/* This file is part of Keepass2Android, Copyright 2013 Philipp Crocoll. This file is based on Keepassdroid, Copyright Brian Pellin. Keepass2Android is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Keepass2Android is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Keepass2Android. If not, see . */ using System; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using KeePassLib; using Android.Preferences; using KeePassLib.Interfaces; using KeePassLib.Utility; using keepass2android.Io; using keepass2android.database.edit; using keepass2android.view; using Android.Graphics.Drawables; namespace keepass2android { public abstract class GroupBaseActivity : LockCloseListActivity { public const String KeyEntry = "entry"; public const String KeyMode = "mode"; public virtual void LaunchActivityForEntry(PwEntry pwEntry, int pos) { EntryActivity.Launch(this, pwEntry, pos, AppTask); } protected GroupBaseActivity () { } protected GroupBaseActivity (IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer) { } protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { base.OnSaveInstanceState(outState); AppTask.ToBundle(outState); } public virtual void SetupNormalButtons() { GroupView.SetNormalButtonVisibility(true, true); } protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) { base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); AppTask.TryGetFromActivityResult(data, ref AppTask); if (resultCode == KeePass.ExitCloseAfterTaskComplete) { AppTask.SetActivityResult(this, KeePass.ExitCloseAfterTaskComplete); Finish(); } } private ISharedPreferences _prefs; protected PwGroup Group; internal AppTask AppTask; protected GroupView GroupView; protected override void OnResume() { base.OnResume(); AppTask.SetupGroupBaseActivityButtons(this); RefreshIfDirty(); } public override bool OnSearchRequested() { StartActivityForResult(typeof(SearchActivity), 0); return true; } public void RefreshIfDirty() { Database db = App.Kp2a.GetDb(); if ( db.Dirty.Contains(Group) ) { db.Dirty.Remove(Group); BaseAdapter adapter = (BaseAdapter) ListAdapter; adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } } protected override void OnListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { base.OnListItemClick(l, v, position, id); IListAdapter adapt = ListAdapter; ClickView cv = (ClickView) adapt.GetView(position, null, null); cv.OnClick(); } protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); AppTask = AppTask.GetTaskInOnCreate(savedInstanceState, Intent); // Likely the app has been killed exit the activity if ( ! App.Kp2a.GetDb().Loaded ) { Finish(); return; } _prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this); GroupView = new GroupView(this); SetContentView(GroupView); FindViewById(Resource.Id.cancel_insert_element).Click += (sender, args) => StopMovingElement(); FindViewById(Resource.Id.insert_element).Click += (sender, args) => InsertElement(); SetResult(KeePass.ExitNormal); StyleScrollBars(); } protected override void OnStart() { base.OnStart(); AppTask.StartInGroupActivity(this); } private void InsertElement() { MoveElementTask moveElementTask = (MoveElementTask)AppTask; IStructureItem elementToMove = App.Kp2a.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.FindObject(moveElementTask.Uuid, true, null); var moveElement = new MoveElement(elementToMove, Group, this, App.Kp2a, new ActionOnFinish((success, message) => { StopMovingElement(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) Toast.MakeText(this, message, ToastLength.Long).Show();})); var progressTask = new ProgressTask(App.Kp2a, this, moveElement); progressTask.Run(); } protected void StyleScrollBars() { ListView lv = ListView; lv.ScrollBarStyle =ScrollbarStyles.InsideInset; lv.TextFilterEnabled = true; } protected void SetGroupTitle() { String name = Group.Name; String titleText; bool clickable = (Group != null) && (Group.IsVirtual == false) && (Group.ParentGroup != null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { titleText = name; } else { titleText = GetText(Resource.String.root); } //see if the button for SDK Version < 11 is there Button tv = (Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.group_name); if (tv != null) { if (Group != null) { tv.Text = titleText; } if (clickable) { tv.Click += (sender, e) => { AppTask.SetActivityResult(this, KeePass.ExitNormal); Finish(); }; } else { tv.SetCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null); tv.Clickable = false; } } //ICS? if (Util.HasActionBar(this)) { ActionBar.Title = titleText; if (clickable) ActionBar.SetDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } } protected void SetGroupIcon() { if (Group != null) { Drawable drawable = App.Kp2a.GetDb().DrawableFactory.GetIconDrawable(Resources, App.Kp2a.GetDb().KpDatabase, Group.IconId, Group.CustomIconUuid); ImageView iv = (ImageView) FindViewById(Resource.Id.icon); if (iv != null) iv.SetImageDrawable(drawable); if (Util.HasActionBar(this)) ActionBar.SetIcon(drawable); } } public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu) { base.OnCreateOptionsMenu(menu); MenuInflater inflater = MenuInflater; inflater.Inflate(Resource.Menu.group, menu); if (Util.HasActionBar(this)) { var searchManager = (SearchManager) GetSystemService(Context.SearchService); var searchView = (SearchView) menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.menu_search).ActionView; searchView.SetSearchableInfo(searchManager.GetSearchableInfo(ComponentName)); } var item = menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.menu_sync); if (item != null) { if (App.Kp2a.GetDb().Ioc.IsLocalFile()) item.SetVisible(false); else item.SetVisible(true); } return true; } private void SetSortMenuText(IMenu menu) { bool sortByName = _prefs.GetBoolean(GetString(Resource.String.sort_key), Resources.GetBoolean(Resource.Boolean.sort_default)); int resId; if ( sortByName ) { resId = Resource.String.sort_db; } else { resId = Resource.String.sort_name; } menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.menu_sort).SetTitle(resId); } public override bool OnPrepareOptionsMenu(IMenu menu) { if ( ! base.OnPrepareOptionsMenu(menu) ) { return false; } SetSortMenuText(menu); return true; } public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item) { switch ( item.ItemId ) { case Resource.Id.menu_donate: try { Util.gotoDonateUrl(this); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resource.String.error_failed_to_launch_link, ToastLength.Long).Show(); return false; } return true; case Resource.Id.menu_lock: App.Kp2a.LockDatabase(); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_search: case Resource.Id.menu_search_advanced: OnSearchRequested(); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_app_settings: DatabaseSettingsActivity.Launch(this); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_change_master_key: SetPassword(); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_sync: Synchronize(); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_sort: ToggleSort(); return true; case Resource.Id.menu_rate: try { Util.gotoMarket(this); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resource.String.no_url_handler, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } return true; case Resource.Id.menu_suggest_improvements: try { Util.gotoUrl(this, Resource.String.SuggestionsURL); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resource.String.no_url_handler, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } return true; case Resource.Id.menu_translate: try { Util.gotoUrl(this, Resource.String.TranslationURL); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resource.String.no_url_handler, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } return true; case Android.Resource.Id.Home: //Currently the action bar only displays the home button when we come from a previous activity. //So we can simply Finish. See this page for information on how to do this in more general (future?) cases: //http://developer.android.com/training/implementing-navigation/ancestral.html AppTask.SetActivityResult(this, KeePass.ExitNormal); Finish(); OverridePendingTransition(Resource.Animation.anim_enter_back, Resource.Animation.anim_leave_back); return true; } return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item); } private void Synchronize() { var filestorage = App.Kp2a.GetFileStorage(App.Kp2a.GetDb().Ioc); RunnableOnFinish task; ActionOnFinish onFinishShowMessage = new ActionOnFinish((success, message) => { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) Toast.MakeText(this, message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); }); if (filestorage is CachingFileStorage) { task = new SynchronizeCachedDatabase(this, App.Kp2a, onFinishShowMessage); } else { task = new CheckDatabaseForChanges(this, App.Kp2a, onFinishShowMessage); } var progressTask = new ProgressTask(App.Kp2a, this, task); progressTask.Run(); } public override void OnBackPressed() { AppTask.SetActivityResult(this, KeePass.ExitNormal); base.OnBackPressed(); } private void ToggleSort() { // Toggle setting String sortKey = GetString(Resource.String.sort_key); bool sortByName = _prefs.GetBoolean(sortKey, Resources.GetBoolean(Resource.Boolean.sort_default)); ISharedPreferencesEditor editor = _prefs.Edit(); editor.PutBoolean(sortKey, ! sortByName); EditorCompat.Apply(editor); // Refresh menu titles ActivityCompat.InvalidateOptionsMenu(this); // Mark all groups as dirty now to refresh them on load Database db = App.Kp2a.GetDb(); db.MarkAllGroupsAsDirty(); // We'll manually refresh this group so we can remove it db.Dirty.Remove(Group); // Tell the adapter to refresh it's list BaseAdapter adapter = (BaseAdapter) ListAdapter; adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } private void SetPassword() { SetPasswordDialog dialog = new SetPasswordDialog(this); dialog.Show(); } public class RefreshTask : OnFinish { readonly GroupBaseActivity _act; public RefreshTask(Handler handler, GroupBaseActivity act):base(handler) { _act = act; } public override void Run() { if ( Success) { _act.RefreshIfDirty(); } else { DisplayMessage(_act); } } } public class AfterDeleteGroup : OnFinish { readonly GroupBaseActivity _act; public AfterDeleteGroup(Handler handler, GroupBaseActivity act):base(handler) { _act = act; } public override void Run() { if ( Success) { _act.RefreshIfDirty(); } else { Handler.Post( () => { Toast.MakeText(_act, "Unrecoverable error: " + Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); }); App.Kp2a.LockDatabase(false); } } } public bool IsBeingMoved(PwUuid uuid) { MoveElementTask moveElementTask = AppTask as MoveElementTask; if (moveElementTask != null) { if (moveElementTask.Uuid.EqualsValue(uuid)) return true; } return false; } public void StartTask(AppTask task) { AppTask = task; task.StartInGroupActivity(this); } public void StartMovingElement() { ShowInsertElementButtons(); GroupView.ListView.InvalidateViews(); BaseAdapter adapter = (BaseAdapter)ListAdapter; adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } public void ShowInsertElementButtons() { GroupView.ShowInsertButtons(); } public void StopMovingElement() { try { MoveElementTask moveElementTask = (MoveElementTask)AppTask; IStructureItem elementToMove = App.Kp2a.GetDb().KpDatabase.RootGroup.FindObject(moveElementTask.Uuid, true, null); if (elementToMove.ParentGroup != Group) App.Kp2a.GetDb().Dirty.Add(elementToMove.ParentGroup); } catch (Exception e) { //don't crash if adding to dirty fails but log the exception: Kp2aLog.Log(e.ToString()); } AppTask = new NullTask(); AppTask.SetupGroupBaseActivityButtons(this); GroupView.ListView.InvalidateViews(); BaseAdapter adapter = (BaseAdapter)ListAdapter; adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged(); } } }