new, empty character set collection object. /// public PwCharSet() { Initialize(true); } public PwCharSet(string strCharSet) { Initialize(true); Add(strCharSet); } private PwCharSet(bool bFullInitialize) { Initialize(bFullInitialize); } private void Initialize(bool bFullInitialize) { Clear(); if(!bFullInitialize) return; if(m_strHighAnsi == null) { StringBuilder sbHighAnsi = new StringBuilder(); // [U+0080, U+009F] are C1 control characters, // U+00A0 is non-breaking space for(char ch = '\u00A1'; ch <= '\u00AC'; ++ch) sbHighAnsi.Append(ch); // U+00AD is soft hyphen (format character) for(char ch = '\u00AE'; ch < '\u00FF'; ++ch) sbHighAnsi.Append(ch); sbHighAnsi.Append('\u00FF'); m_strHighAnsi = sbHighAnsi.ToString(); } if(m_strSpecial == null) { PwCharSet pcs = new PwCharSet(false); pcs.AddRange('!', '/'); pcs.AddRange(':', '@'); pcs.AddRange('[', '`'); pcs.Add(@"|~"); pcs.Remove(@"-_ "); pcs.Remove(PwCharSet.Brackets); m_strSpecial = pcs.ToString(); } } /// /// Number of characters in this set. /// public uint Size { get { return (uint)m_vChars.Count; } } /// /// Get a character of the set using an index. /// /// Index of the character to get. /// Character at the specified position. If the index is invalid, /// an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown. public char this[uint uPos] { get { if(uPos >= (uint)m_vChars.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uPos"); return m_vChars[(int)uPos]; } } /// /// Remove all characters from this set. /// public void Clear() { m_vChars.Clear(); Array.Clear(m_vTab, 0, m_vTab.Length); } public bool Contains(char ch) { return (((m_vTab[ch / 8] >> (ch % 8)) & 1) != char.MinValue); } public bool Contains(string strCharacters) { Debug.Assert(strCharacters != null); if(strCharacters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strCharacters"); foreach(char ch in strCharacters) { if(!Contains(ch)) return false; } return true; } /// /// Add characters to the set. /// /// Character to add. public void Add(char ch) { if(ch == char.MinValue) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if(!Contains(ch)) { m_vChars.Add(ch); m_vTab[ch / 8] |= (byte)(1 << (ch % 8)); } } /// /// Add characters to the set. /// /// String containing characters to add. public void Add(string strCharSet) { Debug.Assert(strCharSet != null); if(strCharSet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strCharSet"); m_vChars.Capacity = m_vChars.Count + strCharSet.Length; foreach(char ch in strCharSet) Add(ch); } public void Add(string strCharSet1, string strCharSet2) { Add(strCharSet1); Add(strCharSet2); } public void Add(string strCharSet1, string strCharSet2, string strCharSet3) { Add(strCharSet1); Add(strCharSet2); Add(strCharSet3); } public void AddRange(char chMin, char chMax) { m_vChars.Capacity = m_vChars.Count + (chMax - chMin) + 1; for(char ch = chMin; ch < chMax; ++ch) Add(ch); Add(chMax); } public bool AddCharSet(char chCharSetIdentifier) { bool bResult = true; switch(chCharSetIdentifier) { case 'a': Add(PwCharSet.LowerCase, PwCharSet.Digits); break; case 'A': Add(PwCharSet.LowerCase, PwCharSet.UpperCase, PwCharSet.Digits); break; case 'U': Add(PwCharSet.UpperCase, PwCharSet.Digits); break; case 'c': Add(PwCharSet.LowerConsonants); break; case 'C': Add(PwCharSet.LowerConsonants, PwCharSet.UpperConsonants); break; case 'z': Add(PwCharSet.UpperConsonants); break; case 'd': Add(PwCharSet.Digits); break; // Digit case 'h': Add(PwCharSet.LowerHex); break; case 'H': Add(PwCharSet.UpperHex); break; case 'l': Add(PwCharSet.LowerCase); break; case 'L': Add(PwCharSet.LowerCase, PwCharSet.UpperCase); break; case 'u': Add(PwCharSet.UpperCase); break; case 'p': Add(PwCharSet.Punctuation); break; case 'b': Add(PwCharSet.Brackets); break; case 's': Add(PwCharSet.PrintableAsciiSpecial); break; case 'S': Add(PwCharSet.UpperCase, PwCharSet.LowerCase); Add(PwCharSet.Digits, PwCharSet.PrintableAsciiSpecial); break; case 'v': Add(PwCharSet.LowerVowels); break; case 'V': Add(PwCharSet.LowerVowels, PwCharSet.UpperVowels); break; case 'Z': Add(PwCharSet.UpperVowels); break; case 'x': Add(m_strHighAnsi); break; default: bResult = false; break; } return bResult; } public bool Remove(char ch) { m_vTab[ch / 8] &= (byte)(~(1 << (ch % 8))); return m_vChars.Remove(ch); } public bool Remove(string strCharacters) { Debug.Assert(strCharacters != null); if(strCharacters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strCharacters"); bool bResult = true; foreach(char ch in strCharacters) { if(!Remove(ch)) bResult = false; } return bResult; } public bool RemoveIfAllExist(string strCharacters) { Debug.Assert(strCharacters != null); if(strCharacters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strCharacters"); if(!Contains(strCharacters)) return false; return Remove(strCharacters); } /// /// Convert the character set to a string containing all its characters. /// /// String containing all character set characters. public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach(char ch in m_vChars) sb.Append(ch); return sb.ToString(); } public string PackAndRemoveCharRanges() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(PwCharSet.UpperCase) ? 'U' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(PwCharSet.LowerCase) ? 'L' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(PwCharSet.Digits) ? 'D' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(m_strSpecial) ? 'S' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(PwCharSet.Punctuation) ? 'P' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(@"-") ? 'm' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(@"_") ? 'u' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(@" ") ? 's' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(PwCharSet.Brackets) ? 'B' : '_'); sb.Append(RemoveIfAllExist(m_strHighAnsi) ? 'H' : '_'); return sb.ToString(); } public void UnpackCharRanges(string strRanges) { if(strRanges == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if(strRanges.Length < 10) { Debug.Assert(false); return; } if(strRanges[0] != '_') Add(PwCharSet.UpperCase); if(strRanges[1] != '_') Add(PwCharSet.LowerCase); if(strRanges[2] != '_') Add(PwCharSet.Digits); if(strRanges[3] != '_') Add(m_strSpecial); if(strRanges[4] != '_') Add(PwCharSet.Punctuation); if(strRanges[5] != '_') Add('-'); if(strRanges[6] != '_') Add('_'); if(strRanges[7] != '_') Add(' '); if(strRanges[8] != '_') Add(PwCharSet.Brackets); if(strRanges[9] != '_') Add(m_strHighAnsi); } } }