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KeePass Password Safe - The Open-Source Password Manager
2017-01-11 01:57:01 -05:00
Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Dominik Reichl <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using KeePassLib.Native;
namespace KeePassLib.Utility
/// <summary>
/// A class containing various static path utility helper methods (like
/// stripping extension from a file, etc.).
/// </summary>
public static class UrlUtil
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
private static readonly char[] m_vDirSeps = new char[] {
'\\', '/', UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar };
private static readonly char[] m_vPathTrimCharsWs = new char[] {
'\"', ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' };
public static char LocalDirSepChar
get { return Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the directory (path) of a file name. The returned string may be
/// terminated by a directory separator character. Example:
/// passing <c>C:\\My Documents\\My File.kdb</c> in <paramref name="strFile" />
/// and <c>true</c> to <paramref name="bAppendTerminatingChar"/>
/// would produce this string: <c>C:\\My Documents\\</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strFile">Full path of a file.</param>
/// <param name="bAppendTerminatingChar">Append a terminating directory separator
/// character to the returned path.</param>
/// <param name="bEnsureValidDirSpec">If <c>true</c>, the returned path
/// is guaranteed to be a valid directory path (for example <c>X:\\</c> instead
/// of <c>X:</c>, overriding <paramref name="bAppendTerminatingChar" />).
/// This should only be set to <c>true</c>, if the returned path is directly
/// passed to some directory API.</param>
/// <returns>Directory of the file.</returns>
public static string GetFileDirectory(string strFile, bool bAppendTerminatingChar,
bool bEnsureValidDirSpec)
Debug.Assert(strFile != null);
if(strFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFile");
int nLastSep = strFile.LastIndexOfAny(m_vDirSeps);
if(nLastSep < 0) return string.Empty; // No directory
if(bEnsureValidDirSpec && (nLastSep == 2) && (strFile[1] == ':') &&
(strFile[2] == '\\')) // Length >= 3 and Windows root directory
bAppendTerminatingChar = true;
if(!bAppendTerminatingChar) return strFile.Substring(0, nLastSep);
return EnsureTerminatingSeparator(strFile.Substring(0, nLastSep),
(strFile[nLastSep] == '/'));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the file name of the specified file (full path). Example:
/// if <paramref name="strPath" /> is <c>C:\\My Documents\\My File.kdb</c>
/// the returned string is <c>My File.kdb</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strPath">Full path of a file.</param>
/// <returns>File name of the specified file. The return value is
/// an empty string (<c>""</c>) if the input parameter is <c>null</c>.</returns>
public static string GetFileName(string strPath)
Debug.Assert(strPath != null); if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
int nLastSep = strPath.LastIndexOfAny(m_vDirSeps);
if(nLastSep < 0) return strPath;
if(nLastSep >= (strPath.Length - 1)) return string.Empty;
return strPath.Substring(nLastSep + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Strip the extension of a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strPath">Full path of a file with extension.</param>
/// <returns>File name without extension.</returns>
public static string StripExtension(string strPath)
Debug.Assert(strPath != null); if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
int nLastDirSep = strPath.LastIndexOfAny(m_vDirSeps);
int nLastExtDot = strPath.LastIndexOf('.');
if(nLastExtDot <= nLastDirSep) return strPath;
return strPath.Substring(0, nLastExtDot);
/// <summary>
/// Get the extension of a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strPath">Full path of a file with extension.</param>
/// <returns>Extension without prepending dot.</returns>
public static string GetExtension(string strPath)
Debug.Assert(strPath != null); if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
int nLastDirSep = strPath.LastIndexOfAny(m_vDirSeps);
int nLastExtDot = strPath.LastIndexOf('.');
if(nLastExtDot <= nLastDirSep) return string.Empty;
if(nLastExtDot == (strPath.Length - 1)) return string.Empty;
return strPath.Substring(nLastExtDot + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that a path is terminated with a directory separator character.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strPath">Input path.</param>
/// <param name="bUrl">If <c>true</c>, a slash (<c>/</c>) is appended to
/// the string if it's not terminated already. If <c>false</c>, the
/// default system directory separator character is used.</param>
/// <returns>Path having a directory separator as last character.</returns>
public static string EnsureTerminatingSeparator(string strPath, bool bUrl)
Debug.Assert(strPath != null); if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
int nLength = strPath.Length;
if(nLength <= 0) return string.Empty;
char chLast = strPath[nLength - 1];
for(int i = 0; i < m_vDirSeps.Length; ++i)
if(chLast == m_vDirSeps[i]) return strPath;
if(bUrl) return (strPath + '/');
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
return (strPath + UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar);
/* /// <summary>
/// File access mode enumeration. Used by the <c>FileAccessible</c>
/// method.
/// </summary>
public enum FileAccessMode
/// <summary>
/// Opening a file in read mode. The specified file must exist.
/// </summary>
Read = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Opening a file in create mode. If the file exists already, it
/// will be overwritten. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
/// The return value is <c>true</c>, if data can be written to the
/// file.
/// </summary>
} */
/* /// <summary>
/// Test if a specified path is accessible, either in read or write mode.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strFilePath">Path to test.</param>
/// <param name="fMode">Requested file access mode.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if the specified path is accessible in
/// the requested mode, otherwise the return value is <c>false</c>.</returns>
public static bool FileAccessible(string strFilePath, FileAccessMode fMode)
Debug.Assert(strFilePath != null);
if(strFilePath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFilePath");
if(fMode == FileAccessMode.Read)
FileStream fs;
try { fs = File.OpenRead(strFilePath); }
catch(Exception) { return false; }
if(fs == null) return false;
return true;
else if(fMode == FileAccessMode.Create)
FileStream fs;
try { fs = File.Create(strFilePath); }
catch(Exception) { return false; }
if(fs == null) return false;
return true;
return false;
} */
public static string GetQuotedAppPath(string strPath)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
if(strPath == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
// int nFirst = strPath.IndexOf('\"');
// int nSecond = strPath.IndexOf('\"', nFirst + 1);
// if((nFirst >= 0) && (nSecond >= 0))
// return strPath.Substring(nFirst + 1, nSecond - nFirst - 1);
// return strPath;
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
string str = strPath.Trim();
if(str.Length <= 1) return str;
if(str[0] != '\"') return str;
int iSecond = str.IndexOf('\"', 1);
if(iSecond <= 0) return str;
return str.Substring(1, iSecond - 1);
public static string FileUrlToPath(string strUrl)
Debug.Assert(strUrl != null);
if(strUrl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strUrl");
string str = strUrl;
if(str.StartsWith(@"file:///", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
str = str.Substring(8, str.Length - 8);
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
str = str.Replace('/', UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar);
return str;
public static bool UnhideFile(string strFile)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
#if (KeePassLibSD || KeePassRT)
return false;
if(strFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFile");
FileAttributes fa = File.GetAttributes(strFile);
if((long)(fa & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0) return false;
return HideFile(strFile, false);
catch(Exception) { }
return false;
public static bool HideFile(string strFile, bool bHide)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
#if (KeePassLibSD || KeePassRT)
return false;
if(strFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strFile");
FileAttributes fa = File.GetAttributes(strFile);
if(bHide) fa = ((fa & ~FileAttributes.Normal) | FileAttributes.Hidden);
else // Unhide
fa &= ~FileAttributes.Hidden;
2017-01-11 01:57:01 -05:00
if((long)fa == 0) fa = FileAttributes.Normal;
File.SetAttributes(strFile, fa);
return true;
catch(Exception) { }
return false;
public static string MakeRelativePath(string strBaseFile, string strTargetFile)
if(strBaseFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strBasePath");
if(strTargetFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strTargetPath");
if(strBaseFile.Length == 0) return strTargetFile;
if(strTargetFile.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
// Test whether on different Windows drives
if((strBaseFile.Length >= 3) && (strTargetFile.Length >= 3))
if((strBaseFile[1] == ':') && (strTargetFile[1] == ':') &&
(strBaseFile[2] == '\\') && (strTargetFile[2] == '\\') &&
(strBaseFile[0] != strTargetFile[0]))
return strTargetFile;
#if (!KeePassLibSD && !KeePassUAP)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
Merge branch 'Keepass_Orig' + adapt to changes in KeePassLib. This introduced KDBX4 in Keepass2Android. NOTE: seems like merging broke the capability to read KDBX<=3. Conflicts: src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/AutoTypeConfig.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/ProtectedBinaryDictionary.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/ProtectedStringDictionary.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/PwObjectList.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/PwObjectPool.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Collections/StringDictionaryEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/Cipher/CipherPool.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/Cipher/ICipherEngine.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/Cipher/Salsa20Cipher.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/Cipher/StandardAesEngine.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/CryptoRandom.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/CryptoRandomStream.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/HashingStreamEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/HmacOtp.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/CharSetBasedGenerator.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/CustomPwGenerator.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/CustomPwGeneratorPool.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/PatternBasedGenerator.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/PwCharSet.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/PwGenerator.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PasswordGenerator/PwProfile.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/PopularPasswords.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/QualityEstimation.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Cryptography/SelfTest.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Delegates/Handlers.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/IDeepCloneable.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/IStatusLogger.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/IStructureItem.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/ITimeLogger.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/IUIOperations.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Interfaces/IXmlSerializerEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/CompositeKey.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/IUserKey.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KcpCustomKey.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KcpKeyFile.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KcpPassword.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KcpUserAccount.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KeyProvider.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KeyProviderPool.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KeyValidator.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/KeyValidatorPool.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Keys/UserKeyType.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Native/NativeLib.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Native/NativeMethods.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwCustomIcon.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwDatabase.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwDefs.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwDeletedObject.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwEntry.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwEnums.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwGroup.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/PwUuid.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Resources/KLRes.Generated.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Security/ProtectedBinary.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Security/ProtectedString.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Security/XorredBuffer.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/BinaryReaderEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/FileLock.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/FileTransactionEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/HashedBlockStream.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/IOConnection.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/IOConnectionInfo.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/KdbxFile.Read.Streamed.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/KdbxFile.Read.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/KdbxFile.Write.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/KdbxFile.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Serialization/OldFormatException.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPControlCustomization.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPFormCustomization.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPStringTable.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPStringTableItem.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPTranslation.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Translation/KPTranslationProperties.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/AppLogEx.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/GfxUtil.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/MemUtil.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/MessageService.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/StrUtil.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/TimeUtil.cs src/KeePassLib2Android/Utility/UrlUtil.cs
2016-08-31 00:55:53 -04:00
bool bBaseUnc = IsUncPath(strBaseFile);
bool bTargetUnc = IsUncPath(strTargetFile);
if((!bBaseUnc && bTargetUnc) || (bBaseUnc && !bTargetUnc))
return strTargetFile;
string strBase = GetShortestAbsolutePath(strBaseFile);
string strTarget = GetShortestAbsolutePath(strTargetFile);
string[] vBase = strBase.Split(m_vDirSeps);
string[] vTarget = strTarget.Split(m_vDirSeps);
int i = 0;
while((i < (vBase.Length - 1)) && (i < (vTarget.Length - 1)) &&
(vBase[i] == vTarget[i])) { ++i; }
StringBuilder sbRel = new StringBuilder();
for(int j = i; j < (vBase.Length - 1); ++j)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
if(sbRel.Length > 0) sbRel.Append(UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar);
for(int k = i; k < vTarget.Length; ++k)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
if(sbRel.Length > 0) sbRel.Append(UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar);
return sbRel.ToString();
#if (!KeePassLibSD && !KeePassUAP)
try // Windows
const int nMaxPath = NativeMethods.MAX_PATH * 2;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nMaxPath + 2);
if(NativeMethods.PathRelativePathTo(sb, strBaseFile, 0,
strTargetFile, 0) == false)
return strTargetFile;
string str = sb.ToString();
while(str.StartsWith(".\\")) str = str.Substring(2, str.Length - 2);
return str;
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return strTargetFile;
public static string MakeAbsolutePath(string strBaseFile, string strTargetFile)
if(strBaseFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strBasePath");
if(strTargetFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strTargetPath");
if(strBaseFile.Length == 0) return strTargetFile;
if(strTargetFile.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
if(IsAbsolutePath(strTargetFile)) return strTargetFile;
string strBaseDir = GetFileDirectory(strBaseFile, true, false);
return GetShortestAbsolutePath(strBaseDir + strTargetFile);
public static bool IsAbsolutePath(string strPath)
if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
if(strPath.Length == 0) return false;
if(IsUncPath(strPath)) return true;
try { return Path.IsPathRooted(strPath); }
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return true;
public static string GetShortestAbsolutePath(string strPath)
if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
if(strPath.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
// Path.GetFullPath is incompatible with UNC paths traversing over
// different server shares (which are created by PathRelativePathTo);
// we need to build the absolute path on our own...
char chSep = strPath[0];
Debug.Assert(Array.IndexOf<char>(m_vDirSeps, chSep) >= 0);
List<string> l = new List<string>();
#if !KeePassLibSD
string[] v = strPath.Split(m_vDirSeps, StringSplitOptions.None);
string[] v = strPath.Split(m_vDirSeps);
Debug.Assert((v.Length >= 3) && (v[0].Length == 0) &&
(v[1].Length == 0));
foreach(string strPart in v)
if(strPart.Equals(".")) continue;
else if(strPart.Equals(".."))
if(l.Count > 0) l.RemoveAt(l.Count - 1);
else { Debug.Assert(false); }
else l.Add(strPart); // Do not ignore zero length parts
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < l.Count; ++i)
// Don't test length of sb, might be 0 due to initial UNC seps
if(i > 0) sb.Append(chSep);
return sb.ToString();
string str;
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
#if KeePassRT
var dirT = Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(
str = dirT.Path;
str = Path.GetFullPath(strPath);
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); return strPath; }
Debug.Assert(str.IndexOf("\\..\\") < 0);
foreach(char ch in m_vDirSeps)
string strSep = new string(ch, 1);
str = str.Replace(strSep + "." + strSep, strSep);
return str;
public static int GetUrlLength(string strText, int nOffset)
if(strText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strText");
if(nOffset > strText.Length) throw new ArgumentException(); // Not >= (0 len)
int iPosition = nOffset, nLength = 0, nStrLen = strText.Length;
while(iPosition < nStrLen)
char ch = strText[iPosition];
if((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n'))
return nLength;
public static string RemoveScheme(string strUrl)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUrl)) return string.Empty;
int nNetScheme = strUrl.IndexOf(@"://", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
int nShScheme = strUrl.IndexOf(@":/", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
int nSmpScheme = strUrl.IndexOf(@":", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp);
if((nNetScheme < 0) && (nShScheme < 0) && (nSmpScheme < 0))
return strUrl; // No scheme
int nMin = Math.Min(Math.Min((nNetScheme >= 0) ? nNetScheme : int.MaxValue,
(nShScheme >= 0) ? nShScheme : int.MaxValue),
(nSmpScheme >= 0) ? nSmpScheme : int.MaxValue);
if(nMin == nNetScheme) return strUrl.Substring(nMin + 3);
if(nMin == nShScheme) return strUrl.Substring(nMin + 2);
return strUrl.Substring(nMin + 1);
public static string ConvertSeparators(string strPath)
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
return ConvertSeparators(strPath, UrlUtil.LocalDirSepChar);
public static string ConvertSeparators(string strPath, char chSeparator)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPath)) return string.Empty;
strPath = strPath.Replace('/', chSeparator);
strPath = strPath.Replace('\\', chSeparator);
return strPath;
public static bool IsUncPath(string strPath)
if(strPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("strPath");
return (strPath.StartsWith("\\\\") || strPath.StartsWith("//"));
public static string FilterFileName(string strName)
if(strName == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
string str = strName;
str = str.Replace('/', '-');
str = str.Replace('\\', '-');
str = str.Replace(":", string.Empty);
str = str.Replace("*", string.Empty);
str = str.Replace("?", string.Empty);
str = str.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
str = str.Replace(@"'", string.Empty);
str = str.Replace('<', '(');
str = str.Replace('>', ')');
str = str.Replace('|', '-');
return str;
/// <summary>
/// Get the host component of an URL.
/// This method is faster and more fault-tolerant than creating
/// an <code>Uri</code> object and querying its <code>Host</code>
/// property.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// For the input <code>s://u:p@d.tld:p/p?q#f</code> the return
/// value is <code>d.tld</code>.
/// </example>
public static string GetHost(string strUrl)
if(strUrl == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; }
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool bInExtHost = false;
for(int i = 0; i < strUrl.Length; ++i)
char ch = strUrl[i];
if(ch == '/')
if(sb.Length == 0) { } // Ignore leading '/'s
else break;
else sb.Append(ch);
else // !bInExtHost
if(ch == ':') bInExtHost = true;
string str = sb.ToString();
if(str.Length == 0) str = strUrl;
// Remove the login part
int nLoginLen = str.IndexOf('@');
if(nLoginLen >= 0) str = str.Substring(nLoginLen + 1);
// Remove the port
int iPort = str.LastIndexOf(':');
if(iPort >= 0) str = str.Substring(0, iPort);
return str;
public static bool AssemblyEquals(string strExt, string strShort)
if((strExt == null) || (strShort == null)) { Debug.Assert(false); return false; }
if(strExt.Equals(strShort, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) ||
strExt.StartsWith(strShort + ",", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
return true;
if(!strShort.EndsWith(".dll", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
if(strExt.Equals(strShort + ".dll", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) ||
strExt.StartsWith(strShort + ".dll,", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
return true;
if(!strShort.EndsWith(".exe", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
if(strExt.Equals(strShort + ".exe", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp) ||
strExt.StartsWith(strShort + ".exe,", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
return true;
return false;
public static string GetTempPath()
string strDir;
strDir = NativeMethods.GetUserRuntimeDir();
#if KeePassUAP
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
else strDir = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.Path;
else strDir = Path.GetTempPath();
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
if(!Directory.Exists(strDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(strDir);
catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
return strDir;
2013-11-12 21:28:18 -05:00
#if !KeePassLibSD
// Structurally mostly equivalent to UrlUtil.GetFileInfos
public static List<string> GetFilePaths(string strDir, string strPattern,
SearchOption opt)
List<string> l = new List<string>();
if(strDir == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
if(strPattern == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
string[] v = Directory.GetFiles(strDir, strPattern, opt);
if(v == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
// Only accept files with the correct extension; GetFiles may
// return additional files, see GetFiles documentation
string strExt = GetExtension(strPattern);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strExt) && (strExt.IndexOf('*') < 0) &&
(strExt.IndexOf('?') < 0))
strExt = "." + strExt;
foreach(string strPathRaw in v)
if(strPathRaw == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
string strPath = strPathRaw.Trim(m_vPathTrimCharsWs);
if(strPath.Length == 0) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
Debug.Assert(strPath == strPathRaw);
if(!strPath.EndsWith(strExt, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
else l.AddRange(v);
return l;
// Structurally mostly equivalent to UrlUtil.GetFilePaths
public static List<FileInfo> GetFileInfos(DirectoryInfo di, string strPattern,
SearchOption opt)
List<FileInfo> l = new List<FileInfo>();
if(di == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
if(strPattern == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
FileInfo[] v = di.GetFiles(strPattern, opt);
if(v == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return l; }
// Only accept files with the correct extension; GetFiles may
// return additional files, see GetFiles documentation
string strExt = GetExtension(strPattern);
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strExt) && (strExt.IndexOf('*') < 0) &&
(strExt.IndexOf('?') < 0))
strExt = "." + strExt;
foreach(FileInfo fi in v)
if(fi == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
string strPathRaw = fi.FullName;
if(strPathRaw == null) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
string strPath = strPathRaw.Trim(m_vPathTrimCharsWs);
if(strPath.Length == 0) { Debug.Assert(false); continue; }
Debug.Assert(strPath == strPathRaw);
if(!strPath.EndsWith(strExt, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
else l.AddRange(v);
return l;