using System; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Android.Widget; using Java.Net; using KeePassLib.Serialization; using keepass2android.Io; namespace keepass2android { /// /// base class for SelectStorageLocationActivity containing testable (non-UI) code /// public abstract class SelectStorageLocationActivityBase: Activity { public enum WritableRequirements { ReadOnly = 0, WriteDesired = 1, WriteDemanded = 2 } protected const int RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForPrimarySelect = 33713; private const int RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForCopyToWritableLocation = 33714; private const int RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation = 33715; private const int RequestCodeFileBrowseForOpen = 33716; protected IOConnectionInfo _selectedIoc; private IKp2aApp _app; public SelectStorageLocationActivityBase(IKp2aApp app) { _app = app; } protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { Kp2aLog.Log("base.onAR"); base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if ((requestCode == RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForPrimarySelect) || ((requestCode == RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForCopyToWritableLocation))) { int browseRequestCode = RequestCodeFileBrowseForOpen; if (requestCode == RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForCopyToWritableLocation) { browseRequestCode = RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation; } if (resultCode == ExitFileStorageSelectionOk) { string protocolId = data.GetStringExtra("protocolId"); if (protocolId == "androidget") { ShowAndroidBrowseDialog(browseRequestCode, false, false); } else if (protocolId == "content") { ShowAndroidBrowseDialog(browseRequestCode, browseRequestCode == RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation, true); } else { bool isForSave = (requestCode == RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForPrimarySelect) ? IsStorageSelectionForSave : true; StartSelectFile(isForSave, browseRequestCode, protocolId); } } else { ReturnCancel(); } } if ((requestCode == RequestCodeFileBrowseForOpen) || (requestCode == RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation)) { if (resultCode == (Result)FileStorageResults.FileChooserPrepared) { IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo(); SetIoConnectionFromIntent(ioc, data); bool isForSave = (requestCode == RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation) ? true : IsStorageSelectionForSave; StartFileChooser(ioc.Path, requestCode, isForSave); return; } if ((resultCode == Result.Canceled) && (data != null) && (data.HasExtra("EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE"))) { ShowToast(data.GetStringExtra("EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE")); } if (resultCode == Result.Ok) { Kp2aLog.Log("FileSelection returned "+data.DataString); //TODO: don't try to extract filename if content URI string filename = IntentToFilename(data); Kp2aLog.Log("FileSelection returned filename " + filename); if (filename != null) { if (filename.StartsWith("file://")) { filename = filename.Substring(7); filename = URLDecoder.Decode(filename); } IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = filename }; IocSelected(ioc, requestCode); } else { if (data.Data.Scheme == "content") { if ((int) Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= 19) { //try to take persistable permissions try { Kp2aLog.Log("TakePersistableUriPermission"); var takeFlags = data.Flags & (ActivityFlags.GrantReadUriPermission | ActivityFlags.GrantWriteUriPermission); this.ContentResolver.TakePersistableUriPermission(data.Data, takeFlags); } catch (Exception e) { Kp2aLog.Log(e.ToString()); } } IocSelected(IOConnectionInfo.FromPath(data.DataString), requestCode); } else { ShowInvalidSchemeMessage(data.DataString); ReturnCancel(); } } } else { ReturnCancel(); } } } protected abstract void ShowToast(string text); protected abstract void ShowInvalidSchemeMessage(string dataString); protected abstract string IntentToFilename(Intent data); protected abstract void SetIoConnectionFromIntent(IOConnectionInfo ioc, Intent data); protected abstract Result ExitFileStorageSelectionOk { get; } /// /// Starts the appropriate file selection process (either manual file select or prepare filechooser + filechooser) /// /// /// /// protected abstract void StartSelectFile(bool isForSave, int browseRequestCode, string protocolId); protected abstract void ShowAndroidBrowseDialog(int requestCode, bool isForSave, bool tryGetPermanentAccess); protected abstract bool IsStorageSelectionForSave { get; } private void IocSelected(IOConnectionInfo ioc, int requestCode) { if (requestCode == RequestCodeFileFileBrowseForWritableLocation) { IocForCopySelected(ioc); } else if (requestCode == RequestCodeFileBrowseForOpen) { PrimaryIocSelected(ioc); } else { #if DEBUG throw new Exception("invalid request code!"); #endif } } private void IocForCopySelected(IOConnectionInfo targetIoc) { PerformCopy(() => { IOConnectionInfo sourceIoc = _selectedIoc; try { CopyFile(targetIoc, sourceIoc); } catch (Exception e) { return () => { ShowToast(_app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.ErrorOcurred) + " " + e.Message); ReturnCancel(); }; } return () => { ReturnOk(targetIoc); }; }); } protected abstract void PerformCopy(Func copyAndReturnPostExecute); private void MoveToWritableLocation(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { _selectedIoc = ioc; StartFileStorageSelection(RequestCodeFileStorageSelectionForCopyToWritableLocation, false, false); } protected abstract void StartFileStorageSelection(int requestCode, bool allowThirdPartyGet, bool allowThirdPartySend); protected bool OnReceivedSftpData(string filename, int requestCode, bool isForSave) { IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = filename }; #if !EXCLUDE_FILECHOOSER StartFileChooser(ioc.Path, requestCode, isForSave); #else IocSelected(ioc, requestCode); #endif return true; } protected abstract void StartFileChooser(string path, int requestCode, bool isForSave); protected bool OnOpenButton(string fileName, int requestCode, Action dismissDialog) { IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = fileName }; int lastSlashPos = fileName.LastIndexOf('/'); int lastDotPos = fileName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (lastSlashPos >= lastDotPos) //no dot after last slash or == in case neither / nor . { ShowFilenameWarning(fileName, () => { IocSelected(ioc, requestCode); dismissDialog(); }, () => { /* don't do anything, leave dialog open, let user try again*/ }); //signal that the dialog should be kept open return false; } IocSelected(ioc, requestCode); return true; } protected abstract void ShowFilenameWarning(string fileName, Action onUserWantsToContinue, Action onUserWantsToCorrect); protected virtual void CopyFile(IOConnectionInfo targetIoc, IOConnectionInfo sourceIoc) { IoUtil.Copy(targetIoc, sourceIoc, _app); } private void PrimaryIocSelected(IOConnectionInfo ioc) { var filestorage = _app.GetFileStorage(ioc, false); if (!filestorage.IsPermanentLocation(ioc)) { string message = _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.FileIsTemporarilyAvailable) + " " + _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.CopyFileRequired) + " " + _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.ClickOkToSelectLocation); EventHandler onOk = (sender, args) => { MoveToWritableLocation(ioc); }; EventHandler onCancel = (sender, args) => { ReturnCancel(); }; ShowAlertDialog(message, onOk, onCancel); return; } if ((RequestedWritableRequirements != WritableRequirements.ReadOnly) && (filestorage.IsReadOnly(ioc))) { string readOnlyExplanation = _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.FileIsReadOnly); BuiltInFileStorage builtInFileStorage = filestorage as BuiltInFileStorage; if (builtInFileStorage != null) { if (builtInFileStorage.IsReadOnlyBecauseKitkatRestrictions(ioc)) readOnlyExplanation = _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.FileIsReadOnlyOnKitkat); } EventHandler onOk = (sender, args) => { MoveToWritableLocation(ioc); }; EventHandler onCancel = (sender, args) => { if (RequestedWritableRequirements == WritableRequirements.WriteDemanded) ReturnCancel(); else ReturnOk(ioc); }; ShowAlertDialog(readOnlyExplanation + " " + (RequestedWritableRequirements == WritableRequirements.WriteDemanded ? _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.CopyFileRequired) : _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.CopyFileRequiredForEditing)) + " " + _app.GetResourceString(UiStringKey.ClickOkToSelectLocation), onOk, onCancel); return; } ReturnOk(ioc); } protected abstract void ShowAlertDialog(string message, EventHandler onOk, EventHandler onCancel); protected abstract WritableRequirements RequestedWritableRequirements { get; } protected abstract void ReturnOk(IOConnectionInfo ioc); protected abstract void ReturnCancel(); } }