using System; using System.Linq; using Android.App; using Android.OS; using KeePassLib; using KeePassLib.Interfaces; using KeePassLib.Keys; using KeePassLib.Security; using KeePassLib.Serialization; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using keepass2android; namespace Kp2aUnitTests { internal class TestBase { private PwGroup mailGroup; private PwEntry mailEntry; /// /// Compares the two databases. uses Asserts /// TODO: implement this with many more checks or use serialization? /// protected void AssertDatabasesAreEqual(PwDatabase db1, PwDatabase db2) { db1.RootGroup.GetObjects(true, null) .ForEach( item => { IStructureItem foundItem = db2.RootGroup.FindObject(item.Uuid, true, null); Assert.IsNotNull(foundItem, "didn't find item with uuid="+item.Uuid.ToHexString()); Assert.IsTrue(item.ParentGroup.Uuid.EqualsValue(foundItem.ParentGroup.Uuid), "item.ParentGroup.Uuid ("+item.ParentGroup.Uuid+") != " + foundItem.ParentGroup.Uuid); } ); Assert.AreEqual(db1.RootGroup.GetObjects(true,null).Count(),db2.RootGroup.GetObjects(true,null).Count(), "Wrong Object Count"); } protected static string DefaultDirectory { get { return "/mnt/sdcard/kp2atest/"; } } protected static string DefaultFilename { get { return "/mnt/sdcard/kp2atest/savetest.kdbx"; } } protected string DefaultKeyfile { get { return DefaultDirectory + "keyfile.txt"; } } protected string DefaultPassword { get { return "secretpassword!"; } } protected string TestDbDirectory { get { return DefaultDirectory + "savedWithDesktop/"; } } protected TestKp2aApp LoadDatabase(string filename, string password, string keyfile) { var app = CreateTestKp2aApp(); app.CreateNewDatabase(); bool loadSuccesful = false; LoadDb task = new LoadDb(app, new IOConnectionInfo() { Path = filename }, null, CreateKey(password, keyfile), keyfile, new ActionOnFinish((success, message) => { if (!success) Kp2aLog.Log(message); loadSuccesful = success; }) ); ProgressTask pt = new ProgressTask(app, Application.Context, task); pt.Run(); pt.JoinWorkerThread(); Assert.IsTrue(loadSuccesful); return app; } protected static CompositeKey CreateKey(string password, string keyfile) { CompositeKey key = new CompositeKey(); key.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(password)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyfile)) key.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(keyfile)); return key; } protected static CompositeKey CreateKey(string password) { CompositeKey key = new CompositeKey(); key.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(password)); return key; } protected virtual TestKp2aApp CreateTestKp2aApp() { TestKp2aApp app = new TestKp2aApp(); return app; } protected void SaveDatabase(IKp2aApp app) { bool saveSuccesful = TrySaveDatabase(app); Assert.IsTrue(saveSuccesful); } public static bool TrySaveDatabase(IKp2aApp app) { bool saveSuccesful = false; SaveDb save = new SaveDb(Application.Context, app, new ActionOnFinish((success, message) => { saveSuccesful = success; if (!success) { Kp2aLog.Log("Error during TestBase.SaveDatabase: " + message); } }), false); save.Run(); save.JoinWorkerThread(); return saveSuccesful; } protected TestKp2aApp SetupAppWithDefaultDatabase() { string filename = DefaultFilename; return SetupAppWithDatabase(filename); } protected TestKp2aApp SetupAppWithDatabase(string filename) { TestKp2aApp app = CreateTestKp2aApp(); IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo {Path = filename}; Database db = app.CreateNewDatabase(); if (filename.EndsWith(".kdb")) { db.DatabaseFormat = new KdbDatabaseFormat(app); } db.KpDatabase = new PwDatabase(); CompositeKey compositeKey = new CompositeKey(); compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(DefaultPassword)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultKeyfile)) compositeKey.AddUserKey(new KcpKeyFile(DefaultKeyfile)); db.KpDatabase.New(ioc, compositeKey); db.KpDatabase.KeyEncryptionRounds = 3; db.KpDatabase.Name = "Keepass2Android Testing Password Database"; // Set Database state db.Root = db.KpDatabase.RootGroup; db.Loaded = true; db.SearchHelper = new SearchDbHelper(app); // Add a couple default groups db.KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "Internet", PwIcon.Key), true); mailGroup = new PwGroup(true, true, "eMail", PwIcon.UserCommunication); db.KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(mailGroup, true); mailGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "business", PwIcon.BlackBerry), true); mailEntry = new PwEntry(true, true); mailEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UserNameField, new ProtectedString( true, "")); mailEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.TitleField, new ProtectedString( true, " Entry")); mailGroup.AddEntry(mailEntry, true); db.KpDatabase.RootGroup.AddGroup(new PwGroup(true, true, "eMail2", PwIcon.UserCommunication), true); return app; } } }