extends layout block content a(href="https://github.com/andyet/otalk") img(style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; border: 0;", src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_left_darkblue_121621.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub") section#signupBox.content.box .head h2 What is Otalk? .content p Otalk is an open source chat client powered by XMPP, stanza.io, and WebRTC. You can think of it as an open source alternative to Skype. p There's much work still to be done, keep up-to-date by subscribing to the email list. p You can also track the project on GitHub. form(action="http://andyet.createsend.com/t/r/s/trulhji/" method="post") .fieldContainer label(for='fieldEmail') Email input#fieldEmail(type='email', name="cm-trulhji-trulhji", placeholder='you@aweso.me', required) button(type='submit', class="secondary") Subscribe to updates! section#loginbox.content.box .head h2 | Log in a.button(href="/oauth/login", class="secondary") Have an &yet account? .content form .fieldContainer label(for='username') JID input(type='text', id='jid', name='jid', placeholder='you@aweso.me', tabindex='1', autofocus) .fieldContainer label(for='password') Password input(type='password', id='password', name='password', placeholder='•••••••••••••', tabindex='2') .fieldContainer label(for='wsURL') WebSocket or BOSH URL input(type='text', id='connURL', name='connURL', placeholder='wss://aweso.me:5281/xmpp-websocket', tabindex='3') button(type='submit', tabindex='3', class="primary") Go! block scripts script(src="/js/login.js")