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2013-09-20 16:07:41 -04:00
# android-filechooser
* Version: 5.4
Feel free to contact us at:
* [Homepage](
* E-mails:
+ haibisonapps[at]
We sincerely thank all of our friends -- who have been contributing to this
project. We hope this project will be always useful for everyone.
* C
* Simon McCorkindale
+ [Website](
* And others.
* Version 5.4
+ *Release:* August 02, 2013
+ Integrate library `android-support-v7-appcompat` for action bar in APIs
+ Update icon sets following latest Android guidelines.
+ Optimize code.
+ Some minor changes...
* Version 5.4 beta
+ *Initialize:* June 15, 2013
* Version 5.3
+ *Release:* June 12, 2013
+ Add light themes (normal with action bar and dialog);
+ Fix some grammars (plural forms of verbs in multi-selection mode...);
* Version 5.2
+ *Initialize:* May 5, 2013
+ *Release:* May 5, 2013
+ All providers: use the host's package name as authority prefix instead of
UUID authority suffix;
+ Change coding style: use UPPER_CASE for `static final` fields and enums;
* Version 5.1
+ *Release:* April 28, 2013
+ We're happy to announce that new version has more comfortable UI, more
efficient and is stable. We've changed the entire architecture of the
project. Now it uses content providers to serve requests. That's better
approach than services.
+ Unfortunately we no longer support free-documentation. Now we're providing
Developer Book with reasonable prices. If you could, please support us by
purchasing the book. Visit our [official website](
for further information.
+ Thank you for using our services.
* Version 5.1 beta
+ *Initialize:* October 23, 2012
* Version 5.0
+ *Release:* October 21, 2012
+ We don't use Apache License 2.0 anymore. Now the library is released under
MIT license.
* Version 4.9
+ *Release:* October 20, 2012
+ Improves the speed of formatting file time;
+ Uses a unique filename of `SharedPreferences` instead of default
application's `SharedPreferences`;
+ Uses `Context.MODE_MULTI_PROCESS` for storing global preferences;
+ Uses a `Runnable` + `setSelection()` to select item of list view of files.
Because if the list view is handling data, only `setSelection()` might not
+ Updates NOTICE;
* Version 4.9 beta
+ *Initialize:* October 12, 2012
* Version 4.8.1
+ *Release:* October 12, 2012
+ Fixes a bug that file item does not draw properly after flinging it to
delete files;
* Version 4.8
+ *Release:* October 12, 2012
+ Fixes a small bug that last location or selected file will be not pushed
into history;
* Version 4.7
+ *Release:* October 12, 2012
+ All date formatting utilities were moved from `/IFileAdapter` to
+ Removes key `/FileChooserActivity._UseThemeDialog`;
+ Adds options for single tapping/ double tapping to choose files;
+ Auto remembers last location;
+ Adds key `/FileChooserActivity._SelectFile` to select a specific file on
+ Updates new mime types;
+ UI for footer;
+ Minor changes;
* Version 4.7 beta
+ *Initialize:* October 02, 2012
* Version 4.6.2
+ *Release:* October 01, 2012
+ Fixes: View does not reload after changing view type between list view and
grid view.
* Version 4.6.1
+ *Release:* October 01, 2012
+ Fixes: View does not reload after changing view type between list view and
grid view.
* Version 4.6
+ *Release:* October 01, 2012
+ Updates UI;
+ Removes deprecated method `History.push(A, A)`;
+ Keeps and shows full history to the user (wherever they have been gone
+ Removes button `Cancel` in dialogs. Users can tap `Back` button or touch
outside of the dialogs to cancel them;
+ Moves `[/]io.LocalFile` to `[/]io.localfile.LocalFile`;
+ Fixes:
- Issue #6 (thanks to @buckelieg);
- Issue #10;
* Version 4.6 beta
+ *Initialize:* September 08, 2012
* Version 4.5
+ *Release:* September 07, 2012
+ New icons for menu `Home`, `Reload` and for file types audio, image,
video, plain text and compressed;
* Version 4.5 beta
+ *Initialize:* August 31, 2012
* Version 4.4
+ *Release:* August 30, 2012
+ Added languages: Spanish, Vietnamese. Special thanks to C. - a kind friend
who helped us translate the library into Spanish;
* Version 4.3
+ *Release:* August 29, 2012
+ Fixed
[issue #2](;
+ Upgraded UI;
+ Added history viewer;
+ Improved some minor code;
* Version 4.3 beta
+ Initialization: May 19, 2012
* Version 4.2
+ *Release:* May 15, 2012
+ due to
[this bug](, so
we prefix all resource names with `afc_`;
+ add small text view below location bar, to show current location's full
name if it is truncated by the view's ellipsize property;
+ save and restore state after screen orientation changed (except selected
items in multi-selection mode);
+ add menu `Reload`;
+ some UI fixes/ updates;
* Version 4.2 beta
+ Initialization: May 13, 2012
* Version 4.1
+ *Release:* May 12, 2012
+ update UI messages;
+ if the app does not have permission `WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`, notify user
when he creates or deletes folder/ file;
+ make location bar hold buttons of directories, which user can click to go
* Version 4.1 beta
+ Initialization: May 11, 2012
* Version 4.0 - Tablet
+ *Release:* May 11, 2012
+ add `Home` button;
+ add grid view/ list view mode;
+ allow creating new directory;
+ allow deleting a single file/ directory by flinging its name;
+ use `android-support-v13.jar`:
- show menu items as actions from API 11 and up;
- support new Android layout;
+ change to new icons;
+ some minor changes;
* Version 4.0 beta
+ Initialization: May 08, 2012
* Version 3.5
+ *Release:* May 01, 2012
+ remove button `Cancel` (use default `Back` button of system)
+ hello May Day :-)
* Version 3.4
+ *Release:* March 23, 2012
+ fix serious bug: hardcode service action name of local file provider;
the service will be called as a remote service, which will raise
fatal exception if there are multiple instances of the library installed
on the device;
* Version 3.3
+ *Release:* March 22, 2012
+ fix bug in LoadingDialog: if the user finishes the owner activity, the
application can crash if the dialog is going to show up or dismiss;
+ improve `FileChooserActivity`: make its height and width always fit the
screen size in dialog theme;
* Version 3.2
+ *Release:* March 16, 2012
+ add package `io`: `IFile` and `LocalFile`;
+ use `IFile` instead of ``;
+ remove `FileContainer` and package `bean`;
* Version 3.1
+ *Release:* March 15, 2012
+ add `FileProviderService`;
* Version 3.0
+ *Release:* March 15, 2012
+ move file listing functions to external service;
+ change project name from `FileChooser` to `android-filechooser` :-D
+ some minor changes:
- UI messages;
- icons;
- make `LoadingDialog` use `AsyncTask` instead of `Thread`;
- ...
* Version 2.0
+ *Release:* Feb 22, 2012
+ change default date format to `yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm a`;
+ try using sdcard as rootpath if it is not specified; if sdcard is not
available, use `/`;
+ add sorter (by name/ size/ date);
+ show directories' date (last modified);
* Version 1.91
+ *Release:* Feb 06, 2012
+ Add: show file time (last modified);
* Version 1.9
+ *Release:* Feb 06, 2012
+ Fix: crash if cast footer of listview to `DataModel`;
* Version 1.8.2
+ *Release:* Feb 06, 2012
+ enable fast scroll of the list view;
* Version 1.8.1
+ *Release:* Feb 05, 2012
+ Fix: it doesn't remember the first path (rootpath) in history;
* Version 1.8
+ *Release:* Feb 05, 2012
+ Shows progress dialog while listing files of a directory;
+ Adds flag max file count allowed, in case the directory has thousands of
files, the application can harm memory. Default value is `1,024`;
+ TODO: let the user cancel the method ``. It seems
this is up to Android developers :-)
* Version 1.7
+ *Release:* Jan 22, 2012
+ add function to check if filename (in save dialog mode) is valid or not;
+ change name `FilesAdapter` to `FileAdapter`;
* Version 1.6
+ *Release:* Jan 13, 2012
+ check and warn user if save as filename is a directory;
+ when finish, return some flags for further use (in case the caller needs);
* Version 1.5
+ *Release:* Jan 13, 2012
+ apply Apache License 2.0;
+ set result code to `RESULT_CANCELED` when user clicks button `Cancel`;
* Version 1.4
+ *Release:* Jan 08, 2012
+ first publishing;
+ choose file(s) dialog;
+ choose file(s) and/or directory(ies) dialog;
+ save as dialog;