from __future__ import with_statement import sys import os #from rhodecode.bin.base import json, api_call from kallithea.lib.compat import json def api_call(apikey, apihost, method=None, **kw): import random import urllib2 import pprint """ Api_call wrapper for RhodeCode. :param apikey: :param apihost: :param format: formatting, pretty means prints and pprint of json json returns unparsed json :param method: :returns: json response from server """ def _build_data(random_id): """ Builds API data with given random ID :param random_id: """ return { "id": random_id, "api_key": apikey, "method": method, "args": kw } if not method: raise Exception('please specify method name !') id_ = random.randrange(1, 9999) req = urllib2.Request('%s/_admin/api' % apihost, data=json.dumps(_build_data(id_)), headers={'content-type': 'text/plain'}) ret = urllib2.urlopen(req) raw_json = json_data = json.loads(raw_json) id_ret = json_data['id'] if id_ret == id_: return json_data else: _formatted_json = pprint.pformat(json_data) raise Exception('something went wrong. ' 'ID mismatch got %s, expected %s | %s' % ( id_ret, id_, _formatted_json)) def main(argv=None): #print ','.join(os.environ) #print os.environ['RC_SCM_DATA'] rc_scm_data = json.loads(os.environ['KALLITHEA_EXTRAS']) username = rc_scm_data['username'] repoid = rc_scm_data['repository'] apihost = rc_scm_data['server_url'] apikey = 'CHANGEME' method = 'get_repo' margs = {'repoid': repoid} #print 'Calling method %s(%s) => %s' % (method, margs, apihost) json_resp = api_call(apikey, apihost, method, **margs) if json_resp['error']: json_data = json_resp['error'] else: json_data = json_resp['result'] #print 'Server response \n%s' % (json.dumps(json_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) #print 'members:', json_data['members'] # if we are the owner, allow pushing #if json_data['owner'] == username: # return 0 # if we, or the default user, have write or admin permissions, allow pushing for member in json_data['members']: #if (member['username'] == 'default' or member['username'] == username) and (member['permission'] == 'repository.write' or member['permission'] == 'repository.admin'): if (member['name'] == 'default' or member['name'] == username) and (member['permission'] == 'repository.write' or member['permission'] == 'repository.admin'): return 0 # otherwise deny pushing print 'You do not have the proper permissions to write to this repository! Ask the owner to add you.' return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))