
117 lines
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/* global XMPP, client */
var StrictModel = require('strictmodel').Model;
var Resources = require('./resources');
var Messages = require('./messages');
var Message = require('./message');
var crypto = XMPP.crypto;
module.exports = StrictModel.extend({
init: function (attrs) {
if (attrs.jid) {
this.cid = attrs.jid;
if (!attrs.avatar) {
this.resources.bind('add remove reset change', this.resourceChange, this);
type: 'contact',
props: {
jid: ['string', true],
name: ['string', true, ''],
subscription: ['string', true, 'none'],
groups: ['array', true, []]
derived: {
displayName: {
deps: ['name', 'jid'],
fn: function () {
if (this.name) {
return this.name;
return this.jid;
status: {
deps: ['topResourceStatus', 'offlineStatus'],
fn: function () {
if (this.topResourceStatus) {
return this.topResourceStatus;
return this.offlineStatus;
session: {
topResourceStatus: ['string', true, ''],
offlineStatus: ['string', true, ''],
idleSince: 'date',
avatar: 'string',
show: ['string', true, 'offline'],
chatState: ['string', true, 'gone'],
lockedResource: 'string'
collections: {
resources: Resources,
messages: Messages
useDefaultAvatar: function () {
this.avatar = 'https://gravatar.com/avatar/' + crypto.createHash('md5').update(this.jid).digest('hex') + '?s=30&d=mm';
resourceChange: function () {
// Manually propagate change events for properties that
// depend on the resources collection.
var res = this.resources.first();
if (res) {
this.offlineStatus = '';
this.topResourceStatus = res.status;
this.show = res.show || 'online';
this.lockedResource = undefined;
} else {
this.topResourceStatus = '';
this.show = 'offline';
fetchHistory: function () {
var self = this;
with: this.jid,
rsm: {
count: 20,
before: true
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) return;
var results = res.mamQuery.results || [];
results.forEach(function (result) {
result = result.toJSON();
var msg = result.mam.forwarded.message;
if (!msg.delay) {
msg.delay = result.mam.forwarded.delay;
if (msg.replace) {
var original = self.messages.get(msg.replace);
if (original) {
return original.correct(msg);
var message = new Message();
message.cid = msg.id;
delete msg.id;