// This is a generated file! // Do not edit manually, changes will be overwritten. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace KeePassLib.Resources { /// /// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. /// public static class KSRes { private static string TryGetEx(Dictionary dictNew, string strName, string strDefault) { string strTemp; if(dictNew.TryGetValue(strName, out strTemp)) return strTemp; return strDefault; } public static void SetTranslatedStrings(Dictionary dictNew) { if(dictNew == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dictNew"); m_strTest = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Test", m_strTest); } private static readonly string[] m_vKeyNames = { "Test" }; public static string[] GetKeyNames() { return m_vKeyNames; } private static string m_strTest = @"Test"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Test'. /// public static string Test { get { return m_strTest; } } } }