
370 lines
14 KiB

# Additional mappings that are not present in the pygments lexers
# used for building stats
# format is {'ext':['Names']} eg. {'py':['Python']} note: there can be
# more than one name for extension
# NOTE: that this will overide any mappings in LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP
# build by pygments
# additional lexer definitions for custom files
# it's overrides pygments lexers, and uses defined name of lexer to colorize the
# files. Format is {'ext': 'lexer_name'}
# List of lexers can be printed running:
# python -c "import pprint;from pygments import lexers;pprint.pprint([(x[0], x[1]) for x in lexers.get_all_lexers()]);"
# if INDEX_EXTENSIONS is [] it'll use pygments lexers extensions by default.
# To set your own just add to this list extensions to index with content
# additional extensions for indexing besides the default from pygments
# those get's added to INDEX_EXTENSIONS
# without trailing slash
# CHANGE NEXT TWO VARIABLES, if no auth is required JENKINS_AUTH can be None
JENKINS_URL = 'http://CHANGEME/jenkins'
import base64
JENKINS_AUTH = "Basic {0}".format(base64.b64encode("{0}:{1}".format('CHANGEME-username', 'CHANGEME-apikey')))
def cleanRepoNameJenkins(repo_name):
if repo_name is None:
return None
# 2 options, either strip off everything before last /, results in possible duplicates
#return repo_name[repo_name.rindex('/')+1:]
# or replace all / with _, no duplicates
return repo_name.replace('/', '_')
except Exception as e:
return repo_name
# generic helper functions to get and post resources
def getUrl(url, **kwargs):
#print 'url:', url, 'kwargs:', kwargs
import urllib2
req = urllib2.Request(url, **kwargs)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
ret = f.read().strip()
return ret
def getJenkins(url, **kwargs):
if JENKINS_AUTH is not None:
if 'headers' not in kwargs:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers']['Authorization'] = JENKINS_AUTH
return getUrl(JENKINS_URL + url, **kwargs)
def postJenkins(url, **kwargs):
if 'data' not in kwargs:
kwargs['data'] = '' # force POST
return getJenkins(url, **kwargs)
# specific functions to make jenkins do certain things
def deleteJenkins(**kwargs):
import urllib2
postJenkins('/job/%(jenkins_job)s/doDelete' % kwargs)
output = 'successful!'
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
output = 'Error code '+str(e.code)
if output:
print 'Jenkins: Delete job %(jenkins_job)s' % kwargs, output
return 0
def pollJenkins(**kwargs):
import urllib2
# only supported for mercurial, the second should be supported for everything
#if kwargs['scm'] == 'hg':
# output = getJenkins('/mercurial/notifyCommit?url=%(server_url)s/%(repository)s' % kwargs)
postJenkins('/job/%(jenkins_job)s/polling' % kwargs)
output = 'Scheduled polling of %(jenkins_job)s' % kwargs
output = 'successfully!'
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
output = 'Error code '+str(e.code)
if output:
print 'Jenkins: Scheduled polling of %(jenkins_job)s' % kwargs, output
return 0
def jsonJenkins(url):
import urllib2, json
ret = json.loads(postJenkins(url))
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
ret = "Error code "+str(e.code)
return ret
def lastBuildStatusJenkins(**kwargs):
job = jsonJenkins('/job/%(jenkins_job)s/api/json' % kwargs)
if isinstance(job, basestring):
print "Jenkins:", job
return 0
#print 'jsonJenkins:', job
lastBuild = job['lastBuild']
if lastBuild is None:
print 'Jenkins: No builds yet for', kwargs['jenkins_job']
return 0
lastSuccessfulBuild = job['lastSuccessfulBuild']
if lastSuccessfulBuild is None:
print 'Jenkins: No successful builds yet for', kwargs['jenkins_job']
print 'Jenkins: Last build failed: ', lastBuild['url']
return 0
if lastBuild['number'] == lastSuccessfulBuild['number']:
print 'Jenkins: Last build was successful: ', lastBuild['url']
print 'Jenkins: Last build failed: ', lastBuild['url']
print 'Jenkins: Last successful build: ', lastSuccessfulBuild['url']
return 0
# obviously this can go away when all info is sent into all functions
def getRepoDescription(repo_name):
#from rhodecode.bin.base import json, api_call
from rhodecode.lib.compat import json
#from rhodecode.tests.api.api_base import api_call
def api_call(apikey, apihost, method=None, **kw):
import random
import urllib2
import pprint
Api_call wrapper for RhodeCode.
:param apikey:
:param apihost:
:param format: formatting, pretty means prints and pprint of json
json returns unparsed json
:param method:
:returns: json response from server
def _build_data(random_id):
Builds API data with given random ID
:param random_id:
return {
"id": random_id,
"api_key": apikey,
"method": method,
"args": kw
if not method:
raise Exception('please specify method name !')
id_ = random.randrange(1, 9999)
req = urllib2.Request('%s/_admin/api' % apihost,
headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'})
ret = urllib2.urlopen(req)
raw_json = ret.read()
json_data = json.loads(raw_json)
id_ret = json_data['id']
if id_ret == id_:
return json_data
_formatted_json = pprint.pformat(json_data)
raise Exception('something went wrong. '
'ID mismatch got %s, expected %s | %s' % (
id_ret, id_, _formatted_json))
# CHANGE apikey AND server-name
apikey = 'CHANGEME'
json_resp = api_call(apikey, 'http://CHANGEME/hg', 'get_repo', repoid=repo_name)
# for testing purposes
#with open('response.txt','a') as f:
if json_resp['error']:
return repo_name, None, None
response = json_resp['result']
return response['description'], response['repo_name'], response['fork_of']
except Exception as e:
return repo_name, None, None
def createJobJenkins(**kwargs):
# fix to give us info that should be sent in in future
if 'repo_name' not in kwargs:
# called from push or pull, repo exists so just get info
kwargs['repo_name'] = kwargs['repository']
kwargs['description'], trash, kwargs['fork_name'] = getRepoDescription(kwargs['repository'])
# called from create_repo, repo doesn't exist so must get info from parent and use what we have here
trash, kwargs['fork_name'], trash = getRepoDescription(kwargs['fork_id'])
kwargs['fork_jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['fork_name'])
# for testing purposes
if 'jenkins_job' not in kwargs:
kwargs['jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['repo_name'])
#with open('kwargs.txt','a') as f:
#f.write('\n---------------------------------------------\nnew kwargs\n')
#for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
#f.write('%s : %s\n' % (key, val))
# variables we will eventually get from extra_fields, after they are copied over from forks
create_jenkins_job = True
# default config for projects without fork
config_xml_url = 'http://CHANGEME/config.xml'
config_replacements = {
# should we just always do this one?
# you might want to include these for a default config
# this is definitly specific to our company, removing all permission restrictions
if not create_jenkins_job:
return False
#print 'jenkins_job: %(jenkins_job)s description: %(description)s' % kwargs
import urllib2, re
config = None
if kwargs['fork_jenkins_job'] is not None:
# then we will get the config from there, and replace it
config = getJenkins('/job/%(fork_jenkins_job)s/config.xml' % kwargs)
config_replacements[kwargs['fork_jenkins_job']] = '%(jenkins_job)s'
config_replacements[kwargs['fork_name']] = '%(repo_name)s'
except Exception as e:
config = None
if config == None:
config = getUrl(config_xml_url)
for key, replacement in config_replacements.iteritems():
#config = config.replace(key, replacement)
config = re.compile(key, re.DOTALL).sub(replacement, config)
#config = re.sub('<description>.*<\/description>', '<description>%(description)s</description>', config)
config = config % kwargs
#print "Jenkins config:", config,
postJenkins('/createItem?name=%(jenkins_job)s' % kwargs, data=config, headers={'Content-type':'text/xml'})
print 'Jenkins: Create job %(jenkins_job)s successful!' % kwargs
return True
except urllib2.HTTPError:
#print 'Jenkins: Create job %(jenkins_job)s failed, maybe it already exists?' % kwargs
return False
# this function will be executed after each repository is created
def _crhook(*args, **kwargs):
Post create repository HOOK
kwargs available:
:param repo_name:
:param repo_type:
:param description:
:param private:
:param created_on:
:param enable_downloads:
:param repo_id:
:param user_id:
:param enable_statistics:
:param clone_uri:
:param fork_id:
:param group_id:
:param created_by:
kwargs['jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['repo_name'])
return 0
# this function will be executed after each repository deletion
def _dlhook(*args, **kwargs):
Post create repository HOOK
kwargs available:
:param repo_name:
:param repo_type:
:param description:
:param private:
:param created_on:
:param enable_downloads:
:param repo_id:
:param user_id:
:param enable_statistics:
:param clone_uri:
:param fork_id:
:param group_id:
:param deleted_by:
:param deleted_on:
kwargs['jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['repo_name'])
return 0
# this function will be executed after each push it's executed after the
# build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pushes
def _pushhook(*args, **kwargs):
Post push hook
kwargs available:
:param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
:param config: path to .ini config used
:param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
:param username: name of user who pushed
:param ip: ip of who pushed
:param action: push
:param repository: repository name
:param pushed_revs: list of pushed revisions
kwargs['jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['repository'])
if not createJobJenkins(**kwargs):
return 0
PUSH_HOOK = _pushhook
# this function will be executed after each push it's executed after the
# build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pulls
def _pullhook(*args, **kwargs):
Post pull hook
kwargs available::
:param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
:param config: path to .ini config used
:param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
:param username: name of user who pulled
:param ip: ip of who pulled
:param action: pull
:param repository: repository name
kwargs['jenkins_job'] = cleanRepoNameJenkins(kwargs['repository'])
# turns out output from this function isn't visible to the user, so might as well just run create...
#if not createJobJenkins(**kwargs):
# lastBuildStatusJenkins(**kwargs)
return 0
PULL_HOOK = _pullhook