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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.FtpClient;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Preferences;
using KeePassLib;
using KeePassLib.Serialization;
using KeePassLib.Utility;
namespace keepass2android.Io
public class NetFtpFileStorage: IFileStorage
class RetryConnectFtpClient : FtpClient
protected override FtpClient CloneConnection()
RetryConnectFtpClient conn = new RetryConnectFtpClient();
conn.m_isClone = true;
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in GetType().GetProperties())
object[] attributes = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FtpControlConnectionClone), true);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
prop.SetValue(conn, prop.GetValue(this, null), null);
// always accept certficate no matter what because if code execution ever
// gets here it means the certificate on the control connection object being
// cloned was already accepted.
conn.ValidateCertificate += new FtpSslValidation(
delegate(FtpClient obj, FtpSslValidationEventArgs e)
e.Accept = true;
return conn;
private static T DoInRetryLoop<T>(Func<T> func)
double timeout = 30.0;
double timePerRequest = 1.0;
var startTime = DateTime.Now;
while (true)
var attemptStartTime = DateTime.Now;
return func();
catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException e)
if ((e.ErrorCode != 10061) || (DateTime.Now > startTime.AddSeconds(timeout)))
double secondsSinceAttemptStart = (DateTime.Now - attemptStartTime).TotalSeconds;
if (secondsSinceAttemptStart < timePerRequest)
Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timePerRequest - secondsSinceAttemptStart));
public override void Connect()
DoInRetryLoop(() =>
return true;
public struct ConnectionSettings
public FtpEncryptionMode EncryptionMode {get; set; }
public string Username
public string Password
public static ConnectionSettings FromIoc(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ioc.UserName))
//legacy support
return new ConnectionSettings()
EncryptionMode = FtpEncryptionMode.None,
Username = ioc.UserName,
Password = ioc.Password
string path = ioc.Path;
int schemeLength = path.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal);
path = path.Substring(schemeLength + 3);
string settings = path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf(SettingsPostFix, StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (!settings.StartsWith(SettingsPrefix))
throw new Exception("unexpected settings in path");
settings = settings.Substring(SettingsPrefix.Length);
var tokens = settings.Split(Separator);
return new ConnectionSettings()
EncryptionMode = (FtpEncryptionMode) int.Parse(tokens[2]),
Username = WebUtility.UrlDecode(tokens[0]),
Password = WebUtility.UrlDecode(tokens[1])
public const string SettingsPrefix = "SET";
public const string SettingsPostFix = "#";
public const char Separator = ':';
public override string ToString()
return SettingsPrefix +
System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(Username) + Separator +
WebUtility.UrlEncode(Password) + Separator +
(int) EncryptionMode;
private readonly ICertificateValidationHandler _app;
public MemoryStream traceStream;
public NetFtpFileStorage(Context context, ICertificateValidationHandler app)
_app = app;
traceStream = new MemoryStream();
FtpTrace.AddListener(new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(traceStream));
public IEnumerable<string> SupportedProtocols
yield return "ftp";
public void Delete(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
using (FtpClient client = GetClient(ioc))
string localPath = IocToUri(ioc).PathAndQuery;
if (client.DirectoryExists(localPath))
client.DeleteDirectory(localPath, true);
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public static Exception ConvertException(Exception exception)
if (exception is FtpCommandException)
var ftpEx = (FtpCommandException) exception;
if (ftpEx.CompletionCode == "550")
throw new FileNotFoundException(exception.Message, exception);
return exception;
internal FtpClient GetClient(IOConnectionInfo ioc, bool enableCloneClient = true)
var settings = ConnectionSettings.FromIoc(ioc);
FtpClient client = new RetryConnectFtpClient();
if ((settings.Username.Length > 0) || (settings.Password.Length > 0))
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(settings.Username, settings.Password);
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("anonymous", ""); //TODO TEST
Uri uri = IocToUri(ioc);
client.Host = uri.Host;
if (!uri.IsDefaultPort) //TODO test
client.Port = uri.Port;
client.ValidateCertificate += (control, args) =>
args.Accept = _app.CertificateValidationCallback(control, args.Certificate, args.Chain, args.PolicyErrors);
client.EncryptionMode = settings.EncryptionMode;
return client;
internal Uri IocToUri(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ioc.UserName))
//legacy support.
return new Uri(ioc.Path);
string path = ioc.Path;
//remove additional stuff like TLS param
int schemeLength = path.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal);
string scheme = path.Substring(0, schemeLength);
path = path.Substring(schemeLength + 3);
if (path.StartsWith(ConnectionSettings.SettingsPrefix))
//this should always be the case. However, in rare cases we might get an ioc with legacy path but no username set (if they only want to get a display name)
string settings = path.Substring(0, path.IndexOf(ConnectionSettings.SettingsPostFix, StringComparison.Ordinal));
path = path.Substring(settings.Length + 1);
return new Uri(scheme + "://" + path);
private string IocPathFromUri(IOConnectionInfo baseIoc, Uri uri)
string basePath = baseIoc.Path;
int schemeLength = basePath.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal);
string scheme = basePath.Substring(0, schemeLength);
basePath = basePath.Substring(schemeLength + 3);
string baseSettings = basePath.Substring(0, basePath.IndexOf(ConnectionSettings.SettingsPostFix, StringComparison.Ordinal));
basePath = basePath.Substring(baseSettings.Length+1);
string baseHost = basePath.Substring(0, basePath.IndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal));
return scheme + "://" + baseSettings + ConnectionSettings.SettingsPostFix + baseHost + uri.AbsolutePath; //TODO does this contain Query?
public bool CheckForFileChangeFast(IOConnectionInfo ioc, string previousFileVersion)
return false;
public string GetCurrentFileVersionFast(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return null;
public Stream OpenFileForRead(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
using (var cl = GetClient(ioc))
return cl.OpenRead(IocToUri(ioc).PathAndQuery, FtpDataType.Binary, 0);
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public IWriteTransaction OpenWriteTransaction(IOConnectionInfo ioc, bool useFileTransaction)
if (!useFileTransaction)
return new UntransactedWrite(ioc, this);
return new TransactedWrite(ioc, this);
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public string GetFilenameWithoutPathAndExt(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return UrlUtil.StripExtension(
public bool RequiresCredentials(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return false;
public void CreateDirectory(IOConnectionInfo ioc, string newDirName)
using (var client = GetClient(ioc))
client.CreateDirectory(IocToUri(GetFilePath(ioc, newDirName)).PathAndQuery);
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public IEnumerable<FileDescription> ListContents(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
using (var client = GetClient(ioc))
List<FileDescription> files = new List<FileDescription>();
foreach (FtpListItem item in client.GetListing(IocToUri(ioc).PathAndQuery,
FtpListOption.Modify | FtpListOption.Size | FtpListOption.DerefLinks))
switch (item.Type)
case FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory:
files.Add(new FileDescription()
CanRead = true,
CanWrite = true,
DisplayName = item.Name,
IsDirectory = true,
LastModified = item.Modified,
Path = IocPathFromUri(ioc, new Uri(item.FullName))
case FtpFileSystemObjectType.File:
files.Add(new FileDescription()
CanRead = true,
CanWrite = true,
DisplayName = item.Name,
IsDirectory = false,
LastModified = item.Modified,
Path = IocPathFromUri(ioc, new Uri(item.FullName)),
SizeInBytes = item.Size
return files;
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public FileDescription GetFileDescription(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
//TODO when is this called?
//is it very inefficient to connect for each description?
using (FtpClient client = GetClient(ioc))
var uri = IocToUri(ioc);
string path = uri.PathAndQuery;
if (!client.FileExists(path) && (!client.DirectoryExists(path)))
throw new FileNotFoundException();
var fileDesc = new FileDescription()
CanRead = true,
CanWrite = true,
Path = ioc.Path,
LastModified = client.GetModifiedTime(path),
SizeInBytes = client.GetFileSize(path),
DisplayName = UrlUtil.GetFileName(path)
fileDesc.IsDirectory = fileDesc.Path.EndsWith("/");
return fileDesc;
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public bool RequiresSetup(IOConnectionInfo ioConnection)
return false;
public string IocToPath(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return ioc.Path;
public void StartSelectFile(IFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity activity, bool isForSave, int requestCode, string protocolId)
activity.PerformManualFileSelect(isForSave, requestCode, "ftp");
public void PrepareFileUsage(IFileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity activity, IOConnectionInfo ioc, int requestCode,
bool alwaysReturnSuccess)
Intent intent = new Intent();
activity.IocToIntent(intent, ioc);
activity.OnImmediateResult(requestCode, (int)FileStorageResults.FileUsagePrepared, intent);
public void PrepareFileUsage(Context ctx, IOConnectionInfo ioc)
public void OnCreate(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState)
public void OnResume(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity)
public void OnStart(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity)
public void OnActivityResult(IFileStorageSetupActivity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
public string GetDisplayName(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
var uri = IocToUri(ioc);
return uri.ToString(); //TODO is this good?
public string CreateFilePath(string parent, string newFilename)
if (!parent.EndsWith("/"))
parent += "/";
return parent + newFilename;
public IOConnectionInfo GetParentPath(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return IoUtil.GetParentPath(ioc);
public IOConnectionInfo GetFilePath(IOConnectionInfo folderPath, string filename)
IOConnectionInfo res = folderPath.CloneDeep();
if (!res.Path.EndsWith("/"))
res.Path += "/";
res.Path += filename;
return res;
public bool IsPermanentLocation(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
return true;
public bool IsReadOnly(IOConnectionInfo ioc, OptionalOut<UiStringKey> reason = null)
return false;
public Stream OpenWrite(IOConnectionInfo ioc)
using (var client = GetClient(ioc))
return client.OpenWrite(IocToUri(ioc).PathAndQuery);
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw ConvertException(ex);
public static int GetDefaultPort(FtpEncryptionMode encryption)
return new FtpClient() { EncryptionMode = encryption}.Port;
public string BuildFullPath(string host, int port, string initialPath, string user, string password, FtpEncryptionMode encryption)
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings()
EncryptionMode = encryption,
Username = user,
Password = password
string scheme = "ftp";
string fullPath = scheme + "://" + connectionSettings.ToString() + ConnectionSettings.SettingsPostFix + host;
if (port != GetDefaultPort(encryption))
fullPath += ":" + port;
if (!initialPath.StartsWith("/"))
initialPath = "/" + initialPath;
fullPath += initialPath;
return fullPath;
public class TransactedWrite : IWriteTransaction
private readonly IOConnectionInfo _ioc;
private readonly NetFtpFileStorage _fileStorage;
private readonly IOConnectionInfo _iocTemp;
private FtpClient _client;
private Stream _stream;
public TransactedWrite(IOConnectionInfo ioc, NetFtpFileStorage fileStorage)
_ioc = ioc;
_iocTemp = _ioc.CloneDeep();
_iocTemp.Path += "." + new PwUuid(true).ToHexString().Substring(0, 6) + ".tmp";
_fileStorage = fileStorage;
public void Dispose()
if (_stream != null)
_stream = null;
public Stream OpenFile()
_client = _fileStorage.GetClient(_ioc, false);
_stream = _client.OpenWrite(_fileStorage.IocToUri(_iocTemp).PathAndQuery);
return _stream;
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw NetFtpFileStorage.ConvertException(ex);
public void CommitWrite()
Android.Util.Log.Debug("NETFTP","connected: " + _client.IsConnected.ToString());
Android.Util.Log.Debug("NETFTP", "connected: " + _client.IsConnected.ToString());
//make sure target file does not exist:
if (_client.FileExists(_fileStorage.IocToUri(_ioc).PathAndQuery))
//catch (FtpCommandException)
//TODO get a new clien? might be stale
catch (FtpCommandException ex)
throw NetFtpFileStorage.ConvertException(ex);
public class UntransactedWrite : IWriteTransaction
private readonly IOConnectionInfo _ioc;
private readonly NetFtpFileStorage _fileStorage;
private Stream _stream;
public UntransactedWrite(IOConnectionInfo ioc, NetFtpFileStorage fileStorage)
_ioc = ioc;
_fileStorage = fileStorage;
public void Dispose()
if (_stream != null)
_stream = null;
public Stream OpenFile()
_stream = _fileStorage.OpenWrite(_ioc);
return _stream;
public void CommitWrite()