/*global $, app, me, client*/ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); Backbone.$ = $; var async = require('async'); var StanzaIO = require('stanza.io'); var AppState = require('./models/state'); var MeModel = require('./models/me'); var MainView = require('./views/main'); var Router = require('./router'); var Storage = require('./storage'); var xmppEventHandlers = require('./helpers/xmppEventHandlers'); var pushNotifications = require('./helpers/pushNotifications'); var Notify = require('notify.js'); var Desktop = require('./helpers/desktop'); var AppCache = require('./helpers/cache'); var SoundEffectManager = require('sound-effect-manager'); module.exports = { launch: function () { var self = window.app = this; var config = localStorage.config; if (!config) { console.log('missing config'); window.location = '/login'; return; } config = JSON.parse(config); config.useStreamManagement = true; _.extend(this, Backbone.Events); var profile = {}; async.series([ function (cb) { app.notifications = new Notify(); app.soundManager = new SoundEffectManager(); app.desktop = new Desktop(); app.cache = new AppCache(); app.storage = new Storage(); app.storage.open(cb); app.composing = {}; app.timeInterval = 0; app.mucInfos = []; }, function (cb) { app.storage.profiles.get(config.jid, function (err, res) { if (res) { profile = res; profile.jid = {full: config.jid, bare: config.jid}; config.rosterVer = res.rosterVer; } cb(); }); }, function (cb) { app.state = new AppState(); app.me = window.me = new MeModel(profile); window.onbeforeunload = function () { if (app.api.sessionStarted) { app.api.disconnect(); } }; self.api = window.client = StanzaIO.createClient(config); client.use(pushNotifications); xmppEventHandlers(self.api, self); self.api.once('session:started', function () { app.state.hasConnected = true; cb(); }); self.api.connect(); }, function (cb) { app.soundManager.loadFile('/sounds/ding.wav', 'ding'); app.soundManager.loadFile('/sounds/threetone-alert.wav', 'threetone-alert'); cb(); }, function (cb) { app.whenConnected(function () { function getInterval() { if (client.sessionStarted) { client.getTime(self.id, function (err, res) { if (err) return; self.timeInterval = res.time.utc - Date.now(); }); setTimeout(getInterval, 600000); } } getInterval(); }); cb(); }, function (cb) { function start() { // start our router and show the appropriate page app.history.start({pushState: true, root: '/'}); if (app.history.fragment == '' && SERVER_CONFIG.startup) app.navigate(SERVER_CONFIG.startup); cb(); } new Router(); app.history = Backbone.history; self.view = new MainView({ model: app.state, el: document.body }); self.view.render(); if (me.contacts.length) { start(); } else { me.contacts.once('loaded', start); } } ]); }, whenConnected: function (func) { if (app.api.sessionStarted) { func(); } else { app.api.once('session:started', func); } }, navigate: function (page) { var url = (page.charAt(0) === '/') ? page.slice(1) : page; app.state.markActive(); app.history.navigate(url, true); }, renderPage: function (view, animation) { var container = $('#pages'); if (app.currentPage) { app.currentPage.hide(animation); } // we call render, but if animation is none, we want to tell the view // to start with the active class already before appending to DOM. container.append(view.render(animation === 'none').el); view.show(animation); }, serverConfig: function () { return SERVER_CONFIG; } }; $(function () { module.exports.launch(); });