/*global app, me, client, Resample*/ "use strict"; var crypto = require('crypto'); var BasePage = require('./base'); var templates = require('../templates'); module.exports = BasePage.extend({ template: templates.pages.main, classBindings: { shouldAskForAlertsPermission: '.enableAlerts', soundEnabledClass: '.soundNotifs' }, srcBindings: { avatar: '#avatarChanger img' }, textBindings: { status: '.status' }, events: { 'click .enableAlerts': 'enableAlerts', 'click .installFirefox': 'installFirefox', 'click .soundNotifs': 'handleSoundNotifs', 'dragover': 'handleAvatarChangeDragOver', 'drop': 'handleAvatarChange', 'change #uploader': 'handleAvatarChange' }, initialize: function (spec) { this.render(); }, render: function () { this.renderAndBind(); return this; }, enableAlerts: function () { if (app.notifications.permissionNeeded()) { app.notifications.requestPermission(function (perm) { if (perm === 'granted') { app.notifications.create('Ok, sweet!', { body: "You'll now be notified of stuff that happens." }); } }); } }, installFirefox: function () { if (!app.desktop.installed) { app.desktop.install(); } else { app.desktop.uninstall(); } }, handleAvatarChangeDragOver: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }, handleAvatarChange: function (e) { var file; e.preventDefault(); if (e.dataTransfer) { file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; } else if (e.target.files) { file = e.target.files[0]; } else { return; } if (file.type.match('image.*')) { var fileTracker = new FileReader(); fileTracker.onload = function () { var resampler = new Resample(this.result, 80, 80, function (data) { var b64Data = data.split(',')[1]; var id = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(atob(b64Data)).digest('hex'); app.storage.avatars.add({id: id, uri: data}); client.publishAvatar(id, b64Data, function (err, res) { if (err) return; client.useAvatars([{ id: id, width: 80, height: 80, type: 'image/png', bytes: b64Data.length }]); }); }); }; fileTracker.readAsDataURL(file); } }, handleSoundNotifs: function (e) { this.model.setSoundNotification(!this.model.soundEnabled); }, });