// Module for tracking user events with mix panel analytics. /*global mixpanel*/ var initIntercom = require('helpers/intercom'), hostname = window.location.hostname, isLive = (hostname === 'conversat.io' || hostname === 'beta.conversat.io'); // Identifies the user with the provided unique id. exports.identify = function (me) { if (isLive && me && me.authed) { mixpanel.identify(me.id); mixpanel.name_tag(me.username); mixpanel.people.set({ $email: me.email, $first_name: me.firstName, $last_name: me.lastName }); mixpanel.people.increment('web app opened'); // init intercom initIntercom(me); } }; // Logs the given action with the given data. // action: A string representing the action to be logged. // dict: A dictionary with additional action information. exports.track = function (action, dict, cb) { // allow the dict parameter to be omitted. if (isLive) { mixpanel.track(action, dict || {}, cb); } };