/*global $, app*/ "use strict"; var _ = require('underscore'); var HumanView = require('human-view'); var templates = require('../templates'); module.exports = HumanView.extend({ template: templates.includes.call, classBindings: { state: '' }, events: { 'click .answer': 'handleAnswerClick', 'click .ignore': 'handleIgnoreClick', 'click .cancel': 'handleCancelClick', 'click .end': 'handleEndClick', 'click .mute': 'handleMuteClick' }, render: function () { this.renderAndBind(); // register bindings for sub model this.registerBindings(this.model.contact, { textBindings: { displayName: '.callerName' }, srcBindings: { avatar: '.callerAvatar' } }); this.$buttons = this.$('button'); this.listenToAndRun(this.model, 'change:state', this.handleCallStateChange); return this; }, handleAnswerClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = this; app.api.jingle.startLocalMedia(null, function () { self.model.jingleSession.accept(); self.model.state = 'active'; app.navigate('/chat/' + self.model.contact.jid); self.model.contact.onCall = true; }); return false; }, handleIgnoreClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.jingleSession.end({ condition: 'decline' }); return false; }, handleCancelClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.jingleSession.end({ condition: 'cancel' }); return false; }, handleEndClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); this.model.jingleSession.end({ condition: 'success' }); return false; }, handleMuteClick: function (e) { return false; }, // we want to make sure we show the appropriate buttons // when in various stages of the call handleCallStateChange: function (model, callState) { var state = callState || this.model.state; // hide all this.$buttons.hide(); var map = { incoming: '.ignore, .answer', outgoing: '.cancel', accepted: '.end, .mute', terminated: '', ringing: '.cancel', mute: '.end, .unmute', unmute: '.end, .mute', //hold: '', //resumed: '' }; console.log('map[state]', map[state]); this.$(map[state]).show(); } });