mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 06:50:14 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://git01.codeplex.com/forks/wlawski/keepass2android into wlawski
Conflicts: .gitignore src/java/InputStickAPI/gen/com/inputstick/api/R.java src/java/PluginInputStick/gen/com/inputstick/api/R.java src/java/PluginInputStick/gen/keepass2android/plugin/inputstick/R.java src/java/PluginInputStick/gen/keepass2android/pluginsdk/R.java src/keepass2android/Resources/Resource.designer.cs
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,49 +4,19 @@ PCtest
@ -54,65 +24,17 @@ Thumbs.db
@ -121,35 +43,17 @@ Thumbs.db
@ -158,38 +62,12 @@ Thumbs.db
@ -198,24 +76,14 @@ Thumbs.db
@ -230,57 +98,24 @@ Thumbs.db
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#pragma warning disable 1591
// <auto-generated>
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.296
// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
// der Code erneut generiert wird.
// </auto-generated>
[assembly: Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("KP2AKeyboard.Resource", IsApplication=false)]
namespace KP2AKeyboard
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Novell.MonoDroid.Build.Tasks", "")]
public partial class Resource
public partial class Attribute
private Attribute()
public partial class String
// aapt resource value: 0x7f020000
public static int library_name = 2130837504;
private String()
#pragma warning restore 1591
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#pragma warning disable 1591
// <auto-generated>
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.34014
// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
// der Code erneut generiert wird.
// </auto-generated>
[assembly: global::Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("KeePassLib2Android.Resource", IsApplication=false)]
namespace KeePassLib2Android
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks", "")]
public partial class Resource
static Resource()
public partial class Attribute
static Attribute()
private Attribute()
public partial class String
// aapt resource value: 0x7f020000
public static int library_name = 2130837504;
static String()
private String()
#pragma warning restore 1591
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
#pragma warning disable 1591
// <auto-generated>
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.296
// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
// der Code erneut generiert wird.
// </auto-generated>
[assembly: Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("KeyValueTest.Resource", IsApplication=true)]
namespace KeyValueTest
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Novell.MonoDroid.Build.Tasks", "")]
public partial class Resource
public static void UpdateIdValues()
public partial class Attribute
private Attribute()
public partial class Drawable
// aapt resource value: 0x7f020000
public const int Icon = 2130837504;
private Drawable()
public partial class Id
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050003
public const int bottom_bar = 2131034115;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050007
public const int entry_contents = 2131034119;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050005
public const int entry_divider2 = 2131034117;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050004
public const int entry_edit = 2131034116;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050006
public const int entry_scroll = 2131034118;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050008
public const int extra_strings = 2131034120;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050000
public const int title = 2131034112;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050002
public const int top = 2131034114;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050001
public const int value = 2131034113;
private Id()
public partial class Layout
// aapt resource value: 0x7f030000
public const int entry_section = 2130903040;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f030001
public const int Main = 2130903041;
private Layout()
public partial class String
// aapt resource value: 0x7f040001
public const int app_name = 2130968577;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f040000
public const int hello = 2130968576;
private String()
#pragma warning restore 1591
@ -293,16 +293,6 @@ namespace keepass2android.Io
return false; //TODO implement. note, however, that we MAY return false even if it's read-only
public bool IsPermanentLocation(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return true;
public bool IsReadOnly(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return false; //TODO implement. note, however, that we MAY return false even if it's read-only
public void OnCreate(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState)
_jfs.OnCreate(((IJavaFileStorageFileStorageSetupActivity)activity), savedInstanceState);
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
#pragma warning disable 1591
// <auto-generated>
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.34014
// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
// der Code erneut generiert wird.
// </auto-generated>
[assembly: global::Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("Kp2aUnitTests.Resource", IsApplication=true)]
namespace Kp2aUnitTests
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks", "")]
public partial class Resource
static Resource()
public static void UpdateIdValues()
global::KeePassLib2Android.Resource.String.library_name = global::Kp2aUnitTests.Resource.String.library_name;
public partial class Attribute
static Attribute()
private Attribute()
public partial class Drawable
// aapt resource value: 0x7f020000
public const int Icon = 2130837504;
static Drawable()
private Drawable()
public partial class Id
// aapt resource value: 0x7f050000
public const int MyButton = 2131034112;
static Id()
private Id()
public partial class Layout
// aapt resource value: 0x7f030000
public const int Main = 2130903040;
static Layout()
private Layout()
public partial class String
// aapt resource value: 0x7f040002
public const int ApplicationName = 2130968578;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f040001
public const int Hello = 2130968577;
// aapt resource value: 0x7f040000
public const int library_name = 2130968576;
static String()
private String()
#pragma warning restore 1591
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package com.inputstick.api;
public final class R {
public static final class attr {
public static final class dimen {
/** Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Customize dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml (such as
screen margins) for sw720dp devices (e.g. 10" tablets) in landscape here.
public static int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f030000;
public static int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f030001;
public static final class drawable {
public static int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;
public static final class id {
public static int action_settings=0x7f070000;
public static final class menu {
public static int install_utility=0x7f060000;
public static final class string {
public static int action_settings=0x7f040002;
public static int app_name=0x7f040000;
public static int hello_world=0x7f040003;
public static int title_activity_install_utility=0x7f040001;
public static final class style {
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
public static int AppBaseTheme=0x7f050000;
/** Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
public static int AppTheme=0x7f050001;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
android:isModifier="true" />
android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (C) 2014 Philipp Crocoll <crocoapps@googlemail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Wiktor Lawski <wiktor.lawski@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
package keepass2android.softkeyboard;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
@ -313,6 +316,7 @@ public class CandidateView extends View {
public void setSuggestions(List<CharSequence> suggestions, boolean completions,
boolean typedWordValid, boolean haveMinimalSuggestion) {
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Copyright (C) 2014 Wiktor Lawski <wiktor.lawski@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package keepass2android.softkeyboard;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
public class Design {
public static void updateTheme(Activity activity, SharedPreferences prefs) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11
/* android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB */) {
String design = prefs.getString("design_key", "Light");
if (design.equals("Light")) {
} else {
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Google Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Philipp Crocoll <crocoapps@googlemail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Wiktor Lawski <wiktor.lawski@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
@ -75,10 +77,13 @@ public class InputLanguageSelection extends PreferenceActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
// Get the settings preferences
SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
Design.updateTheme(this, sp);
mSelectedLanguages = sp.getString(KP2AKeyboard.PREF_SELECTED_LANGUAGES, "");
String[] languageList = mSelectedLanguages.split(",");
mAvailableLanguages = getUniqueLocales();
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (C) 2014 Philipp Crocoll <crocoapps@googlemail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Wiktor Lawski <wiktor.lawski@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ import android.preference.CheckBoxPreference;
import android.preference.ListPreference;
import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
import android.preference.PreferenceGroup;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.speech.SpeechRecognizer;
import android.text.AutoText;
import android.util.Log;
@ -52,11 +55,14 @@ public class LatinIMESettings extends PreferenceActivity
protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
SharedPreferences prefs =
Design.updateTheme(this, prefs);
mQuickFixes = (CheckBoxPreference) findPreference(QUICK_FIXES_KEY);
mSettingsKeyPreference = (ListPreference) findPreference(PREF_SETTINGS_KEY);
SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferenceManager().getSharedPreferences();
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.plugina;
public final class R {
public static final class attr {
public static final class dimen {
/** Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f040000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f040001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;
public static final class id {
public static final int action_settings=0x7f080003;
public static final int btnAdd=0x7f080001;
public static final int btnQuery=0x7f080002;
public static final int container=0x7f080000;
public static final class layout {
public static final int activity_plug_in=0x7f030000;
public static final int fragment_plug_in=0x7f030001;
public static final class menu {
public static final int plug_in=0x7f070000;
public static final class string {
public static final int action_settings=0x7f050002;
public static final int app_name=0x7f050000;
public static final int hello_world=0x7f050001;
public static final int kp2aplugin_author=0x7f050005;
public static final int kp2aplugin_shortdesc=0x7f050004;
public static final int kp2aplugin_title=0x7f050003;
public static final class style {
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f060000;
/** Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
public static final int AppTheme=0x7f060001;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.pluginsdk;
public final class R {
public static final class dimen {
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f040000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f040001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name = 0x7f050000;
public static final class style {
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f060000;
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f060001;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package com.inputstick.api;
public final class R {
public static final class dimen {
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020000;
public static final class id {
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f0b0021;
public static final class menu {
public static final int install_utility = 0x7f0a0000;
public static final class string {
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f070002;
public static final int app_name = 0x7f070000;
public static final int hello_world = 0x7f070003;
public static final int title_activity_install_utility = 0x7f070001;
public static final class style {
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f080000;
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f080001;
@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.plugin.inputstick;
public final class R {
public static final class array {
public static final int layout_names=0x7f090000;
public static final int layout_values=0x7f090001;
public static final class attr {
public static final class dimen {
/** Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Customize dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml (such as
screen margins) for sw720dp devices (e.g. 10" tablets) in landscape here.
Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f060000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f060001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;
public static final int ic_notification=0x7f020001;
public static final class id {
public static final int LinearLayout1=0x7f0b001a;
public static final int RelativeLayout1=0x7f0b0005;
public static final int action_settings=0x7f0b0021;
public static final int button1=0x7f0b001f;
public static final int button2=0x7f0b0020;
public static final int buttonChar1=0x7f0b0009;
public static final int buttonChar10=0x7f0b0012;
public static final int buttonChar11=0x7f0b0013;
public static final int buttonChar12=0x7f0b0014;
public static final int buttonChar13=0x7f0b0015;
public static final int buttonChar14=0x7f0b0016;
public static final int buttonChar15=0x7f0b0017;
public static final int buttonChar16=0x7f0b0018;
public static final int buttonChar2=0x7f0b000a;
public static final int buttonChar3=0x7f0b000b;
public static final int buttonChar4=0x7f0b000c;
public static final int buttonChar5=0x7f0b000d;
public static final int buttonChar6=0x7f0b000e;
public static final int buttonChar7=0x7f0b000f;
public static final int buttonChar8=0x7f0b0010;
public static final int buttonChar9=0x7f0b0011;
public static final int buttonNext=0x7f0b0008;
public static final int buttonNextToShift=0x7f0b0002;
public static final int buttonPrev=0x7f0b0006;
public static final int buttonShiftDummy=0x7f0b0001;
public static final int checkBoxAutoConnect=0x7f0b001b;
public static final int checkBoxShowPassword=0x7f0b0019;
public static final int container=0x7f0b0004;
public static final int linearLayout1=0x7f0b0007;
public static final int radioButtonPrimary=0x7f0b001d;
public static final int radioButtonSecondary=0x7f0b001e;
public static final int radioGroup1=0x7f0b001c;
public static final int textViewLayoutInfo=0x7f0b0000;
public static final int textViewMacSetupInfo=0x7f0b0003;
public static final class layout {
public static final int activity_mac_setup=0x7f030000;
public static final int activity_main=0x7f030001;
public static final int activity_masked_password=0x7f030002;
public static final int activity_quick_settings=0x7f030003;
public static final int fragment_main=0x7f030004;
public static final class menu {
public static final int install_utility=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int main=0x7f0a0001;
public static final class raw {
public static final int changelog=0x7f050000;
public static final class string {
public static final int action_input_stick=0x7f070007;
public static final int action_masked_password=0x7f07000f;
public static final int action_open_mac_setup=0x7f07000e;
public static final int action_open_settings=0x7f07000d;
public static final int action_quick_settings=0x7f07000c;
public static final int action_settings=0x7f070002;
public static final int action_type_enter=0x7f070009;
public static final int action_type_tab=0x7f070008;
public static final int action_type_user_tab_pass=0x7f07000a;
public static final int action_type_user_tab_pass_enter=0x7f07000b;
public static final int app_name=0x7f070000;
public static final int autoconnect_summary=0x7f070026;
public static final int autoconnect_title=0x7f070025;
public static final int changelog_full_title=0x7f070014;
public static final int changelog_ok_button=0x7f070016;
public static final int changelog_show_full=0x7f070017;
public static final int changelog_title=0x7f070015;
public static final int configuration_message=0x7f070013;
public static final int configuration_title=0x7f070012;
/** Strings related to Settings
public static final int configure_plugin=0x7f07001a;
public static final int connection_settings_title=0x7f07001d;
public static final int enable_secondary_layout_title=0x7f070021;
public static final int enter_after_url_title=0x7f070024;
public static final int hello_world=0x7f070003;
public static final int kp2aplugin_author=0x7f070006;
public static final int kp2aplugin_shortdesc=0x7f070005;
public static final int kp2aplugin_title=0x7f070004;
public static final int layout_title=0x7f07001f;
public static final int mac_setup_summary=0x7f07002d;
public static final int secondary_layout_title=0x7f070020;
public static final int show_changelog_title=0x7f07001b;
public static final int show_mac_setup_title=0x7f07002c;
public static final int show_masked_title=0x7f07002a;
public static final int show_secondary_summary=0x7f070023;
public static final int show_secondary_title=0x7f070022;
public static final int show_settings_title=0x7f07002b;
public static final int show_tab_enter_title=0x7f070027;
public static final int show_user_pass_enter_title=0x7f070029;
public static final int show_user_pass_title=0x7f070028;
public static final int title_activity_init=0x7f070011;
public static final int title_activity_install_utility=0x7f070001;
public static final int title_activity_mac_setup=0x7f070018;
public static final int title_activity_masked_password=0x7f070010;
public static final int title_activity_settings=0x7f070019;
public static final int typing_settings_title=0x7f07001c;
public static final int ui_settings_title=0x7f07001e;
public static final class style {
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f080000;
/** Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
public static final int AppTheme=0x7f080001;
public static final class xml {
public static final int pref_general=0x7f040000;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.pluginsdk;
public final class R {
public static final class dimen {
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name = 0x7f070000;
public static final class style {
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f080000;
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f080001;
@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.plugin.qr;
public final class R {
public static final class array {
public static final int country_codes=0x7f090000;
public static final int preferences_front_light_options=0x7f090002;
public static final int preferences_front_light_values=0x7f090001;
public static final class attr {
public static final class color {
public static final int contents_text=0x7f0a0000;
public static final int encode_view=0x7f0a0001;
public static final int possible_result_points=0x7f0a0002;
/** Android standard ICS color
public static final int result_minor_text=0x7f0a0003;
public static final int result_points=0x7f0a0004;
/** Android standard ICS color
public static final int result_text=0x7f0a0005;
public static final int result_view=0x7f0a0006;
public static final int status_text=0x7f0a0007;
public static final int transparent=0x7f0a0008;
public static final int viewfinder_laser=0x7f0a0009;
/** Android standard ICS color
public static final int viewfinder_mask=0x7f0a000a;
public static final class dimen {
/** Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
Example customization of dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml
(such as screen margins) for screens with more than 820dp of available width. This
would include 7" and 10" devices in landscape (~960dp and ~1280dp respectively).
Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f060000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f060001;
public static final int half_padding=0x7f060003;
public static final int standard_padding=0x7f060002;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020000;
public static final int launcher_icon=0x7f020001;
public static final int qrcode=0x7f020002;
public static final int share_via_barcode=0x7f020003;
public static final class id {
public static final int app_picker_list_item_icon=0x7f0b0008;
public static final int app_picker_list_item_label=0x7f0b0009;
public static final int barcode_image_view=0x7f0b000f;
public static final int bookmark_title=0x7f0b000a;
public static final int bookmark_url=0x7f0b000b;
public static final int btnConfigPlugins=0x7f0b001a;
public static final int btnScanQRCode=0x7f0b001c;
public static final int btnShowQR=0x7f0b001b;
public static final int cbIncludeLabel=0x7f0b0021;
public static final int container=0x7f0b0007;
public static final int contents_supplement_text_view=0x7f0b0016;
public static final int contents_text_view=0x7f0b0015;
public static final int decode=0x7f0b0000;
public static final int decode_failed=0x7f0b0001;
public static final int decode_succeeded=0x7f0b0002;
public static final int expanded_image=0x7f0b0023;
public static final int format_text_view=0x7f0b0010;
public static final int help_contents=0x7f0b0024;
public static final int history_detail=0x7f0b0026;
public static final int history_title=0x7f0b0025;
public static final int image_view=0x7f0b0019;
public static final int launch_product_query=0x7f0b0003;
public static final int menu_about=0x7f0b0036;
public static final int menu_encode=0x7f0b0033;
public static final int menu_history_clear_text=0x7f0b0035;
public static final int menu_history_send=0x7f0b0034;
public static final int menu_settings=0x7f0b0031;
public static final int menu_share=0x7f0b0032;
public static final int meta_text_view=0x7f0b0014;
public static final int meta_text_view_label=0x7f0b0013;
public static final int page_number_view=0x7f0b002a;
public static final int preview_view=0x7f0b000c;
public static final int progressBar1=0x7f0b001e;
public static final int qrView=0x7f0b0020;
public static final int query_button=0x7f0b0028;
public static final int query_text_view=0x7f0b0027;
public static final int quit=0x7f0b0004;
public static final int restart_preview=0x7f0b0005;
public static final int result_button_view=0x7f0b0017;
public static final int result_list_view=0x7f0b0029;
public static final int result_view=0x7f0b000e;
public static final int return_scan_result=0x7f0b0006;
public static final int share_app_button=0x7f0b002c;
public static final int share_bookmark_button=0x7f0b002d;
public static final int share_clipboard_button=0x7f0b002f;
public static final int share_contact_button=0x7f0b002e;
public static final int share_text_view=0x7f0b0030;
public static final int snippet_view=0x7f0b002b;
public static final int spinner=0x7f0b001f;
public static final int status_view=0x7f0b0018;
public static final int time_text_view=0x7f0b0012;
public static final int tvError=0x7f0b0022;
public static final int tvHostStatus=0x7f0b001d;
public static final int type_text_view=0x7f0b0011;
public static final int viewfinder_view=0x7f0b000d;
public static final class layout {
public static final int activity_main=0x7f030000;
public static final int activity_qr=0x7f030001;
public static final int app_picker_list_item=0x7f030002;
public static final int bookmark_picker_list_item=0x7f030003;
public static final int capture=0x7f030004;
public static final int encode=0x7f030005;
public static final int fragment_main=0x7f030006;
public static final int fragment_qr=0x7f030007;
public static final int help=0x7f030008;
public static final int history_list_item=0x7f030009;
public static final int search_book_contents=0x7f03000a;
public static final int search_book_contents_header=0x7f03000b;
public static final int search_book_contents_list_item=0x7f03000c;
public static final int share=0x7f03000d;
public static final class menu {
public static final int capture=0x7f0c0000;
public static final int encode=0x7f0c0001;
public static final int history=0x7f0c0002;
public static final int main=0x7f0c0003;
public static final int qr=0x7f0c0004;
public static final class raw {
public static final int beep=0x7f050000;
public static final class string {
public static final int about=0x7f070086;
public static final int about_msg=0x7f070087;
public static final int action_show_qr=0x7f070077;
public static final int all_fields=0x7f070079;
public static final int app_name=0x7f070000;
public static final int app_picker_name=0x7f070001;
public static final int bookmark_picker_name=0x7f070002;
public static final int button_add_calendar=0x7f070003;
public static final int button_add_contact=0x7f070004;
public static final int button_book_search=0x7f070005;
public static final int button_cancel=0x7f070006;
public static final int button_custom_product_search=0x7f070007;
public static final int button_dial=0x7f070008;
public static final int button_email=0x7f070009;
public static final int button_get_directions=0x7f07000a;
public static final int button_mms=0x7f07000b;
public static final int button_ok=0x7f07000c;
public static final int button_open_browser=0x7f07000d;
public static final int button_product_search=0x7f07000e;
public static final int button_search_book_contents=0x7f07000f;
public static final int button_share_app=0x7f070010;
public static final int button_share_bookmark=0x7f070011;
public static final int button_share_by_email=0x7f070012;
public static final int button_share_by_sms=0x7f070013;
public static final int button_share_clipboard=0x7f070014;
public static final int button_share_contact=0x7f070015;
public static final int button_show_map=0x7f070016;
public static final int button_sms=0x7f070017;
public static final int button_web_search=0x7f070018;
public static final int button_wifi=0x7f070019;
public static final int contents_contact=0x7f07001a;
public static final int contents_email=0x7f07001b;
public static final int contents_location=0x7f07001c;
public static final int contents_phone=0x7f07001d;
public static final int contents_sms=0x7f07001e;
public static final int contents_text=0x7f07001f;
public static final int create_entry=0x7f070084;
public static final int enable_as_plugin=0x7f070082;
public static final int enabled_as_plugin=0x7f070081;
public static final int history_clear_one_history_text=0x7f070021;
public static final int history_clear_text=0x7f070020;
public static final int history_email_title=0x7f070022;
public static final int history_empty=0x7f070023;
public static final int history_empty_detail=0x7f070024;
public static final int history_send=0x7f070025;
public static final int history_title=0x7f070026;
public static final int include_label=0x7f070078;
public static final int kp2aplugin_author=0x7f07007c;
public static final int kp2aplugin_shortdesc=0x7f07007b;
public static final int kp2aplugin_title=0x7f07007a;
public static final int menu_encode_mecard=0x7f070027;
public static final int menu_encode_vcard=0x7f070028;
public static final int menu_help=0x7f070029;
public static final int menu_history=0x7f07002a;
public static final int menu_settings=0x7f07002b;
public static final int menu_share=0x7f07002c;
public static final int msg_bulk_mode_scanned=0x7f07002d;
public static final int msg_camera_framework_bug=0x7f07002e;
public static final int msg_default_format=0x7f07002f;
public static final int msg_default_meta=0x7f070030;
public static final int msg_default_mms_subject=0x7f070031;
public static final int msg_default_status=0x7f070032;
public static final int msg_default_time=0x7f070033;
public static final int msg_default_type=0x7f070034;
public static final int msg_encode_contents_failed=0x7f070035;
public static final int msg_google_books=0x7f070036;
public static final int msg_google_product=0x7f070037;
public static final int msg_intent_failed=0x7f070038;
public static final int msg_redirect=0x7f070039;
public static final int msg_sbc_book_not_searchable=0x7f07003a;
public static final int msg_sbc_failed=0x7f07003b;
public static final int msg_sbc_no_page_returned=0x7f07003c;
public static final int msg_sbc_page=0x7f07003d;
public static final int msg_sbc_results=0x7f07003e;
public static final int msg_sbc_searching_book=0x7f07003f;
public static final int msg_sbc_snippet_unavailable=0x7f070040;
public static final int msg_share_explanation=0x7f070041;
public static final int msg_share_text=0x7f070042;
public static final int msg_sure=0x7f070043;
public static final int msg_unmount_usb=0x7f070044;
public static final int no_host_app=0x7f07007f;
public static final int not_enabled_as_plugin=0x7f070080;
public static final int preferences_actions_title=0x7f070045;
public static final int preferences_auto_focus_title=0x7f070046;
public static final int preferences_bulk_mode_summary=0x7f070047;
public static final int preferences_bulk_mode_title=0x7f070048;
public static final int preferences_copy_to_clipboard_title=0x7f070049;
public static final int preferences_custom_product_search_summary=0x7f07004a;
public static final int preferences_custom_product_search_title=0x7f07004b;
public static final int preferences_decode_1D_title=0x7f07004c;
public static final int preferences_decode_Data_Matrix_title=0x7f07004d;
public static final int preferences_decode_QR_title=0x7f07004e;
public static final int preferences_device_bug_workarounds_title=0x7f07004f;
public static final int preferences_disable_continuous_focus_summary=0x7f070050;
public static final int preferences_disable_continuous_focus_title=0x7f070051;
public static final int preferences_disable_exposure_title=0x7f070052;
public static final int preferences_front_light_auto=0x7f070055;
public static final int preferences_front_light_off=0x7f070056;
public static final int preferences_front_light_on=0x7f070057;
public static final int preferences_front_light_summary=0x7f070053;
public static final int preferences_front_light_title=0x7f070054;
public static final int preferences_general_title=0x7f070058;
public static final int preferences_invert_scan_summary=0x7f07005a;
public static final int preferences_invert_scan_title=0x7f070059;
public static final int preferences_name=0x7f07005b;
public static final int preferences_play_beep_title=0x7f07005c;
public static final int preferences_remember_duplicates_summary=0x7f07005d;
public static final int preferences_remember_duplicates_title=0x7f07005e;
public static final int preferences_result_title=0x7f07005f;
public static final int preferences_scanning_title=0x7f070060;
public static final int preferences_search_country=0x7f070061;
public static final int preferences_supplemental_summary=0x7f070062;
public static final int preferences_supplemental_title=0x7f070063;
public static final int preferences_try_bsplus=0x7f070074;
public static final int preferences_try_bsplus_summary=0x7f070075;
public static final int preferences_vibrate_title=0x7f070064;
public static final int qr_question=0x7f070083;
public static final int result_address_book=0x7f070065;
public static final int result_calendar=0x7f070066;
public static final int result_email_address=0x7f070067;
public static final int result_geo=0x7f070068;
public static final int result_isbn=0x7f070069;
public static final int result_product=0x7f07006a;
public static final int result_sms=0x7f07006b;
public static final int result_tel=0x7f07006c;
public static final int result_text=0x7f07006d;
public static final int result_uri=0x7f07006e;
public static final int result_wifi=0x7f07006f;
public static final int sbc_name=0x7f070070;
public static final int scan_qr=0x7f07007d;
public static final int search_entry=0x7f070085;
public static final int show_qr=0x7f07007e;
public static final int title_activity_qr=0x7f070076;
public static final int wifi_changing_network=0x7f070071;
public static final int wifi_ssid_label=0x7f070072;
public static final int wifi_type_label=0x7f070073;
public static final class style {
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
API 11 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
API 14 theme customizations can go here.
Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
backward-compatibility can go here.
public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f080000;
/** Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
Application theme.
All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
public static final int AppTheme=0x7f080001;
public static final int CaptureTheme=0x7f080004;
public static final int ResultButton=0x7f080002;
public static final int ShareButton=0x7f080003;
public static final class xml {
public static final int preferences=0x7f040000;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package keepass2android.pluginsdk;
public final class R {
public static final class dimen {
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000;
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001;
public static final class drawable {
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name = 0x7f070000;
public static final class style {
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f080000;
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f080001;
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