(function () { var root = this, exports = {}; // The jade runtime: var jade = exports.jade=function(exports){Array.isArray||(Array.isArray=function(arr){return"[object Array]"==Object.prototype.toString.call(arr)}),Object.keys||(Object.keys=function(obj){var arr=[];for(var key in obj)obj.hasOwnProperty(key)&&arr.push(key);return arr}),exports.merge=function merge(a,b){var ac=a["class"],bc=b["class"];if(ac||bc)ac=ac||[],bc=bc||[],Array.isArray(ac)||(ac=[ac]),Array.isArray(bc)||(bc=[bc]),ac=ac.filter(nulls),bc=bc.filter(nulls),a["class"]=ac.concat(bc).join(" ");for(var key in b)key!="class"&&(a[key]=b[key]);return a};function nulls(val){return val!=null}return exports.attrs=function attrs(obj,escaped){var buf=[],terse=obj.terse;delete obj.terse;var keys=Object.keys(obj),len=keys.length;if(len){buf.push("");for(var i=0;i/g,">").replace(/"/g,""")},exports.rethrow=function rethrow(err,filename,lineno){if(!filename)throw err;var context=3,str=require("fs").readFileSync(filename,"utf8"),lines=str.split("\n"),start=Math.max(lineno-context,0),end=Math.min(lines.length,lineno+context),context=lines.slice(start,end).map(function(line,i){var curr=i+start+1;return(curr==lineno?" > ":" ")+curr+"| "+line}).join("\n");throw err.path=filename,err.message=(filename||"Jade")+":"+lineno+"\n"+context+"\n\n"+err.message,err},exports}({}); // create our folder objects exports.includes = {}; exports.misc = {}; exports.pages = {}; // body.jade compiled template exports.body = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('

'); } return buf.join(""); }; // head.jade compiled template exports.head = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push(''); } return buf.join(""); }; // bareMessage.jade compiled template exports.includes.bareMessage = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push("' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.formattedTime) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

' + ((jade.interp = message.processedBody) == null ? "" : jade.interp) + "

"); var urls = message.urls; buf.push('
'); (function() { var $$obj = urls; if ("number" == typeof $$obj.length) { for (var $index = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; $index < $$l; $index++) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
" + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
"); } } } else { var $$l = 0; for (var $index in $$obj) { $$l++; if ($$obj.hasOwnProperty($index)) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
" + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
"); } } } } }).call(this); buf.push("
"); } return buf.join(""); }; // call.jade compiled template exports.includes.call = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('

'); } return buf.join(""); }; // contactListItem.jade compiled template exports.includes.contactListItem = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.displayName) ? "" : jade.interp) + '' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.idleSince) ? "" : jade.interp) + '
    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.unreadCount) ? "" : jade.interp) + '
    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.status) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // contactListItemResource.jade compiled template exports.includes.contactListItemResource = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = resource.jid) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = resource.status) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // contactRequest.jade compiled template exports.includes.contactRequest = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • '); } return buf.join(""); }; // embeds.jade compiled template exports.includes.embeds = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { if (locals.type === "photo") { buf.push('
    "); if (locals.title || locals.description) { buf.push('
    '); if (locals.title) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = locals.title) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } if (locals.description) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = locals.description) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } buf.push("
    "); } buf.push("
    "); } else if (locals.type === "video" && locals.thumbnail_url) { buf.push('
    "); if (locals.title || locals.description) { buf.push('
    '); if (locals.title) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = locals.title) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } if (locals.description) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = locals.description) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } buf.push("
    "); } buf.push("
    "); } } return buf.join(""); }; // message.jade compiled template exports.includes.message = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.timestamp) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.body) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // messageGroup.jade compiled template exports.includes.messageGroup = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push("
  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // mucBareMessage.jade compiled template exports.includes.mucBareMessage = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push("' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.formattedTime) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

    ' + ((jade.interp = message.processedBody) == null ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); var urls = message.urls; buf.push('
    '); (function() { var $$obj = urls; if ("number" == typeof $$obj.length) { for (var $index = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; $index < $$l; $index++) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } else { var $$l = 0; for (var $index in $$obj) { $$l++; if ($$obj.hasOwnProperty($index)) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } } }).call(this); buf.push("
    "); } return buf.join(""); }; // mucListItem.jade compiled template exports.includes.mucListItem = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.displayName) ? "" : jade.interp) + '
    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = contact.unreadCount) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // mucRosterItem.jade compiled template exports.includes.mucRosterItem = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • '); } return buf.join(""); }; // mucWrappedMessage.jade compiled template exports.includes.mucWrappedMessage = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.from.resource) ? "" : jade.interp) + '
    ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.formattedTime) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

    ' + ((jade.interp = message.processedBody) == null ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); var urls = message.urls; buf.push('
    '); (function() { var $$obj = urls; if ("number" == typeof $$obj.length) { for (var $index = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; $index < $$l; $index++) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } else { var $$l = 0; for (var $index in $$obj) { $$l++; if ($$obj.hasOwnProperty($index)) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } } }).call(this); buf.push("
  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // wrappedMessage.jade compiled template exports.includes.wrappedMessage = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
  • ' + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = message.formattedTime) ? "" : jade.interp) + '

    ' + ((jade.interp = message.processedBody) == null ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); var urls = message.urls; buf.push('
    '); (function() { var $$obj = urls; if ("number" == typeof $$obj.length) { for (var $index = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; $index < $$l; $index++) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } else { var $$l = 0; for (var $index in $$obj) { $$l++; if ($$obj.hasOwnProperty($index)) { var item = $$obj[$index]; if (item.source == "body") { buf.push('"); } else { buf.push('
    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = item.desc) ? "" : jade.interp) + "
    "); } } } } }).call(this); buf.push("
  • "); } return buf.join(""); }; // growlMessage.jade compiled template exports.misc.growlMessage = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('
    '); if (icon) { buf.push(""); } if (title) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = title) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } if (description) { buf.push("

    " + jade.escape(null == (jade.interp = description) ? "" : jade.interp) + "

    "); } buf.push("
    "); } return buf.join(""); }; // chat.jade compiled template exports.pages.chat = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('

      '); } return buf.join(""); }; // groupchat.jade compiled template exports.pages.groupchat = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('

          '); } return buf.join(""); }; // main.jade compiled template exports.pages.main = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push('

          Current status

          Change Avatar

          Drag and drop a new avatar here

          Add / Approve Contacts

            Desktop Integration

            '); } return buf.join(""); }; // signin.jade compiled template exports.pages.signin = function anonymous(locals) { var buf = []; with (locals || {}) { buf.push(''); } return buf.join(""); }; // attach to window or export with commonJS if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") { module.exports = exports; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(exports); } else { root.templatizer = exports; } })();