extends layout block content a(href='/') h1#logo img(src='conversatio.png', height='64', width='480', alt='Conversat.io') h2 span#title Get a room. p.desc Video chat with up to 6 people. h3#roomLink | include includes/link.svg span#subTitle form#createRoom input#sessionInput(placeholder='Name the conversation', autofocus='autofocus') button(type='submit') Let’s go! p.about | Requires Chrome or Firefox Nightly with peer connection enabled. br | conversat.io uses a(href='https://github.com/henrikjoreteg/SimpleWebRTC') the simple WebRTC library | from a(href='http://andyet.com') &yet | and so can you. video#localVideo .controls button#shareScreen span.share i.ss-icon windows | Share screen span.unshare i.ss-icon windows | Unshare screen button#muteMicrophone span.mute i.ss-icon volume | Mute span.unmute i.ss-icon volumehigh | Unmute button#pauseVideo span.pause i.ss-icon pause | Pause span.resume i.ss-icon play | Resume // controls #remotes #game aside#instructions(style='position: absolute;') h3 Play lander while you wait for people to join. p Arrow keys control the ship p code r | restarts p code x | blows up your ship p Have fun! canvas#viewport